29 research outputs found

    PREDAÇÃO DE Boana raniceps (COPE, 1862) (ANURA: HYLIDAE) POR Leptophis ahaetulla (LINNAEUS, 1758) (SQUAMATA: COLUBRIDAE)

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    In this research, we report the predation of Boana raniceps (Cope, 1862) by Leptophis ahaetulla (Linnaeus, 1758) in the rural area of Candeias do Jamari municipality, Rondônia state, southwestern Brazilian Amazon. Leptophis ahaetulla is a diurnal arboreal snake that can be found in a variety of environments such as dryland forests, flooded forests, and plantations. Its diet consists mainly of anurans and may include lizards. Boana raniceps belongs to the B. albopuncatata group.  There are few well-described reports on the predatory behavior of anurans by L. ahaetulla, as studies are generally based on stomach contents and not on photographic records. There are also few reports on the defensive behaviors of B. raniceps. In this research, predation of Boana raniceps was by Leptophis ahaetulla lasted about 15 minutes until complete ingestion and occurred at 2:00 PM on July 05, 2020. During predation, B. raniceps performed the defensive behavior, making distress calls. Recording this predation is essential to improve knowledge about the natural history of the species described here.Keywords: Predation; amphibian; behavior; diet; snakes.Nesta pesquisa, relatamos a predação de Boana raniceps (Cope, 1862) por Leptophis ahaetulla (Linnaeus, 1758) na área rural do município de Candeias do Jamari, estado de Rondônia, sudoeste da Amazônia brasileira. Leptophis ahaetulla é uma cobra arbórea diurna que pode ser encontrada em diversos ambientes, como florestas de terra firme, florestas inundadas e plantações. Sua dieta consiste principalmente de anuros e pode incluir lagartos. A Boana raniceps pertence ao grupo B. albopuncatata.  Há poucos relatos bem descritos sobre o comportamento predatório dos anuros por L. ahaetulla, já que os estudos são geralmente baseados no conteúdo estomacal e não em registros fotográficos. Há também poucos relatos sobre os comportamentos defensivos de B. raniceps. Nesta pesquisa, a predação de B. raniceps por L. ahaetulla durou cerca de 15 minutos até a ingestão completa e ocorreu às 14h00 do dia 05 de julho de 2020. Durante a predação, B. raniceps executou o comportamento defensivo, fazendo chamadas de socorro. O registro desta predação é essencial para melhorar o conhecimento sobre a história natural das espécies aqui descritas.Palavras-chave: Predação, anfíbio, comportamento, dieta, serpentes

    A geopolítica da Amazônia e a integração latino-americana

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    The Brazilian geopolitical view of the Amazon has moved from a purely national security perspective to a Latin American regional view, incorporating new perspectives – that of sustainable development – beyond territorial occupation. Thus, this article seeks to rescue some Brazilian views on the Amazon, especially in the post-Cold War period, and to investigate whether the Pan-Amazon can be seen as an important vector for Latin American integration in terms of its potential for economic and sovereign insertion. The risks and opportunities that the Amazon represents for the subcontinent are analyzed and it is concluded that it is possible to identify the potential of Brazil in the process of leading the development and integration of the region in the 21st century from a vision focused on the green economy and the energy issue.O olhar geopolítico brasileiro sobre a Amazônia saiu de uma perspectiva puramente de segurança nacional para uma visão regional latino-americana e passa a incorporar novas perspectivas – do desenvolvimento sustentável – para além da ocupação territorial. Assim, este artigo procura resgatar algumas visões brasileiras sobre a Amazônia, sobretudo no pós-Guerra Fria, e investigar se a Pan-Amazônia pode ser vista como um importante vetor para a integração latino-americana no que tange às suas potencialidades de inserção econômica e soberana. São analisados os riscos e oportunidades que a Amazônia representa para o subcontinente e conclui-se que é possível identificar o potencial do Brasil no processo de liderar o desenvolvimento e a integração da região no século XXI a partir de uma visão voltada para a economia verde e para a questão energética


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    In 2020, with the emergence of the sanitary crisis caused by covid-19 and the need for a strong state intervention in order to contain the virus and the worsening of the socioeconomic crisis, development plans/programs gained urgency and intensity. At the same time, the climate issue gets relevance as a result of increasingly frequent phenomena that accumulate deaths and social, environmental and economic damages in the four corners of the planet. In an attempt to develop public policies of a regional nature and considering socio-economic and environmental challenges, the Consortium of Governors of the Legal Amazon prepared and launched the Legal Amazon Green Recovery Plan (Plano de Recuperação Verde da Amazônia Legal – PRV), a proposal for regional development for the Amazon. This article intends to contribute to the debate on regional development, focusing on the Legal Amazon region, associated with the debate on climate security, in the context of the global and Brazilian crises. It is argued that, detached from a national project, regional efforts lack greater unity efforts with broad national and international forces and sectors and, in this sense, the Consortium of Governors of the Legal Amazon and its PRV are examples of the use of paradiplomacy for regional development

    Calendário de caça na gestão da fauna cinegética amazônica: implicações e recomendações

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    A atividade de caça tida como de subsistência é de grande importância para as famíliasresidentes no interior da Floresta Amazônica, pois é uma das principais fontes de obtenção de proteína e gordura, além de espelhar aspectos socioculturais e econômicos das famílias, vinculados a essa atividade. Como toda exploração de recurso natural, se feita de forma desordenada, a prática da caça pode levar ao esgotamento do recurso natural, acarretar redução populacional e até extinção local de algumas espécies, bem como comprometer processos ecológicos importantes, sem falar das perdas das relações socioculturaisda região. Este estudo apresenta aspectos metodológicos da ferramenta denominada Calendário de Caça, que visa obter informações, a partir de dados terciários, relacionadas à pressão de caça sobre as espécies cinegéticas praticadas por povos e comunidades tradicionais com fins de subsistência, ou seja, aquela para o abastecimento proteico familiar. Essa metodologia foi aplicada de forma bem-sucedida nas Reservas Extrativistas do Cazumbá-Iracema e do Alto Tarauacá em 2010 e 2012, respectivamente, no estado doAcre. O calendário é composto por pranchas de animais silvestres cinegéticos reconhecidamente existentes na área amostral, a partir de uma construção conjunta e interativa com a população tradicional pesquisada. O calendário permite identificar os táxons mais visados, quantificar os indivíduos abatidos e a respectiva biomassa, pressão de caça média exercida pelo morador e sua família, conhecer a seletividade de táxonpor caçada, bem como o rendimento por tipo de caçada. Ela tem se mostrado ser bastante eficiente na caracterização e monitoramento da pressão de caça em áreas longínquas da Amazônia, e seu caráter de participação e envolvimento comunitário, contribui na qualidade dos dados e na gestão do recurso


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    O Brasil apresenta uma das maiores taxas de diversidade biológica e cultural do planeta. O conhecimento e uso de elementos da fauna e da flora por comunidades quilombolas são parte importante desta diversidade e demonstram a relevância social destes povos. Reconhecer e valorizar estes saberes é elemento relevante na luta pelos direitos quilombolas. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se registar as etnoespécies reconhecidas pelas comunidades quilombolas Bacabal, Boa Vista e Pau Furado, localizadas em Salvaterra, Pará, bem como as principais formas de uso destes recursos naturais. A pesquisa foi realizada em três locais: Bacabal, Boa Vista e Pau Furado, comunidades rurais do município de Salvaterra, arquipélago do Marajó, Pará, norte do Brasil. Foram entrevistadas 33 pessoas que mencionaram 141 etnoespécies distribuídas nas categorias medicinal, alimentícia, ornamental, artesanato, construção, ritual/religioso e lenha. As práticas da roça, caça, pesca e a criação de animais fazem parte do cotidiano dessas comunidades e garantem a subsistência das famílias. Essas atividades de manipulação dos recursos naturais são responsáveis por seu papel social, cultural e econômico, revelando a intrínseca relação que estas comunidades mantêm com os recursos locais

    Memory reconsolidation may be disrupted by a distractor stimulus presented during reactivation

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    Memories can be destabilized by the reexposure to the training context, and may reconsolidate into a modified engram. Reconsolidation relies on some particular molecular mechanisms involving LVGCCs and GluN2B-containing NMDARs. In this study we investigate the interference caused by the presence of a distractor - a brief, unanticipated stimulus that impair a fear memory expression - during the reactivation session, and tested the hypothesis that this disruptive effect relies on a reconsolidation process. Rats previously trained in the contextual fear conditioning (CFC) were reactivated in the presence or absence of a distractor stimulus. In the test, groups reactivated in the original context with distractor displayed a reduction of the freezing response lasting up to 20 days. To check for the involvement of destabilization / reconsolidation mechanisms, we studied the effect of systemic nimodipine (a L-VGCC blocker) or intra-CA1 ifenprodil (a selective GluN2B/NMDAR antagonist) infused right before the reactivation session. Both treatments were able to prevent the disruptive effect of distraction. Ifenprodil results also bolstered the case for hippocampus as the putative brain structure hosting this phenomenon. Our results provide some evidence in support of a behavioral, non-invasive procedure that was able to disrupt an aversive memory in a long-lasting way


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    This report adds information on the reproduction of Xenodon rabdocephalus (Wied-Neuwied, 1824) and describes the clutch size in a little-studied region of the Brazilian Amazon. We conducted field observations at the Military Jungle Police Base in the municipality of Porto Velho, state of Rondônia, southwestern Brazilian Amazon (9°5'31.56"S, 64°1'40.08"W). This individual of X. rabdocephalus was found to have a clutch of 11 eggs, with a size range of 26-36 mm (mean 29.36 ± 3.23 mm). The specimen analyzed in this report was deposited in the Coleção Herpetológica da Universidade Federal de Rondônia. We indicate the need for studies focused on the variation in the reproductive behaviour of the species in relation to seasonal fluctuation. Finally, reports of this kind help to understand the reproductive habits of X. rabdocephalus in nature.Keywords: false fer-de-lance; Eggs; Reproductive Behaviour; Natural history; Reproduction.Este relato acrescenta informação sobre a reprodução de Xenodon rabdocephalus (Wied-Neuwied, 1824) e descreve o tamanho da ninhada desta espécie numa região pouco estudada da Amazônia brasileira. Realizamos observações de campo na Base de Selva da Polícia Militar no município de Porto Velho, estado de Rondônia, sudoeste da Amazônia brasileira (9°5'31.56"S, 64°1'40.08"W). O indivíduo de X. rabdocephalus foi observado com uma ninhada de 11 ovos. O espécime analisado neste trabalho foi depositado na Coleção Herpetológica da Universidade Federal de Rondônia. Indicamos a necessidade de estudos centrados na variação do comportamento reprodutivo da espécie em relação à variação sazonal. Por fim, relatos deste tipo ajudam a compreender os hábitos reprodutivos da X. rabdocephalus na natureza.Palavras-chave: Jararaca Falsa, Ovos, Comportamento Reprodutivo, História natural, Reprodução

    Freelisting as a suitable method to estimate the composition and harvest rates of hunted species in tropical forests

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    The aim of this study was to test the use of measures obtained from freelisting as possible surrogates of the harvest rate of game species. For this purpose, we interviewed 100 rural and urban hunters in southwestern Amazonia to obtain the frequency of citations of each hunted species through freelisting and gather information on the number of individuals hunted per species in the last five hunting events through hunting recalls. We assessed the relationship between the percentage of records per species by each method through a generalized linear model, and then compared the predicted values obtained from this model with the values observed in our dataset using Pearson’s correlation. During freelisting, forty-three taxa were listed in 608 citations as hunted by the informants. Freelisting provided data on around twice the number of species obtained from recalls. During the last five hunting trips, urban hunters reported the hunting of 164 individuals of 18 species, representing 54.5% of the freelisted species. Rural hunters caught 146 individuals of 21 species, 60.0% of the freelisted species. We found a strong logistic relationship between the harvest rates, i.e., percentage of individuals hunted per species from recalls, and the freelisting percentage citations of game species, with the estimated and observed values of harvest rates highly matching (Pearson's R = 0.98, p < 0.0001). The freelisting method allowed a good estimate of the composition and the harvest rates of hunted species. The formula produced in this study can be used as a reference for further studies, enabling researchers to use freelisting effectively to assess the composition of hunted species and to address the difficulty of obtaining reliable data on species harvest rates in tropical forests, especially in short-term studies and contexts in which hunters distrust research

    Human consumption of meat from roadkilled animals in the Southwestern Amazon

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    The harvest of meat from wild animals is essential for the nutrition of many human populations in the Neotropics. Specific techniques are used to access wild meat, but collecting meat from road killed animals, or purposely run over animals to kill and consume the meat have not been documented so far. In this study we interviewed four residents of the state of Rondônia who claimed to consume roadkilled animals. Respondents cited only medium and large mammals (10 species in total) as the group from which wild meat is harvested, with one respondent claiming to intentionally run over the animals. The interviewees analyse the smell/putrefaction, swelling and exposure of viscera as criteria for not collecting the meat. The meat from roadkilled animals may pose a risk to the health of humans who consume it due to the foodborne diseases it may spread after the decomposition process. In addition, the practice of running over animals for consumption of their meat can cause potential impacts to the fauna and humans since it can reduce animal numbers and also cause serious accidents. Further investigations are needed to clarify whether this is widespread phenomenon occurring in other places of the Amazon and of the Neotropics

    Hunting practices in southwestern Amazonia: a comparative study of techniques, modalities, and baits among urban and rural hunters

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    Background: Hunting is a vital means of obtaining animal in various human populations. Hunters rely on their knowledge of species ecology and behavior to develop and employ hunting techniques and increase their chances of success. The comparison of the hunting practices of different human societies can shed light on the sustainability of hunting and the impact it has on species’ populations. In this study, we examine and compare the techniques, modalities, and baits used by urban and rural hunters in Rondônia, a state in southwestern Amazonia, Brazil. We expected that rural hunters would use these elements and have greater knowledge when compared to urban hunters. We also expect that the use of specific hunting techniques and modalities will have greater selectivity and specificity of capture for rural hunters and that this knowledge will differ between groups. Methods: We conducted 106 semi-structured interviews with rural and urban hunters from October 2018 to February 2020. We analyzed the data using PERMANOVA and Network analyses to compare and contrast the hunting practices of each group. Results: We recorded four main hunting techniques divided into ten modalities with three techniques and seven modalities being the preferred choices among hunters. Waiting for at a Fruit Tree was cited as the primary technique employed by hunters living in urban and rural areas indicated. While the techniques and modalities were similar among hunters, the composition of species targeted and baits used differed between groups. Our network approach showed that modularity in urban areas was numerically lower than in rural areas. All species had one to more techniques associated with their capture. Conclusions: Hunters living in urban and rural environments showed high similarity in their practices, probably due to sharing similar environments to hunt containing similar species, as well as targeting preferably the same species