136 research outputs found

    A parametric approach to logistic control within manufacturing simulation

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    Simulation offers a powerful way to investigate the boundaries of what can be achieved by a manufacturing system, demonstrating the impact of schedules and policy decisions such as the placement of buffers and the size of safety stocks. Unfortunately, the construction of factory models at the necessary level of detail is a time-consuming process, requiring specialist skills. This paper describes a novel approach to the representation of logistic control in the simulation of a business unit at Volvo Aero in Trollhättan, Sweden. Several innovative features were built into the model, making it possible for users who were not simulation experts to explore a broad range of scenarios. The resulting model architecture, as described in this paper, takes simulation out of the computer lab and places it in the hands of managers, as an enabler of the responsive enterprise

    Zinc absorption in adult humans: the effect of iron fortification

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    The effect of Fe fortification on the absorption of Zn was studied by radioisotopic labelling of single meals, followed by measurements of whole-body retention of 65Zn at 14 d after intake. Healthy adult volunteers participated in the study. Weaning cereal, wheat bread and infant formula, foods that are all frequently Fe-fortified, were evaluated in the study. The amounts of Fe added as FeSO4 were similar to the levels in commercial products in Europe and the USA, and were 200 or 500 mg Fe/kg (weaning cereal), 65 mg Fe/kg (white wheat flour) and 12 mg Fe/1 (infant formula). For comparison, Zn absorption was measured in the same subjects, from identical test meals containing no added Fe. No statistically significant differences were found when Zn absorption from the Fe-fortified test meals was compared with that from non-Fe-fortified test meals. Fractional Zn-absorption values from Fe-fortified v. non-fortified meals were 31·1 (sd 1·19) v. 30·7 (SD 7·0)% (weaning cereal; 200 mg Fe/kg), 37·7 (SD 16·6) v. 30·2 (SD 9·9)% (weaning cereal; 500 mg Fe/kg), 36·5 (SD 14·4) v. 38·2 (SD 18·1)% (bread; 65 mg Fe/kg flour) and 41·6 (SD 8·1) v. 38·9 (SD 14·5)% (infant formula; 12 mg Fe/1). The addition of Fe to foods at the currently used fortification levels was thus not associated with impaired absorption of Zn and the consumption of these Fe-fortified foods would not be expected to have a negative effect on Zn nutritio

    A parametric approach to logistic control within manufacturing simulation

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    Simulation offers a powerful way to investigate the boundaries of what can be achieved by a manufacturing system, demonstrating the impact of schedules and policy decisions such as the placement of buffers and the size of safety stocks. Unfortunately, the construction of factory models at the necessary level of detail is a time-consuming process, requiring specialist skills. This paper describes a novel approach to the representation of logistic control in the simulation of a business unit at Volvo Aero in Trollhättan, Sweden. Several innovative features were built into the model, making it possible for users who were not simulation experts to explore a broad range of scenarios. The resulting model architecture, as described in this paper, takes simulation out of the computer lab and places it in the hands of managers, as an enabler of the responsive enterprise

    Zinc absorption in adult humans: the effect of protein sources added to liquid test meals

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    The influence of different protein sources on Zn absorption was evaluated in healthy adults by radioisotopic labelling of single meals, followed by whole-body retention measurements 14 d after intake. Semi-synthetic liquid diets were used for the evaluation of different animal-protein sources and dephytinized soyabean-protein isolate ( ··01 g phytic acid/kg). Zn absorption was measured in the same subjects from identical test meals containing no added protein. No statistically significant differences were found in the Zn absorption from test meals containing bovine whey, casein or egg albumen when compared with test meals without added protein. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) and soyabean-protein isolate (< ··01 g phytic acid/kg) significantly reduced the mean absorption of Zn from 45-49% (no added protein) to 38·0 (SD 10·9) (BSA, P < ··05) and 33·9 (SD 12·6)% (soyabean-protein isolate < ··01 g phytic acid/kg, P < ··01). These results demonstrate that Zn absorption is inhibited by certain protein sources, such as BSA and dephytinized soyabean-protein isolate, while other proteins have little or no effec

    A parametric approach to logistic control within manufacturing simulation

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    Simulation offers a powerful way to investigate the boundaries of what can be achieved by a manufacturing system, demonstrating the impact of schedules and policy decisions such as the placement of buffers and the size of safety stocks. Unfortunately, the construction of factory models at the necessary level of detail is a time-consuming process, requiring specialist skills.This paper describes a novel approach to the representation of logistic control in the simulation of a business unit at Volvo Aero in Trollhättan, Sweden. Several innovative features were built into the model, making it possible for users who were not simulation experts to explore a broad range of scenarios. The resulting model architecture, as described in this paper, takes simulation out of the computer lab and places it in the hands of managers, as an enabler of the responsive enterprise

    Miljöarbete inom Svensk Tillverkningsindustri. En färd från myt till verklighet

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    Föreliggande undersökning genomfördes under hösten och vintern 2007 av forskare vid Internatio-nella Institutet för Industriell Miljöekonomi (IIIEE) vid Lunds Universitet på uppdrag av Miljömålsrå-det. Syftet med undersökningen var att belysa dagens miljöarbete inom tillverkningsindustrin och göra jämförelser med resultat från tidigare motsvarande studier som genomfördes 1991 och 1998. Syftet var också att belysa hur och i vilken omfattning de nationella miljökvalitetsmålen påverkar företagens miljöarbete. Rapporten bidrog därmed till den samlade utvärderingen av arbetet med de nationella miljökvalitetsmålen som presenterades under våren 2008. Undersökningen baserades på telefonintervjuer med miljöansvariga/personer som konkret utför miljöarbete i 272 slumpvis valda tillverkande företag fördelade över landet i olika branscher och storleksklasser. Bortfallsfrekvensen var 16 procent. Miljöarbetet undersöktes genom vilka konkreta åtgärder som genomförts inom olika områden, hur dessa åtgärder speglas i den övergripande bil-den av företagets miljöaspekter, hur miljöarbetet organiserats och personalen involverats. En sam-lad bedömning av företagens miljöarbete gjordes genom att indela dem i olika kategorier. Katego-rierna motsvarar en femgradig ”betygsskala” från miljöpassiva till miljöanpassade strategier för mil-jöarbetet. Företagens drivkrafter, policies och motiv för miljöarbete undersöktes också. Under tidsperioden 1991- 2007 har tillverknings¬industrins miljöarbete suc¬cessivt förbättrats. Kategorimedelvärdet (”medel¬betyget”) har höjts mellan varje undersökningstillfälle, såväl totalt sett som inom varje storleksklass, vilket framgår av diagrammet. Kategorimedel¬värdet för hela till-verkningsindustrin var år 2007 1,9 jämförelse med 1,4 år 1991. Kategorimedelvärdet för anställda inom tillverkningsindustrin har ökat från 2,1 år 1991 till 2,7 år 2007. Ett mönster som går igen från de tidigare undersökningarna är att de större företagen i allmänhet har mer utvecklat miljöarbete och tydligare miljöstrategi än de mindre företagen. De största företagen (>500 anställda) införde mycket av sitt miljöarbete under 1990-talet och har fortsatt att utveckla sitt miljöarbete. Det är dock bland de medelstora (50 – 499 anställda) företagen de tydligaste förbättringarna kan konstateras. Kategorimedelvärdet har även ökat inom storleksklassen småföretag (1- 49 anställda), men i väsentligt lägre utsträckning. Fortfarande är miljömedvetenheten relativt låg bland de minsta före-tagen. Miljökravställarna har skiftat från att domineras av miljömyndigheterna till i allt högre grad utgöras av kunder och konsumenter. Klassiska ”end-of-pipe”-lösningar på miljöproblemen har under perio-den 1991-2007 kompletterats en blandning av tekniska och organisatoriska åtgärder. Miljöanpass-ning av transporterna har seglat upp som en miljöaspekt som anses som allt viktigare och underle-verantörernas roll i miljöarbetet har fått större betydelse. Miljöarbetet integreras i styrningen och uppföljningen i företagen och ifrågasätts alltmer sällan. Företag med miljöledningssystem (ISO 14001) har generellt ett mer utvecklat och systematiskt miljöarbete. De flesta tillverkningsföretag (78 procent) känner inte till Sveriges 16 miljökvalitetsmål. Omkring var femte företag (21 procent) känner till målen, men endast 1 procent av företagen vet vilka de olika målen är. Dessa siffror präglas dock av småföretagens stora dominans i antal. Mer än hälften av de företag som har femtio eller fler anställda känner till miljökvalitetsmålen. Det är endast 5 procent av det totala antalet tillverkande företag som anser sig påverkade av miljömålen. Eftersom dessa i huvudsak är större företag sysselsätter de emellertid ca 30 procent av arbetskraften inom tillverk-ningsindustrin

    Adenovirus-36 Is Associated with Obesity in Children and Adults in Sweden as Determined by Rapid ELISA

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    Background Experimental and natural human adenovirus-36 (Adv36) infection of multiple animal species results in obesity through increasing adipogenesis and lipid accumulation in adipocytes. Presence of Adv36 antibodies detected by serum neutralization assay has previously been associated with obesity in children and adults living in the USA, South Korea and Italy, whereas no association with adult obesity was detected in Belgium/the Netherlands nor among USA military personnel. Adv36 infection has also been shown to reduce blood lipid levels, increase glucose uptake by adipose tissue and skeletal muscle biopsies, and to associate with improved glycemic control in non-diabetic individuals. Principal Findings Using a novel ELISA, 1946 clinically well-characterized individuals including 424 children and 1522 non-diabetic adults, and 89 anonymous blood donors, residing in central Sweden representing the population in Stockholm area, were studied for the presence of antibodies against Adv36 in serum. The prevalence of Adv36 positivity in lean individuals increased from ~7% in 1992–1998 to 15–20% in 2002–2009, which paralleled the increase in obesity prevalence. We found that Adv36-positive serology was associated with pediatric obesity and with severe obesity in females compared to lean and overweight/mildly obese individuals, with a 1.5 to 2-fold Adv36 positivity increase in cases. Moreover, Adv36 positivity was less common among females and males on antilipid pharmacological treatment or with high blood triglyceride level. Insulin sensitivity, measured as lower HOMA-IR, showed a higher point estimate in Adv36-positive obese females and males, although it was not statistically significant (p = 0.08). Conclusion Using a novel ELISA we show that Adv36 infection is associated with pediatric obesity, severe obesity in adult females and lower risk of high blood lipid levels in non-diabetic Swedish individuals

    ASCR/HEP Exascale Requirements Review Report

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    This draft report summarizes and details the findings, results, and recommendations derived from the ASCR/HEP Exascale Requirements Review meeting held in June, 2015. The main conclusions are as follows. 1) Larger, more capable computing and data facilities are needed to support HEP science goals in all three frontiers: Energy, Intensity, and Cosmic. The expected scale of the demand at the 2025 timescale is at least two orders of magnitude -- and in some cases greater -- than that available currently. 2) The growth rate of data produced by simulations is overwhelming the current ability, of both facilities and researchers, to store and analyze it. Additional resources and new techniques for data analysis are urgently needed. 3) Data rates and volumes from HEP experimental facilities are also straining the ability to store and analyze large and complex data volumes. Appropriately configured leadership-class facilities can play a transformational role in enabling scientific discovery from these datasets. 4) A close integration of HPC simulation and data analysis will aid greatly in interpreting results from HEP experiments. Such an integration will minimize data movement and facilitate interdependent workflows. 5) Long-range planning between HEP and ASCR will be required to meet HEP's research needs. To best use ASCR HPC resources the experimental HEP program needs a) an established long-term plan for access to ASCR computational and data resources, b) an ability to map workflows onto HPC resources, c) the ability for ASCR facilities to accommodate workflows run by collaborations that can have thousands of individual members, d) to transition codes to the next-generation HPC platforms that will be available at ASCR facilities, e) to build up and train a workforce capable of developing and using simulations and analysis to support HEP scientific research on next-generation systems.Comment: 77 pages, 13 Figures; draft report, subject to further revisio