5,860 research outputs found

    ChPT parameters from tau-decay data

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    Using the updated ALEPH V-A spectral function from tau decays, we determine the lowest spectral moments of the left-right correlator and extract dynamical information on order parameters of the QCD chiral symmetry breaking. Uncertainties associated with violations of quark-hadron duality are estimated from the data, imposing all known short-distance constraints on a resonance-based parametrization. Employing proper pinched weight functions, we obtain an accurate determination of the effective chiral couplings L10 and C87 and the dimension-six and -eight contributions in the Operator Product Expansion.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, QCD2015 Montpellie

    Enhancement of electrochemical chloride removal using corrosion inhibitors

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    Corrosion inhibitors can be introduced through concrete pores under the action of an electrical field. In this work, migration of corrosion inhibitors from the surface of the concrete, simultaneously to Electrochemical Chloride Removal (ECR), is considered. Two methods are proposed: 1) Connection of rebar as cathode for application of cationic inhibitors, and 2) Connection of rebar to an external cathode for application of anionic inhibitors. Results show that the migration of inhibitors, simultaneously to ECR improves the efficiency of the treatment by removing more chlorides and enhancing the passivation process of the reinforcement after the treatmen

    Seasonal dynamic factor analysis and bootstrap inference : application to electricity market forecasting

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    Year-ahead forecasting of electricity prices is an important issue in the current context of electricity markets. Nevertheless, only one-day-ahead forecasting is commonly tackled up in previous published works. Moreover, methodology developed for the short-term does not work properly for long-term forecasting. In this paper we provide a seasonal extension of the Non-Stationary Dynamic Factor Analysis, to deal with the interesting problem (both from the economic and engineering point of view) of long term forecasting of electricity prices. Seasonal Dynamic Factor Analysis (SeaDFA) allows to deal with dimensionality reduction in vectors of time series, in such a way that extracts common and specific components. Furthermore, common factors are able to capture not only regular dynamics (stationary or not) but also seasonal one, by means of common factors following a multiplicative seasonal VARIMA(p,d,q)×(P,D,Q)s model. Besides, a bootstrap procedure is proposed to be able to make inference on all the parameters involved in the model. A bootstrap scheme developed for forecasting includes uncertainty due to parameter estimation, allowing to enhance the coverage of forecast confidence intervals. Concerning the innovative and challenging application provided, bootstrap procedure developed allows to calculate not only point forecasts but also forecasting intervals for electricity prices

    CoordMaude Simplifying Formal Coordination Specifications of Cooperation Environments

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    AbstractDeveloping concurrent applications in cooperative environments is an arduous task. This is mainly due to the fact that it is very difficult to specify the synchronized interaction between the entities composing the system. Using coordination models makes this task easier. The latest trends in this area suggest that to manage the successful implementation of complex systems, coordination models must support some key features regarding the coordination constraints: their separated specification, their unanticipated evolution and their dynamic change. However, supporting these features is not only a technical challenge: it must be also guaranteed that the application of a separately specified coordination pattern to a set of encapsulated entities, or the change of the coordination constraints in an already running software system will not produce semantic errors. This is just the problem focused in this paper. In particular, a method for generating formal interpretable specifications reproducing coordinated environments is presented. The method is based on the Coordinated Roles coordination model and makes use of Maude as a formal language. The benefits obtained are: (i) easy specification using the coordination model syntax, (ii) automatic generation of the corresponding formal specification and (iii) simulation of system behaviour

    Los exámenes de Física en la enseñanza por transmisión y en la enseñanza por investigación

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    In this paper we show the results of a comparative ancilysis between ordinary tests of Physics and Chemistry and the ones used from a constructivist view. The study is focused in two aspects: firstly, it aims to show that the constructivist conception of leaming imposes considerable modifications in the tests content; secondly it highlights the deficiencies found in the tests designed after constructivist teaching. These deficiencies will just be solved by an investigation mainly aimed to assessment transformation

    Noves metodologies d'anàlisi de compostos volàtils mitjançant trampes d'agulla. Aplicació a l'anàlisi d'alè, atmosfèrica i d'aigües

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    S'ha desenvolupat una nova tècnica de preconcentració per a compostos volàtils basada en trampes d'agulla. Les trampes d'agulla consisteixen en agulles d'acer inoxidable farcides amb un o més adsorbents, cosa que permet la preconcentració dels anàlits que flueixen pel seu interior. S'han estudiat els diferents paràmetres que afecten el procés de sorció/desorció (dimensions de les agulles i de la cambra de vaporització, temperatura de l'injector, temps sense divisió de flux, efecte memòria i estabilitat d'emmagatzematge). En el cas de les mostres líquides, on cal acoblar les trampes d'agulla amb la tècnica d'espai de cap, s'han avaluat quatre modalitats de presa de mostra, tant actives com passives. La metodologia més adequada quant a simplicitat i sensibilitat és la presa de mostra de l'espai de cap emprant diversos cicles de presa de mostra d'un volum petit i fix. Una vegada trobades les millors condicions d'anàlisi, el mètode ha estat validat per a mostres tant gasoses com líquides. Els resultats obtinguts indiquen que les trampes d'agulla són una nova metodologia vàlida per a l'anàlisi de mostres gasoses (per exemple, alè i ambientals) i líquides.A new preconcentration technique has been developed for the analysis of volatile compounds based on the use of needle traps. These traps are made of stainless steel needles filled with one or more adsorbents, allowing the preconcentration of the analytes inside the trap by passing a gas flow through the needle. The parameters affecting the sorption/desorption process have been assessed (e. g. needle and liner dimensions, injector temperature, splitless time, memory effects, and stability inside the needle). For liquid samples, four different passive and active sampling methodologies were studied. The best results in terms of simplicity and sensitivity are obtained by sampling the headspace with various cycles of small fixed volume. Once the best analysis conditions of analysis were determined, the method was validated for gas and liquid samples. The results show that needle traps are a good methodology for analysing breath, atmospheric and liquid samples

    Diseño y construcción de un sistema de archivo personal computadorizado para clínicas odontológicas

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    El objetivo del sistema es gestionar de manera automática y flexible el archivo profesional de los odontólogos. Los requisitos que debía cumplir el sistema fueron obtenidos mediante consultas a distintos especialistas odontólogos, fruto de las cuales fue la especificación de los tipos de información y los procesos de la misma que - tienen lugar en la consulta del odontólogo

    ARPECOD Un sistema microinformativo para la gestión de clínica odontológica

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    ARPECOD, cuyas siglas significan Archivo Personal, Computadorizado para Odontólogos, es un prototipo de instrumento especializado de ayuda a la creación, recuperación rápida y gestión dinámica y automática de historiales de clientes de profesionales odontólogos. Se ha concebido,diseñado, construido y probado en su totalidad en el Laboratorio de Ordenadores, Cibernética y Teoría de Sistemas (LOCTS) de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación de Madrid por un grupo de profesores y alumnos