650 research outputs found

    The spanish agency for the evaluation of public policies.

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    Public sector reform in Spain: views and experiences from senior executives.

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    Obstáculos del aprendizaje de respiración celular asociada al metabolismo de carbohidratos en estudiantes de nivel universitario

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    El objetivo del trabajo fue identificar posibles obstáculos en el procesamiento de la información asociada al metabolismo de los carbohidratos y la respiración celular, en estudiantes de segundo año de Ciencias Biológicas de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, mediante una metodología consistente en Entrevistas Concurrentes y Entrevistas Recurrentes.Mostramos que la mayoría de los errores de los estudiantes provienen de visiones parciales y descontextualizadas de los procesos bioquímicos estudiados, así como de modelos biológicos erróneos. No logran integrar el nivel bioquímico con procesos fisiológicos. Esto indica la necesidad de engarzar en contextos sistémicos la enseñanza de contenidos de nivel molecular o celular, tal que los estudiantes puedan otorgarles significados biológicos a sus aprendizajes

    Corporatization and political ideology: the case of hospitals in Spain

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    Corporatization-arguably as important as privatization regarding public service reform-remains an under-researched topic in Public Administration. In this paper, we explore the extent to which the implementation of different types of corporatization strategies can be explained by the ideology of the ruling party in the Spanish public healthcare sector, selected for study because this sector was subject to reform, particularly, decentralization and marketization. To do so, we use count-data regression models to analyze secondary data from the 17 Spanish regional governments for the period 2003-2017. Our estimates reveal that right-wing controlled regional governments exhibit a clear preference for corporatization strategies that actively involve the private sector, such as Public-Private Partnerships and Public Finance Initiatives. Further analysis suggests that left-wing governments are positively associated with the implementation of corporatization strategies that do not involve the private sector, such as the creation of Public Enterprises and Public Entities. These results are robust to a variety of alternative specifications

    The impact of government outsourcing on public spending: Evidence from European Union countries.

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    Reducing public spending was a major objective when governments across Europe increasingly turned to outsourcing as a mode of public service provision from the 1980s. Today, despite its prevalence, there is still little consensus in the literature on whether outsourcing is an effective policy as regards reducing spending. Using a panel data model for 25 European countries over the period 1990?2011, this article tests whether outsourcing actually led to a reduction in public spending. Results indicate that outsourcing failed to reduce government expenditures at the central government level. This finding persists even after controlling for expenditure dynamics and addressing potential endogeneity issues

    Macrophage Migration Is Impaired within Candida albicans Biofilms

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    Acknowledgments: We thank the Microscopy and Histology Core Facility at the University of Aberdeen. This work was funded by NHS Grampian Endowments (grant RG10191); the Wellcome Trust Strategic Award in Medical Mycology and Fungal Immunology (grant 097377); the Wellcome Trust Investigator award (grants 101873, 086827, 075470, & 200208) and the Medical Research Council Centre for Medical Mycology (grant MR/N006364/1).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The impact of new public management on efficiency: an analisys of Madrid's hospitals.

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    Madrid has emerged at the vanguard of public healthcare reform in the European Union. Despite the fact that the introduction of New Public Management (NPM) into Madrid hospitals has gone further than elsewhere in the EU – sparking controversy — little scholarship has been done to test whether NPM actually led to technical efficiency. This paper is one of the first attempts to do so. We deploy a bootstrapped Data Envelopment Analysis to compare efficiency scores in traditionally managed hospitals and those operating with new management formulas. We do not find evidence that NPM hospitals are more efficient than traditionally managed ones. Moreover, our results suggest that what actually matters may be the management itself, not the management model

    Did new public management matter? An empirical analysis of the outsourcing and decentralization effects on public sector size.

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    This paper evaluates whether reforms associated with the New Public Management (NPM) doctrine led to a reduction in public sector expenditure and employees. Savings and downsizing the public sector were a major justification when the international movement of public sector reforms began in the 1980s. Since then, NPM has been the subject of extensive academic debate as to its successes and failures. However, empirical assessments of whether NPM reached its stated objectives are relatively scarce, mainly due to the difficulty of quantifying the impact of such reforms. This paper is an attempt to do this, especially looking at outsourcing and decentralization. We test a number of hypotheses related to the outsourcing and decentralization effects on public sector expenditure and employees through an econometric analysis using a panel data model for eighteen European Countries over the period 1980 to 2010. The results suggest a positive correlation between the degree of outsourcing in the provision of public services and government spending in the short term. On the other hand we find that decentralization tends to decrease the size of general government, particularly in the long-run

    Evaluación del impacto ambiental sobre el humedal Córdoba a través de la metodología IVAFIC

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    Trabajo de investigaciónSe busca analizar con una metodología llamada IVAFIC, el impacto ambiental cuantitativamente en un área especifica en este caso el Humedal Córdoba ubicado en Bogota, Colombia en la localidad de suba para así controlar, mitigar y hacer planes de contención para que los impactos negativos y mas sobresalientes no afecten mas este ecosistema.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. ANTECEDENTES Y JUSTIFICACIÓN 2. PLANTEAMIENTO Y FORMULACIÓN DEL PROBLEMA 3. OBJETIVOS 4. ALCANCES Y LIMITACIONES 5. CAPITULO I FACTORES AMBIENTALES REPRESENTATIVOS DEL ÁREA DE ESTUDIO 6. CAPITULO II ACTIVIDADES ANTRÓPICAS PRESENTES EN EL HUMEDAL CÓRDOBA 7. CAPITULO III APLICAIÓN DE LA METODOLOGIA IVAFIC EN EL HUMEDAL CORDOBA 8. CONCLUSIONES Y RECOMENDACIONES 9.BIBLIOGRAFIA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Civi

    Occurrence of nematodes on Ephemeroptera nymphs in a tropical rainforest stream

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    Los nematodos son simbiontes comunes en los insectos acuáticos. Aquí evaluamos la presencia de nematodos en ninfas de Ephemeroptera, determinamos su prevalencia en la población y los factores asociados a la presencia del nematodo. Se colectaron ninfas (n = 130) de Ephemeroptera de tres microhábitats de río (rápidos, pozas, y rocas) usando una red D, en la quebrada Prieta, Estación de Campo El Verde, Puerto Rico. Se disectaron las ninfas y la presencia del nematodo fue determinada bajo microscopio de luz (4 x y 10 x). La prevalencia del nematodo fue de 50 %. Los nematodos presentes no fueron identificados más allá del nivel de Filo, pero se rechazaron varios grupos (Nematoda: Mermithidae y Nematomorpha: Gordiida). Los nematodos fueron más comunes en el abdomen, cabeza y tórax de los efemerópteros. Hubo diferencias en infección entre taxa, Neohagenulus fue el grupo con la mayor proporción de infección. La forma del cuerpo, estrategias de alimentación, o actividad de las ninfas, pueden potencialmente explicar las diferencias en infección entre taxa. No hubo diferencias de infección entre hábitats, pero los efemerópteros fueron menos abundantes en los rápidos; tampoco se observó una relación entre la longitud de los efemerópteros y la cantidad de nematodos presentes. Según nuestra información, este es el primer reporte de un nematodo en ninfas efemerópteras en Puerto Rico.Nematodes are common symbionts of aquatic insects. Here, we assessed the presence of nematodes in mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera), evaluated their prevalence in the population, and determined factors associated with nematode presence. Mayflies were collected (n = 130) from three stream habitats (riffles, pools, and boulders) using a D net, in Prieta stream, El Verde Field Station, Puerto Rico. Mayflies were dissected and nematode presence was determined under a light microscope (4 x and 10 x). Nematode prevalence was 50 %. Nematodes were not identified beyond Phylum level, but we were able to eliminate various groups as infective agents (Nematoda: Mermithidae and Nematomorpha: Gordiida). They were mostly found in the abdomen, head or thorax of mayflies. There were differences in infection among taxa, Neohagenulus was the group with the highest proportion of infection. Mayfly body shape, feeding strategy, or activity potentially explain differences in infection among taxa. There were no differences in infection among habitats, but mayflies were less abundant in riffles; and there was no relation between mayfly body length and the number of nematodes present. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a nematode present in mayfly nymphs in Puerto Rico