22,229 research outputs found

    As companhias aéreas de baixo custo e o desenvolvimento dos destinos turísticos: um estudo de caso do aeroporto do Porto, Portugal

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    Mobility is one of the characteristics of modern society. The world today, despite the uncertainties brought by globalization is an interconnected reality of networks, whether physical or virtual. In Europe this mobility is higher than before due to the new offer of routes and frequencies of airlines, mainly of the low cost carriers (LCC). Portugal is one of the countries that grew in terms of new routes, new destinations and above all new customers with economic impacts in the regions. Over the last decade, LCC at Oporto (OPO) airport have boosted their traffic volume by approximately 260%. The evolution of OPO airport, generated by LCC, has meant that other regional airports have followed this trend and have also experienced a positive and growing net impact on their local economy. The main issue of this study is to analyse the evolution of LCC air traffic at Francisco Sa Carneiro Airport in OPO and its economic impact on this airport's area of influence. We use a cost-benefit analysis model to determine the costs, benefits and net impact of low cost routes on the development of the local economy between 2005 and 2012. In 2005 these carriers started operating at OPO Airport.A mobilidade é uma das características da sociedade moderna. O mundo de hoje, apesar das incertezas trazidas pela globalização, é uma realidade interconectada de redes, sejam elas físicas ou virtuais. Na Europa, essa mobilidade é maior do que antes devido à nova oferta de rotas e frequências de companhias aéreas, principalmente das companhias de baixo custo (LCC). Portugal é um dos países que cresceu quer em termos de novas rotas, novos destinos e, sobretudo, novos clientes, gerando impactos económicos regionais. Ao longo da última década, as companhias áreas de baixo custo que operam no aeroporto do Porto (OPO) aumentaram o volume de tráfego em aproximadamente 260%. Esta evolução, gerada pelas LCC, significou que outros aeroportos regionais seguiram essa tendência e também experimentaram um impacto líquido positivo e crescente na sua economia local. Este estudo tem como principal objetivo analisar a evolução do tráfego aéreo do LCC no Aeroporto Francisco Sá Carneiro (OPO) e o seu impacto económico na área de influência. Foi utilizado um modelo de análise de custo-benefício para determinar os custos, benefícios e impacto líquido das rotas de baixo custo no desenvolvimento da economia local entre 2005 e 2012. As operadoras áreas de baixo custo começaram a operar no aeroporto OPO em 2005.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Equidivisible pseudovarieties of semigroups

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    We give a complete characterization of pseudovarieties of semigroups whose finitely generated relatively free profinite semigroups are equidivisible. Besides the pseudovarieties of completely simple semigroups, they are precisely the pseudovarieties that are closed under Mal'cev product on the left by the pseudovariety of locally trivial semigroups. A further characterization which turns out to be instrumental is as the non-completely simple pseudovarieties that are closed under two-sided Karnofsky-Rhodes expansion

    Recognizing pro-R closures of regular languages

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    Given a regular language L, we effectively construct a unary semigroup that recognizes the topological closure of L in the free unary semigroup relative to the variety of unary semigroups generated by the pseudovariety R of all finite R-trivial semigroups. In particular, we obtain a new effective solution of the separation problem of regular languages by R-languages

    On the group of a rational maximal bifix code

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    We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the group of a rational maximal bifix code ZZ to be isomorphic with the FF-group of ZFZ\cap F, when FF is recurrent and ZFZ\cap F is rational. The case where FF is uniformly recurrent, which is known to imply the finiteness of ZFZ\cap F, receives special attention. The proofs are done by exploring the connections with the structure of the free profinite monoid over the alphabet of FF

    Share the Fame or Share the Blame? The Reputational Implications of Partnerships

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    We use an adverse selection model to study the dynamics of ?rms?reputations when ?rms implement joint projects. We show that in contrast with projects implemented by a single ?rm, in the case of joint projects a ?rm?s reputation does not necessarily increase following a success and does not necessarily decrease following a failure. We also study how reputation considerations a¤ect ?rms? decisions to participate in joint projects. We show that a high quality partner may not be preferable to a low quality partner, and that a high reputation partner is not necessarily preferable to a low reputation partner. JEL codes: L14, L15, L24, D82, D85

    On bases of identities for the ω-variety generated by locally testable semigroups

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    Preprint. Documento submetido para revisão pelos pares. Publicado em Theoretical Computer Science. ISSN 0304-3975. 401 (2008) 206-216.Let LSl be the pseudovariety of local semilattices. It is well known that this pseudovariety coincides with the class of locally testable semigroups. In this paper, we exhibit an infinite basis of omega-identities for the omega-variety generated by LSl and we show that this omega-variety is not finitely based.FCT, through the Centro de Matemática da Universidade do MinhoEuropean Community Fund FEDE

    Afinity, Animosity and Organizational Design

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    The behavior of the members of an organization is determined, not only by the objective situation facing them, but also by their attitudes. Thus, the objective of aligning collective goals and individual behavior translates into a problem of alignment of attitudes. An important dimension of the problem of organizational design is, therefore, to choose the organization that best contributes to the alignment of attitudes. This paper shows that the existence of animosity, as opposed to afinity, affects the optimal organizational design.

    Brazilian elections: voting for a scaling democracy

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    The proportional elections held in Brazil in 1998 and 2002 display identical statistical signatures. In particular, the distribution of votes among candidates includes a power-law regimen. We suggest that the rationale behind this robust scaling invariance is a multiplicative process in which the voter's choice for a candidate is governed by a product of probabilities.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    McCammond's normal forms for free aperiodic semigroups revisited

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    This paper revisits the solution of the word problem for omega-terms interpreted over finite aperiodic semigroups, obtained by J. McCammond. The original proof of correctness of McCammond's algorithm, based on normal forms for such terms, uses McCammond's solution of the word problem for certain Burnside semigroups. In this paper, we establish a new, simpler, correctness proof of McCammond's algorithm, based on properties of certain regular languages associated with the normal forms. This method leads to new applications.Pessoa French-Portuguese project Egide-Grices 11113YMEuropean Regional Development Fund, through the programme COMPETEEuropean Community Fund FEDERANR 2010 BLAN 0202 01 FRE