1,141 research outputs found

    Transcranial direct current stimulation over the left posterior temporal lobe modulates semantic control: Evidence from episodic memory distortions

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    [EN]Evidence accumulates to show that semantic cognition requires, in addition to semantic representations, control processes that regulate the accessibility and use of semantic knowledge in a task- and time-appropriate fashion. Semantic control has been recently proposed to rely on a distributed network that includes the posterior temporal cortex. Along these lines, recent meta-analyses of neuroimaging data and studies with patients suffering from semantic aphasia have suggested that the left posterior middle temporal gyrus (pMTG) is critically involved whenever situational context must constrain semantic retrieval. In the present experiment, we used transcranial direct current stimulation over the left posterior temporal lobe in an attempt to interfere with semantic control while participants performed a DRM task, a procedure for inducing conceptually-based false recognition that is contingent on both activation and control processes. Paralleling findings with patients suffering from brain damage restricted to the temporoparietal cortex, anodal stimulation (relative to sham stimulation) resulted in increased false recognition but intact true recognition. These findings fit well with the idea that the left pMTG is a key component of a semantic control network, the alteration of which results in memory performance that is affected by the intrusion of contextually-inappropriate semantic information

    A Simple Chemical Method for Rendering Wild-Type Yeast Permeable to Brefeldin A That Does Not Require the Presence of an erg6 Mutation

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    The present work aims to develop a growth medium to render a wild-type strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae permeable to the antifungal drug Brefeldin A. In the current study, a synthetic medium containing 0.1% L-proline and supplemented with 3.0 × 10(-3)% SDS is employed. When Brefeldin A is added to this medium, a wild-type strain shows increased growth sensitivity and a diminished transport of the amino acid L-leucine. Since Brefeldin A exerts its effect on the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus, the medium permits the study of the drug effect on the intracellular traffic of L-leucine permeases

    Low X-Ray Luminosity Galaxy Clusters: Main goals, sample selection, photometric and spectroscopic observations

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    We present the study of nineteen low X-ray luminosity galaxy clusters (LX_X \sim 0.5--45 ×\times 104310^{43} erg s1^{-1}), selected from the ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counters (PSPC) Pointed Observations (Vikhlinin et al. 1998) and the revised version of Mullis et al. (2003) in the redshift range of 0.16 to 0.7. This is the introductory paper of a series presenting the sample selection, photometric and spectroscopic observations and data reduction. Photometric data in different passbands were taken for eight galaxy clusters at Las Campanas Observatory; three clusters at Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory; and eight clusters at the Gemini Observatory. Spectroscopic data were collected for only four galaxy clusters using Gemini telescopes. With the photometry, the galaxies were defined based on the star-galaxy separation taking into account photometric parameters. For each galaxy cluster, the catalogues contain the PSF and aperture magnitudes of galaxies within the 90\% completeness limit. They are used together with structural parameters to study the galaxy morphology and to estimate photometric redshifts. With the spectroscopy, the derived galaxy velocity dispersion of our clusters ranged from 507 km~s1^{-1} for [VMF98]022 to 775 km~s1^{-1} for [VMF98]097 with signs of substructure. Cluster membership has been extensively discussed taking into account spectroscopic and photometric redshift estimates. In this sense, members are the galaxies within a projected radius of 0.75 Mpc from the X-ray mission peak and with cluster centric velocities smaller than the cluster velocity dispersion or 6000 km~s1^{-1}, respectively. These results will be used in forthcoming papers to study, among the main topics, the red cluster sequence, blue cloud and green populations; the galaxy luminosity function and cluster dynamics.Comment: 13 pages, 6 tables, 9 figures. Uses emulateapj. Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal. Some formatting errors fixe

    Efficient dual-wavelength excitation of Tb3+ emission in rare-earth doped KYF4 cubic nanocrystals dispersed in silica sol-gel matrix

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    Energy transfer from Ce3+ to Tb3+ ions under UV excitation, giving rise to visible emissions, is investigated in sol–gel derived transparent nano-glass–ceramics containing cubic KYF4 nanocrystals, for different doping concentrations of rare-earth ions. Moreover, visible emissions of Tb3+ are also obtained under near-infrared excitation through energy transfer from Yb3+ ions by means of cooperative up-conversion processes. Thus, Ce3+–Tb3+–Yb3+ doped nano-glass–ceramics can be activated in a dual-wavelength mode yielding efficient blue–green emissions of particular interest in photovoltaic silicon solar cells and white-light emitting diodes

    Efecto de la estrategia de alimentación con grano de maíz a novillos sobre el nivel de marmoreo y de grasa subcutánea

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    El nivel de marmóreo está positivamente asociado con la calidad de la carne. Incrementar el peso de faena o el período de terminación a corral aumenta el nivel de marmoreo (Duckett et al., 1993; Bruns et al., 2004), mejorando potencialmente la calidad de la carne. Sin embargo, estas dos estrategias también incrementan exponencialmente los depósitos grasos de menor valor. Se ha observado que la alimentación temprana con dietas concentradas permite incrementar el nivel de marmoreo de la res y mejorar su relación marmoreo: grasa subcutánea. Sin embargo, no está claro si este efecto de la alimentación temprana con dietas concentradas se debe al efecto del momento de alimentación sobre la adipogénesis o al simple hecho de un mayor consumo de energía a lo largo de todo el engorde (Scheffler et al., 2014). El presente trabajo tiene por objeto evaluar el efecto que tiene alimentar novillos con una determinada cantidad de grano de maíz siguiendo dos estrategias contrastantes sobre el nivel de marmoreo, espesor de grasa subcutánea y otras características de la res.Resumen presentado en el 42º Congreso Argentino de Producción Animal (Bahía Blanca, 15 al 18 de octubre de 2019

    Smart on-chip Fourier-transform spectrometers harnessing machine learning algorithms

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    Miniaturized silicon photonics spectrometers have great potential for mass market applications like medicine and hazard detection. However, the performance of state-of-the-art silicon spectrometers is limited by fabrication imperfections and temperature variations. In this work, we present a fundamentally new strategy that combines machine learning algorithms and on-chip spatial heterodyne Fourier-transform spectroscopy to identify specific absorption features operated under a wide range of temperatures in the presence of fabrication imperfections. We experimentally show differentiation of four different input spectra with unknown temperature variations as large as 10 °C. This is about 100x increase in operational range, compared to state-of-the-art retrieval techniques

    Variable stars in the VVV globular clusters. II. NGC6441, NGC6569, NGC6626 (M28), NGC6656 (M22), 2MASS-GC02, and Terzan10

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    © ESO 2021. This is the accepted manuscript version of an article which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/202140546Context. The Galactic globular clusters (GGCs) located in the inner regions of the Milky Way suffer from high extinction that makes their observation challenging. High densities of field stars in their surroundings complicate their study even more. The VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) survey provides a way to explore these GGCs in the near-infrared where extinction effects are highly diminished. Aims. We conduct a search for variable stars in several inner GGCs, taking advantage of the unique multi-epoch, wide-field, near-infrared photometry provided by the VVV survey. We are especially interested in detecting classical pulsators that will help us constrain the physical parameters of these GGCs. In this paper, the second of a series, we focus on NGC 6656 (M 22), NGC 6626 (M 28), NGC 6569, and NGC 6441; these four massive GGCs have known variable sources, but quite different metallicities. We also revisit 2MASS-GC 02 and Terzan 10, the two GGCs studied in the first paper of this series. Methods. We present an improved method and a new parameter that efficiently identify variable candidates in the GGCs. We also use the proper motions of those detected variable candidates and their positions in the sky and in the color-magnitude diagrams to assign membership to the GGCs. Results. We identify and parametrize in the near-infrared numerous variable sources in the studied GGCs, cataloging tens of previously undetected variable stars. We recover many known classical pulsators in these clusters, including the vast majority of their fundamental mode RR Lyrae. We use these pulsators to obtain distances and extinctions toward these objects. Recalibrated period-luminosity-metallicity relations for the RR Lyrae bring the distances to these GGCs to a closer agreement with those reported by Gaia, except for NGC 6441, which is an uncommon Oosterhoff III GGC. Recovered proper motions for these GGCs also agree with those reported by Gaia, except for 2MASS-GC 02, the most reddened GGC in our sample, where the VVV near-infrared measurements provide a more accurate determination of its proper motions.Peer reviewe

    Orogenias paleozoicas en los Andes de Argentina y Chile y en la Península Antártica

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    Congreso Geológico Argentino (20º. 2017. San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina). Simposio de Téctonica pre-andinaDurante el Neoproterozoico y Paleozoico, los Andes de Argentina y Chile, y desde fines del Paleozoico también la Península Antártica, formaron parte del margen SO de Gondwana. Durante este tiempo se acrecionaron a dicho margen varios fragmentos continentales de tamaño y aloctonía variable; denominados de N a S: Antofalla, Chi-Cu, Patagonia Occidental y Antártida Occidental. Estos fragmentos formaban parte de placas litosféricas, en ocasiones divididas en subplacas. La colisión de dichos fragmentos continentales con Gondwana y una última subducción bajo dicho margen, dieron lugar a 6 orogenias de extensión temporal y espacial limitada.Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, EspañaDepartamento de Geología, Universidad de Oviedo, EspañaUniversidad de Río Negro, ArgentinaServicio Geológico y Minero Argentino, ArgentinaInstituto De Bio y Geociencias Del NOA, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, ArgentinaInstituto De Bio y Geociencias Del NOA, Universidad Nacional de Salta, ArgentinaDepartamento de Geodinámica, Universidad del País Vasco, EspañaFacultad de Geología, Universidad de Barcelona, EspañaDepartamento de Geología, Universidad de Chile, ChileUniversidad Andrés Bello, ChileUnidad de Tectónica, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, ArgentinaFacultad de Geología, Universidad de Buenos Aires, ArgentinaÁrea de Geología, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, EspañaUniversidad de Salta, ArgentinaInstituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología, Universidad de Río Negro, ArgentinaInstituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, ArgentinaCentro de Investigaciones Geológicas, Universidad de La Plata, ArgentinaUniversidad de San Juan, ArgentinaPeer reviewe