141 research outputs found


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    KHOROTUN AYUNI : “Pengaruh Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Inquiry (59451023) Berorientasi Discovery terhadap Kemampuan Koneksi Matematika Siswa (Study Eksperimen di Kelas VII MTs DU PUI Ranji Kab. Majalengka)”. Dalam kegiatan pembelajaran di sekolah, seorang guru sangat berperan dalam proses pembelajaran agar siswa dapat aktif dan memiliki hasil belajar yang baik. Salah satu metode pembelajaran yang melibatkan siswa untuk berperan aktif yaitu metode pembelajaran Inquiry berorientasi Discovery yang dapat mempengaruhi hasil belajar matematika mereka. Metode pembelajaran Inquiry berorientasi Discovery dengan prosses belajar secara kelompok yang terdiri dari 4 sampai 6 sisswa dalam 1 kelompok, kemudian guru memberikan pertanyaan yang menjadi masalah dalam pembelajaran dan menjelaskan prosedur pelaksanaan, selanjutnya siswa mengumpulkan data atau informasi tentang peristiwa/masalah yang telah mereka lihat atau alami, kemudian siswa melakukan eksperimentasi dan menganalisisnya, kmudian merumuskan kesimpulan bersama-sama dengan guru. Dengan begitu diharapkan kemampuan koneksi matematika mereka akan meningkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan 1) untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kemampuan koneksi matematika siswa terhadap hasil belajar. 2) untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya pengaruh penerapan metode pembelajaran Inquiry berorientasi Discovery di kelas VII MTs DU PUI Ranji Kab. Majalengka. 3) untuk mengetahui respon siswa terhadap penerapan metode pembelajaran Inquiry berorientasi Discovery. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan angket dan tes. Populasi dalam penelitian ini seluruh siswa kelas VII MTs DU PUI Ranji Kab. Majalengka yang berjumlah 110 siswa dengan sampel sebanyak satu kelas yaitu kelas VII A yang berjumlah 32 siswa yang diambil secara cluster random sampling. Metode penelitian berupa eksperimen. Validitas tes dengan menggunakan korelasi pearson product moment. Hasil penelitian diperoleh datanya normal, homogen, dan linear, dengan rata-rata nilai angket sebesar 73,875, sedangkan nilai rata-rata kemampuan koneksi matematika siswa sebesar 75,24. Setelah dilakukan uji hipotesis dengan =0,05, diperoleh bahwa ada pengaruh metode pembelajaran Inquiry berorientasi Discovery terhadap kemampuan koneksi matematika siswa dengan koefisien determinasi sebesar 56%, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 44% ditentukan oleh faktor lain. Persamaan regresi Y=57,241+0,235X, dari persamaan tersebut koefisien regresi sebesar 0,235 menyatakan bahwa setiap penerapan metode pembelajaran Inquiry berorientasi Discovery akan mempengaruhi peningkatan kemampuan koneksisi matematika siswa sebesar 0,235. Korelasi rxy sebesar 0,69 dalam kategori tinggi artinya metode pembelajaran Inquiry berorientasi Discovery saling berhubungan (korelasi) terhadap kemampuan koneksi matematika siswa. Kata Kunci: Metode Pembelajaran Inquiry Berorientasi Discovery, Kemampuan Koneksi Matematika Siswa


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    Fluctuations in water surface elevations (WSEs) along rivers have important implications for water resources, flood hazards, and biogeochemical cycling. However, current hydrodynamic modeling and remote sensing methods exhibit key limitations in characterizing spatiotemporal hydraulics in many of the world’s river systems, particularly multichannel rivers. This dissertation investigates the capabilities of state of the art hydrodynamic models and new remote sensing observations to characterize surface water dynamics across a large-scale, anabranching river. In Chapter 1, I build and compare six different hydrodynamic models along the Tanana River, AK to investigate (1) how well a simple, raster-based model can simulate 2D channel hydraulics, and (2) how degrading the physical representation of a multichannel river system affects spatial and temporal errors in model outputs. I show that simple, raster-based models can accurately simulate 2D, in-channel hydraulics in a complex multichannel river, and that inclusion of the anabranching network is essential for simulating proper hydraulics at regional-scales. In Chapter 2, I validate new radar measurements of WSE and slope from AirSWOT, an airborne analogue to the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission. I find that AirSWOT accuracies are at least as good as what we expect from SWOT, and in some cases, substantially better, with RMSEs of 9.0 cm for river WSEs when averaged over 1 km2 areas, and 1.0 cm/km for slopes along 10 km reaches. In Chapter 3, I investigate AirSWOT’s ability to capture multi-temporal fluctuations in WSE and slope. I demonstrate that AirSWOT can provide a comprehensive picture of river dynamics by observing decimeter-level WSE changes when averaged over 1 km2 areas and centimeter-per-kilometer-level slope changes for reaches ≄5 km with RMSEs of 10.4 cm, and 1.0 cm/km respectively. Additionally, AirSWOT measurements add marginal differences when estimating discharge with an RMSE of 15.3% compared to in situ discharge estimates and 42% of AirSWOT discharge estimates falling within the in situ discharge uncertainty. In the future, AirSWOT measurements can be used to study detailed passages of flood waves, understand how features of riverbeds and banks affect patterns of flow, and integrate into local and regional-scale hydrodynamic models to improve flood predictions.Doctor of Philosoph

    New Advice for Thanksgiving Break

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    A 1992 press release advised parents to brace themselves for change when their first-year students arrived home for Thanksgiving. Student development staff provide fresh insights for 2021

    The effects of spatial resolution and dimensionality on modeling regional-scale hydraulics in a multichannel river

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    As modeling capabilities at regional and global scales improve, questions remain regarding the appropriate process representation required to accurately simulate multichannel river hydraulics. This study uses the hydrodynamic model LISFLOOD-FP to simulate patterns of water surface elevation (WSE), depth, and inundation extent across a ∌90 km, anabranching reach of the Tanana River, Alaska. To provide boundary conditions, we collected field observations of bathymetry and WSE during a 2 week field campaign in summer 2013. For the first time at this scale, we test a simple, raster-based model's capabilities to simulate 2-D, in-channel patterns of WSE and inundation extent. Additionally, we compare finer resolution (≀25 m) 2-D models to four other models of lower dimensionality and coarser resolution (100–500 m) to determine the effects of simplifying process representation. Results indicate that simple, raster-based models can accurately simulate 2-D, in-channel hydraulics in the Tanana. Also, the fine-resolution, 2-D models produce lower errors in spatiotemporal outputs of WSE and inundation extent compared to coarse-resolution, 1-D models: 22.6 cm versus 56.4 cm RMSE for WSE, and 90% versus 41% Critical Success Index values for simulating inundation extent. Incorporating the anabranching channel network using subgrid representations for smaller channels is important for simulating accurate hydraulics and lowers RMSE in spatially distributed WSE by at least 16%. As a result, better representation of the converging and diverging multichannel network by using subgrid solvers or downscaling techniques in multichannel rivers is needed to improve errors in regional to global-scale models

    DOC 2018-01 Human Sexuality Studies Certificate

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    Legislative Authority; Art. III. B. 1-7; DOC 2015-0

    The effects of spatial resolution and dimensionality on modeling regional-scale hydraulics in a multichannel river

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    As modeling capabilities at regional and global scales improve, questions remain regarding the appropriate process representation required to accurately simulate multichannel river hydraulics. This study uses the hydrodynamic model LISFLOOD-FP to simulate patterns of water surface elevation (WSE), depth, and inundation extent across a ∌90 km, anabranching reach of the Tanana River, Alaska. To provide boundary conditions, we collected field observations of bathymetry and WSE during a 2 week field campaign in summer 2013. For the first time at this scale, we test a simple, raster-based model's capabilities to simulate 2-D, in-channel patterns of WSE and inundation extent. Additionally, we compare finer resolution (≀25 m) 2-D models to four other models of lower dimensionality and coarser resolution (100–500 m) to determine the effects of simplifying process representation. Results indicate that simple, raster-based models can accurately simulate 2-D, in-channel hydraulics in the Tanana. Also, the fine-resolution, 2-D models produce lower errors in spatiotemporal outputs of WSE and inundation extent compared to coarse-resolution, 1-D models: 22.6 cm versus 56.4 cm RMSE for WSE, and 90% versus 41% Critical Success Index values for simulating inundation extent. Incorporating the anabranching channel network using subgrid representations for smaller channels is important for simulating accurate hydraulics and lowers RMSE in spatially distributed WSE by at least 16%. As a result, better representation of the converging and diverging multichannel network by using subgrid solvers or downscaling techniques in multichannel rivers is needed to improve errors in regional to global-scale models

    Estimating River Surface Elevation From ArcticDEM

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    ArcticDEM is a collection of 2-m resolution, repeat digital surface models created from stereoscopic satellite imagery. To demonstrate the potential of ArcticDEM for measuring river stages and discharges, we estimate river surface heights along a reach of Tanana River near Fairbanks, Alaska, by the precise detection of river shorelines and mapping of shorelines to land surface elevation. The river height profiles over a 15-km reach agree with in situ measurements to a standard deviation less than 30 cm. The time series of ArcticDEM-derived river heights agree with the U.S. Geological Survey gage measurements with a standard deviation of 32 cm. Using the rating curve for that gage, we obtain discharges with a validation accuracy (root-mean-square error) of 234 m3/s (23% of the mean discharge). Our results demonstrate that ArcticDEM can accurately measure spatial and temporal variations of river surfaces, providing a new and powerful data set for hydrologic analysis

    Temporal variations in river water surface elevation and slope captured by AirSWOT

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    The Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite mission aims to improve the frequency and accuracy of global observations of river water surface elevations (WSEs) and slopes. As part of the SWOT mission, an airborne analog, AirSWOT, provides spatially-distributed measurements of WSEs for river reaches tens to hundreds of kilometers in length. For the first time, we demonstrate the ability of AirSWOT to consistently measure temporal dynamics in river WSE and slope. We evaluate data from six AirSWOT flights conducted between June 7–22, 2015 along a ~90 km reach of the Tanana River, AK. To validate AirSWOT measurements, we compare AirSWOT WSEs and slopes against an in situ network of 12 pressure transducers (PTs). Assuming error-free in situ data, AirSWOT measurements of river WSEs have an overall root mean square difference (RMSD) of 11.8 cm when averaged over 1 km2 areas while measurements of river surface slope have an RMSD of 1.6 cm/km for reach lengths >5 km. AirSWOT is also capable of recording accurate river WSE changes between flight dates, with an RMSD of 9.8 cm. Regrettably, observed in situ slope changes that transpired between the six flights are well below AirSWOT's accuracy, limiting the evaluation of AirSWOT's ability to capture temporal changes in slope. In addition to validating the direct AirSWOT measurements, we compare discharge values calculated via Manning's equation using AirSWOT WSEs and slopes to discharge values calculated using PT WSEs and slopes. We define or calibrate the remaining discharge parameters using a combination of in situ and remotely sensed observations, and we hold these remaining parameters constant between the two types of calculations to evaluate the impact of using AirSWOT versus the PT observations of WSE and slope. Results indicate that AirSWOT-derived discharge estimates are similar to the PT-derived discharge estimates, with an RMSD of 13.8%. Additionally, 42% of the AirSWOT-based discharge estimates fall within the PT discharge estimates' uncertainty bounds. We conclude that AirSWOT can measure multitemporal variations in river WSE and spatial variations in slope with both high accuracy and spatial sampling, providing a compelling alternative to in situ measurements of regional-scale, spatiotemporal fluvial dynamics

    The Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) Mission River Database (SWORD): A Global River Network for Satellite Data Products

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    The upcoming Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite mission, planned to launch in 2022, is the first mission to focus on measuring hydrological processes in Earth's surface water. As such, SWOT will vastly expand observations of global rivers ≄100 m wide. SWOT will provide a variety of data products, including a global vector river product containing water surface elevation (WSE), width, slope, and estimated discharge. Practical application and consistency of the SWOT vector products requires a prior global river network database divided into reaches. Here, we introduce the SWOT River Database (SWORD). SWORD will serve as the framework for the SWOT river vector products consisting of river reaches (∌10 km long) and nodes (∌200 m spacing). We generate SWORD by combining several global river- and satellite-related data sets into one congruent product. When defining river reaches, we incorporate natural and human-created river obstructions, basin boundaries, tributary junctions, and SWOT orbit track information. SWORD contains a total of 213,485 reaches and 10.7 million nodes. Globally, 77.3% of river reach lengths are between 10 and 20 km with a median reach length of 10.5 km. 95% of river reaches ≄10 km will have sufficient SWOT observations to provide discharge estimates at least once per orbit cycle. SWORD also contains many useful hydrologic and morphological attributes and is designed to be expandable in the future. Even before the launch of SWOT, it can serve as a framework for global hydrologic analyses using models, in situ measurements, and additional satellite observations

    The Color of Rivers

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    Rivers are among the most imperiled ecosystems globally, yet we do not have broad-scale understanding of their changing ecology because most are rarely sampled. Water color, as perceived by the human eye, is an integrative measure of water quality directly observed by satellites. We examined patterns in river color between 1984 and 2018 by building a remote sensing database of surface reflectance, RiverSR, extracted from 234,727 Landsat images covering 108,000 kilometers of rivers > 60 m wide in the contiguous USA. We found 1) broad regional patterns in river color, with 56% of observations dominantly yellow and 38% dominantly green; 2) river color has three distinct seasonal patterns that were synchronous with flow regimes; 3) one third of rivers had significant color shifts over the last 35 years. RiverSR provides the first map of river color and new insights into macrosystems ecology of rivers
