6 research outputs found

    Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial of home-based computerized executive function training for children with cerebral palsy

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    Background: Cerebral palsy (CP) is frequently associated with specific cognitive impairments, such as executive dysfunction which are related to participation and quality of life (QOL). The proposed study will examine whether a computerized executive function (EF) training programme could provide superior benefits for executive functioning, participation, QOL and brain plasticity, as compared to usual care. Methods: A single-blind randomized controlled trial (RCT) design will be performed. Thirty children with CP aged 8 to 12 years will participate in a home-based computerized multi-modal executive training programme (12 weeks, 5 days a week, 30 min a day training, total dose = 30 h). Thirty children with CP matched by age, sex, motor and intelligence quotient (IQ) will compose the waitlist group. Cognitive, behavioural, emotional, participation and QOL measures will be obtained at three time points: before, immediately after and 9 months after completing the training. Additionally, structural and functional (resting state) magnetic resonance images (MRI) will be obtained in a subsample of 15 children from each group. Outcomes between groups will be compared following standard principles for RCTs. Discussion: The study will test whether the cognitive training programme exerts a positive effect not only on neuropsychological and daily functioning of children with CP but also on other measures such as participation and QOL. We will also use brain MRI to test brain functional and structural changes after the intervention. If this on-line and home-based training programme proves effective, it could be a cost-effective intervention with short- and long-term effects on EF, participation or QOL in CP

    Egocentric sexual network analysis among gay and bisexual men who have sex with men with and without mpox infection.

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    OBJECTIVES: Recent outbreaks of the mpox (monkeypox) virus have been detected in dense sexual networks of gay and bisexual men who have sex with men (GBMSM). The objective of this study is to describe and compare the epidemiological and behavioural characteristics, as well as the sexual networks, of GBMSM diagnosed with mild mpox in Spain. METHODS: A prospective case-control study was conducted in Spain from July 2022 to February 2023. The study targeted a key population of GBMSM aged 18 years or older. Study participants were categorised into cases, those who were diagnosed with mpox virus infection; and controls, those who were not diagnosed. We examined and compared the sexual network characteristics of the two groups-mpox-positive (mpox-P) and mpox-negative (mpox-N) egos-using χ2, t-test and Wilcoxon test to examine the differences between the two groups in each section. Finally, we conducted univariable and multivariable logistic regressions to determine the factors associated with mpox infection. RESULTS: Among the 105 participants, 35 (33.3%) were mpox-P. Compared with mpox-N, mpox-P respondents more frequently reported syphilis (mpox-P: 31.4%; mpox-N: 12.9%) and HIV (mpox-P: 45.7%; mpox-N: 18.6%), and mpox-P individuals to have had at least one sexual contact with a confirmed mpox case (mpox-P: 62.5%; mpox-N: 8.3%). In the egocentric network analysis, mpox-P respondents had a higher prevalence of group sex with alters (mpox-P: 18.5%; mpox-N: 8.9%) and one-time sexual partners (mpox-P: 46.1%; mpox-N: 31.7%). Multivariable logistic regressions showed that reporting stranger/client ties (adjusted OR (aOR)=10.3, 95% CI 1.39 to 76.6) with alters, being vaccinated for mpox (aOR=0.07, 95% CI 0.02 to 0.24) and tie strength heterogeneity (aOR=0.01, 95% CI 0.00 to 0.42) were associated with mpox infection. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings highlight the role of demographic, epidemiological and sexual network characteristics in the transmission of mpox virus during the outbreak in Spain. These findings have important implications for future prevention efforts

    La tètrada fosca i la predicció de conducta agressiva, antisocial i d’adaptació institucional en joves internats en centres educatius

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    El tema central d’aquesta recerca ha sigut la tètrada fosca (maquiavel·lisme, psicopatia, narcisisme i sadisme) i com aquesta afecta als joves tant dins com fora de les institucions educatives de justícia. Hem dividit aquest treball a partir de cinc objectius: conèixer la fiabilitat de noves eines breus per avaluar el fenomen de les personalitats fosques; explorar la validesa convergent i discriminant d’aquestes mateixes eines respecte a altres eines de mesura de referència (entre d’altres el Psychopathy Checklist: Youth version); conèixer com el fenomen de la tètrada fosca pot incidir en la conducta delictiva i el risc de reincidència en joves; així com saber si també hi ha incidència en la conducta antisocial i agressiva fora del centre; i finalment si la hi ha dintre del centre, en relació amb la conducta adaptativa. Els nostre marc teòric se sustenta en que la tríada/tètrada fosca és una constel·lació de personalitats que actualment estan en estudi ja que segons les darreres recerques expliquen gran part de la variància d’aquest tipus de conductes antisocials i violentes. La mostra d’estudi han estat 73 nois interns, de 14 a 22 anys, de dos centres educatius de justícia juvenil. Els resultats han mostrat que la tètrada té un paper rellevant en les conductes antisocials i agressives, més que no pas en la conducta delictiva prèvia o en la conducta adaptativa al propi centre. Aquests resultats confirmen la importància del paradigma de personalitats subclíniques de les que s’espera una major capacitat d’adaptació, però alhora una rellevant conflictivitat social. A més, la diversitat de fonts d’informació (jove, tutor/a, professionals clínics) també ens ha aportat una visió crítica sobre com avaluar als joves, visió que aportem com a proposta de millora en els mètodes d’avaluació i intervenció en joves internats

    Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial of home-based computerized executive function training for children with cerebral palsy

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    Background: Cerebral palsy (CP) is frequently associated with specific cognitive impairments, such as executive dysfunction which are related to participation and quality of life (QOL). The proposed study will examine whether a computerized executive function (EF) training programme could provide superior benefits for executive functioning, participation, QOL and brain plasticity, as compared to usual care. Methods: A single-blind randomized controlled trial (RCT) design will be performed. Thirty children with CP aged 8 to 12 years will participate in a home-based computerized multi-modal executive training programme (12 weeks, 5 days a week, 30 min a day training, total dose = 30 h). Thirty children with CP matched by age, sex, motor and intelligence quotient (IQ) will compose the waitlist group. Cognitive, behavioural, emotional, participation and QOL measures will be obtained at three time points: before, immediately after and 9 months after completing the training. Additionally, structural and functional (resting state) magnetic resonance images (MRI) will be obtained in a subsample of 15 children from each group. Outcomes between groups will be compared following standard principles for RCTs. Discussion: The study will test whether the cognitive training programme exerts a positive effect not only on neuropsychological and daily functioning of children with CP but also on other measures such as participation and QOL. We will also use brain MRI to test brain functional and structural changes after the intervention. If this on-line and home-based training programme proves effective, it could be a cost-effective intervention with short- and long-term effects on EF, participation or QOL in CP. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT04025749. Registered 19 July 2019. Retrospectively registered