62 research outputs found

    O impacto do uso da tala nocturna na qualidade de vida do indivíduo com Síndrome do Túnel Carpiano

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    A Síndrome do Túnel Carpiano é uma neuropatia compressiva do nervo mediano que desencadeia défices motores e sensoriais que interferem com o desempenho dos papéis ocupacionais e, concomitantemente, com a Qualidade de Vida. Este trabalho tem como objectivo principal definir quais os benefícios do uso da tala nocturna e o impacto manifesto na Qualidade de Vida do indivíduo com esta patologia. Os resultados revelaram uma melhoria na percepção do estado de Saúde Geral, bem como uma diminuição do nível da dor no grupo ao qual se aplicou a tala, sugerindo que esta intervenção promove uma melhoria da Qualidade de Vida.The Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a compression neuropathy of the median nerve that triggers sensory and motor deficits that interfere with the performance of occupational roles and concomitantly with the Quality of Life. This work aims is to define the main benefits of using the night splint and the impact on the Quality of Life of individuals with this pathology. The results show an improvement in the perception of general health as well as a decrease in the level of pain in the group, to which the splint was applied, suggesting that this intervention promotes an improvement of Quality of Life

    Coletivo Negada: Trajetória e lutas da juventude negra de Pelotas na contemporaneidade

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    Esta comunicação tem por objetivo ilustrar a trajetória de luta da juventude negra nos espaços da universidade, dentro de uma perspectiva atual, traçando o perfil da luta antiracista que tem se configurado em Pelotas através do grupo coletivo negada. O grupo tem mais de um ano de atividades relacionadas à cultura negra em diversos espaços, sejam eles da cultura, educação e comunicação, dentro e fora da Universidade Federal de Pelotas. O grupo se diferencia, não apenas, por estar ligado a continuidade dos movimentos anteriores, mas por estar inserido numa rede formada por jovens negros de outras universidade do estado. Desta maneira constituimos uma pequena análise da atualidade da movimentação negra no Rio Grande do Sul

    Physicochemical properties and antioxidant activity of portuguese craft beers and raw materials

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    There is an increase in the popularity of craft beer, which is produced by small, independent, and traditional breweries. Since craft beer popularity is rising in Portugal this research focused on assessing physicochemical parameters, total phenolic content (TPC) and the antioxidant capacity of Portuguese craft beers and raw materials used in beer production. In this experimental study, 19 beer samples were analyzed. Parameters such as pH, Total Acidity, Reducing Sugar Content and TPC were evaluated. For the determination of antioxidant activity, DPPH scavenging activity and metal chelating activity (MCA) were analyzed in all samples. Craft beers demonstrated a high phenolic content (ranging from 343.78 mg GAE/L to 2172.49 mg GAE/L), significantly different from industrial beers. Craft beers demonstrated a higher inhibition of DPPH radicals and higher MCA than the raw materials. DPPH inhibition ranged from 36.5% to 96.0% for malt and 64.7% to 79.6% in hops samples. MCA also varied between the different samples, with results of 12.0% to 24.8% in malt samples and 3.8% to 23.5% in hops. Raw materials can potentially influence the antioxidant activity of the resulting beer. Positive correlations between TPC and physicochemical properties can be useful to help consumers choose beers with added value for health.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Status and conservation of Silene section Cordifolia in the Iberian Peninsula: a menaced group under global environmental change

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    Background: Detailed knowledge of a species' autecology as well as information on the availability of suitable habitats and the impacts of climate change on the species and its habitat are requirements for adequate conservation planning. For this purpose, species distribution modelling has been suggested as an effective tool to assess the potential geographic distributions of species under different climate scenarios. Aims: The aim of this study was to generate suitability maps and predictive maps based on scenarios of climate change to identify areas with the most value for conservation for the western Iberian endemics Silene acutifolia, S. foetida subsp. foetida and S. foetida subsp. gayana. Methods: Maxent software was used to model and predict the distribution of the species based on environmental variables under climate change scenarios. Results: Our analysis indicated that the models performed well, predicting with high accuracy the current distributions of the species. Under two scenarios of increasing CO2, the species were predicted to be susceptible to a major reduction of suitable habitat; both S. foetida subspecies were shown to be at risk of extinction. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that the inclusion of S. foetida in national conservation and long-term monitoring programmes must be considered

    Roman agriculture in the conventus Bracaraugustanus (NW Iberia)

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    A review of archaeobotanical data, together with new, still unpublished data, from Roman sites in conventus Bracaraugustanus suggests the Romanization of the northwest Iberia brought little changes to the agricultural strategies of local communities in indigenous-type settlements. The main crops remain the same as in the Iron Age: Triticum aestivum/durum, Panicum miliaceum, Hordeum vulgare subsp. vul- gare, Triticum turgidum subsp. dicoccum and T. aestivum subsp. spelta, Avena and Vicia faba. The first secure reference for the cultivation of Secale cereale in the region comes from a Roman context, sug- gesting that it was introduced in this period, although it probably remained a minor crop.It is possible that during Roman times we have the first evidences for the cultivation of vine in the southernmost part of the conventus, near the river Douro but there are no signs of olive trees cultivation. Overall, not all the innovations usually attributed to the Romans are recorded in northwest Iberia. This fits the general scenario of a region which maintained its rural character, although with some differences in territorial organization. However, the fact that almost all the sites with fruits and seeds are indigenous-type settlements (hillforts) demands caution while interpreting the data, namely the pro-portion between continuity and innovation


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    A pesquisa aborda a sociedade da informação para contextualizar a internet como fomento da globalização e mutação nas relações sociais. Exterioriza o surgimento do medo, quando se trata de acesso à ciberespaço sem indexação de dados, chamado de “DeepWeb”. Ainda, busca verificar eventuais consequências desse medo na ressignificação de perigo quando do acesso a “DeepWeb” e a (des) necessidade de tutela penal. O trabalho tem como metodologia referencial bibliográfico e análise de caso, utilizando como marco teórico o aparato sociológico proposto por Anthony Giddens quanto à modernidade, sua transição e consequências


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    Neste artigo, apresentamos um histórico-analítico da criminalização da violência contra as mulheres no Brasil, tendo como auge deste percurso a promulgação da Lei Maria da Penha (LMP), em 2006. Entre outros, mostramos como esse tipo de criminalização foi tomando contornos, por vezes, não adequados ao que era preconizado internacionalmente e pelo que era demandado pelos movimentos feministas e de mulheres. Além disso, também analisamos o papel da mobilização da sociedade civil organizada na publicização do problema, bem como da sua atuação pioneira na criação de serviços especializados de atendimento às mulheres em situação de violência. A nível estatal, apresentamos a criação das primeiras delegacias de atendimento às mulheres e a incorporação das violências contra as mulheres na Lei 9.099, e as consequências que tal política acarretou, e examinamos algumas das políticas nacionais da Secretaria de Política para as Mulheres (SPM) que dizem especialmente respeito ao enfrentamento das violências a que estão submetidas.

    The introduction and spread of rye (Secale cereale) in the Iberian Peninsula

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    Some of the earliest Western European macroremains of rye (Secale cereale) have been recently recovered in Northwest Iberia. However, the chronological and cultural contexts of these remains have not been yet exhaustively analysed. To address this gap of research, previous and unpublished assemblages have been reviewed and analysed through an analytical set of methods: biometry, radiocarbon dates and integrating the remains of rye in the broad archaeobotanical record of the region. Results show the earliest macroremains of rye in the Iberian Peninsula date to a period between the 3rd century and the first half of the 1st century BCE. Rye was usually found in assemblages dominated by spelt and other cereals, in whose fields it was likely acting as a weed. There is no record of rye for about the two following centuries, after which it is probably reintroduced, now as a crop. It is found in several sites from the 3rd-4th centuries CE onwards, suggesting it is a staple crop as in other regions in Europe. Significant differences in grain size are only recorded in a 10th-11th century settlement, suggesting few changes in grain morphometry before Medieval times.Work co-funded by the project NORTE-01-0246-FEDER-000063, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). LS was financially supported by a PhD grant (Norte-08-5369-FSE000057) from the University of Porto (Faculty of Sciences) and the European Social Fund, through the North Portugal Regional Operational Program “Norte 2020”, under the announcement “Aviso Norte-69-2015-15-Formação Avançada (Programas Doutorais)”. MMS was funded by the Beatriz Galindo program as Junior Distinguished Researcher (BG20/00076). JPT was supported by national funds through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and under the scope of the project B-ROMAN (PTDC/HAR-ARQ/4909/2020), funded by national funds through FCT. ATB was awarded by a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship H2020-MSCA-IF-2020 (REA grant agreement ID:101018935). Radiocarbon dates from Crestuma were obtained with the financial support of Gaia Biological Park (Parque Biológico de Gaia) under the scope of Crestuma Castle project (Programa de Investigação Arqueológica e Valorização Cultural do Complexo Arqueológico do Castelo de Crestuma – Vila Nova de Gaia). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    La posición taxonómica de Scilla beirana Samp. (Hyacinthaceae)

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    Populations of Scilla beirana Samp. were sampled in NW Portugal and compared with its relatives S. ramburei Boiss, and S. peruviana L. Leaf and scape anatomy, morphology, chromosome number and idiogram were identical in S. beirana and S. ramburei, but differed from S. peruviana. Diagnostic characters previously used to discriminate S. beirana (width of leaves and flower number) showed continuous, but not clinal, variation, and failed to provide a clear-cut basis for identification and no other morphological attributes were found to separate the taxa. All available evidence suggests that S. beirana should be put into synonymy with S. ramburei, as was earlier suggested by COUTINHO (1935).Se muestreó Scilla beirana Samp. en diversas poblaciones del noroeste de Portugal y se comparó con dos táxones con los que se había relacionado previamente, S. ramburei Boiss, y S. peruviana L. La macromorfología, la anatomía de la hoja y escapo, el número cromosomático y el idiograma de S. beirana y S. ramburei fueron indistinguibles, pero diferentes de los de S. peruviana. Los caracteres diagnósticos que se habían utilizado previamente para discriminar a S. beirana -anchura foliar y número de flores- revelaron una variación continua y no permitieron diferenciarla de S. ramburei, en la cual debería ser incluida como sinónimo, tal como había sugerido COUTINHO (1935)