421 research outputs found

    Cobertura informativa de la independùncia de Catalunya a la premsa. Influùncia dels mitjans per establir l’agenda

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    XIX Jornades de Foment de la InvestigaciĂł de la Facultat de CiĂšncies Humanes i Socials (Any 2014)En aquest article s’analitza el tractament que va fer la premsa de referĂšncia d’àmbit estatal i catalĂ  sobre la independĂšncia de Catalunya a les seves notĂ­cies. Es tracta d’un tema que ha adquirit una especial rellevĂ ncia durant els Ășltims anys i que centra el debat polĂ­tic a Espanya i Catalunya en l’actualitat, per tant, Ă©s un tema poc estudiat fins al moment, el que justifica l’alt grau de novetat d’aquesta investigaciĂł. Els objectius d’aquesta anĂ lisi sĂłn conĂšixer el grau de cobertura de cada mitjĂ  i la tematitzaciĂł que s’ha fet del procĂ©s independentista, aixĂ­ com analitzar l’estructura de fonts utilitzada per cada diari en la construcciĂł de les notĂ­cies referents a aquest tema. Per a poder dur-lo a terme, mitjançant la metodologia quantitativa s’ha emprat una anĂ lisi del contingut. S’han estudiat dos perĂ­odes temporals: la Diada (2012) i l’anunci del referĂšndum (2013). La mostra estĂ  integrada per cinc diaris: l’Ara, La Vanguardia, El PaĂ­s, El Mundo i La RazĂłn. AixĂČ va implicar l’anĂ lisi de 319 notĂ­cies. Els resultats obtinguts ens han permĂšs comprovar que quatre, dels cinc diaris analitzats, li atorguen una major cobertura a l’anunci de la consulta i que les fonts institucionals han estat les mĂ©s utilitzades per la majoria dels diaris. A mĂ©s, ens ha permĂšs conĂšixer la composiciĂł de l’agenda mediĂ tica de cada diari, que varia segons la ideologia del mitjĂ 

    Estrategia comunicativa de la Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca en las redes sociales

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    Las tecnologías digitales, como la web 2.0 y las redes sociales, ofrecen numerosas posibilidades a activistas y ciudadanos. Los Nuevos Movimientos Sociales han encontrado en redes sociales como Twitter y Facebook un nuevo espacio para comunicar, organizar, movilizar e incluso monitorizar a los poderes políticos y económicos. Buen ejemplo de ello es la Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca (PAH). El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la arquitectura y estrategia de utilización que realiza la PAH de las distintas herramientas digitales con las que cuenta a su alcance, centråndose especialmente en el uso que hace de Twitter para lanzar sus campañas.Digital technologies such as Web 2.0 and Social Networking Service offer numerous possibilities to activists and citizens. The New Social Movements find in social networks like Twitter and Facebook a new space to communicate, organize, mobilize and even monitor the political and economic powers. A good example is the Platform Affected by Mortgage (PAH). The main goal of this research is to analyse the architecture and strategy of utilization of the digital tools that PAH has at their disposal, especially focusing on the use that takes of Twitter to initiate their campaigns

    El tractament de la independĂšncia de Catalunya a la premsa escrita

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    Treball Final de Grau en Periodisme. Codi: PE0932 Curs acadĂšmic 2013-2014This paper analyses the treatment on the independence of Catalonia made by some of the most important Catalan and Spanish newspapers in their news. This is a recent issue and because of that, it has been rarely studied until the moment, so it seemed interesting to carry out this research. In this sense, our objectives were to determine the degree of coverage of each medium, how they define the agenda setting and the evolution of the focus given to various items, considered important for Catalonia’s independence. For the analysis we have used quantitative methodology, using a content analysis, and qualitative methodology, doing a speech analysis. We have studied two periods of special significance for this process, the celebration of the Catalan National Day 2012 and the announcement of the referendum (2013), in five newspapers, l’Ara, La Vanguardia, El PaĂ­s, El Mundo and La RazĂłn. This involves the analysis of 319 news. The results were interesting and diverse. As we have seen, four of the five newspaper analysed, have given more coverage to the announcement of referendum. Moreover, institutional actors were the most used by most of the newspapers and also we noticed that while Spanish newspapers are reticent to the independence process, Catalans newspapers are favourable to it. For this reason, we considered that the ideology in the left-right axis hasn’t been decisive for the positioning of every newspaper on this issue. Nevertheless the origin of each newspaper is what is really influent.En aquest treball s’analitza el tractament que varen fer alguns diaris de referĂšncia, tant d’àmbit catalĂ  com d’àmbit estatal, sobre la independĂšncia de Catalunya a les seves notĂ­cies. Es tracta d’un tema recent i, per tant, poc estudiat fins al moment, pel que ens va semblar interesant dur a terme aquesta investigaciĂł. En aquest sentit, els nostres objectius eren conĂšixer el grau de cobertura de cada mitjĂ , la tematitzaciĂł que havien fet del procĂ©s i l’evoluciĂł de l’enfocament atorgat a diversos Ă­tems considerats d’especial rellevĂ ncia en aquest tema. AixĂ­, s’han utilitzat tant la metodologia quantitativa, emprant una anĂ lisi del contingut, com la qualitativa, mitjançant una anĂ lisi del discurs. S’han estudiat dos perĂ­odes temporals d’especial rellevĂ ncia per a aquest procĂ©s, la celebraciĂł de la Diada de 2012 i l’anunci del referĂšndum (2013), i cinc diaris: l’Ara, La Vanguardia, El PaĂ­s, El Mundo i La RazĂłn. El que va implicar l’anĂ lisi de 319 notĂ­cies. Els resultats obtinguts han estat interessants i diversos. AixĂ­, hem pogut observar com quatre, dels cinc diaris analitzats, li han atorgat major cobertura a l’anunci de la consulta. D’altra banda, les fonts institucionals han estat les mĂ©s utilitzades per la majoria dels diaris i hem observat com els diaris d’àmbit estatal sĂłn reticents al procĂ©s d’independĂšncia mentre que els catalans es mostren favorables a ella. AixĂ­, hem considerat que la ideologia en l’eix esquerra-dreta no ha estat determinant per al posicionament de cada diari sobre aquest tema, en el que si que influeix l’àmbit territorial de cadascun

    Everything for the People, but Without the People? Illustrated Populism on Social Media in the European Political Context

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    The rise of new populist actors and consolidation of the use of social media such as Twitter are changing the political communication field. The main goal of this research is to understand whether European populist political actors introduce 2 of the inherent elements of populism—the people and the elite—into their digital communicative strategy and how they frame it. The samples are composed by the messages shared on Twitter by 4 European political parties (Podemos, Movimento 5 Stelle, Front National, and UKIP) and their leaders. This study analyzed 9,128 messages. The results show that despite being an intrinsic characteristic of populism, these political actors practically never appeal to the people in their messages, but criticize the elites. It therefore produces an illustrated populism in their social media strategy, in which everything is for the people, but without the people

    Communication of European populist leaders on Twitter: Agenda setting and the “more is less” effect

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    The populist phenomenon has acquired great relevance during the last decade. The emergence of new populist actors and the consolidation of the use of social media such as Twitter are transforming the field of political communication. The objective of this paper is to know the agenda set by the leaders of the main European populist political parties on Twitter, as well as the strategy they use and the user interaction achieved. The sample consists of the 2,310 tweets published by the leaders of Podemos, the 5 Stelle Movement, France’s National Front and UKIP during three random time periods. The results show a low degree of thematic fragmentation, the launch of proposals instead of attracting voters, and the existence of a strong negative correlation between the number of published tweets and user interest

    Comunicación de los líderes populistas europeos en Twitter: construcción de la agenda y efecto “más es menos”

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    The populist phenomenon has acquired great relevance during the last decade. The emergence of new populist actors and the consolidation of the use of social media such as Twitter are transforming the field of political communication. The objective of this paper is to know the agenda set by the leaders of the main European populist political parties on Twitter, as well as the strategy they use and the user interaction achieved. The sample consists of the 2,310 tweets published by the leaders of Podemos, the 5 Stelle Movement, France’s National Front and UKIP during three random time periods. The results show a low degree of thematic fragmentation, the launch of proposals instead of attracting voters, and the existence of a strong negative correlation between the number of published tweets and user interest.El fenĂłmeno populista ha adquirido una gran relevancia durante la Ășltima dĂ©cada. El surgimiento de nuevos actores populistas junto con la consolidaciĂłn del uso de redes sociales como Twitter estĂĄn transformando el campo de la comunicaciĂłn polĂ­tica. El objetivo de este artĂ­culo es conocer la agenda planteada en Twitter por los lĂ­deres de los principales partidos polĂ­ticos populistas europeos, asĂ­ como la estrategia que emplean y la respuesta obtenida por parte de los usuarios. La muestra estĂĄ integrada por los 2.310 tweets publicados por los lĂ­deres de Podemos, el Movimento 5 Stelle, el Frente Nacional y el UKIP durante tres periodos temporales aleatorios. Los resultados plantean un bajo grado de fragmentaciĂłn temĂĄtica, el lanzamiento de propuestas frente a la captaciĂłn de votantes y la existencia de una fuerte correlaciĂłn negativa entre el nĂșmero de tweets publicados y el interĂ©s de los usuarios

    The influence of the discourse on social change in the media agenda. The case of the Platform of People Affected by Mortgages

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    Los movimientos sociales son uno de los motores del cambio social. Organizaciones como la Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca (PAH) denuncian injusticias y cuestionan la construcciĂłn de significados sociales a travĂ©s del discurso. Impulsan estrategias de automediaciĂłn para, especialmente a travĂ©s de las redes sociales, influir en la agenda mediĂĄtica y el debate pĂșblico. Mediante un anĂĄlisis crĂ­tico del discurso cualitativo, nuestro objetivo es conocer si la PAH introduce sus temas y encuadres en la agenda mediĂĄtica. Los resultados demuestran que este movimiento activista logra condicionar de quĂ© se habla y tambiĂ©n cĂłmo se habla, obteniendo una cobertura favorable.Social movements are one of the driving forces of social change. Organisations such as the Platform of People Affected by Mortgages (PAH) denounce situations of injustice and question the construction of the social meanings through discourse. They promote self-mediation strategies, especially through social networks, to influence the media agenda and public debate. So, through a critical analysis of the qualitative discourse, our aim is to know if the PAH introduce their topics and frames in the media agenda. Results show that this activist movement achieves to condition what is spoken and also how is spoken, getting a favourable coverage

    Communication of European populist leaders on Twitter: Agenda setting and the ‘more is less’ effect

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    The populist phenomenon has acquired great relevance during the last decade. The emergence of new populist actors and the consolidation of the use of social media such as Twitter are transforming the field of political communication. The objective of this paper is to know the agenda set by the leaders of the main European populist political parties on Twitter, as well as the strategy they use and the user interaction achieved. The sample consists of the 2,310 tweets published by the leaders of Podemos, the 5 Stelle Movement, France’s National Front and UKIP during three random time periods. The results show a low degree of thematic fragmentation, the launch of proposals instead of attracting voters, and the existence of a strong negative correlation between the number of published tweets and user interest

    Does population size matter? Political participation of citizens through mobile instant messaging services depending on the place of residence

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    The use of mobile instant messaging services is increasing among citizens. Applications like WhatsApp, with more than 2 billion users around the world, have changed the way we communicate. The objective of this research is to know how citizens make use of the WhatsApp service launched by the town hall of their municipality of residence. To do so, an online survey was carried out on 1202 citizens residing in Spain. The sample has been stratified considering the size of the municipality of residence of the respondents. The results show that the City Council’s WhatsApp service has greater penetration in smaller municipalities (up to 10,000 inhabitants). Therefore, these citizens would show more serious concern for local politics than the rest. Regarding its use, it stands out how residents in small municipalities use it more for informational purposes, while residents in medium municipalities (from 10,001 to 100,000 inhabitants) and large municipalities (more than 100,001 inhabitants) participate more and use it more frequently to register for the services offered by the City Council, as well as to raise doubts about the management run by the municipal corporation

    Populism Against Europe in Social Media: The Eurosceptic Discourse on Twitter in Spain, Italy, France, and United Kingdom During the Campaign of the 2019 European Parliament Election

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    Since its inception, the European Union has been facing several challenges. The economic and refugee crises, along with the results of the British referendum, have shaped the future of Europe in the past decade. These challenges among others have encouraged the emergence of populist parties, which aim at disrupting the current status quo posing threats to democracy. In this context, the consolidation of digital media has played a key role in the circulation of populist messages to a large number of people. Such messages have questioned the political and legitimacy terms of the European Union, leading to the ideal scenario of Euroscepticism. This article examines the framing and communication strategies used by the European populist actors regarding the European Union and Euroscepticism. The aim is to identify if there are any significant ideological differences. The sample consists of the shared messages (n = 3,667) by the main European populist political parties of Spain, Italy, France, and the United Kingdom during the European Parliament election campaign in 2019. The messages published on the Twitter accounts of Podemos, Vox, the 5 Star Movement, Lega, Rassemblement National, France Insoumise, The Brexit Party, and the UKIP have been analyzed. Results show that two types of Eurosceptic discourse were detected depending on the ideology. The right-wing populists pose a Euroscepticism exclusionary discourse, based on the loss of sovereignty and the distinction of “they”—“us,” excluding the out-groups whereas the left-wing populists present a Euroscepticism inclusive discourse, to maintain the foundational values of Europe, such as equality or solidarity between different people and countries. This research found that Eurosceptic discourse is used in the communicative strategy of populist political parties on Twitter and highlights the importance of the message frame which makes the difference about it
