85 research outputs found

    Extracción en fase sólida de β-sitosterol y α-tocoferol de destilados de aceite de girasol desodorizado utilizando zeolita desilicada

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    In this study, the efficiency of using zeolite-based adsorbents in a solid phase extraction (SPE) procedure of α-tocopherol and β-sitosterol isolation from Sunflower Oil Deodorizer Distillate (SuDOD) with­out pre-treatment was investigated. The results showed that 99.2% α-tocopherol and 97.3% β-sitosterol were suc­cessfully isolated as pure fractions from SuDOD, when desilicated ZSM-5-type zeolite (DSiZSM-5) was used as adsorbent on a SPE. A simple and rapid HPLC method for simultaneous α-tocopherol and β-sitosterol analysis was developed and validated according to AOAC guidelines. It was found that the inclusion of a DSiZSM-5 SPE step increased the precision of the α-tocopherol and β-sitosterol analysis. In conclusion, DSiZSM-5 zeo­lite was proven to be an efficient adsorbent which can be used not only for the recovery of α-tocopherol and β-sitosterol from SuDOD in industrial scale, but also in a laboratory scale clean-up method prior to the analysis of α-tocopherol and β-sitosterol.En este estudio, se investigó la eficacia del uso de adsorbentes a base de zeolita en el procedimiento de extracción en fase sólida (EFS) para el aislamiento de α-tocoferol y β-sitosterol a partir de destilados de aceites de girasol desodorizados (SuDOD) sin ningún tratamiento previo. Los resultados mostraron que el 99,2% de α-tocoferol y el 97,3% de β-sitosterol se aislaron con éxito como fracciones puras de SuDOD, cuando se usó zeolita de tipo ZSM-5 desilicado (DSiZSM-5) como adsorbente en una EFS. Se desarrolló y validó un método HPLC simple y rápido para el análisis simultáneo de α-tocoferol y β-sitosterol de acuerdo con las directrices de la AOAC. Se encontró que la inclusión del paso DSiZSM-5 EFS aumentó la precisión del análisis de α-tocoferol y β-sitosterol. En conclusión, se demostró que la zeolita DSiZSM-5 es un adsorbente eficiente que puede usarse, no solo para la recuperación de α-tocoferol y β-sitosterol de SuDOD a escala industrial, sino también en un método de limpieza a escala de laboratorio antes del análisis de α-tocoferol y β-sitosterol

    Role of stem cell transplant in CD30+ PTCL following frontline brentuximab vedotin plus CHP or CHOP in ECHELON-2

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    Peripheral T-cell lymphomas (PTCLs) are a heterogeneous group of aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphomas, the majority of which have high relapse rates following standard therapy. Despite use of consolidative stem cell transplant (SCT) following frontline therapy, there remains no consensus on its utility. The double-blind randomized phase 3 ECHELON-2 study (#NCT01777152; clinicaltrials.gov) demonstrated improved progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival with frontline brentuximab vedotin plus cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and prednisone (A+CHP). Herein, we conducted an exploratory subgroups analysis of the impact of consolidative SCT on PFS in patients with previously untreated CD30+ PTCL (ALK- anaplastic large cell lymphoma [ALCL] and non-ALCL) who were in complete response (CR) after frontline treatment with A+CHP or cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone. Median PFS follow-up was 47.57 months. The PFS hazard ratio was 0.36, equating to a 64% reduction in the risk of a PFS event in patients who underwent SCT. The median PFS in patients who underwent SCT was not reached, vs 55.66 months in patients who did not undergo SCT. PFS results favored the use of SCT in both ALK- ALCL and non-ALCL subgroups. These data support the consideration of consolidative SCT in patients with CD30+PTCL who achieve CR following treatment with A+CHP

    A Phase I Trial of Sirolimus with 7&3 Induction Chemotherapy in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Acute Myeloid Leukemia

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    Chemotherapy remains a primary treatment for younger AML patients, though many relapse. Data from our group have shown that highly phosphorylated S6 in blasts may predict response to sirolimus given with chemotherapy. We report the results of a phase I study of this combination in newly diagnosed AML and the pharmacodynamic analysis of pS6 before and after treatment. Subjects received sirolimus (12 mg on day 1, 4 mg daily, days 2-10), then idarubicin and cytarabine (days 4-10). Response was assessed at hematologic recovery or by day 42 using a modified IWG criteria. Fifty-five patients received sirolimus. Toxicity was similar to published 7 + 3 data, and 53% had high-, 27% intermediate-, and 20% favorable-risk disease. Forty-four percent of the high-risk patients entered into CR/CRp. Seventy-nine percent of the intermediate-risk subjects had a CR/CRp. All favorable-risk patients had a CR by day 42; 9/11 remained alive and in remission with a median follow-up of 660 days. Additionally, 41/55 patients had adequate samples for pharmacodynamic analysis. All patients demonstrated activation of S6 prior to therapy, in contrast to 67% seen in previous studies of relapsed AML. mTORC1 inhibition was observed in 66% of patients without enrichment among patients who achieved remission. We conclude that sirolimus and 7 + 3 is a well-tolerated and safe regimen. mTORC1 appears to be activated in almost all patients at diagnosis of AML. Inhibition of mTORC1 did not differ based on response, suggesting that AML cells may have redundant signaling pathways that regulate chemosensitivity in the presence of mTORC1 inhibition

    CD8+ T-Cell Interleukin-7 Receptor Alpha Expression as a Potential Indicator of Disease Status in HIV-Infected Children

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    Background: Initiation and modification of antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected children depend on viral load and CD4+ T-cell count. However, these surrogates have limitations, and complementary immunological markers to assess therapeutic response are needed. Our aim was to evaluate CD8+ T-cell expression of CD127 as a marker of disease status in HIV-infected children, based on adult data suggesting its usefulness. We hypothesized that CD127 expression on CD8+ T-cells is lower in children with more advanced disease. Methods: In a cross-sectional evaluation, we used flow cytometry to measure CD127+ expression on CD8+ T-cells in whole blood from HIV-infected children with varying disease status. This was compared with expression of CD38 on this subset, currently used in clinical practice as a marker of disease status. Results: 51 HIV-infected children were enrolled. There was a strong positive correlation between CD127 expression on CD8+ T-cells and CD4+ T-cell count, and height and weight z-scores, and a strong negative correlation between CD127 expression and viral load. In contrast, we found no association between CD38 expression and these disease status markers. Conclusions: CD8+ T-cell CD127 expression is significantly higher in children with better HIV disease control, and may have a role as an immunologic indicator of disease status. Longitudinal studies are needed to determine the utility of this marker as a potential indicator of HIV disease progression

    Increased Bone Marrow Interleukin-7 (IL-7)/IL-7R Levels but Reduced IL-7 Responsiveness in HIV-Positive Patients Lacking CD4+ Gain on Antiviral Therapy

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    Background: The bone marrow (BM) cytokine milieu might substantially affect T-lymphocyte homeostasis in HIV-positive individuals. Interleukin-7 (IL-7) is a bone marrow-derived cytokine regulating T-cell homeostasis through a CD4+-driven feedback loop. CD4+ T-lymphopenia is associated with increased free IL-7 levels and reduced IL-7R expression/function, which are only partially reverted by highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). We investigated the BM production, peripheral expression and signaling (pStat5+ and Bcl-2+ CD4+/CD8+ T cells) of IL-7/IL-7Ra in 30 HAART-treated HIV-positive patients who did not experience CD4+ recovery (CD4+ #200/ml) and who had different levels of HIV viremia; these patients included 18 immunological nonresponders (INRs; HIV-RNA#50), 12 complete failures (CFs; HIV-RNA.1000), and 23 HIVseronegative subjects. Methods: We studied plasma IL-7 levels, IL-7Ra+CD4+/CD8+ T-cell proportions, IL-7Ra mRNA expression in PBMCs, spontaneous IL-7 production by BM mononuclear cells (BMMCs), and IL-7 mRNA/IL-7Ra mRNA in BMMC-derived stromal cells (SCs). We also studied T-cell responsiveness to IL-7 by measuring the proportions of pStat5+ and Bcl-2+ CD4+/CD8+ T cells. Results: Compared to HIV-seronegative controls, CFs and INRs presented elevated plasma IL-7 levels and lower IL-7Ra CD4+/CD8+ cell-surface expression and peripheral blood production, confirming the most relevant IL-7/IL-7R disruption. Interestingly, BM investigation revealed a trend of higher spontaneous IL-7 production in INRs (p = .09 vs. CFs) with a nonsignificant trend toward higher IL-7-Ra mRNA levels in BMMC-derived stromal cells. However, upon IL-7 stimulation, the proportion of pStat5+CD4+ T cells did not increase in INRs despite higher constitutive levels (p = .06); INRs also displayed lower Bcl-2+CD8+ T-cell proportions than controls (p = .04). Conclusions: Despite severe CD4+ T-lymphopenia and a disrupted IL-7/IL-7R profile in the periphery, INRs display elevated BM IL-7/IL-7Ra expression but impaired T-cell responsiveness to IL-7, suggesting the activity of a central compensatory pathway targeted to replenish the CD4+ compartment, which is nevertheless inappropriate to compensate the dysfunctional signaling through IL-7 receptor

    Treatment with IL-7 Prevents the Decline of Circulating CD4+ T Cells during the Acute Phase of SIV Infection in Rhesus Macaques

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    Although treatment with interleukin-7 (IL-7) was shown to transiently expand the naïve and memory T-cell pools in patients with chronic HIV-1 infection receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART), it is uncertain whether a full immunologic reconstitution can be achieved. Moreover, the effects of IL-7 have never been evaluated during acute HIV-1 (or SIV) infection, a critical phase of the disease in which the most dramatic depletion of CD4+ T cells is believed to occur. In the present study, recombinant, fully glycosylated simian IL-7 (50 µg/kg, s.c., once weekly for 7 weeks) was administered to 6 rhesus macaques throughout the acute phase of infection with a pathogenic SIV strain (mac251); 6 animals were infected at the same time and served as untreated controls. Treatment with IL-7 did not cause clinically detectable side effects and, despite the absence of concomitant ART, did not induce significant increases in the levels of SIV replication except at the earliest time point tested (day 4 post-infection). Strikingly, animals treated with IL-7 were protected from the dramatic decline of circulating naïve and memory CD4+ T cells that occurred in untreated animals. Treatment with IL-7 induced only transient T-cell proliferation, but it was associated with sustained increase in the expression of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 on both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, persistent expansion of all circulating CD8+ T-cell subsets, and development of earlier and stronger SIV Tat-specific T-cell responses. However, the beneficial effects of IL-7 were not sustained after treatment interruption. These data demonstrate that IL-7 administration is effective in protecting the CD4+ T-cell pool during the acute phase of SIV infection in macaques, providing a rationale for the clinical evaluation of this cytokine in patients with acute HIV-1 infection

    JunD/AP-1-Mediated Gene Expression Promotes Lymphocyte Growth Dependent on Interleukin-7 Signal Transduction

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    Interleukin-7 (IL-7) is an essential cytokine for lymphocyte growth that has the potential for promoting immune reconstitution. This feature makes IL-7 an ideal candidate for therapeutic development. As with other cytokines, signaling through the IL-7 receptor induces the JAK/STAT pathway. However, the broad scope of IL-7 regulatory targets likely necessitates the use of other signaling components whose identities remain poorly defined. To this end, we used an IL-7 dependent T-cell line to examine how expression of the glycolytic enzyme, Hexokinase II (HXKII) was regulated by IL-7 in a STAT5-independent manner. Our studies revealed that IL-7 promoted the activity of JNK (Jun N-terminal Kinase), and that JNK, in turn, drove the expression of JunD, a component of the Activating Protein 1 (AP-1) transcription factors. Gel shifts showed that the AP-1 complex induced by IL-7 contained JunD but not c-Fos or c-Jun. Inhibition of JNK/JunD blocked glucose uptake and HXKII gene expression, indicating that this pathway was responsible for promoting HXKII expression. Because others had shown that JunD was a negative regulator of cell growth, we performed a bioinformatics analysis to uncover possible JunD-regulated gene targets. Our search revealed that JunD could control the expression of proteins involved in signal transduction, cell survival and metabolism. One of these growth promoters was the oncogene, Pim-1. Pim-1 is an IL-7-induced protein that was inhibited when the activities of JNK or JunD were blocked, showing that in IL-7 dependent T-cells JunD can promote positive signals transduced through Pim-1. This was confirmed when the IL-7-induced proliferation of CD8 T-cells was impaired upon JunD inhibition. These results show that engagement of the IL-7 receptor drives a signal that is more complex than the JAK/STAT pathway, activating JNK and JunD to induce rapid growth stimulation through the expression of metabolic and signaling factors like HXKII and Pim-1
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