758 research outputs found

    As atitudes dos professores do 1º ciclo: percepções e atitudes dos alunos sem NEE face à inclusão dos alunos com NEE na sala de aula no concelho da Ribeira Grande

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    Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação: Educação Especial, área de especialização em Domínio Cognitivo e MotorA temática deste estudo inscreve-se no modelo de escola inclusiva e tem como objetivos determinar quais os fatores que melhor descrevem as atitudes dos professores do 1º ciclo do ensino básico (1º CEB) face à inclusão de alunos com necessidades educativas especiais (NEE), na sala de aula, no concelho da Ribeira Grande, bem como compreender as relações existentes entre as variáveis (tipo de professor; formação recebida; experiência docente; idade; tempo de serviço e habilitações académicas) com as atitudes face à inclusão. Pretende-se, igualmente, conhecer as perceções e atitudes dos alunos sem NEE face à inclusão dos seus pares com NEE, conhecer e descrever a forma como os primeiros percecionam a natureza, as causas da deficiência e expetativas de vida futura. Neste estudo de cariz descritivo foi utilizada uma metodologia mista na qual participaram 66 Professores do 1ºCEB (57 do ensino regular e 9 de educação especial) do concelho da Ribeira Grande, aos quais foi aplicada uma escala de avaliação de atitudes (AFI). Participaram, também, 16 alunos sem NEE pertencentes a 2 turmas do ensino regular inscritas em escolas inclusivas, com idades compreendidas entre os 8 e 10 anos de idade, através da realização de grupos focais. Os resultados desta investigação sugerem que os docentes do ensino regular apresentam atitudes menos favoráveis à inclusão de alunos com NEE, quando comparados com os docentes de educação especial. No que respeita à formação especializada, contínua e à experiência docente em NEE, as mesmas influenciam as atitudes positivas face à inclusão. Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas variáveis idade, tempo de serviço, habilitações académicas e as atitudes. No que respeita às perceções e atitudes dos alunos sem NEE face aos seus pares, o estudo sugere que os alunos percecionam melhor os seus pares com NEE quando já tiveram experiências de contacto com os mesmos. Os alunos revelaram atitudes mais favoráveis à inclusão de alunos com limitações no domínio motor do que no mental, o mesmo acontecendo em relação às expetativas de vida futura, como a possibilidade de casar, ter filhos e trabalhar. The theme for this study falls within the model of inclusive school and aims to determine which factors best describe the attitudes of teachers of the 1st cycle of basic education (1st CEB) against the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs (SEN) in the classroom, in the municipality of Ribeira Grande, as well as understanding the relationships between variables (type of professor, received training, teaching experience, age, length of service and academic qualifications) with the attitudes towards inclusion. The aim is also to know the perceptions and attitudes of pupils without SEN given the inclusion of peers with SEN discover and describe how the first perceive the nature, the causes of disability and expectations of future life. Descriptive nature of this study we used a mixed methodology in which 66 teachers participated in the 1st CEB ( 57 regular education and 9 special education) of the municipality of Ribeira Grande, to which was applied a rating scale of attitudes (AFI). Also participating 16 students without SEN belonging to two regular classes enrolled in inclusive schools, aged between 8 and 10 years of age, by conducting focus groups. The results of this research suggest that regular education teachers have less favorable attitudes to the inclusion of pupils with SEN, compared with teachers of special education. Regarding specialized training and continuous teaching experience in SEN, the same influence positive attitudes towards inclusion. There were no statistically significant differences in age, length of service, academic achievement and attitudes. Regarding the perceptions and attitudes of pupils without SEN compared to their peers, the study suggests that student’s perceive better their peers with SEN experience when they had contact with them. Students showed more favorable attitudes toward the inclusion of students with physical disabilities than mental disabilities, and the same happened in relation to expectations of future life, such as the ability to marry, have children and work

    As potencialidades da literatura infantil como recurso didático em ciências: construindo um instrumento de análise

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    Este texto objetiva construir um instrumento metodológico que analisa obras literárias procurando compreender os Indícios da Promoção da Alfabetização Científica por meio de obras literárias nas aulas de Ciências. Percebe-se uma ausência de instrumentos metodológicos que fundamentem a pesquisa com a inserção de obras literárias nas aulas de Ciências. Como resultado da proposição teórica e análise dos dados, foi revelado que o instrumento de análise científica elaborado auxilia o professor a pesquisar materiais que contemplem atividades de leitura prazerosas e de descoberta, investigação e produção de conhecimentos a partir da literatura, auxiliando assim no processo de Alfabetização Científica nas aulas de Ciências

    Evaluation of six different DNA extraction methods for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by means of PCR-IS6110: preliminary study

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    BACKGROUND: Developments in molecular detection and strain differentiation of members of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex have proved to be useful. The DNA extraction method influences the amplification efficiency, causing interference on the sensitivity and respective inhibitors. The aim of this study was to standardize a simple and fast DNA extraction method, providing DNA amplification by IS6110-PCR effectively free from undue interferences. FINDINGS: The efficiency of the six different protocols tested in M. tuberculosis cultures has varied from 75% to 92.5%. This preliminary study evaluating the IS6110 PCR sensitivity and specificity was developed in DNA extracted from microscope slides, and achieved 100% of efficiency. CONCLUSIONS: DNA extraction by Chelex + NP-40 method from both, cultures of M. tuberculosis and smear slides, resulted in good quantity of interference free DNA, especially in samples with low concentrations of genetic material; therefore, such technique may be used for the molecular diagnosis of tuberculosis

    Jussara Salazar: uma poética feminista

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um olhar sobre a poética da escritora Jussara Salazar, apontando características do feminismo que são exploradas em seus poemas. Considerando que, graças ao feminismo foi possível a trajetória da escrita de autoria feminina ao longo dos séculos, e que esta foi marcada por difíceis processos de apagamentos e discriminação, valorar essas produções implica em (re)significar a participação literária, cultural e social que a mulher possui na sociedade. Nesse sentido, tecer reflexões referentes ao papel desempenhado pela mulher escritora na sociedade ao longo do tempo contribui para a construção da fortuna crítica dessa escritora e para sua visibilidade da literatura de autoria feminina na contemporaneidade. Essas reflexões são amparadas neste artigo nas teorias feministas de Duarte (2003), nos estudos de autoria feminina de Teixeira (2008) e Zolin (2019) e em Paz (1983) sobre o que versa quanto à poesia e o fazer poético

    Barriers between community screening for visual problems and treatments in a tertiary center

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of mobile ophthalmic unit screenings and to investigate barriers between community care and resolution of the problem at a tertiary center. METHODS: This prospective study evaluated a convenience sample from 10 municipalities in São Paulo State, Brazil. Patients were assessed in the municipality by a mobile ophthalmic unit and underwent a complete ophthalmic consultation. Patients were referred as warranted to a tertiary hospital. RESULTS: The mobile ophthalmic unit screened 1,928 individuals and 714 (37%) were referred. The mean age of the referred patients was 57.12 (SD = 19.5) years with best corrected visual acuity of 0.37 (SD = 0.36) logMAR. Forty-seven (6.6%) patients were blind and 185 (26.5%) were visually impaired. Cataracts (44.7%) and pterygium (14.7%) accounted for most referrals. Of those referred, 67.1% presented to the tertiary center. The diagnosis by the mobile ophthalmic unit corresponded to the one by the tertiary center in 88.5% of the cases. There were a significantly higher number of blind and visually impaired persons among those who presented to the hospital. There was a significantly greater attendance among patients living in more distant municipalities from the reference center with a higher number of inhabitants and a greater number of ophthalmologists in the cities of origin (p < 0.05, all comparisons). Complete treatment was performed in 65.6% of patients, and loss to follow-up was the main cause of incomplete treatment in 50.7% of patients. A total of 313 cataract surgeries were performed, which reduced the number of blind patients from 20 to 2 and of visually impaired individuals from 87 to 2 (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Only 37% of the patients assessed by a mobile ophthalmic unit required referral to a tertiary hospital. Among the referred patients, 67.1% presented to the hospital, and complete resolution after treatment was approximately 65.5%. There was a significant improvement in visual acuity and a reduction in the prevalence of blindness and visual impairment postoperatively

    First molecular identification of mosquito vectors of Dirofilaria immitis in continental Portugal

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    BACKGROUND : Canine dirofilariasis due to Dirofilaria immitis is known to be endemic in continental Portugal. However, information about the transmitting mosquito species is still scarce, with only Culex theileri identified to date, albeit with L1-2, through dissection. This study was carried out to investigate the potential vectors of Dirofilaria spp. in continental Portugal. METHODS : Mosquitoes were collected in three distinct seasons (Summer, Autumn and Spring), 2011–2013, in three districts. CDC traps and indoor resting collections were carried out in the vicinity of kennels. Mosquitoes were kept under controlled conditions for 7 days to allow the development of larval stages of Dirofilaria spp.. DNA extraction was performed separately for both head+thorax and abdomen in order to differentiate infective and infected specimens, respectively, in pools, grouped according to the species and collection site (1–40 specimen parts/pool), and examined by PCR using pan-filarial specific primers. Mosquito densities were compared using non-parametric tests. Dirofilaria development units (DDU) were estimated. RESULTS : In total, 9156 female mosquitoes, from 11 different species, were captured. Mosquito densities varied among the 3 districts, according to capture method, and were generally higher in the second year of collections. From 5866 specimens screened by PCR, 23 head+thorax and 41 abdomens pools, corresponding to 54 mosquitoes were found positive for D. immitis DNA. These belonged to 5 species: Culex (Cux) theileri (estimated rate of infection (ERI)=0.71%), Cx. (Cux) pipiens f. pipiens and f. molestus (ERI=0.5%), Anopheles (Ano) maculipennis s.l. (ERI=3.12%), including An. (Ano) atroparvus, Aedes (Och) caspius (ERI=3.73%) and Ae. (Och) detritus s.l. (ERI=4.39%). All but Cx. pipiens, had at least one infective specimen. No D. repens infected specimens were found. Infection rates were: 3.21% in Coimbra, 1.22% in Setúbal and 0.54% in Santarém. DDU were at least 117/year in the study period. CONCLUSIONS : Culex theileri, Cx. pipiens, An. maculipennis s.l. An. atroparvus, Ae.caspius and Ae. detritus s.l. were identified as potential vectors of D. immitis in three districts of Portugal, from Spring to Autumn, in 5 of the 6 collection dates in 2011–2013. Implications for transmission, in the context of climate changes, and need for prophylactic measures, are discussed.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, project grant PTDC/SAU-SAP/113523/2009 and UPMM - PEst-OE/SAU/UI0074/2011-2014.http://www.parasitesandvectors.comam201

    Necessidades nos apoios à parentalidade: perceções e práticas dos profissionais de saúde

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    Várias perspetivas teóricas e recomendações internacionais salientam a importância de desenvolver serviços e medidas promotoras de uma parentalidade positiva na comunidade onde vivem as famílias. Conhecendo a realidade portuguesa, verificamos que há uma carência de respostas específicas que promovam as competências parentais, melhorem as relações pais-filhos, o conhecimento, a reflexão, as atitudes, comportamentos e níveis de confiança no papel parental.  O presente trabalho tem como propósito apresentar o conceito de parentalidade positiva como um elemento essencial no desenvolvimento de ações psicoeducativas no âmbito dos cuidados de saúde primários e na adoção de práticas profissionais centradas no suporte à parentalidade.

    Mycobacterium abscessus subsp. bolletii keratitis: rare case reported in Brazil

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    In this report, we described a rare case of Mycobacterium abscessus subsp. bolletii keratitis in a young healthy male, in the absence of risk factors

    (In)Satisfacción de los usuarios: duplicación y uso simultáneo en la utilización de servicios en la Salud de la Familia

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    Estudo descritivo-exploratório, visando identificar padrão de utilização de serviços de saúde: duplicação e uso simultâneo em uma Unidade de Referência Distrital (URD)e quatro Unidades de Saúde da Família (USF). Os dados secundários foram coleta-dos em duas etapas: na primeira etapa, foram identificadas as Fichas de Atendimento da Unidade de Referência Distrital, referentes a 15 dias do mês de junho de 2006; na segunda etapa, verificou-se 856 atendimentos, distribuídos entre as USF selecionadas, de usuários que utilizaram a URD. Identificou-se a ocorrência de duplicação na utilização dos serviços de saúde que correspondeu a 0,35% dos usuários atendidos no conjunto dos serviços, e o uso simultâneo, correspondendo a 3,27% dos usuários. A duplicação da utilização de serviços de saúde é considerada indicador indireto para a análise da satisfação do usuário, ou seja, a análise da duplicação da utilização dos serviços pode ser analisada como expressão da insatisfação dos usuários.This descriptive and exploratory study was performed with the purpose to identify the pattern of use of health services: duplication and simultaneous use in a District Reference Unit (URD, acronym in Portuguese) and four Family Health Units (USF, acronym in Portuguese). Secondary data were collected in two stages: the first stage involved identifying the Service Files of the District Reference Unit for 15 days of the month of June 2006; and the second stage involved verifying 856 services delivered among the selected USF to users who were seen at the URD. It was found that there was duplication in the use of health services corresponding to 0.35% of the users seen at the group of services, as well as simultaneous use, corresponding to 3.27% of users. The duplication of health service use is considered to be an indirect indicator for the analysis of user satisfaction, i.e., service use duplication may be understood as an expression of user dissatisfaction.Estudio descriptivo exploratorio, apuntando a identificar el patrón de utilización de servicios de salud: duplicación y uso simultáneo en una Unidad de Referencia Distrital (URD) y cuatro Unidades de Salud de la Familia (USF). Los datos secundarios fueron recolectados en dos etapas: en la primera, fueron identificadas las Fichas de Atención de la Unidad de Referencia Distrital, referente a 15 días del mes de junio de 2006; en la segunda, se verificaron 856atenciones distribuidas entre las USF seleccionadas, de usuarios que hicieron uso de la URD. Se identificó la duplicación de la utilización de los servicios de salud, que correspondió al 0,35% de los usuarios atendidos en el conjunto de los servicios, y el uso simultáneo, correspondiendo al 3,27% de los usuarios. La duplicación de la utilización de servicios de salud es considerada un indicador indirecto para el análisis de la satisfacción de los usuarios; es decir, el análisis de la duplicación de la utilización de los servicios puede ser analizado como expresión de la insatisfacción de los usuarios

    Parenting during the COVID-19 lockdown in Portugal: changes in daily routines, co-parenting relationships, emotional experiences, and support networks

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    The COVID-19 pandemic challenged parental resources pertinent to coping with lockdowns. The main objective of this work was to study parenting during the COVID-19 lockdown. Specifically at focus were parental behaviors concerning key domains for the family (daily routine, co-parenting, emotional experience, and support network) and changes related to the pandemic and associated with the parents’ employment statuses. An online survey was carried out through an ad hoc questionnaire where participants completed questions about their sociodemographic data and rated how much their family routines, their co-parenting relationship, their emotional experiences, and the support available in the family network varied on a 5-point scale. The participants included 1384 parents, of which 286 responded to open questions regarding impactful experiences during the lockdown. The results showed differences in daily routine, co-parenting, emotional experience, and support network according to the parents’ employment statuses. Between-group comparisons showed that at-home parents caring for children with governmental aids generally revealed more positive parenting behavior changes, while at-home parents who were teleworking reported more difficulties in parent-child activities and co-parenting. Furthermore, the content analysis of the data confirmed how important themes such as family dynamics, professional activities, and the relationship with the school community were throughout the participants’ accounts of gains and losses. Overall, parents’ employment statuses are associated with diverse experiences during lockdown. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of family resources and parental resilience, particularly during circumstances jeopardizing the ever-sensitive work-family balance.This research was financially supported by Portuguese national funds through the FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology) within the framework of the CIEC (Research Center for Child Studies of the University of Minho) projects under the references UIDB/00317/2020 and UIDP/00317/2020
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