381 research outputs found

    Brief Announcement: Authenticated Consensus in Synchronous Systems with Mixed Faults

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    Protocols solving authenticated consensus in synchronous networks with Byzantine faults have been widely researched and known to exists if and only if n > 2f for f Byzantine faults. Similarly, protocols solving authenticated consensus in partially synchronous networks are known to exist if n > 3f+2k for f Byzantine faults and k crash faults. In this work we fill a natural gap in our knowledge by presenting MixSync, an authenticated consensus protocol in synchronous networks resilient to f Byzantine faults and k crash faults if n > 2f+k. As a basic building block, we first define and then construct a publicly verifiable crusader agreement protocol with the same resilience. The protocol uses a simple double-send round to guarantee non-equivocation, a technique later used in the MixSync protocol. We then discuss how to construct a state machine replication protocol using these ideas, and how they can be used in general to make such protocols resilient to crash faults. Finally, we prove lower bounds showing that n > 2f+k is optimally resilient for consensus and state machine replication protocols

    Authenticated Consensus in Synchronous Systems with Mixed Faults

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    Protocols solving authenticated consensus in synchronous networks with Byzantine faults have been widely researched and known to exists if and only if n>2fn>2f for ff Byzantine faults. Similarly, protocols solving authenticated consensus in partially synchronous networks are known to exist if n>3f+2kn>3f+2k for ff Byzantine faults and kk crash faults. Currently, the only known synchronous protocol for consensus with a resilience of n>2f+kn>2f+k is a binary consensus protocol. In this work we fill a natural gap in our knowledge by presenting MixSync, an authenticated multivalued consensus protocol in synchronous networks resilient to ff Byzantine faults and kk crash faults if n>2f+kn>2f+k. As a basic building block, we first define and then construct a publicly verifiable crusader agreement protocol with the same resilience. The protocol uses a simple double-send round to guarantee non-equivocation, a technique later used in the MixSync protocol. We then discuss how to construct a state machine replication protocol using these ideas, and how they can be used in general to make such protocols resilient to crash faults. Finally, we prove lower bounds showing that n>2f+kn>2f+k is optimally resilient for consensus and state machine replication protocols

    Journey of an Arctic ice island

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    In August 2010, a 253 km2 ice island calved from the floating glacial tongue of Petermann Glacier in Northwest Greenland. Petermann Ice Island (PII)-B, a large fragment of this original ice island, is the most intensively observed ice island in recent decades. We chronicle PII-B’s deterioration over four years while it drifted more than 2,400 km south along Canada’s eastern Arctic coast, investigate the ice island’s interactions with surrounding ocean waters, and report on its substantial seafloor scour. Three-dimensional sidewall scans of PII-B taken while it was grounded 130 km southeast of Clyde River, Nunavut, show that prolonged wave erosion at the waterline during sea ice-free conditions created a large underwater protrusion. The resulting buoyancy forces caused a 100 m × 1 km calving event, which was recorded by two GPS units. A field team observed surface waters to be warmer and fresher on the side of PII-B where the calving occurred, which perhaps led to the accelerated growth of the protrusion. PII-B produced up to 3.8 gigatonnes (3.8 × 1012 kg) of ice fragments, known hazards to the shipping and resource extraction industries, monitored over 22 months. Ice island seafloor scour, such as a 850 m long, 3 m deep trench at PII-B’s grounding location, also puts subseafloor installations (e.g., pipelines) at risk. This long-term and interdisciplinary assessment of PII-B is the first such study in the eastern Canadian Arctic and captures the multiple implications and risks that ice islands impose on the natural environment and offshore industries

    The Quantum Twisting Microscope

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    The invention of scanning probe microscopy has revolutionized the way electronic phenomena are visualized. While present-day probes can access a variety of electronic properties at a single location in space, a scanning microscope that can directly probe the quantum mechanical existence of an electron at multiple locations would provide direct access to key quantum properties of electronic systems, so far unreachable. Here, we demonstrate a conceptually new type of scanning probe microscope - the Quantum Twisting Microscope (QTM) - capable of performing local interference experiments at its tip. The QTM is based on a unique van-der-Waals tip, allowing the creation of pristine 2D junctions, which provide a multitude of coherently-interfering paths for an electron to tunnel into a sample. With the addition of a continuously scanned twist angle between the tip and sample, this microscope probes electrons in momentum space similar to the way a scanning tunneling microscope probes electrons in real space. Through a series of experiments, we demonstrate room temperature quantum coherence at the tip, study the twist angle evolution of twisted bilayer graphene, directly image the energy bands of monolayer and twisted bilayer graphene, and finally, apply large local pressures while visualizing the evolution of the flat energy bands of the latter. The QTM opens the way for novel classes of experiments on quantum materials

    Wind-driven upwelling around grounded tabular icebergs

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    Funding was provided by NSF Polar Programs - Grant Number: ARC-1304137.Temperature and salinity data collected around grounded tabular icebergs in Baffin Bay in 2011, 2012 and 2013 indicate wind-induced upwelling at certain locations around the icebergs. These data suggest that along one side of the iceberg, wind forcing leads to Ekman transport away from the iceberg, which causes upwelling of the cool saline water from below. The upwelling water mixes with the water in the thermocline, causing the mixed layer to become cooler and more saline. Along the opposite side of the iceberg, the surface Ekman transport moves towards the iceberg, which causes a sharpening of the thermocline as warm fresh water is trapped near the surface. This results in higher mixed layer temperatures and lower mixed layer salinities on this side of the iceberg. Based on these in situ measurements, we hypothesize that the asymmetries in water properties around the iceberg, caused by the opposing effects of upwelling and sharpening of the thermocline, lead to differential deterioration around the iceberg. Analysis of satellite imagery around iceberg PII-B-1 over a six month monitoring period reveals differential decay around the iceberg, in agreement with this mechanism.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Converting genetic network oscillations into somite spatial pattern

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    In most vertebrate species, the body axis is generated by the formation of repeated transient structures called somites. This spatial periodicity in somitogenesis has been related to the temporally sustained oscillations in certain mRNAs and their associated gene products in the cells forming the presomatic mesoderm. The mechanism underlying these oscillations have been identified as due to the delays involved in the synthesis of mRNA and translation into protein molecules [J. Lewis, Current Biol. {\bf 13}, 1398 (2003)]. In addition, in the zebrafish embryo intercellular Notch signalling couples these oscillators and a longitudinal positional information signal in the form of an Fgf8 gradient exists that could be used to transform these coupled temporal oscillations into the observed spatial periodicity of somites. Here we consider a simple model based on this known biology and study its consequences for somitogenesis. Comparison is made with the known properties of somite formation in the zebrafish embryo . We also study the effects of localized Fgf8 perturbations on somite patterning.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Estimating Cell Depth from Somatic Mutations

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    The depth of a cell of a multicellular organism is the number of cell divisions it underwent since the zygote, and knowing this basic cell property would help address fundamental problems in several areas of biology. At present, the depths of the vast majority of human and mouse cell types are unknown. Here, we show a method for estimating the depth of a cell by analyzing somatic mutations in its microsatellites, and provide to our knowledge for the first time reliable depth estimates for several cells types in mice. According to our estimates, the average depth of oocytes is 29, consistent with previous estimates. The average depth of B cells ranges from 34 to 79, linearly related to the mouse age, suggesting a rate of one cell division per day. In contrast, various types of adult stem cells underwent on average fewer cell divisions, supporting the notion that adult stem cells are relatively quiescent. Our method for depth estimation opens a window for revealing tissue turnover rates in animals, including humans, which has important implications for our knowledge of the body under physiological and pathological conditions

    The 'footloose' mechanism: iceberg decay from hydrostatic stresses

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    We study a mechanism of iceberg breakup that may act together with the recognized melt and wave-induced decay processes. Our proposal is based on observations from a recent field experiment on a large ice island in Baffin Bay, East Canada. We observed that successive collapses of the overburden from above an unsupported wavecut at the iceberg waterline created a submerged foot fringing the berg. The buoyancy stresses induced by such a foot may be sufficient to cause moderate-sized bergs to break off from the main berg. A mathematical model is developed to test the feasibility of this mechanism. The results suggest that once the foot reaches a critical length, the induced stresses are sufficient to cause calving. The theoretically predicted maximum stable foot length compares well to the data collected in situ. Further, the model provides analytical expressions for the previously observed “rampart-moat” iceberg surface profiles

    Regulation of Ubx Expression by Epigenetic Enhancer Silencing in Response to Ubx Levels and Genetic Variation

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    For gene products that must be present in cells at defined concentrations, expression levels must be tightly controlled to ensure robustness against environmental, genetic, and developmental noise. By studying the regulation of the concentration-sensitive Drosophila melanogaster Hox gene Ultrabithorax (Ubx), we found that Ubx enhancer activities respond to both increases in Ubx levels and genetic background. Large, transient increases in Ubx levels are capable of silencing all enhancer input into Ubx transcription, resulting in the complete silencing of this gene. Small increases in Ubx levels, brought about by duplications of the Ubx locus, cause sporadic silencing of subsets of Ubx enhancers. Ubx enhancer silencing can also be induced by outcrossing laboratory stocks to D. melanogaster strains established from wild flies from around the world. These results suggest that enhancer activities are not rigidly determined, but instead are sensitive to genetic background. Together, these findings suggest that enhancer silencing may be used to maintain gene product levels within the correct range in response to natural genetic variation

    PPARγ population shift produces disease-related changes in molecular networks associated with metabolic syndrome

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    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) is a key regulator of adipocyte differentiation and has an important role in metabolic syndrome. Phosphorylation of the receptor's ligand-binding domain at serine 273 has been shown to change the expression of a large number of genes implicated in obesity. The difference in gene expression seen when comparing wild-type phosphorylated with mutant non-phosphorylated PPARγ may have important consequences for the cellular molecular network, the state of which can be shifted from the healthy to a stable diseased state. We found that a group of differentially expressed genes are involved in bi-stable switches and form a core network, the state of which changes with disease progression. These findings support the idea that bi-stable switches may be a mechanism for locking the core gene network into a diseased state and for efficiently propagating perturbations to more distant regions of the network. A structural analysis of the PPARγ–RXRα dimer complex supports the hypothesis of a major structural change between the two states, and this may represent an important mechanism leading to the differential expression observed in the core network