104 research outputs found

    Using Text Mining to Predicate Exchange Rates with Sentiment Indicators

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    Recent innovations in text mining facilitate the use of novel data for sentiment analysis related to financial markets, and promise new approaches to the field of behavioral finance. Traditionally, text mining has allowed a near-real time analysis of available news feeds. The recent dissemination of web 2.0 has seen a drastic increase of user participation, providing comments on websites, social networks and blogs, creating a novel source of rich and personal sentiment data potentially of value to behavioral finance. This study explores the efficacy of using novel sentiment indicators from Market Psych, which analyses social media in addition to newsfeeds to quantify various levels of individual’s emotions, as a predictor for financial time series returns of the Australian Dollar (AUD)-US Dollar (USD) exchange rate. As one of the first studies evaluating both news and social media sentiment indicators as explanatory variables for linear and nonlinear regression algorithms, our study aims to make an original contribution to behavioral finance, combining technical and behavioral aspects of model building. An empirical out-of-sample evaluation with multiple input structures compares Multivariate Linear Regression models (MLR) with multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural networks for descriptive modelling. The results indicate that sentiment indicators are explanatory for market movements of exchange rate returns, with nonlinear MLPs showing superior accuracy over linear regression models with a directional out-of-sample accuracy of 60.26% using cross validation

    The value of PAP and AgNOR techniques in identification of bacterial infections and Cytomorphological changes in buccal cavity of Sudanese Hookah Users

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    Background: Oral cancer is considered as a major health problem in most part of the world. Many factors have been identified as important causative agents responsible for the development of oral cancerous and precancerous lesions. In Sudan, smoking of tobacco has been identified as major cause. Aim: The study aimed to evaluate the value of PAP (Papanicolaou stain) and Silver stained Nucleolar Organizer Regions  (AgNOR) techniques in    identification of bacterial infections and changes in cells of buccal cavity among Sudanese hookah users. Methods: In the current study hundred apparently healthy people were included, Pap and AgNORs stains was used for the staining of buccal smears. Results: A total of hundred samples of buccal smears were included in this study. The age of participant ranged from 20 - 70 years. Thirty three samples (33%) had bacterial infection, one sample (1%) had Actinomyces infection, and 66 samples (66%) showed normal cells. Twelve samples (12%) had acute inflammation, 30 samples (30%) had chronic inflammation, and 58 samples showed normal cells. Samples stained with Pap stain, seven smears (7%) had inflammatory changes and 93 samples (93%) were negative. p < /em> value, and standard deviation, mean AgNORs showed 1.920_+4.50 in cases and 0.682_+1.420 in control. Conclusions: Analysis of AgNORs and Pap stain suggest that, use of hookah influences prolifrative activity in cells and also play a role in transmission of different types of microorganisms due to smoking it in the form of groups

    Persistence of Picloram, Dicamba, and Four Phenoxy Herbicides in Soil and Grass

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    Mental Health Assessments in ICU and Acute Care

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    The purpose of our critically appraised topic is to provide a brief summary of assessments that may be relevant to the burn unit or ICU setting, including their validity, reliability, specificity, sensitivity, and limitations. We had a total of eight articles with the following study designs: Systematic Review (2 articles), Longitudinal Study (1 article), Comparative Analysis (1 article), Correlational Analysis (2 articles) and Methodological (2 articles). These articles looked at the reliability, validity, specificity, and sensitivity of the following assessments: Abbreviated Burn Specific Anxiety Scale (A-BSPAS), Beck Depression Inventory-II, Brief Coping Orientation to Problems Experience (B-COPE), Concise Mental Health Checklist (CMHC-9), Confusion Assessment Method for Intensive Care Units (CAM-ICU), Startle, Physiological arousal, Anger, and Numbness (SPAN), Trauma Screening Questionnaire (TSQ), The Confusion Assessment Method (CAM), and Wound-Quality of Life. We found the following assessments applicable for the burn unit or ICU: CAM, B-COPE, CAM-ICU Flowsheet. Our clinical recommendations are for these assessments to be used to perform a screening of the client\u27s mental state, which will help the Occupational therapist develop and plan interventions

    Hunter-Gatherer Behavior at Dorn Levee #1 (38FA608): An Analysis of Lithic Assemblage Formation at a South Carolina Piedmont Site

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    The site of Dorn Levee #1 (38FA608) in the South Carolina Piedmont has the potential to provide unique information regarding the behaviors and activities of the hunter-gatherer populations who inhabited it throughout prehistory. The Late and Terminal Archaic Period landscape in the Southeast saw with it many major changes in hunter-gatherer lifeways that had begun initial development in periods prior. The continued use of Dorn Levee #1 suggests that it was highly important for these hunter-gatherers, and an analysis of their mobility patterns and general behaviors through the associated lithic debitage material can assist in illuminating its role within a largely complex social and economic landscape. This thesis demonstrates the role that lithic assemblage formation has in providing indications of overall site use and hunter-gatherer activity patterns. Several factors are included in this first formal lithic analysis from the site, including raw material diversity and availability, relative debitage size, and environmental conditions. These factors assist in drawing interpretations regarding how Dorn Levee #1 was used during these periods, and how it featured within the complex Southeast

    An Evaluation of Tax Structure and Practices of on Board Sales in Brazil

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    This study compared the tax costs between on-board sales and airport cafeterias of a mix of twenty-five products composed of beverages, fresh food and snacks in the amount that would be boarded on domestic flights between São Paulo, SP, Rio de Janeiro, RJ and Brasília, DF. The study showed that airlines are paying three times more in taxes than the airport cafeterias. The study suggested that states stop charging taxes for the transfer of unsold products on board, reducing 67% of the fees paid by airlines that practice buy on board (BoB) and guarantee a revenue gain between USD 800,000andUSD 800,000 and USD 1,000,000 per year. This revenue gain could reach USD $ 2,000,000 with the use of improved sales techniques. This improvement not only extinguishes loss of revenue for airlines, but it also may increase onboard sales related revenues. BoB operations in Brazil are associated with complex and bureaucratic tax regulations, at the federal and state levels, causing airlines and the government a loss of revenue. Additionally, the airlines’ customers are also hampered by a limited and expensive offer of services and products. This study, in partnership with the Brazilian Airlines Association (ABEAR), recommends modifications and/or changes to the Brazilian taxation laws that could make BoB a greater revenue generator, such as the recovery of ICMS and the application of sale techniques to increase sales

    The role of cytological smears in identification of bacterial infection and abnormalities in vaginal epithelium cells among apparently healthy married Sudanese Women

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    Background: Vaginal infection represents a major health problem in most part of the world. Many factors have been identified as important causative agents that responsible for the development of vaginal precancerous and cancerous lesions. In Sudan, infection has been identified as a major cause. Aim: To determine the role of cytological smears in identification of bacterial infection and abnormalities in vaginal epithelium cells among apparently health married Sudanese Women. Methods: In this study 100 apparently healthy women were selected. Cytological materials were obtained by scraping the surface of the vagina. The obtained materials were applied with Pap Staining Method. Results: A total of one hundred samples of vaginal smears were included in this study, the age of the participant ranged from 20 to 70 years. Infection: Out of 100 samples 26 samples (26 %) had a bacterial infection, 3 samples (3%) had Actinomyces infection, and 71 samples (71%) were negative. Out of 100 samples 6 samples (6%) had acute inflammation, 5 samples (5%) had chronic inflammation and 89 samples (89%) were negative. Out of 100 samples 22 samples (22%) had inflammatory changes and 84 samples (78%) were negative. Conclusion: Bacterial vaginosis appears to be the predominant cause of vaginitis. The conventional cytology for exfoliative cells from female genitalia by using PAP stain is routine, specific, and sensitive, technique easy and not expensive so it is ideal technique for screening

    Application of Encapsulated Lactic Acid to Control the Growth and Multiplication of Salmonella enterica in Raw Meat-Based Diets for Dogs

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    Antimicrobial interventions currently being applied to control foodborne pathogens in raw meat-based diets (RMBDs) for dogs are rare and costly, and yet their demand keeps rising. The objective of this study was to determine the antimicrobial efficacy of encapsulated lactic acid challenged against Salmonella enterica inoculated in model RMBD. Nutritionally complete model RMBDs were prepared with three levels of encapsulated lactic acid (1.0%, 2.0%, and 3.0%) and formed into approximately 100 g patties. Each treatment was replicated twice, and dilutions were plated in duplicate during microbial analysis. The negative control (NC) and positive control (PC) did not contain any lactic acid. The patties containing lactic acid and the positive control were inoculated with 0.1 mL of three-cocktail serovars of Salmonella enterica and refrigerated at 40°F. The negative control was to check for any background Salmonella during the study. Microbial analysis by plating serially diluted aliquots of 0.1 mL on XLT4 agar was performed on d 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, and 22. The total log reductions obtained by the encapsulated lactic acid at these levels were 1.0% with a 2.97 Log CFU/patty, 2.0% with a 3.42 Log CFU/patty, and 3.0% with a 3.91 Log CFU/patty reduction. The log reductions were considered significant (P \u3c 0.05) at each treatment level as increasing lactic acid concentrations in the patties resulted into more pathogen death compared to the positive control treatment patties that contained no lactic acid. Microbial analysis was completed on multiple days and there was a significant interaction (P \u3c 0.05) between time (days) and the different treatment levels as log reductions from each treatment increased over time. In conclusion, encapsulated lactic acid can be used as a more economical antimicrobial intervention in raw meat-based diets for dogs
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