30 research outputs found
Paleoseismology of the North Anatolian Fault at Güzelköy (Ganos segment, Turkey): Size and recurrence time of earthquake ruptures west of the Sea of Marmara
International audienceThe Ganos fault is the westernmost segment of the North Anatolian Fault that experienced the Mw = 7.4 earthquake of 9 August 1912. The earthquake revealed 45-km-long of surface ruptures inland, trending N70 E, and 5.5 m of maximum right lateral offset near Güzelköy. The long-term deformation of the fault is clearly expressed by several pull-apart basins and sag ponds, pressure and shutter ridges and offset streams. In parallel with detailed geomorphologic investigations, we measured co-seismic and cumulative displacements along the fault, and selected the Güzelköy site for paleoseismology. A microtopographic survey at the site yields 10.5 AE 0.5 m and 35.4 AE 1.5 m cumulative lateral offsets of stream channels and geomorphologic features. Seven paleoseismic parallel and cross-fault trenches document successive faulting events and provide the timing of past earthquakes on the Ganos fault segment. Radiocarbon dating of successive colluvial wedges in trench T1, and the fresh scarplet above (probably 1912 surface rupture) indicate the occurrence of three faulting events since the 14th century. Parallel trenches (3, 5, 6 and 7) expose paleo-channels and show a cumulative right-lateral offset of 16.5 AE 1.5 m next to the fault, and 21.3 AE 1.5 m total channel deflection. Radiocarbon dating of past channel units and fault scarp-related colluvial deposits imply an average 17 +/À 5 mm/year slip rate and 323 AE 142 years recurrence interval of large earthquakes during the last 1000 years on the Ganos fault. The succession of past faulting events and inferred slip rate west of the Marmara Sea provide more constraint on the long-term faulting behavior in the seismic gap of the North Anatolian Fault and may contribute to a better seismic hazard assessment in the Istanbul region
Holocene activity of Kütahya fault zone
Batı Anadolu Açılma Bölgesi’nin kuzeydoğu sınırında bulunan Kütahya Havzası BKB-DGD doğrultusunda uzanan bir çöküntü alanıdır ve güney kenarı belirgin bir morfoloji ile Kütahya Fay Zonu tarafından sınırlanmaktadır. Kütahya Fay Zonu boyunca jeolojik, jeomorfolojik ve jeofizik verilerden yararlanılarak yapılan çalışmalar sonucunda bu zonun, kuzey bloğun düştüğü normal fay geometrisine sahip 5 ayrı uzanımdan oluştuğu ve K50-70B doğrultusunda yaklaşık 22 km uzunluğa sahip olduğu ortaya konulmuştur. Paleosismolojik ve arkeosismolojik çalışmalar ise bu uzanım boyunca son 8000 yıl içinde yüzey kırığı oluşturan en az iki depremin meydana geldiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Bu depremlerden ilki M.Ö. 6000’li yıllarda, sonuncusu ise M.Ö. 1800’lü yıllarda Seyitömer Höyüğü’nde hasar oluşturan ve höyüğün terk edilmesine neden olan depremdir. Dolayısıyla, bu çalışmalar Kütahya Havzası’nın güneyini sınırlayan Kütahya Fay Zonu’nun Holosen’de tekrarlanan yıkıcı depremler ürettiğini ve geometrisi gözönünde bulundurulduğunda gelecekte de en az 6.5 büyüklüğünde deprem üretme potansiyeli bulunduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.Kütahya Basin which is located near the northeast boundary of the Western Anatolia Extension Region is a depression area that extends in WNW-ESE direction. Southern margin of the basin is bounded by a distinct fault morphology called Kütahya Fault Zone. Geological, geomorphological and geophysical studies on the Kütahya Fault Zone show that this zone consists of 5 different fault branches. Total length of the mapped fault zone is about 22 km in N50-70W direction. Paleoseismological and archeoseismological studies show that there are at least two surface rupturing earthquakes during the last 8000 years. First earthquake was occurred around 6000 BC and the last one was around 1800 B.C. after which the Seyitömer Tell was abandoned. Thus, this study indicates that the Kütahya Fault Zone has produced destructive earthquakes during Holocene and considering the length of the fault zone, it is possible to suggest that the fault zone has earthquake potential at least 6.5 magnitude.Publisher's Versio
Denizli havzasının
kuzey kenarında yer alan Pamukkale travertenleri morfolojik özelliklerine göre
beş kategoride sınıflandırılabilirler. Bunlar: (1) Teras tipi travertenler; (2)
sırt tipi travertenler; (3) fay önü travertenleri, (4) kendiliğinden oluşan
kanal travertenleri ve (5) aşınmış örtü travertenlerdir. Bu beş kategoriden fay
önü travertenleri, kendiliğinden oluşan kanal travertenleri ve sırt tipi
travertenler; traverten oluşumu sırasına ve sonrasına ait tektonik özellikler
içerdiklerinden tektonik açıdan önemlidirler. Pamukkale travertenlerine
uygulanan uranyum serisi yaş yöntemi, travertenlerin 400.000 yıldan bu yana
değişik lokasyonlarda çökelmeye devam ettiklerini ortaya koymuştur. Bölgede
traverten oluşturan suların yüzeye çıkmasını sağlayan açılma çatlakları
yaklaşık olarak 0.02 ile 0.1 mm/yıl oranında doğrultuya dik yönde açılırken,
yaklaşık 20 mm/yıl oranında da doğrultu yönünde açılırlar. Pamukkale bölgesi
son 200.000 yıldan bu yana KD-GB yönünde 0.23 ile 0.6 mm/yıl hızıyla
Batı Anadolu genişleme bölgesinin kuzey-kuzeydoğu sınırını oluşturan
Eskişehir fay zonu batıda İnegöl ile doğuda Tuz Gölü arasında yer alır.
Eskişehir fay zonunda 20. yüzyılda büyüklüğü 4 ve üzerinde olan çok sayıda
deprem meydana gelmiştir. Bunlardan 20 Şubat 1956 Eskişehir (Çukurhisar)
depremi (M=6.4) bu fay üzerinde meydana gelen en büyük depremdir. Buna karşın
gerek GPS ölçümleri ve gerekse morfolojik özellikleri açısından aktif olduğu
bilinen Eskişehir fay zonu içinde yer alan İnönü-Dodurga segmentinde tarihsel
ve aletsel kayıtlarda önemli bir depreme rastlanmamıştır. Sağ yönlü doğrultu atım
bileşenli oblik bir fay olan İnönü- Dodurga segmenti yaklaşık BKB-DGD ve D-B
doğrultusunda uzanarak morfolojide keskin bir çizgisellik oluşturur.
İnönü-Dodurga segmenti, güneyinde yer alan KB-GD doğrultulu sağ yönlü doğrultu
atımlı fayların inönü havzasında son bulmalarına neden olur. Rezistivite
verileri, İnönü havzasını kuzeyden ve güneyden sınırlayan fayların ve ayrıca
gömülü fayların varlığını gösterir. İnönü-Dodurga segmentinin güney kenarı
boyunca asılı vadiler yer almaktadır. Eskişehir fay zonu üzerindeki mevcut
deprem kayıtları, jeofizik verileri ve asılı vadilerin varlığı İnönü-Dodurga
segmentinin aktif olduğunu ve güncel morfolojinin gelişmesinde önemli rol
oynadığını göstermektedir
International Geoscience Programme IGCP567 Earthquake Archaeology. Archaeoseismology along the Alpine-Himalayan seismic zone
status: publishe
Investigation de la proche surface par le Georadar (Application à l archéosismologie et paléosismologie du graben du Buyuk Menderes (Turquie))
L Anatolie occidentale est une des régions les plus sismiquement actives du monde, comme en attestent les structures actives en horst et graben qui la délimitent. La présente étude est focalisée sur le Fossé de Büyük Menderes, une structure majeure qui s étend de la Mer Egée à l ouest jusqu au Bassin de Denizli à l est. Une cartographie de détail montre que les failles actives qui forment la limite nord du graben ont produit des séismes durant la période historique. Ces ruptures ont été décrites en détail lors de campagnes de terrain. Lorsque l observation directe s est révélée impossible, nous avons eu recours à la prospection géophysique par géoradar. La méthode géoradar s appuie sur l émission active puis l enregistrement d ondes électromagnétiques réfléchies par les différentes interfaces du sous-sol. Les données sont enregistrées puis filtrées afin d éliminer le bruit environnemental et instrumental puis interprétées pour identifier les structures enfouies avec une haute résolution et une grande sensibilité. Dans le cadre de ces travaux, des campagnes d acquisition GPR ont été réalisées sur six sites différents : deux tranchées, trois sites archéologiques affectés par des failles et un site archéologique enterré. En amont de toute campagne d excavation, nous avons ainsi pu déterminer la géométrie de la trace de la faille, la largeur de la zone de faille ainsi que la quantité de déplacement affectant les unités récentes. A l un des sites, des structures archéologiques portent la trace de mouvements récents le long d une faille. La géométrie de la faille tout comme la largeur de la zone de déformation ont été définies, ainsi que le déplacement total qui correspond aux mesures de surface. Les travaux de tranchée, réalisés sur la base des résultats du géoradar, ont révélé des quantités de déplacement co-sismique cumulé très comparables aux quantités déterminées par le géoradar. D autre part, la trace de faille identifiée dans les profiles géoradar correspond bien, en profondeur, à des décalages de structures archéologiques. Ainsi, sur le site de la ville antique de Nysa, les mesures destinées à détecter le passage de l ancienne route d accès à la ville, le géoradar a révélé des déplacements affectant un temple jusqu ici inconnu.Western Anatolia is one of the most active regions in the world and is represented by horsts and grabens faulted on the margins. The subject of this work, the Büyük Menderes graben, is one of the most active structures in the region and extends between the Aegean Sea in the west and the Denizli Basin in the east. Detailed mapping shows that the active faults bounding the northern boundary of the graben were ruptured with surface breaks in historical periods. These ruptures identified in detail during the field studies. Where direct observations were not possible, however, the characteristic features of the faults were identified by using the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), one of the shallow geophysical methods. The GPR method works on the basis of recording of the reflections of the electromagnetic waves from the interfaces by a horizontal receiver which were transmitted to the ground with high velocity by using a horizontal antenna. Data collected is filtered to eliminate the environmental and instrumental noise by using computers and then interpreted to determine the buried structures in high resolution and sensitivity. In scope of the investigation, GPR studies were conducted in six different locations (two trenches, three faulted archaeological site and a buried archaeological site). The trace of the fault, width of the fault zone and the amount of the offset of the young units along the fault were determined by the GPR method before the excavation of the trenches. In the archaeological site where the offset remnants of the archaeological objects were observed, the trace of the faults and the width of the deformational zones were determined by the GPR and the amount of offset obtained from GPR profiles were compared with the offset amounts measured on the surface. In order to locate the exact location of the ancient road entering the ancient Nysa town GPR, studies were conducted and a previously unknown temple was discovered. In the trenches which were excavated based on the GPR findings, it was found that the amount of the offset obtained by the GPR method and the actual offset measured on the trench wall were agreeable with each other. Where the offset archaeological structures exist, it was observed that the faults on the GPR profiles correspond to the ruptures on these structures. In Nysa ancient town, the image obtained from GPR was interpreted to belong to a structure rather than the road expected; in fact, the excavations conducted later on revealed a temple which was not known to exist before.STRASBOURG-EOST (674822249) / SudocSudocFranceTurkeyFRT