5,901 research outputs found

    El impacto de la Ley 27/2013, de 27 de diciembre, de racionalización y sostenibilidad de la Administración local, en la distribución de competencias en materia de educación, salud, sanidad y servicios sociales

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    El present article té per objecte analitzar en quina mesura la Llei 27/2013, de 27 de desembre, de racionalització i sostenibilitat de l'Administració local, incideix, directament, en la regulació estatal sectorial i en la normativa autonòmica, sigui aquesta estatutària o ordinària, local o sectorial, en els àmbits de l'educació, la sanitat, la salut i els serveis socials. Amb aquesta finalitat, en primer lloc s'exposaran de forma detallada les variacions que l'esmentada norma tracta d'implantar en el marc competencial dels ajuntaments espanyols, tant mitjançant la modificació dels apartats 2n i 3r de l'article 25 de la LBRL i l'addició dels paràgrafs 4t i 5è, com a través de les disposicions addicional quinzena i transitòries primera, segona i tercera; en segon lloc, s'estudiarà no només la viabilitat constitucional de la limitació i condicionament del sistema d'atribució de competències als municipis que l'esmentada Llei inclou en l'esmentat article 25, sinó també la legitimitat i l'eventual abast -tant en el pla jurídic com en el pràctic- de la pretensió de transferir determinades funcions, en els camps indicats, d'aquells a les comunitats autònomes, sobre l'esmentada nova base normativa


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    The aim of this article is to examine the Spanish system of administrative controlupon the local authorities, as well as to evaluate other possible systems.Firstly, the article analyses two previous questions: the conceptual and taxonomicaldelimitation of the administrative control upon the local authorities, and the historical evolution of the Spanish system of administrativecontrol and its tension with the principle of local autonomy. Secondly, thearticle seeks to define which should ideally be the structure of the system ofcontrol that Spanish legislation should contemplate. In order to do so, thearticle explores whether such an ideal system should be pre-eminently judicialor administrative, and to which institution should correspond the establishmentof such a system and its implementation

    Characterizing Attention Cascades in WhatsApp Groups

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    An important political and social phenomena discussed in several countries, like India and Brazil, is the use of WhatsApp to spread false or misleading content. However, little is known about the information dissemination process in WhatsApp groups. Attention affects the dissemination of information in WhatsApp groups, determining what topics or subjects are more attractive to participants of a group. In this paper, we characterize and analyze how attention propagates among the participants of a WhatsApp group. An attention cascade begins when a user asserts a topic in a message to the group, which could include written text, photos, or links to articles online. Others then propagate the information by responding to it. We analyzed attention cascades in more than 1.7 million messages posted in 120 groups over one year. Our analysis focused on the structural and temporal evolution of attention cascades as well as on the behavior of users that participate in them. We found specific characteristics in cascades associated with groups that discuss political subjects and false information. For instance, we observe that cascades with false information tend to be deeper, reach more users, and last longer in political groups than in non-political groups.Comment: Accepted as a full paper at the 11th International ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci 2019). Please cite the WebSci versio

    La evaluación del desempeño de los empleados públicos: en particular, el establecimiento de sistemas de evaluación del desempeño en las Administraciones locales

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    En el presente trabajo, partiendo, en primer lugar, del análisis de la regulación de la evaluación del desempeño contenida en el Estatuto Básico del Empleado Público y del estudio de las posibilidades de desarrollo de la misma por las diferentes Administraciones, en particular por las locales, y, en segundo lugar, del examen de algunas regulaciones de la evaluación del desempeño ya efectuadas y de ciertas experiencias prácticas, se pretende ofrecer a dichas Administraciones una serie de pautas e indicaciones a tener en cuenta en el momento de iniciar la reflexión sobre cómo diseñar e implantar sus propios sistemas de evaluación del desempeño.This work outlines the principles and guidelines that could help to design and implement the new systems of monitoring the performance of officers and other municipal employees at local level. In order to form proposals for these new systems, it is necessary to examine the Act on Public Employee and its development by the different administrative levels so that previous experience on monitoring the performance of municipal employees can be assessed and taken into account

    Science and morals

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    O autor discute as relações entre Ciência e Moral: os dilemas éticos relacionados aos avanços da Ciência e os questionamentos da Moralidade à luz dos métodos científicos. A partir de questões como “O que há de correto na crítica da Moral à Ciência?”; “Que reações aos modos de pensar e atuar atuais são justificáveis?”; “O que é legitimo na acusação de que os códigos morais estão sendo descartados pelo conhecimento científico?” e, em especial, “É verdade que a Ciência é amoral e que a Moral não pode ser científica?” o autor desenvolve uma reflexão crítica a respeito do aspecto autoritário presente em uma Moral imposta. A conclusão é que a decisão moral deve levar em conta e ter seus fundamentos no conhecimento científico, nas emoções e no máximo possível de liberdade.The author discusses the relationship between Science and Morals: the ethical dilemmas related to the advancements of Science and the contention concerning Moral in the light of scientific methods. Included are such questions, as “What is right in criticizing Science from a moral point of view?” – “What is justifiable in the reaction against the present way of thinking and acting?” –and, moreover, “What is legitimate in the accusation that current moral codes were surpassed by the advancements of scientific knowledge of man, as a thinking and social being?” – more generally: “What are, in fact, the different aspects of the relationship between Science and Ethics?” – “Is it true that Science is amoral and Morals cannot be scientific?” – which, thus, leads the reflection towards a critical review of the authoritarian aspect of an imposed Morality. The author states that the moral decision, must be rooted in knowledge, emotion and as much freedom, as possible