15 research outputs found

    The epidemiology and etiology of azoospermia

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    The misconception that infertility is typically associated with the female is commonly faced in the management of infertile men. It is uncommon for a patient to present for an infertility evaluation with an abnormal semen analysis report before an extensive female partner workup has been performed. Additionally, a man is usually considered fertile based only on seminal parameters without a physical exam. This behavior may lead to a delay in both the exact diagnosis and in possible specific infertility treatment. Moreover, male factor infertility can result from an underlying medical condition that is often treatable but could possibly be life-threatening. The responsibility of male factor in couple's infertility has been exponentially rising in recent years due to a comprehensive evaluation of reproductive male function and improved diagnostic tools. Despite this improvement in diagnosis, azoospermia is always the most challenging topic associated with infertility treatment. Several conditions that interfere with spermatogenesis and reduce sperm production and quality can lead to azoospermia. Azoospermia may also occur because of a reproductive tract obstruction. Optimal management of patients with azoospermia requires a full understanding of the disease etiology. This review will discuss in detail the epidemiology and etiology of azoospermia. A thorough literature survey was performed using the Medline, EMBASE, BIOSIS, and Cochrane databases. We restricted the survey to clinical publications that were relevant to male infertility and azoospermia. Many of the recommendations included are not based on controlled studies

    Fístula colédoco-duodenal causada por tuberculose associada à SIDA

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    Allthough infrequent, digestive fistulae in HIV/AIDS patients have been reported throughout the digestive tract from the esophagus to the anus, with predominance of esophageal fistulae. AIDS/HIV-associated opportunistic infections may invade the digestive system and lead to fistula formation. Tuberculosis is the most common infection associated with these esophageal fistulae. We report here one case of bile duct-duodenal fistula in a female AIDS patient with associated abdominal Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection compromising lymphnodes of the hepatic pedicle where the fistula was found. According to the reviewed literature, this is the third case of bile duct-duodenal fistula associated with abdominal tuberculosis in AIDS patient, and the first where both the fistula and the tuberculosis infection were diagnosed at laparotomy for acute abdomen. Whether the AIDS patient with abdominal pain needs or not a laparotomy to treat an infectious disease is often a difficult matter for the surgeon to decide, as most of the times appropriate medical treatment will bring more benefit.Fístulas digestivas em pacientes com Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida (SIDA), embora raras, têm sido identificadas desde o esôfago até o ânus, predominando no esôfago. Infecções oportunistas relacionadas à SIDA podem acometer a parede do trato digestivo, levando a formação de fístulas. A Tuberculose é a infecção mais freqüentemente associada com fístula esofágica. Relatamos o caso de uma paciente portadora de SIDA, com tuberculose ganglionar comprometendo o hilo hepático, que evoluiu com fístula entre o ducto colédoco e o duodeno. A literatura revisada indica ser este o terceiro caso de fístula colédoco-duodenal descrito em paciente com tuberculose abdominal, associada à SIDA, e o primeiro em que a infecção pelo Mycobacterium tuberculosis e a fístula colédoco-duodenal foram diagnosticados durante laparotomia exploradora, indicada em paciente com abdome agudo. No paciente com SIDA e dor abdominal, pode ser difícil para o cirurgião decidir, se está indicada laparotomia exploradora, uma vez que, na maioria das vezes, o tratamento clínico apropriado será o melhor

    Preservação da fertilidade em homens jovens com câncer: conceitos atuais e o futuro

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    Over the past 40 years, the global profile of cancer is changing. Initially regarded as a disease of the rich countries, it is noted that currently most of its global burden comes from poor or developing countries. In recent decades cancer has become a public health problem worldwide, with alarming estimates for subsequent decades. In Brazil, the estimates for the year 2012 will be valid for the year 2013 and reveals the occurrence of approximately 518,510 new cases of cancer, including cases of non-melanoma skin. Are expected a total of 257,870 new cases for males. The great thing is that about 10% of these cases are in the age group below 45 years and 1% below 20 years of age. Although the current treatment of cancer has increased considerablysurvival rates at 5 years young patients, it is almost invariably associated with great risk of infertility, leading to significant negative impact in the lives of these young men. This review article discusses the most current concepts in preserving fertility in young men treated for cancer, the growth of this field within the oncology and urology and the future of this topic so relevant to our population. Even today there is a important disconnect between the world and medical practice guidelines, when it comes to fertility preservation in men with cancer of reproductive age.Nos últimos 40 anos, o perfil mundial do câncer vem mudando. Encarado inicialmente como uma doença dos países ricos, nota-se atualmente que a maior parte de seu ônus global provêm de países de poucos recursos ou em desenvolvimento. Nas últimas décadas o câncer se tornou um problema de saúde pública mundial, com estimativas alarmantes para as décadas subseqüentes. No Brasil, as estimativas para o ano de 2012 serão válidastambém para o ano de 2013 e revelam a ocorrência de aproximadamente 518.510 casos novos de câncer, incluindo os casos de pele não melanoma. São esperados um total de 257.870 casos novos para o sexo masculino. A grande questão é que cerca de 10% destes casos serão na faixa etária inferior a 45 anos e 1% abaixo de 20 anos de idade. Embora o tratamento atual do câncer tenha aumentadoconsideravelmente as taxas de sobrevida em 5 anos de pacientes jovens, ele quase que invariavelmente estará associado a enorme risco de infertilidade, levando a impacto negativo importante na vida destes jovens homens. Este artigo de revisão aborda os mais atuais conceitos em preservação de fertilidade em homens jovens tratados de câncer, o crescimento deste campo dentro da oncologia e da urologia e o futuro deste tema tão relevante para nossa população. Até hoje existe uma importante desconexão entre os guidelines mundiais e a prática médica, quando o assunto é preservação da fertilidade em homens com câncer em idade reprodutiva

    Instabilidade de microsatelites no cancer gástrico solitário e esporádico

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    Recently, the presence of microsatellite instability (MSI) has been reported in gastric cancer and associated with older age of presentation, distal tumor location, early disease staging, and better overall prognosis. Different characteristics in presentation and in tumor behavior may be explained by different genetic alterations during carcinogenesis of gastric cancer. Identification of specific genetic pathways in gastric cancer may have direct impact on prognosis and selection of treatment strategies. PATIENTS AND METHODS: All 24 patients were treated by radical surgery. Fragments of normal and tumor tissues were extracted from the specimen and stored at -80ºC before DNA purification and extraction. PCR amplification utilizing microsatellite markers was performed. Tumors presenting PCR products of abnormal sizes were considered positive for microsatellite instability (MSI+). RESULTS: Five patients (21%) had tumors that were MSI+ in at least 1 marker. In the group of patients with Lauren's intestinal-type gastric carcinoma, 3 had tumors that were MSI+ (23%), while in the group of diffuse-type gastric cancer, 2 patients had tumors that were MSI+ (19%). The mean age of presentation and the male:female ratio was similar in both groups. Tumors that were MSI+ were more frequently located in proximal portion of the stomach compared to microsatellite-stable (MSS) tumors (40% vs. 16%). Although there was a trend of patients with MSI+ tumors towards a proximal gastric tumor location, early staging, and negative lymph node metastasis, there was no statistical significance compared to those with MSS tumors (P >;.1). Comparison of overall and disease-free survival between gastric tumors that were MSI+ and those that were MSS found no statistically significant differences (P >;.1). CONCLUSIONS: Microsatellite instability is a frequent event in gastric carcinogenesis and shows a trend towards distinct clinical and pathological characteristics of gastric cancer.A presença de Instabilidade de microsatellites (IMS) tem sido relatada no cancer gastrico e associada a pacientes com idade mais avançada, localização mais distal do tumor, estadios mais precoces e melhor prognostico. Relatamos neste prospectivo estudo envolvendo 24 pacientes com cancer gastrico solitario e esporadico, a incidencia de IMS, sua correlação com parametros epidemiologicos, clinicos e anatomo patológicos e o seu impacto sobre a sobrevida geral e livre de doença. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: Todos os pacientes haviam sido tratados com cirurgia radical. Fragmentos de tecido normal e tumoral eram extraidos das peças e armazenados a -80ºC antes da extração e purificação DNA. Realizava-se então a amplificação com PCR utilizando marcadores específicos de microsatelites. Os tumores que apresentavam produtos de amplificação anormais foram considerados positivos para IMS. RESULTADOS: Cinco pacientes (21%) apresentaram Instabilidade de microsatelites (IMS+) com pelo menos um marcador (primer) No grupo de pacientes com adenocarcinomas gástricos do tipo histológico de Lauren, três apresentavam IMS (23%) enquanto no grupo portador de cancar gástrico difuso, dois pacientes mostraram IMS (19%).. Embora haja uma tendência dos pacientes IMS+ apresentarem tumores de localização mais proximal, estadios mais precoces e ausência de metástases linfonodais, não se observou diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p >; 0,1). A comparação entre as taxas de sobrevida geral e livre de doença não mostrou significância estatistica (p >; 0,1). CONCLUSÕES: IMS é um evento frequente na carcinogese gástrica e pode estar associado a caracteristicas clinicas e anátomo-patológicas do câncer gástrico

    Potential effect of Zika virus infection on human male fertility?

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    BACKGROUND: Zika virus (ZIKV) sexual transmission and prolonged viral shedding in semen have been previously reported, suggesting a strong viral affinity for genital tissues. A transient impact of ZIKV on male fertility was shown in animal and human studies. METHODS: Adult male patients with confirmed ZIKV infection diagnosed in the city of Araraquara, Brazil during the epidemic season of 2016 were invited one year after the acute infection to respond to a questionnaire of genital symptoms and to provide a semen sample for molecular ZIKV testing and spermogram analysis, as well as a serum sample for hormonal testing. RESULTS: 101 of 187 tested patients had positive ZIKV RT-PCR in plasma and/or urine samples (54%, 72 women and 29 men). Of 15 adult male participants for whom telephone contact was successful, 14 responded to the questionnaire of genital symptoms and six consented to provide a semen sample at a median of 12 months after the acute infection. We report abnormal spermogram results from patients one year after confirmed ZIKV infection. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest a possible long-term detrimental effect of ZIKV infection on human male fertility that has to be further explored in well-characterized samples from cohort studies conducted in ZIKV-endemic areas

    Pediatric emergency room: experience at a university hospital

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    OBJECTIVE: Describe the clinical course of pediatric patients treated at a pediatric emergency room in a university hospital. METHODS: This retrospective descriptive study was conducted between January 1st and December 31st, 2004. Data retrieved were: demographical and clinical characacteristics, diagnostic hypotheses, need of tracheal intubation, deaths, transfers and need of hospitalization of children between zero and 14 years old. Patients were divided in four groups: no deaths; deaths <24 hours; deaths >24 hours; transfers to other hospitals after initial care. RESULTS: 203 children were treated: 59.1% boys; mean age of 3.4 years; 65% previously healthy. The most common diagnosis was respiratory failure (31.1%). Of the 22 deaths, 3.5% took place during the first 24 hours and 7.4% after this; 172 children (84.7%) were discharged after a mean hospital length of stay of 19.2 days. Nine children (4.4%) were transferred to other hospitals. Among the 203 children, 50 children (24.6%) were intubated after admission and 86 children (42.4%) had to be admitted to a pediatric intensive care unit. CONCLUSIONS: The patients who died early were younger and mainly shock victims. Girls who suffered from previous diseases and respiratory failure were predominant among the patients who died 24 hours after initial care. Patients who survived the emergency crisis were mainly males, older and also presented respiratory diseases. The need for invasive procedures (tracheal intubation) and hospitalization in intensive care units was significant in this population, underscoring the need for adequate equipment and specialized professionals in the emergency pediatric hospital services.OBJETIVO: Descrever a casuística de pacientes pediátricos atendidos em sala de emergência pediátrica de um hospital universitário. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo descritivo de 1º de janeiro até 31 de dezembro de 2004, com crianças de zero a 14 anos, avaliadas quanto a dados epidemiológicos, hipótese diagnóstica, intubação orotraqueal, óbito, destino e duração da internação. Os pacientes foram divididos em quatro grupos: Não Óbitos; Óbitos <24 horas, Óbitos >24 horas e transferidos para outros hospitais. RESULTADOS: Foram atendidas 203 crianças; 59,1% meninos; média de idade 3,4 anos; 65% previamente hígidos. O diagnóstico mais freqüente foi insuficiência respiratória (31,1%). Dentre os 22 óbitos, 3,5% ocorreram nas primeiras 24 horas e 7,4% após estas primeiras 24 horas; 172 crianças (84,7%) evoluíram para alta após período médio de internação de 19,2 dias. Nove (4,4%) foram transferidas para outros hospitais. Das 203 crianças atendidas, 50 (24,6%) foram intubadas à admissão e 86 (42,4%) necessitaram internação em unidade de terapia intensiva pediátrica. CONCLUSÕES: Os pacientes que evoluíram para óbito precoce eram mais jovens e com diagnóstico de choque. Nos pacientes que evoluíram para óbito após 24 horas do atendimento inicial, predominaram meninas, com doenças prévias e insuficiência respiratória. Aqueles que sobreviveram ao atendimento de emergência eram, em maior freqüência, meninos mais velhos e com doenças respiratórias. Houve necessidade significativa de procedimento invasivo (intubação orotraqueal) e internação subseqüente em unidade de terapia intensiva, o que reforça a necessidade de equipamentos adequados e profissionais especializados no setor.15616

    Grade 3 Varicocele in Fertile Men: A Different Entity

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    Purpose: Although varicocele size has an inverse relationship with baseline semen parameters and a direct relationship with seminal reactive oxygen species in infertile patients, to our knowledge the effect of varicocele grade in fertile men is unknown. We evaluated the impact of varicocele grade on seminal parameters, testicular size and seminal reactive oxygen species in fertile men. Materials and Methods: We prospectively evaluated 194 men from July 2004 to April 2010. Of the men 156 were fertile and classified by presence of varicocele. A total of 38 infertile patients with varicocele as the only identifiable cause of infertility comprised the control group. Physical examination, semen parameters and seminal reactive oxygen species were compared between the groups. Results: Of 156 fertile men 43 (24.3%) had clinical varicocele, which was grade 1 to 3 in 22, 11 and 10, respectively. The remaining 113 men (72.7%) had no varicocele. Infertile men had smaller testes, decreased semen parameters and higher seminal reactive oxygen species than the fertile groups. Testicular size, reactive oxygen species and semen parameters did not differ between fertile men with vs without varicocele. Fertile men with varicocele grade 3 had higher seminal reactive oxygen species than those with lower grade varicocele. As varicocele grade increased, seminal reactive oxygen species increased and sperm concentration decreased. Conclusions: Although fertile men have more efficient defense mechanisms to protect against the consequences of varicocele on testicular function, these mechanisms may not be sufficient in those with varicocele grade 3. Further research is needed to clarify whether they are at increased risk for future infertility

    The role of sugar cane straw on soil reaction O papel da palha da cana de açúcar na reação do solo

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    Two laboratory experiments were carried out to evaluate the effects of sugar cane straw on soil acidity. Sugar cane straw residues were added on the surface of a Typic Harplortox in a polyvinyl chlorid (PVC) column at rates of 0, 20, 40, and 76 g kg-1, the soil was incubated to field capacity with distilled water and incubated for 0, 7, 14, 45, and 90 days. Soil samples were taken at 0-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15-20, and 20-25 cm depth. With the increase of sugar cane straw rates one verified the increase of soil pH CaCl2, and decrease of KCl exchangeable Al in the top 15cm soil layer. The contribution of organic compounds to Al detoxification incresead with increasing sugar cane straw rates. Wheat root elongation used as acid indicator plant increased with increasing sugar cane straw rates. Maximum root growth was about 15cm long in the soil after eight days for the highest sugar cane straw rate.<br>Conduziram-se dois experimentos em laboratório avaliar o efeito da palha da cana- de-açúcar na acidez do solo. A palha da cana foi adicionada nas doses de 0, 20, 40, e 76 g kg-1 na superfície de um latossolo roxo distrófico acondicionado em colunas de PVC. O solo foi incubado a capacidade de campo durante 0, 7, 14, 45, e 90 dias. Após cada incubação, o solo das colunas foram subdividido e amostrado nas seguintes frações 0-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15-20, e 20-25 cm. Com o aumento da dose da palha da cana verificou-se aumento do pH CaCl2 do solo e decréscimo do alumínio trocável até a camada de 15 cm de solo da coluna de PVC. A contribuição de compostos orgânicos para a destoxificação do Al aumentou com o acréscimo das doses da palha da cana. O crescimento da raiz das plantas trigo usadas como planta indicadora aumentou com o acréscimo das doses da palha de cana. O máximo de crescimento da raiz foi até a camada de 15 cm de solo depois de oito dias para a maior dose de palha da cana-de-açúcar