1,458 research outputs found

    Measuring Entanglement in a Photonic Embedding Quantum Simulator

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    Measuring entanglement is a demanding task that usually requires full tomography of a quantum system, involving a number of observables that grows exponentially with the number of parties. Recently, it was suggested that adding a single ancillary qubit would allow for the efficient measurement of concurrence, and indeed any entanglement monotone associated to antilinear operations. Here, we report on the experimental implementation of such a device---an embedding quantum simulator---in photonics, encoding the entangling dynamics of a bipartite system into a tripartite one. We show that bipartite concurrence can be efficiently extracted from the measurement of merely two observables, instead of fifteen, without full tomographic information.Comment: Updated versio

    Low-pay higher pay and job quality: empirical evidence for Portugal

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    This paper examines to what extent low pay jobs can be considered of low quality. For this purpose, we use three waves (1997-1999) of the European Community Household Panel (ECHP) for Portugal. The results indicate that low pay workers report a lower level of job satisfaction when compared with their higher paid counterparts. Moreover, some of the determinants of job satisfaction differ between these two types of workers. This supports the idea that low wage employment mainly comprises low quality jobs and is consistent with the segmented labour market theory, which claims the existence of good and bad jobs. This is, however, at odds with some empirical evidence recently reported for the British labour market where low pay individuals report a higher level of satisfaction, which is more in line with the notion that these workers obtain compensating differences in the form of non-pecuniary benefits

    Developing a Wine Experience Scale: A New Strategy to Measure Holistic Behaviour of Wine Tourists

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    This study develops a scale to measure wine tourism experiences and was tested in Portugal, in two of the main wine tourism centres: Porto and Madeira. The wine experience scale combines experience traits with the traditional approach to scales related to wine tourism. The development of the scale follows the most recognised validated procedures. Data were collected from a total of 647 international wine tourists in the wine cellars of the two main fortified wine tourism regions visiting areas: Porto and Madeira. Structural equation modelling (SEM-AMOS) was used as the main analysis and validation tool. The resulting 18-item wine experience scale comprises four major dimensions: (1) Wine storytelling, (2) wine tasting excitement, (3) wine involvement, and (4) winescape. All these showed reliable and validated indicators. This new scale presents a valid new tool to better measure and evaluate experiences in a wine tourism setting. This study o ers a broad range of use for academics, managers, planners, and practitioners. It shows how a new measurement tool focused on the wine tourism experience in terms of several outcomes and applications, addressing important practical managerial implications, can have an impact on academic research. Most previous tourism scales still fail to measure the specifics of wine settings. This is the first scale that comprises the dimensions of experience with wine senses, applied in a relevant wine destination where research is still limited. The results are relevant in boosting the increasingly recognized awareness of Portugal as wine tourism, as well as bringing experience scales to the body of knowledge.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Wine and wine tourism experience: a theoretical and conceptual review

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    Purpose – This paper aims to provide a theoretical and conceptual analysis of wine and wine tourism experiences evidencing the current state of the art and providing some directions for future research. Design/methodology/approach – The paper provides an in-depth literature review and content analysis of prior work. Findings – The experience focussed on wine and wine tourism requires further exploration. The boundaries of the wine and wine tourism experience were identified, together with highlights and strategic agenda for future actions. Originality/value – Based on some key prior literature on the topic of wine and tourism experience, future research directions and approaches were proposed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ovoid amphorae as the first Roman provincial repertoire in Hispania Ulterior (the Guadalquivir valley)

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    During the first century BC, the Guadalquivir valley joins the group of those producing ovoid amphorae in the Western Mediterranean, as it becomes one of the main exporting areas of agricultural commodities. This development took shape in the Augustan period and later, due to correlation between the necessities demanded by the State and the ability of the southern Hispanic territories to supply them. However, this process takes its first steps even earlier; from the early moments of the first century BC, the Guadalquivir valley apparently began a mass-production of agricultural goods, as is reflected in the amphora repertoire of Ulterior being then produced as the first Romanised provincial amphorae of the region. This article presents the most important ovoid forms produced in the Guadalquivir valley, paying particular attention to their form and their epigraphical features, as well as investigating their distribution in internal and external markets. Some other questions are treated too: the documented production places; the evolution of these products into a standardised format that closely follows the path of the transformation of the Guadalquivir valley into a highly specialised agricultural territory, based on olive-oil manufacture, just as would be case for the economy of the region during early Imperial times.El valle del Guadalquivir se une a la dinámica de producción de ánforas ovoides del Mediterráneo occidental a lo largo del siglo I a.C., convirtiéndose en uno de los principales focos de exportación de bienes agropecuarios. Esta tendencia cristaliza desde época de Augusto debido al vínculo que se establece entre las necesidades de abastecimiento estatales y la capacidad de satisfacer dichas necesidades mediante los suministros del sur de Hispania, pero es un proceso que tiene sus raíces en momentos anteriores, cuando el valle del Guadalquivir comienza a producir a gran escala y cuando empieza a fraguar el primer repertorio de ánforas propias de la provincia romana. En este artículo se van a presentar los principales tipos de ánforas ovoides producidos en el Guadalquivir, con particular atención a sus características formales, epigráficas y a su difusión. Igualmente, cuestiones como la documentación de los lugares de producción y el tránsito hacia la regularización de la estandarización formal y la especialización en la producción de aceite de oliva, que será una de las claves de la potencia económica de la posterior Bética altoimperial, van a ser abordadas en las siguientes páginas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Guadalquivir amphora types within Hispanic containers first century BC. A heterogeneous universe between the imitation and the standardization

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    La dinámica de la investigación actual sobre la cultura material tardorrepublicana y tempranoaugustea en la Ulterior y en el resto de los territorios que constituyeron el Imperio hace que cualquier sistematización de las ánforas fabricadas en el valle del Guadalquivir (en sentido extenso) durante este periodo quede enseguida superada por nuevos hallazgos y materiales. El presente trabajo pretende ser un estado de la cuestión actual respecto al estudio de éstas ánforas del siglo I a. C. que, sin ser exhaustivo, incluya el mayor número de contextos posibles, tanto de las áreas de producción como de las de consumo. Sobre esta base material, se ensaya una ordenación tipológica que incluye diecisiete tipos anfóricos regionales incluidos en cuatro grupos cuyo criterio de formalización es, fundamentalmente, el “éxito comercial” y la duración, mayor o menor de la “vida” de los contenedores que los componen. Al análisis morfológico, que incluye novedosas propuestas de trabajo sobre el origen y el desarrollo formal de tipos como Haltern 70, Oberaden 83 y Urceus, se añade una contextualización histórico-económica y la necesaria confrontación con los repertorios anfóricos contemporáneos de otras áreas productivas peninsulares. El resultado es una propuesta tipológica y funcional compleja que, a nuestro juicio, es la que mejor parece ajustarse al estado actual del conocimiento arqueológico sobre los tipos anfóricos de la Ulterior interna durante el siglo I a. C. Evidentemente, la propuesta se presenta como tema de reflexión y base para la discusión y confrontación de ideas en los próximos años.Current research trends on the material culture in the province of Hispania Ulterior in the late republic and the early years of the Augustean reign, make any systematisation of amphorae in the Guadalquivir valley (in a wide sense) liable to be soon superseded by new finds and evidence. The present work aims at reviewing the state of the question of 1st century b. C. amphorae, not exhaustively but taken as many contexts into account as possible, including production and consumption areas. Starting with the material evidence, we propose a typology divided in seventeen regional amphora types in four groups, according to ‘commercial sucess’ and the duration of the type. The morphological analysis, which includes new proposals on the origin and development of types such as Haltern 70, Oberaden 83 and Urceus, is offered along a historic-economic contextualisation and the comparison with other coeval amphoric repertoires in the Iberian Peninsula. The result is a complex typological and functional proposal which, in our opinion, responds better to the archaeological record for the chronology and geographical context in hand. Obviously, the proposal aims at becoming the base for further discussion in the future.España. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación HAR2011-2824

    Prevalencia de Toxoplasmosis en Gatos Domésticos (felis catus) en la Parroquia La Matriz – Latacunga

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    The project research is focused on knowing the prevalence of toxoplasmosis infection through the detection of antibodies in cats through the indirect ELISA Kit, the populations at risk in La Matriz in Latacunga Canton, Cotopaxi Province, mainly come from of serological studies that were done in 50 cats, the results in this investigation of toxoplasmosis gondii occurred with a prevalence of 28 cases, information is presented as a reference based on this study to be able to carry out a discussion or comparison on the subject. Cats are the most affected and have 28% of positive cases. 72% of the negative cases that cause a feline below the cats are infected by toxoplasmosis gondii. Toxoplasmosis is a zoo-anthroponosis caused by an intracellular parasite forced by sex and age with a percentage higher than 18% in male cats and a range of infected cats in the age of 1-3 years of age with positive cats toxoplasmosis gondii. On the other hand, it has been observed that the rates of seropositivity found in cats of urban origin and with respect to the race of demonstrations that the rate of cats sampled in the area were 100% of mestizo cats with 28% of positive cases that mean they are higher than the observed urban cats for their ability to survive different environmentsEl proyecto está enfocado en conocer la prevalencia de la infección por toxoplasmosis tras la detección de anticuerpos en gatos mediante el Kit de ELISA indirecto, procedentes de poblaciones de riesgo en el barrio La Matriz de la ciudad de Latacunga, Provincia de Cotopaxi, proceden principalmente de estudios serológicos que se hicieron en 50 gatos, los resultados en esta investigación de toxoplasmosis gondii se dio con una prevalencia de 28 casos, información se presenta como referencia a base en este estudio para poder realizar una discusión o comparación sobre el tema Los gatos son los que mayor frecuencia se infectan, estos desarrollaron casos con un 28 % de casos positivos y un 72% casos negativos dando un bajo porcentaje de gatos domésticos (felis catus) infectados a toxoplasmosis gondii La toxoplasmosis es una zoo-antroponosis causada por un parásito intracelular obligado dado en casos por sexo y edad con un porcentaje mayor del 18% en gatos machos y un rango de gatos infectados en edad de 1-5 años con gatos positivos a toxoplasmosis gondii Por su parte, se ha observado que las tasas de seropositividad encontradas en gatos de origen urbano y con respecto a la raza de demostró que tasa de gatos muestreados en la zona fueron el 100% de gatos mestizos con un 28% de casos positivos que significativamente son más elevadas que las observadas gatos urbanos por su capacidad para sobrevivir a factores ambientale

    Aqui sangraram pelos nossos pés : futebol, política e identidade nacional na ditadura militar (1974-1985)

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    A aplicação pela Ditadura civil-militar dos princípios e diretrizes da Doutrina de Segurança Nacional na gestão, organização e prática do futebol nas Copas do Mundo disputadas entre 1974 e 1982 são objeto deste trabalho. Através da análise da cobertura dos diários Folha de São Paulo e Jornal do Brasil e dos semanários Veja e Placar, procura-se demonstrar como a aplicação desses princípios resultou em uma militarização deste esporte em sua gestão institucional, financeira; na composição das comissões técnicas e na negação do status de cidadania ao jogador de futebol. A operacionalização desses princípios tanto poderia ser executada pela sociedade política, o Estado, quanto pela sociedade civil, através dos aparelhos privados de Hegemonia, como a Confederação Brasileira de Desportos. Movidos por um elã autoritário, quanto piores os resultados nas competições, maiores eram os espaços ocupados pelos militares dentro dessa estratégia, alcançando seu ápice na Copa do Mundo de 1978. A identidade nacional encontra-se igualmente em disputa, tanto como mecanismo de dominação, cuja instrumentalização é desejada pela Ditadura civil-militar, quanto como espaço de resistência, diante da incapacidade da Ditadura em realizar sua autorreforma e perpetuação institucionalizada no poder. Sem condições materiais para exercer o poder pela força, a Seleção Brasileira e a identidade nacional são ressignificadas como sinônimo de democracia, um valor que não poderia ser apreendido pela Ditadura. Jogadores e torcedores são agentes dessa transformação que resulta em Abertura Política e desmilitarização do futebol antes do final da própria Ditadura civil-militar.L'application par la dictature civilo-militaire des principes et directives de la Doctrine de la Sécurité Nationale dans la gestion, l'organisation et la pratique du football lors des Coupes du monde disputées entre 1974 et 1982 font l'objet de ce travail. À travers l'analyse de la couverture des journaux Folha de São Paulo et Jornal do Brasil et des hebdomadaires Veja et Placar, nous cherchons à démontrer comment l'application de ces principes a abouti à une militarisation de ce sport dans sa gestion institutionnelle et financière, en la composition de la technique et le refus du statut de citoyenneté au joueur de football. L'opérationnalisation de ces principes pourrait être effectuée soit par la société politique, l'État, soit par la société civile, à travers l'appareil privé de l'hégémonie, comme la Confédération brésilienne des sports. Poussé par une tendance autoritaire, plus les résultats en compétition sont mauvais, plus les espaces occupés par les militaires au sein de cette stratégie sont grands, atteignant son apogée lors de la Coupe du monde 1978. L'identité nationale est également contestée, à la fois comme mécanisme de domination, dont l'instrumentalisation est souhaitée par la dictature civilo-militaire, ainsi que par un espace de résistance, étant donné l'incapacité de la dictature à mener à bien son auto-réforme et sa perpétuation institutionnalisée au pouvoir. Sans conditions matérielles pour exercer le pouvoir par la force, l'équipe brésilienne et l'identité nationale sont re-signifiées comme synonyme de démocratie, une valeur qui ne pouvait être appréhendée par la dictature. Les joueurs et les supporters sont les agents de cette transformation qui se traduit par une ouverture politique et une démilitarisation du football avant le fin de la dictature civilo-militaire elle-même