24 research outputs found

    Aesthetics and Incidence of the Rose Window in the Santos Juanes Church, Spain.

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    [EN] Gothic architecture represents one of the most attractive moments of sacred architecture. In this context, some architectural elements act as leading characters, which are known as Gothic aesthetics. One of these is the rose window. It is a set element filled with marked symbolism that arouses considerable interest, and Spain has plenty of examples. In Valencia (Spain), the Santa Catalina or San Nicolás churches are extremely relevant temples. A coetaneous building of these churches is the Santos Juanes Royal Parish church, located next to the city¿s Central Market. Today it presents traces of this gothic origin, although the building has undergone complete Baroque modification, as evidenced by the huge ¿O¿ of San Juan. An element, according to all the traces, might be a big rose window that it is blocked today. Therefore, given the uncertainty of this particular element being present in the set of this church, this article aims to analyze the current aesthetics showing this well-known oculus in not only its historic and constructive forms, but also its structural one. To do so, we collected and analyzed historic and technical documentation, and studied the incidence of this element on the building¿s stability as a whole.Molines Cano, J.; Almerich-Chulia, A. (2021). Aesthetics and Incidence of the Rose Window in the Santos Juanes Church, Spain. Civil Engineering and Architecture (Online). 9(1):240-254. https://doi.org/10.13189/cea.2021.090120S2402549

    Postmodernidad And Two Disciplines In Dialogue: Industrial Design And Architecture

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    [ES] Aunque el diseño industrial y la arquitectura han sido dos disciplinas totalmente autónomas y con unos límites perfectamente identificables a lo largo de la historia, no existe ninguna razón por la que no puedan adoptar una posición encontrada. Un hecho que se ve favorecido con la entrada del siglo XX y la aceptación de nuevos lenguajes que romperán con los cánones preestablecidos, llegando incluso hasta nuestros días. En este sentido, el presente artículo analiza la aproximación que ha tenido el diseño industrial y la arquitectura como consecuencia de la irrupción de las propuestas trasgresoras que caracterizan el postmodernismo. Una nueva forma conjunta de entender la arquitectura y el diseño a través de la fusión e hibridación entre ambas. Un hecho que, además de una ruptura con los preceptos establecidos, y aprovechándose del carácter comunicativo que presentan muchas de estas hibridaciones, han resultado una oportunidad para algunas marcas.[EN] Although industrial design and architecture have been two completely autonomous disciplines with perfectly identifiable boundaries throughout history, there is no reason why they cannot find a point of common convergence. A fact that is favored by the entry of the 20th century and the acceptance of new languages that will break with the pre-established canons. In this sense, the present article analyses the approach that industrial design and architecture have had because of the irruption of the transgressive proposals that characterize postmodernism. A new joint way of understanding architecture and design through the hybridization of both. Because of this, and thanks to the communicative nature of many of these hybrid designs, they are currently an opportunity for some brands.Molines Cano, J.; Almerich-Chulia, A. (2021). La postmodernidad y dos disciplinas en diálogo: el diseño industrial y la arquitectura. Módulo Arquitectura CUC (Online). 27(1):145-166. https://doi.org/10.17981/mod.arq.cuc.27.1.2021.06S14516627

    Diseño, según estados límites, de estructuras de hormigón armado con redondos de fibra de vidrio GFRP

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    Desde la aparición de los redondos de fibra de vidrio como armado del hormigón, las recomendaciones existentes sobre su uso, están en continua revisión al tratarse de un material innovador en el mundo de la ingeniería. Sin embargo, todos los códigos y guías de diseño existentes de elementos de hormigón armado con redondos de GFRP, no consideran en el diseño la resistencia a compresión de los redondos, al no existir métodos de ensayos contrastados, ni resultados homogéneos en los mismos, despreciándose su contribución debido a su bajo módulo de elasticidad, y a consideraciones económicas injustificables. Esta tesis se centra en definir un método de diseño y cálculo de elementos de hormigón armado con redondos de fibra de vidrio, incluyendo su uso como armadura a compresión, así como su posible resistencia frente al fuego. La tesis presenta una metodología adecuada a una investigación de los elementos de hormigón armado con este tipo de redondos, basándose principalmente en una amplia base experimental. Se realiza una recopilación bibliográfica y una elaboración de un estado del arte de las aplicaciones de los redondos de FRP como armado del hormigón, y de las directrices existentes en cada uno de los códigos o guías vigentes. Tras ello, se recoge el proceso y los resultados de los trabajos experimentales de los ensayos de tracción, compresión, cortante y adherencia ejecutados a las probetas de fibra de vidrio RTHp, con el fin de obtener de sus características mecánicas, para posteriormente lograr su ratificación por el CSIC, a través del Instituto "Eduardo Torroja", dando pie a la comprobación de su uso como armadura a compresión en elementos de hormigón armado. Conocido el comportamiento de los redondos, se elabora unas directrices de diseño para elementos de hormigón armado bajo estados limites, cumpliendo con los preceptos marcados por la EHE-08 con respecto a la compatibilidad de tensiones y deformaciones.Almerich Chulia, AI. (2011). Diseño, según estados límites, de estructuras de hormigón armado con redondos de fibra de vidrio GFRP [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/9744Palanci

    Aesthetics and Incidence of the Rose Window in the Santos Juanes Church, Spain

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    Gothic architecture represents one of the most attractive moments of sacred architecture. In this context, some architectural elements act as leading characters, which are known as Gothic aesthetics. One of these is the rose window. It is a set element filled with marked symbolism that arouses considerable interest, and Spain has plenty of examples. In Valencia (Spain), the Santa Catalina or San Nicolás churches are extremely relevant temples. A coetaneous building of these churches is the Santos Juanes Royal Parish church, located next to the city's Central Market. Today it presents traces of this gothic origin, although the building has undergone complete Baroque modification, as evidenced by the huge "O" of San Juan. An element, according to all the traces, might be a big rose window that it is blocked today. Therefore, given the uncertainty of this particular element being present in the set of this church, this article aims to analyze the current aesthetics showing this well-known oculus in not only its historic and constructive forms, but also its structural one. To do so, we collected and analyzed historic and technical documentation, and studied the incidence of this element on the building's stability as a whole

    A singular structure: Monopost made in composites

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    p. 3002-3012This work presents the design process, the analysis, and the performance of a cylindrical hollow monopost, made entirely in composites. It is about a translucent structure of height 40m, external diameter 1.60m and the average wall-thickness 11mm. The material is a polymer made up of vinylster resin and reinforced by glass fiber (GFRP). The manufactured processing used is filament winding. Moreover, due to geographical emplacement where it is situated, the structure has to support wind velocity value above 180Km/h and its elastic modulus of the material does not exceed 25GPa. Eventually, we was able to achieve an optimum solution and strentgh structure, considering and developing differents types of approaches and analysis, such as linear, non-linear and buckling.Rovira, JA.; Martin, P.; Pons, D.; Almerich Chulia, AI. (2009). A singular structure: Monopost made in composites. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/670

    Diseño de una cruz sobre la Torre de Jesucristo en el templo expiatorio de la Sagrada Familia de Barcelona

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    La Sagrada Familia es la obra maestra por excelencia de Gaudí. El proyecto de este templo contempla la construcción de 18 torres: cuatro en cada una de las tres entradas-portales, un sistema de seis torres con la torre sobre el cimborrio central dedicada a Jesús, otras cuatro alrededor de esta dedicada a los evangelistas, y la situada sobre un segundo cimborrio dedicada a la Virgen. Pero es en la existente en el cimborrio central, la llamada torre de Jesucristo, en la que se centra este trabajo. Esta torre se encuentra en fase de construcción y está previsto que en su parte superior culmine con una cruz de cuatro brazos, de una altura total de 25 metros, alcanzando los 170 m su punto superior. Un elemento de considerables dimensiones y excesivo peso para que pueda ser construido según el proyecto inicial, de acero, para poder izarlo y disponerlo, con los medios mecánicos que existen hoy en día en el mercado. En consecuencia, el presente artículo tiene la finalidad de proponer y diseñar un elemento que cumpla con las prestaciones que se le requieran, sin olvidar, dada su singularidad y simbología, la componente estética del mismo

    GFRP Bar: Determining Tensile Strength with Bending Test

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    In order to obtain GFRP reinforcement bars it is necessary to undertake tests regulated code which require important mechanical tools. This paper presents a method which allows for determining GFRP rebars tensile strength value from their flexural strength value which has been obtained with a simple, inexpensive and reliable test. This method results will be verified by applying it to values obtained in a series of bending tests and comparing these results with values obtained in tensile tests. Values concordance for small diameter GFRP rebars is very good.Almerich Chulia, AI.; Fenollosa Forner, EJ.; Cabrera Fausto, I. (2015). GFRP Bar: Determining Tensile Strength with Bending Test. Advanced Materials Research. 1083:90-96. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.1083.90S90961083A.I. Almerich Chulia. Diseño, según Estados Limites, de Estructuras de Hormigon Armado Con Redondos de Fibra de Vidrio GFRP,. Thesis, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain (2010).UNE 83306: 1985 Concrete tests. Indirect tension failure (Brazilian test).UNE-EN 14651: 2007+A1: 2008. Test method for concrete with metallic fibers. Tensile strength determining by means of bending test (Limit of Proportionality (LOP), residual strength).UNE-EN ISO 178 Plastics: Flexural properties determining.UNE-EN 13706-2: 2003. Reinforced plastics composites - Specifications for pultruded profiles - Part 2: Methods of test and general requirements.UNE 66040: 2003 Statistical interpretation of test results. Estimation of the mean. Confidence interval..A.I. Almerich-Chulia et al., Innovative Design of GFRP Bars for Concrete Structures,. Advanced Materials Research, 457-458, 553 (2012)

    Methodology in 3D laser scanning of a farmhouse

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    [EN] The urgent need to improve the quality in the refurbishment of traditional buildings has led to the adoption of many innovative technologies. 3D laser scanning is a non-destructive technique used in the study of architectural heritage. It consists of producing millions of accurate 3D points with a very high point density  in a short time. For this reason, it is a valuable alternative or complementary technique for classical topographical measurements based on total station or digital photogrammetry. To get the complete 3D model, multiple shots must be taken from different directions that provide data from all sides of the building. These scans are integrated into a common reference system so that through a process of aligning the information obtained in all the stations, a complete model is achieved in a single file. This model faithfully reproduces the current volume of the building, including its deformations and collapses, and provides very precise information from which to make its geometric survey. With the aim of making a graphic survey of the farmhouse located in the UPV campus, current headquarters of the CEDAT Foundation (Service for Attention to Students with Disabilities), a 3D laser scan was carried out in March 2019. This paper describes the methodology of laser scanning, the specific step during scanning and the possibility of create 2D documentation from 3D model point clouds.This article shows what has been learned from participating in project supported by Slovak Agency for research and development APVV-17-0549 “Research of knowledge-based and virtual technologies for intelligent designing and realization of building projects with emphasis on economic effiency and sustainability”. The cooperation is also planned for project KEGA no. 059TUKE-4/2019 of Slovak Educational Agency “M-learning tool for intelligent modeling of building site parameters in a mixed reality environment” for period 2019-2021.Moreno-Puchalt, J.; Almerich-Chulia, A.; Mesarosova, A.; Ferrer Hernández, M. (2022). Methodology in 3D laser scanning of a farmhouse. En Proceedings 3rd International Conference. Business Meets Technology. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 39-47. https://doi.org/10.4995/BMT2021.2021.13680394

    New and Old Materials in the Architectural Heritage. Case Study: Behaviour of Glass Fiber Reinforced Lime Based Concrete

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    [EN] In recent years, the importance of structural interventions in architectural heritage for repairing and strengthening has increased considerably. During the 20th century, there has been a tendency to replace traditional materials with the most widespread ¿new¿ materials used: steel and reinforced concrete. However, in many cases, the durability of the interventions has not been as expected. An extensive damage to the ancient masonry due to incompatibility of reinforced concrete with the old materials has been clearly established, leading to a rapid deterioration. International centers, such as ICOMOS, have recommended the use of materials similar in composition and properties to the original ones for the restoration works. An adequate choice of mortars is critical to the success of a restoration process. Compatibility between the new mortar and the original components is very desirable. So that, the renascence of lime based mortars technology for the restoration of historic structures has been observed. Besides that, steel presents several practical difficulties in protecting against corrosion and environmental effects, and sometimes in their handling at the construction site. As an alternative, steel can be replaced with advanced fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) materials, commonly called composites, which offer excellent physical and mechanical properties and are lightweight and insensitive to corrosion. The present analysis shows the use of lime-based concrete, with pozzolanic loads, internally reinforced by GFRP bars. Lime concrete manages to consolidate the existing historical building, providing safety to masonry structure and solving their structural problems. In addition, GFRP bars exhibit a high tensile strength required. The performance of this combination is investigated by numerical simulation using the FEM method. The response is simulated firstly with current materials (as reference) and finally with the proposed lime based concrete reinforced with GFRP.Almerich-Chulia, A.; Moreno-Puchalt, J.; Alonso Durá, A.; Llopis-Pulido, V. (2019). New and Old Materials in the Architectural Heritage. Case Study: Behaviour of Glass Fiber Reinforced Lime Based Concrete. International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research. 8(3):196-203. https://doi.org/10.18178/ijscer.8.3.196-203S1962038

    The church of Santos Juanes as a cohesive element of the market district of Valencia-Spain

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    [EN] The study of a factory full of history, its peculiarities and the evidence of a building with characteristics that make it unique, encourage a constructive and urban analysis of the Church of Santos Juanes in Valencia (Spain). It has been the scene of numerous events due to its important commercial position. Therefore, without leaving aside the rest of the particularities that have happened to the building and that largely define its personality and its current configuration, this work intends to attend to the rest of the features that fix its character and that allow it to be framed in a specific place inside the city. This article aims to discern and analyze the constructive evolution that the temple has had from its origins to the present, specifying each one of the interventions and relating them to the responsible historical premises, as well as the consequences that they have had in the urban environment that surrounds.[ES] El estudio de una fábrica cargada de historia, sus peculiaridades y la evidencia de un edificio con unas características que lo hacen único, impulsan a realizar un análisis constructivo y urbano de la Iglesia de los Santos Juanes de Valencia (España). Ha sido escenario de numerosos acontecimientos debido a su importante posición comercial. Por ello, sin dejar de lado el resto de particularidades que han acontecido al edificio y que definen en gran medida su personalidad y su configuración actual, se pretende atender al resto de rasgos que fijan su carácter y que permiten encuadrarlo en un lugar en concreto dentro de la ciudad. El presente artículo pretende discernir y analizar la evolución constructiva que ha tenido el templo desde sus orígenes hasta la actualidad, concretando cada una de las intervenciones y relacionándolas con las premisas históricas responsables, así como las consecuencias que ellas han tenido en el entorno urbano que le rodea.Molines Cano, J.; Almerich-Chulia, A.; Llinares Millán, J. (2020). La iglesia de los Santos Juanes como elemento estructurante del barrio del mercado de Valencia -España. Estoa. 9(18):9-19. https://doi.org/10.18537/est.v009.n018.a01S91991