29 research outputs found

    Analysis and development of effective distance learning practices

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    Distance education at the present stage of development of the world educational practice has acquired a global character. The range of educational services has significantly expanded; the number of educational organizations and institutions involved in this form of education has increased; a huge number of students use the Internet, gadgets and high-tech services. It has influenced the development of the educational environment around the world. Effective distance education practices are those forms of distance learning that allow students and other students to receive “remote” education via the Internet, if necessary. Such a necessity today has become the epidemiological situation in the world with the spread of infection caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (2019-nCoV). The publication describes those practices that have proven to be effective. Their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. The ways of developing such practices are determined taking into account a number of characteristic features of distance education: flexibility, modularity, innovative quality control of education, role repertoire of the teacher, economic benefits, etc. Describes specific principles of distance education, allocated based on the study of domestic and foreign authors, content updated by the authors: the principle of free access; the principle of remoteness; the principle of interactivity, the principle of identification; the principle of adequacy and expediency of using digital technologies in distance education. Methodological recommendations for teachers are given. The purpose of our research is to analyze how effective distance education and its forms are for students and primary school teachers who master additional professional training programs. Examples of questionnaires and survey data on the subject under study are given

    Cognitive methods of processing social information on the Internet in adolescence

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    Background. Within the conditions of information socialization that is transforming communication and placing high demands on the ability of the individual to search, select, critically comprehend social information for decision-making and carrying out moral choices, a new social situation has developed. The research of the relationship between cognitive methods of processing social information on the Internet and shaping the worldview and ideas about the moral regulation in adolescents makes it possible to study the patterns of personality development in the unity of the cognitive and value-moral spheres. The Objective of the research is to identify cognitive methods of processing social information on the Internet as a factor of developing a picture of the world in adolescent users with varying degrees of involvement and the risk of Internet addiction and moral regulation of relationship between them. Hypothesis. Cognitive methods of processing information on the Internet are connected with the level of Internet addiction - a high level of Internet addiction corresponds to the low efficiency of cognitive methods of processing information. These methods influence the emerging system of major beliefs and worldview characteristics, and level of sensitivity to situations of moral choice. Design. The author’s method of assessing social information on the Internet based on Crick and Dodge model (1994), Chen method for diagnosing Internet-addictive behaviour, «The scale of basic beliefs of the person» of R. Yanoff-Bullman (Kalmykova , Padun, 2002), and the author’s method of assessing moral aspects were used. The study involved 84 adolescents from 13 to 18 years (46% males and 54% females). Results. A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of cognitive processing cycles was conducted and gender differences were revealed. The relationship between Internet addiction and the effectiveness of cognitive processing methods of information on the Internet is verified. The significance of interpretation, behaviour assessment and the ability to construct social adaptive behaviour in communication to shape the major beliefs and moral attitude in adolescence are shown. Conclusion. There are differences in the effectiveness of cognitive processing cycles of information. High efficiency of short-term, long-term, medium-term perspectives and behavioural responses and the ability to choose adequate social behavior corresponds to a relatively low productivity of interpretation. Internet addiction is interrelated with the low productivity of interpretation. Moral attitude is mediated by the age features of adolescent self-awareness and is related to the effectiveness of information interpretation, the evaluation of behavioural consequences and the choice of appropriate ways of social interaction

    Formation of the image of the world during the digital transformation of education

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    The formation of the world's image in a person at each age stage of their development is a relevant problem due to this phenomenon's multidisciplinary and unique nature. This article focuses on the concept of the professional image of the world and reveals its integrity and consistency in the generalized views of future teachers about the learning process. The authors considered the research problem from the global digital transformation of education. To assess the manifestations, levels, and quality of the formed image of the world of the individual during the digital transformation of education, the authors experimented in Yelets State Bunin University. The research is useful for educators designing the content, technologies, and management tools for the professional training of a future teacher

    Assessment of Imagination in Senior Preschoolers by Educators

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    Background. The relevance of this study is determined by the importance of timely assessment and development of imagination in preschoolers for their harmonious development and further successful schooling. Objective. The aim of the study was to develop a questionnaire for kindergarteners aimed at assessing the imagination in preschoolers. Methods. As a part of this study, a questionnaire to assess the characteristics of imagination in preschoolers was developed, which included 22 statements about children behavior, which teachers had to evaluate on a 5-point scale. Also, with a part of the sample, the “Complete the Drawing” technique was carried out. Sample. In the study, educators assessed 553 pupils of senior groups (M = 65.3; SD = 4.03 months; 48.1% of boys) attending kindergartens in 4 regions of Russia (37.1% of children from Moscow, 32.6% from the Tatarstan Republic, 22.3% from the Sakha Republic, 9.1% from the Perm Region) Results. As a result of the statistical analysis, a three-factor structure of the created questionnaire was revealed. It was found that educators rate the level of imagination development higher in girls than in boys. Comparison of teachers' assessments with the results of children's imagination assessment using the “Complete the Drawing” technique showed the relationship with such parameters of drawings as flexibility, originality and elaboration. Conclusion. The study showed the reliability of the developed questionnaire for educators, which indicates the possibility of its use in monitoring the development of modern senior preschoolers

    Cerebrovascular Accident in a Patient with Polycythemia: a Case Report

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    Polycythemia vera is not only a clonal disease that causes hematopoietic stem cells, but also a pathology that often leads to thrombotic complications. Thrombosis can have different localization and is clinically manifested by stroke, myocardial infarction, deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities, pulmonary embolism, thrombosis of the veins of internal organs and other conditions. One of the most formidable thrombotic complications is acute cerebrovascular accident. The heterogeneity of the possible causes of acute cerebrovascular accident requires a careful approach to differential diagnosis for timely diagnosis and individual, pathogenetically grounded selection of means of long-term antithrombotic therapy. The presented clinical case of the development of cerebrovascular accident in a patient with polycythemia vera demonstrates the importance of an informal approach to diagnosis, as well as interdisciplinary interaction for finding the true cause of the development of acute cerebrovascular accident and the appointment of pathogenetically based treatment, aimed, among other things, at the prevention of repeated episodes of acute cerebrovascular accident and others. thrombotic complications


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    HighlightsFibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) is an idiopathic, non-atherosclerotic muscular layer artery lesion predominantly affecting the carotid and renal arteries. This pathology is quite rare in the general population and is most often diagnosed in women. In this article, on the example of a clinical case, up-to-date information is presented regarding the features of the clinical picture, diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms in patients with FMD, which may be useful for physicians of different specialties. AbstractArterial hypertension in young people is most common cause of another disease. The task of the physician who encounters such a patient is to make up a specific plan for further action.Despite the low fibromuscular dysplasia incidence in the population, this disease is relevant for differential diagnosis in young patients with arterial hypertension. The presented clinical case clearly shows that a timely diagnosis and timely treatment can help to prevent the development of complications and improve the patient's quality of life.Основные положенияФиброзно-мышечная дисплазия – идиопатическое неатеросклеротическое заболевание мышечного аппарата артериальной стенки, поражающее преимущественно сонные и почечные артерии. Данная патология в общей популяции встречается редко и чаще диагностируется у женщин. В представленном клиническом случае описаны особенности клинической картины, диагностического и лечебного алгоритмов у пациентов с ФМД, что может представлять интерес для врачей разных специальностей. РезюмеАртериальная гипертензия у молодых людей чаще всего носит вторичный характер. В задачи врача, который сталкивается с такими пациентами, входит составление четкого плана дальнейших действий. Несмотря на невысокую частоту встречаемости фиброзно-мышечной дисплазии в популяции, данное заболевание актуально при проведении дифференциальной диагностики у молодых больных артериальной гипертензией. Представленный клинический случай наглядно показывает, что вовремя поставленный диагноз и своевременно начатое лечение могут предотвратить развитие осложнений и улучшить качество жизни пациентов

    Challenges and opportunities for Russian higher education amid covid-19: Teachers’ perspective

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has tremendously affected higher education systems in Russia and all over the world, forcing to transform curriculum into an online format, which is a challenge for all the educational process participants. The current study discusses the implementation of online learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic in the Russian higher education context and investigates the challenges experienced by university teachers during this period to define their readiness for online education. To address the above-mentioned issues, a study was conducted in Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. A variety of methods of scientific and pedagogical research were used including systematic structural analysis, synthesis, work with research papers, the generalization of experience and experimental work, observation, surveys, etc., with 87 university teachers asked to respond to several sets of questions describing their online teaching experience after the launch of online education amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The analysis of the participants’ answers helped to identify the following main challenges experienced by university teachers: computer literacy level, the university electronic environment and support, academic staff readiness and students’ readiness for online learning, the last two being the most important hindering the implementation of the efficient online education process. It was also underlined by most respondents that methodological work of a teacher in a digital educational environment differs from conventional teaching methods. Thus, psychological, technological, methodological support and teachers’ professional development programs are of vital importance to minimize the negative impact of the rapid changes of the educational process and to ensure efficient online education. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    The voluntariness in the preschool age: a comparative analysis of various approaches and diagnostic tools

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    MMost modern psychologists who deal with preschool age emphasize the development of executive functions as one of the most important factors in this age. The paper compares two most important and common approaches to disclosing and diagnosing voluntariness in the preschool age: the model of executive functions «unity with diversity» of A. Miyake and the skills theory of L.A. Venger. The model of the executive functions considers three main components of executive functions: working memory; flexibility of attention or switching; restraining control. The basis of cognitive abilities theory is the concept of cultural facilities (sensory standards, visual models, etc.) that are being developed throughout the preschool period. In accordance with these two diagnostic complexes were drawn up, aimed at diagnosing voluntariness in preschool years. The study involved 48 children aged 5-6 years, kindergarten students (24 girls and 24 boys) conducted in Moscow, Russia. The results showed that despite a variety of theoretical approaches to early childhood and voluntariness they reverberate the same reality. The most revealing methods (the results of which you can predict the eventual consequences) were elaborated: the method of «Inhibition» (subtest of neuropsychological diagnostic complex techniques NEPSY-II, Korkman et al, 2007) in the case of A. Miyake model, and methods of «Schematization» in the abilities theory of L.A. Venger (Venger, Kholmovskaya, 1978)