279 research outputs found

    Testing of Permian - Lower Triassic stratigraphic data in a half-graben/tilt-block system: evidence for the initial rifting phase in Antalya Nappes

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    Testing of Middle Permian - Lower Triassic stratigraphic data from the Antalya Nappes in a half-graben/tilt-block system has revealed the presence of episodic rifting events separated by periods of tectonic quiescence. Following a period of uplift during the Permian (Late Artinskian to Roadian), the basement rocks have been activated by displacement faults and several depocenters in half-graben-like asymmetrical basins began to be filled with Roadian to Wordian continental clastic deposits intercalated with coal and marine rocks. The Early Capitanian time was a period of tectonic quiescence. The second event occurred in Middle to Late Capitanian times and produced basaltic volcanic rocks intercalated in the shallow marine fossiliferous carbonate successions. Following the Lopingian (Wuchiapingian and Changhsingian) and Permian-Triassic boundary interval representing a long tectonic quiescence, the last rifting episode started with an abrupt facies change in the late Griesbachian. Variegated shales, limestones, volcanics, talus breccia, and debris flow deposits were laid down in a half-graben/tilt-block system. As normal faulting has become active, the deposition continued on the subsiding hanging wall side. The stratigraphic gap increased in magnitude as the erosional truncation has incised deeply the footwall side. This initial rifting phase in the Antalya Nappes is prior to the onset of a stronger and more continuous rifting event that occurred in the Anisian-Carnian interval including a variety of deepwater clastic and carbonate deposits, radiolarites containing sometimes blocks and clasts derived from the basin margins, and volcanic rocks carrying intraoceanic setting character


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    The aim of this study was to examine whether there is a relationship between the spatial reasoning skills and mathematical thinking profiles of elementary school students. The quantitative method of descriptive survey model was used in the study. The sample of the study comprised 103 fourth grade elementary school students in Turkey. The Mathematical Process Test and Spatial Reasoning Test, which are valid and reliable, were used as data collection tools. According to the answers given by the students to the Mathematical Process test, it was decided based on the upper and lower limits of each group determined beforehand that the students had a thinking profile. Scores were also collected from the Spatial Reasoning Test. MANOVA test was performed to examine whether the spatial reasoning skills differed from the mathematical thinking profiles of the students. The results revealed that students with a visual thinking profile were more successful in both the Mathematical Process Test and the Spatial Reasoning Test.  Article visualizations

    Küreselleşmenin enerji tüketimi üzerindeki etkisi: EAGLEs ülkelerinden kanıtlar

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    Energy is seen as one of the critical inputs of the production process to ensure countries' economic and social development. Due to the increasing economic integration between countries in recent years, the relationship between globalization and energy consumption is frequently discussed. To contribute to the discussions on this subject, the effect of the globalization process on energy consumption was investigated in this study. In addition to globalization, economic growth, urbanization, and changes in public expenditures on energy consumption are also examined. In this context, panel data analysis was made for the period 1990-2019 by using annual data of 9 countries called EAGLEs (Emerging and Growth-leading Economies). The analysis framework applied cross-section dependency and Pesaran's (2007) CADF (Cross Sectional Dickey-Fuller) unit root tests. Then, coefficient estimates were made with the random-effects model. The findings show that the increase in globalization increases energy consumption. In addition, it has been determined that economic growth, included in the model as a control variable, has an increasing effect on energy consumption. In addition, it has been observed that the increase in urbanization has reduced effects on energy consumption, but the change in public expenditures has no effect.Enerji, ülkelerin ekonomik ve sosyal gelişmelerini sağlamaları bakımından üretim sürecinin önemli girdilerinden biri olarak görülmektedir. Son yıllarda ülkeler arasında artan ekonomik entegrasyona bağlı olarak küreselleşme ile enerji tüketimi arasındaki ilişki sıklıkla tartışılmaktadır. Bu konudaki tartışmalara katkı sağlamak amacıyla bu çalışmada küreselleşme sürecinin enerji tüketimine olan etkisi araştırılmıştır. Küreselleşmenin yanında ekonomik büyüme, kentleşme ve kamu harcamalarındaki değişimin de enerji tüketimi üzerindeki etkisi belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu kapsamda EAGLEs (Yükselen ve Büyümede Öncü Ekonomiler) olarak adlandırılan 9 ülkeye ait yıllık veriler kullanılarak 1990-2019 dönemi için panel veri analizi yapılmıştır. Analiz çerçevesinde, ilk olarak yatay kesit bağımlılığı ve Pesaran (2007)’nin CADF (Cross Sectional Dickey-Fuller) birim kök testleri uygulanmıştır. Daha sonra tesadüfi etkiler modeliyle katsayı tahminleri yapılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular küreselleşme düzeyindeki artışın enerji tüketimini arttırdığını göstermiştir. Ayrıca kontrol değişken niteliğinde modele dahil edilen ekonomik büyümenin de enerji tüketimini arttırıcı etkilerde bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca enerji tüketiminde kentleşmedeki artışın azaltıcı etkilerinin olduğu fakat kamu harcamalarındaki değişimin bir etkisinin olmadığı görülmüştür

    Avrupa Birliği ülkelerinde cari işlemler hesabının sürdürülebilirlik analizi: FADF ve FKSS birim kök testleri

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    This paper investigates the sustainability of the current account in 27 European Union countries over the period 2005Q1-2020Q3. First, series which is considered as the ratio of the current account to gross domestic product, was applied to the traditional unit root test ADF and the nonlinear unit root test KSS. According to the ADF test, the current account was stationary in 9 countries and according to the KSS test, current account was stationary in 5 countries. Later, nonlinear FADF and FKSS unit root tests based on Fourier were applied. According to the unit root tests results, series were found stationary in 10 countries for FADF and 3 countries for FKSS. ADF and KSS test results are valid for countries whose trigonometric terms are insignificant. According to these results, it can be said that Fourier terms should be considered in unit root tests on the current account.Bu çalışmada 27 Avrupa Birliği Ülkesinin 2005Q1-2020Q3 periyodu için cari işlemler hesabının sürdürülebilirliğinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Cari işlemler hesabının gayri safi yurtiçi hasılaya oranı olarak ele alınan seriye ilk olarak geleneksel birim kök testlerinden ADF ve doğrusal olmayan birim kök testlerinden KSS testi uygulanmıştır. ADF testine göre 9, KSS testine göre ise 5 ülkede cari işlemler hesabının durağan olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Daha sonra fourier temelli doğrusal olmayan FADF ve FKSS birim kök testlerine yer verilmiştir. Test sonuçlarına göre FADF için 10, FKSS için 3 ülkede durağanlığa rastlanmıştır. Trigonometrik terimleri anlamsız bulunan ülkeler için ADF ve KSS testi sonuçları geçerlidir. Bu sonuçlara göre, cari işlemler hesabı üzerine yapılan birim kök sınamalarında fourier terimlerinin dikkate alınması gerektiği söylenebili

    Enerji tüketimi ve finansal gelişme: Saklı eşbütünleşme ile MENA ülkelerinden kanıtlar

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    Enerji, ekonomilerin gelişmeleri hakkında ipucu veren önemli bir parametredir. Ülkelerdeki enerji tüketimi ekonomik yapıyı özetlemektedir. Günümüzde ekonomik büyümenin reel sektör belirleyicileri dışında dikkat çeken bileşeni finansal gelişme olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada enerji tüketimi ve finansal gelişme ilişkisi MENA ülkeleri için incelenmiştir. 1980-2017 dönemini ele alan araştırmada ekonometrik analizler Hatemi J (2011) Panel Saklı Eşbütünleşme Testi ve Panel VECM analizi ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Test sonuçları değişkenlerin orijinal değerleri arasında eşbütünleşme olmadığını, fakat pozitif ve negatif bileşenlerinin bazıları arasında uzun dönemli bir ilişkinin olduğunu göstermiştir. Dolayısıyla seriler arasında saklı eşbütünleşme olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu bulgular ışığında değişkenlerinin bileşenleri arasında eşbütünleşme ve özellikle de uzun dönem nedensellik ilişkisi olması finansal gelişme göstergelerindeki değişikliğin enerji tüketimi üzerinde etkili olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.Energy is an important parameter that gives clues about the developments in economies. Energy consumption (EC) in countries gives a summary of the economic structures of those countries. Today, the attention-grabbing component of economic growth, apart from the real sector determinants, is considered to be financial development. In this study, the relationship between EC and financial development in MENA countries is examined. Econometric analyzes are carried out by Hatemi J (2011) Panel Hidden Cointegration Test and Panel VECM analysis in the study covering the period between 1980 and 2017. The test results have showed that there is no cointegration between the original values of the variables, but there is a long-term relationship between some of the positive and negative components. Therefore, it has been determined that there is a hidden cointegration between the series. In light of these findings, the cointegration and especially the long-term causality relationship between the components of the variables reveal that the change in financial development indicators is effective on energy consumption

    The relationship between income ınequality and financial development: Panel data analysis

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    If all classes of society cannot benefit equally from the blessings of growth, although economic growth rates reach the desired level, an income inequality problem arises. At a time when income inequality is growing at the global level, governments are looking for various remedies to establish a more equitable distribution of income. Regulation and improvement of financial markets and ensuring financial development are among the solution offers. In this study, the relationship between income inequality and financial development in the period of 2000-2015 was examined for 30 countries. The countries covered are divided into three groups as the countries with the best, medium, and poor performance in terms of financial development. Panel data-based analyses were used. In this context, the Durbin-Hausman panel cointegration test and Common Correlated Error (CCE) coefficient estimator were applied. The findings proved the existence of a long-term relationship between the variables in all country groups. As a result of coefficient estimates, it was determined that the inverted U-hypothesis was valid for the countries with the best performance, the mixed results for the countries with a medium performance, and the partially inequality-narrowing hypothesis was valid for the countries with poor performance

    The time-varying causality between exchange rates and ınflation in Turkey: evidence from 1989-2020

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    Ulusal ekonomilerin küreselleşmesi ve ekonomik özgürlüklerin yaygınlaşması döviz kurlarının iktisadi göstergeler üzerindeki etkinliğini artırmıştır. Döviz kurları ve enflasyonun birbiri üzerindeki etkileri ve enflasyonun mikro, makro ve uluslararası ekonomik sistem üzerindeki bilinen rolü farklı dönemlerde bu değişkenlerin ilişkisinin yakından takibini gerektirmektedir. Türkiye ekonomisinde sermaye hareketlerinin serbestleştirilmesi sonrasında dalgalanan döviz kurları ve yüksek enflasyon, kronikleşen istikrarsız ekonomik ortamın en önemli sebepleri olarak görülmektedir. Bu değişkenlerin etkin yönetilmesi ve ekonomik performansın artırılması bu iki değişkenden hangisinin diğerinin nedeni olduğunun araştırılmasını gerektirmektedir. Bu nedenle de döviz kuru ve enflasyon arasındaki ilişkiyi farklı dönem ve farklı ekonometrik yöntemlerle test eden çalışmaların sayısı her geçen gün artmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’de 1989M01-2020M07 döneminde döviz kuru ve enflasyon arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Ekonometrik zaman serisi yöntemlerinin kullanıldığı analiz kapsamında, döviz kurunu temsilen reel efektif döviz kuru ve enflasyonu temsilen tüketici fiyatlarındaki aylık değişim oranı kullanılmıştır. Serilerin durağanlık düzeyleri yapısal kırılmaları dikkate almayan ADF ve PP testleri ve yapısal kırılmaları dikkate alan ZA birim kök testiyle araştırılmıştır. Daha sonra değişkenler arasındaki nedensellik ilişkisinin belirlenmesi amacıyla Hacker ve Hatemi-J (2006) bootstrap nedensellik testi kullanılmıştır. Bu teste ait sonuçlar, reel efektif döviz kurundan enflasyona doğru tek yönlü nedensellik ilişkisi olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Ayrıca nedenselliğin zamana bağlı olarak değişimini incelemek için zamanla değişen nedensellik testi uygulanmıştır. Test sonuçları, değişkenler arasında farklı dönemlerde nedensellik ilişkisinin olduğunu göstermiştir. Özellikle ekonomik ya da siyasi krizlerin olduğu dönemlerde değişkenler arasında güçlü nedensel ilişkilerin olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu sonuçlar fiyatlar genel düzeyinde istikrarı sağlamak için uygulanacak politikaların döviz kurunda denge sağlayıcı etkiler yaratacağı ve döviz kurunda istikrarı sağlayacak politikaların da eş zamanlı olarak enflasyonu kontrol altında tutmaya yardımcı olacağını göstermektedir.The globalization of national economies and the spread of economic freedoms have increased the effectiveness of exchange rates on economic indicators. The effects of exchange rates and inflation on each other and the known role of inflation on the micro, macro and international economic system require close monitoring of the relationship between these variables in different periods. Fluctuating exchange rates and high inflation after the liberalization of capital movements in the Turkish economy are seen as the most important reasons of the chronic unstable economic environment. In order to manage these variables effectively and to increase economic performance require investigation of which of these two variables is the cause of the other. For this reason, the number of studies that test the relationship between exchange rate and inflation with different econometric methods is increasing day by day. In this study, it is aimed to examine the relationship between exchange rate and inflation in Turkey in the period 1989M01-2020M07. Within the scope of the analysis using econometric time series methods, the real effective exchange rate representing the exchange rate and the monthly rate of change in consumer prices representing inflation were used. The stationarity levels of the series were investigated by ADF and PP tests, which do not take into account structural breaks, and the ZA unit root test, which takes structural breaks into account. Then, Hacker and Hatemi-J (2006) bootstrap causality test was used to determine the causality relationship between variables. The results of this test show that there is a one-way causality relationship from real effective exchange rate to inflation. In addition, time varying causality test was applied to examine the change of causality with time. Test results showed that there is a causality relationship between variables at different periods. It has been determined that there are strong causal relationships between variables, especially in periods of economic or political crises. These results indicate that policies to be implemented to ensure stability at the general level of prices will create balancing effects on the exchange rate, and policies that will ensure stability in the exchange rate will simultaneously help keep inflation under control

    Late Cretaceous-Eocene Geological Evolution of the Pontides Based on New Stratigraphic and Palaeontologic Data Between the Black Sea Coast and Bursa (NW Turkey)

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    The Late Cretaceous-Eocene geological evolution of northwest Turkey between the Black Sea and Bursa was studied through detailed biostratigraphic characterization of eleven stratigraphic sections. The Upper Cretaceous sequence in the region starts with a major marine transgression and lies unconformably on a basement of Palaeozoic and Triassic rocks in the north (Istanbul-type basement) and on metamorphic rocks and Jurassic sedimentary rocks in the south (Sakarya-type basement). Four megasequences have been differentiated in the Late Cretaceous-Eocene interval. The first one, of Turonian to Late Campanian age, is represented by volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks in the north along the Black Sea coast, and by siliciclastic turbidites and intercalated calcarenites in the south, corresponding to magmatic arc basin and fore-arc basin, respectively. A major ridge along the present southern margin of the Kocaeli Peninsula separated these two realms. In the Late Campanian, volcanism and clastic sedimentation gave way to the widespread deposition of the pelagic limestone and marl of the Akveren Formation; only in the extreme south near Bursa are the pelagic micrites of the Akveren Formation replaced by calciturbidites and siliciclastic turbidites. The age of the Akveren Formation ranges from Late Campanian to Late Palaeocene. The third megasequence is a thick flysch wedge of Early Eocene age, which extends from north of Bursa to the Black Sea coast. The base of the Lower Eocene flysch is marked by a major unconformity. The flysch wedge marks the collision between the Pontides and the Anatolide-Tauride Block. The fourth megasequence is a thick volcanic and volcaniclastic series of late Early to Middle Eocene age, which extends from north of Bursa to the northern margin of the Armutlu Peninsula. The coherent Upper Cretaceous-Eocene stratigraphy, the laterally traceable facies belts, absence of ophiolitic slices and high pressure metamorphic rocks in the Upper Cretaceous-Tertiary series in the region between the Black Sea and Bursa indicate pre-Santonian juxtaposition of the Istanbul and Sakarya zones