2,338 research outputs found

    Stability and chaos in coupled two-dimensional maps on Gene Regulatory Network of bacterium E.Coli

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    The collective dynamics of coupled two-dimensional chaotic maps on complex networks is known to exhibit a rich variety of emergent properties which crucially depend on the underlying network topology. We investigate the collective motion of Chirikov standard maps interacting with time delay through directed links of Gene Regulatory Network of bacterium Escherichia Coli. Departures from strongly chaotic behavior of the isolated maps are studied in relation to different coupling forms and strengths. At smaller coupling intensities the network induces stable and coherent emergent dynamics. The unstable behavior appearing with increase of coupling strength remains confined within a connected sub-network. For the appropriate coupling, network exhibits statistically robust self-organized dynamics in a weakly chaotic regime

    Accurate prediction of gene feedback circuit behavior from component properties

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    A basic assumption underlying synthetic biology is that analysis of genetic circuit elements, such as regulatory proteins and promoters, can be used to understand and predict the behavior of circuits containing those elements. To test this assumption, we used time‐lapse fluorescence microscopy to quantitatively analyze two autoregulatory negative feedback circuits. By measuring the gene regulation functions of the corresponding repressor–promoter interactions, we accurately predicted the expression level of the autoregulatory feedback loops, in molecular units. This demonstration that quantitative characterization of regulatory elements can predict the behavior of genetic circuits supports a fundamental requirement of synthetic biology

    Logarithmic roughening in a growth process with edge evaporation

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    Roughening transitions are often characterized by unusual scaling properties. As an example we investigate the roughening transition in a solid-on-solid growth process with edge evaporation [Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 2746 (1996)], where the interface is known to roughen logarithmically with time. Performing high-precision simulations we find appropriate scaling forms for various quantities. Moreover we present a simple approximation explaining why the interface roughens logarithmically.Comment: revtex, 6 pages, 7 eps figure

    L-selectin mediated leukocyte tethering in shear flow is controlled by multiple contacts and cytoskeletal anchorage facilitating fast rebinding events

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    L-selectin mediated tethers result in leukocyte rolling only above a threshold in shear. Here we present biophysical modeling based on recently published data from flow chamber experiments (Dwir et al., J. Cell Biol. 163: 649-659, 2003) which supports the interpretation that L-selectin mediated tethers below the shear threshold correspond to single L-selectin carbohydrate bonds dissociating on the time scale of milliseconds, whereas L-selectin mediated tethers above the shear threshold are stabilized by multiple bonds and fast rebinding of broken bonds, resulting in tether lifetimes on the timescale of 10110^{-1} seconds. Our calculations for cluster dissociation suggest that the single molecule rebinding rate is of the order of 10410^4 Hz. A similar estimate results if increased tether dissociation for tail-truncated L-selectin mutants above the shear threshold is modeled as diffusive escape of single receptors from the rebinding region due to increased mobility. Using computer simulations, we show that our model yields first order dissociation kinetics and exponential dependence of tether dissociation rates on shear stress. Our results suggest that multiple contacts, cytoskeletal anchorage of L-selectin and local rebinding of ligand play important roles in L-selectin tether stabilization and progression of tethers into persistent rolling on endothelial surfaces.Comment: 9 pages, Revtex, 4 Postscript figures include

    Non-equilibrium dynamics of gene expression and the Jarzynski equality

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    In order to express specific genes at the right time, the transcription of genes is regulated by the presence and absence of transcription factor molecules. With transcription factor concentrations undergoing constant changes, gene transcription takes place out of equilibrium. In this paper we discuss a simple mapping between dynamic models of gene expression and stochastic systems driven out of equilibrium. Using this mapping, results of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics such as the Jarzynski equality and the fluctuation theorem are demonstrated for gene expression dynamics. Applications of this approach include the determination of regulatory interactions between genes from experimental gene expression data

    Breaking the resilience of a two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate to fragmentation

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    A two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) split by a radial potential barrier is investigated. We determine on an accurate many-body level the system's ground-state phase diagram as well as a time-dependent phase diagram of the splitting process. Whereas the ground state is condensed for a wide range of parameters, the time-dependent splitting process leads to substantial fragmentation. We demonstrate for the first time the dynamical fragmentation of a BEC despite its ground state being condensed. The results are analyzed by a mean-field model and suggest that a large manifold of low-lying fragmented excited states can significantly impact the dynamics of trapped two-dimensional BECs.Comment: 5+eps pages, 4 figure

    The Dynamics of Hybrid Metabolic-Genetic Oscillators

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    The synthetic construction of intracellular circuits is frequently hindered by a poor knowledge of appropriate kinetics and precise rate parameters. Here, we use generalized modeling (GM) to study the dynamical behavior of topological models of a family of hybrid metabolic-genetic circuits known as "metabolators." Under mild assumptions on the kinetics, we use GM to analytically prove that all explicit kinetic models which are topologically analogous to one such circuit, the "core metabolator," cannot undergo Hopf bifurcations. Then, we examine more detailed models of the metabolator. Inspired by the experimental observation of a Hopf bifurcation in a synthetically constructed circuit related to the core metabolator, we apply GM to identify the critical components of the synthetically constructed metabolator which must be reintroduced in order to recover the Hopf bifurcation. Next, we study the dynamics of a re-wired version of the core metabolator, dubbed the "reverse" metabolator, and show that it exhibits a substantially richer set of dynamical behaviors, including both local and global oscillations. Prompted by the observation of relaxation oscillations in the reverse metabolator, we study the role that a separation of genetic and metabolic time scales may play in its dynamics, and find that widely separated time scales promote stability in the circuit. Our results illustrate a generic pipeline for vetting the potential success of a potential circuit design, simply by studying the dynamics of the corresponding generalized model

    Boolean networks with reliable dynamics

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    We investigated the properties of Boolean networks that follow a given reliable trajectory in state space. A reliable trajectory is defined as a sequence of states which is independent of the order in which the nodes are updated. We explored numerically the topology, the update functions, and the state space structure of these networks, which we constructed using a minimum number of links and the simplest update functions. We found that the clustering coefficient is larger than in random networks, and that the probability distribution of three-node motifs is similar to that found in gene regulation networks. Among the update functions, only a subset of all possible functions occur, and they can be classified according to their probability. More homogeneous functions occur more often, leading to a dominance of canalyzing functions. Finally, we studied the entire state space of the networks. We observed that with increasing systems size, fixed points become more dominant, moving the networks close to the frozen phase.Comment: 11 Pages, 15 figure