143 research outputs found

    History of contaminant inputs into Lake Mead derived from sediment cores

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    Assessing the changes in contaminant inputs (both organic and inorganic) over time is important in determining sources and sinks of these inputs. Variations in contaminant input were assessed in four sediment cores taken in 1998 from three different parts of Lake Mead (two from Las Vegas Bay and one from Overton Arm and Virgin Basin). Sediments were analyzed for major and trace elements, radionuclides, and organic compounds. Anthropogenic contaminant concentrations are greatest in Las Vegas Bay reflecting inputs from the Las Vegas urban area, although concentrations are low compared to sediment quality guidelines and to other USA lakes. One exception to this pattern was higher mercury concentrations in the Virgin Basin core. The Virgin Basin core is in the main body of the reservoir and is influenced by the hydrology of the Colorado River, which changed after completion of Glen Canyon Dam. Major- and trace-elements in the core show pronounced shifts in the early 1960s and, in many cases, gradually return to concentrations more typical of pre-1960s by the 1980s and 1990s, after the filling of Lake Powell upstream. The Overton Arm is the sub-basin least effected by anthropogenic contaminant inputs. Cores from Las Vegas Bay taken in 2007 were analyzed for emerging contaminants and although data are still preliminary, detections of musk fragrances have been found only in the upper 10 – 15 cm of the core, indicating that these compounds either degrade with time or have only been accumulating for the past 10 – 20 years

    Cumplimiento de la norma técnica de atención del recién nacido en hospitales del nivel I y III de Barranquilla y Soledad

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    Resumen Objetivo: Valorar cumplimiento de la normativa 0412 de 2000 para la atención del recién nacido en instituciones hospitalarias de Barranquilla y Soledad. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo evaluativo. Se evaluaron 210 partos institucionales mediante cuestionario estructurado para valorar cumplimiento de la norma de atención del recién nacido; cuestionario estructurado dirigido a personal de sala de partos y maternidad para valorar trabajo en equipo; cuestionario institucional para medir capacidad resolutiva y encuesta estructurada con preguntas de chequeo a la madre para valorar atención humanizada. Para análisis se utilizó EpiInfo versión 6.04d. Resultados: Participación en la atención del parto: auxiliares de enfermería (98.6%), médico general (58.1%), gineco-obstetra (17.6%) y pediatra (17.1%). El Apgar se valoró a los cinco minutos en el 64.3% y a los diez minutos en el 28.6%. Se identificó oportunamente al 49.5 % de recién nacidos. Se observó poca actitud para trabajar en equipo en el 48.3% del personal de Sala de Partos y Maternidad y ninguna actitud en el 46.7%; 50% de los recién nacidos hospitalizados y 23.3% de los no hospitalizados fueron atendidos con alguna disposición hacia la atención humanizada. Las instituciones de primero y tercer nivel estudiadas presentaron mediana capacidad resolutiva. Una institución del primer nivel y otra del tercero presentaron alto grado de conocimiento de la norma. Conclusiones: El conocer la norma no se refleja en los procesos de atención. Trabajo en equipo, atención humanizada y capacidad resolutiva no fueron satisfactorios. Palabras claves: Recién nacido, cumplimiento, trabajo en equipo, atención humanizada, capacidad resolutiva. Abstract Objectives: To value the execution of the norm 0412 of 2000 for the appropiate atention of a newborn in the clinical institutions of Barranquilla and Soledad, Jun-Dic 2005. Materials and Methods: A descriptive study of 210 childbirths was observed and a questionnaire was applied in order to assess the observance of the norm for the childbirth and the newborn care. One questionnaire was implemented for each institution to judge the resolution capacity. The 210 events were observed to assess the condition of the humanized care through the observation and the response to one survey by the mother. The tabulation and analysis of the data were computerized by using the EpiInfo software version 6.04d. Results: In the results, the nurse assistant participated in the care up to a 98.6%, the surgeon attended 58.1% of the childbirths, and the gynecologist/obstetrician (17.6%) and the pediatrician (17.1%). The Apgar evaluation 5 minutes after birth was applied in 64.3% of the newborns and the 10 minutes 28.6% of the newborn. The newborn was identified timely only in 49.5% of the cases. It was found that poor attitude occurs during teamwork in 48.3% of the service staff in the childbirth and maternity ward, and 46.7% of them had no attitude for teamwork. The evidences showed lack of humanization in the following institutions. Little resolution capacity was found in the Institutions. Conclusions: Although the evidences showed certain knowledge of the norm, many of its activities are not being implemented. The context in which is applied isn’t satisfactory. Key words: Newborn, observance, teamwork, humanized care, resolution capacity

    Informe del muestreo geoquímico de gases en sistemas geotermales en el sur del Perú (6 al 18 de julio del 2007)

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    La recolección y análisis de las muestras de gas se realizaron en el marco de un proyecto de cooperación entre el Instituto Geológico Minero y Metalúrgico (INGEMMET) y la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Teniendo como participantes al Dr. Claus Siebe de la UNAM – México; y los Drs. Fraser y Cathy Goff del Laboratorio Los Álamos de Estados Unidos, especialistas en campos geotermales y el Lic. Pablo Masías, Químico del INGEMMET. Los trabajos se realizaron del 6 al 18 de julio del 2007, en 17 zonas geotermales en 4 departamentos del sur del Perú (Puno, Arequipa, Moquegua y Tacna), las que se pueden apreciar en la fig. 1 y 2. Estas se caracterizaron por presentar agua caliente, en algunos casos se encontraron fuentes saturadas con vapor, además de geisers, solfataras y fumarolas. En algunas zonas se tomaron más de un punto de muestreo. El muestreo de gases se realizó utilizando las botellas de Giggenbach con el método que se describirá más adelante, además se tomaron muestras de agua para realizarle análisis químicos e isotópicos, se midieron parámetros como la temperatura, pH, Conductividad y los sólidos totales disueltos

    Functional interaction between mouse erbB3 and wild-type rat c-neu in transgenic mouse mammary tumor cells

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    INTRODUCTION: Co-expression of several receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), including erbB2 and erbB3, is frequently identified in breast cancers. A member of the RTK family, the kinase-deficient erbB3 can activate downstream signaling via heterodimer formation with erbB2. We studied the expression of RTK receptors in mammary tumors from the wild-type (wt) rat c-neu transgenic model. We hypothesized that physical and functional interactions between the wt rat neu/ErbB2 transgene and mouse ErbB3-encoded proteins could occur, activating downstream signaling and promoting mammary oncogenesis. METHODS: Immunohistochemical and Western blot analyses were performed to study the expression of rat c-neu/ErbB2 and mouse erbB3 in mammary tumors and tumor-derived cell lines from the wt rat c-neu transgenic mice. Co-immunoprecipitation methods were employed to quantitate heterodimerization between the transgene-encoded protein erbB2 and the endogenous mouse erbB3. Tumor cell growth in response to growth factors, such as Heregulin (HRG), epidermal growth factor (EGF), or insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), was also studied. Post-HRG stimulation, activation of the RTK downstream signaling was determined by Western blot analyses using antibodies against phosphorylated Akt and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), respectively. Specific inhibitors were then used with cell proliferation assays to study the phosphoinositide-3 kinase (PI-3K)/Akt and MAPK kinase (MEK)/MAPK pathways as possible mechanisms of HRG-induced tumor cell proliferation. RESULTS: Mammary tumors and tumor-derived cell lines frequently exhibited elevated co-expression of erbB2 and erbB3. The transgene-encoded protein erbB2 formed a stable heterodimer complex with endogenous mouse erbB3. HRG stimulation promoted physical and functional erbB2/erbB3 interactions and tumor cell growth, whereas no response to EGF or IGF-1 was observed. HRG treatment activated both the Akt and MAPK pathways in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Both the PI-3K inhibitor LY 294002 and MEK inhibitor PD 98059 significantly decreased the stimulatory effect of HRG on tumor cell proliferation. CONCLUSION: The co-expression of wt rat neu/ErbB2 transgene and mouse ErbB3, with physical and functional interactions between these two species of RTK receptors, was demonstrated. These data strongly suggest a role for erbB3 in c-neu (ErbB2)-associated mammary tumorigenesis, as has been reported in human breast cancers

    Perlindungan Konsumen Undang-Undang No.8 tahun 1999 terhadap Pelecehan oleh Mitra Grab Jasa Transportaasi Online

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    Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat dapat memahami terkait dengan perlindungan konsumen atas pelecehan seksual yang terjadi pada konsumen pengguna jasa transportasi online. Dan terhadap pelaku pelecehan seksual teersebut dapat dihukum dengan ketentuan hukum yang berlaku serta dapat diberikan sanksi oleh pihak perusahaan berupa pembekuan akun mitra bahkan bisa saja sampai pada putus mitra sesuai dengan kode etik perusahaan jasa transportasi online

    Differentiated Human Midbrain-Derived Neural Progenitor Cells Express Excitatory Strychnine-Sensitive Glycine Receptors Containing α2β Subunits

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    BACKGROUND: Human fetal midbrain-derived neural progenitor cells (NPCs) may deliver a tissue source for drug screening and regenerative cell therapy to treat Parkinson's disease. While glutamate and GABA(A) receptors play an important role in neurogenesis, the involvement of glycine receptors during human neurogenesis and dopaminergic differentiation as well as their molecular and functional characteristics in NPCs are largely unknown. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we investigated NPCs in respect to their glycine receptor function and subunit expression using electrophysiology, calcium imaging, immunocytochemistry, and quantitative real-time PCR. Whole-cell recordings demonstrate the ability of NPCs to express functional strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors after differentiation for 3 weeks in vitro. Pharmacological and molecular analyses indicate a predominance of glycine receptor heteromers containing α2β subunits. Intracellular calcium measurements of differentiated NPCs suggest that glycine evokes depolarisations mediated by strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors and not by D-serine-sensitive excitatory glycine receptors. Culturing NPCs with additional glycine, the glycine-receptor antagonist strychnine, or the Na(+)-K(+)-Cl(-) co-transporter 1 (NKCC1)-inhibitor bumetanide did not significantly influence cell proliferation and differentiation in vitro. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These data indicate that NPCs derived from human fetal midbrain tissue acquire essential glycine receptor properties during neuronal maturation. However, glycine receptors seem to have a limited functional impact on neurogenesis and dopaminergic differentiation of NPCs in vitro

    2022 World Hypertension League, Resolve To Save Lives and International Society of Hypertension dietary sodium (salt) global call to action

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    Abstracts of presentations on selected topics at the XIVth international plant protection congress (IPPC) July 25-30, 1999

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    Development of an international standard set of patient-centred outcome measures for overall paediatric health: a consensus process

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    Objective: To develop an Overall Pediatric Health Standard Set (OPH-SS) of outcome measures that captures what matters to young people and their families and recognising the biopsychosocial aspects of health for all children and adolescents regardless of health condition. Design: A modified Delphi process. Setting: The International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement convened an international Working Group (WG) comprised of 23 international experts from 12 countries in the field of paediatrics, family medicine, psychometrics as well as patient advisors. The WG participated in 11 video-conferences, through a modified Delphi process and 9 surveys between March 2018 and January 2020 consensus was reached on a final recommended health outcome standard set. By a literature review conducted in March 2018, 1136 articles were screened for clinician and patient-reported or proxy-reported outcomes. Further, 4315 clinical trials and 12 paediatric health surveys were scanned. Between November 2019 and January 2020, the final standard set was endorsed by a patient validation (n=270