54 research outputs found

    Positive Impact of The Covid-19 Pandemic on The World of Education

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    The Covid-19 pandemic, which has disrupted the order of life in the world of education, is still ongoing; various efforts are being made to end the pandemic period as soon as possible. Even in the midst of a pandemic, the world of education must be given special attention in order to avoid being negatively impacted. The opportunity to advance the world of education through online learning is a solution to meet educational standards through the use of information technology so that students and teachers are interconnected and the teaching and learning process can still be carried out properly through the use of technology. The method used in this study is qualitative, with approach content analysis and descriptive presentation. As a source of research data, the author examines documents in the form of text, news, journals, and newspapers. Although the pandemic had many negative consequences, it had a positive impact on the world of education. This positive impact can inspire the community to persevere in the face of adversity in order to achieve more advanced educational goals. Among the many positive effects of online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, one has the greatest impact on the world of education: it accelerates educational transformation

    Analysing the Role of Mentors in Entrepreneurship Education: Effective Support and Assistance

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    Entrepreneurship education can help improve one's ability to innovate, build businesses and create jobs. However, not everyone has the ability to become a successful entrepreneur. Therefore, it is important for those who want to enter the business world to have a mentor who can help them achieve success. This research aims to provide new insights in the development of entrepreneurship education and the role of mentors in achieving business success. This research is qualitative in nature. Data collection techniques include listening and recording important information to conduct data analysis through data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The study concluded that in entrepreneurship education, the role of mentors is crucial in helping aspiring entrepreneurs develop the skills and knowledge needed to start and manage a business. Mentors can provide direction, guidance and moral support to young entrepreneurs to help them overcome the challenges and difficulties faced in starting and running a business

    Dual Role Conflict of Working Women: A Pilot Study on Female Public Bank Manager in West Java

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    Purpose: The present study aimed to explore factors causing work-family conflicts and family-work conflicts among married female public bank managers in West Java, Indonesia.   Theoretical framework: Variables such as family size, child's age, working hours, and level of social support are found to affect one's experience of work-family and family-work conflicts. These variables have been conceptualized as the antecedents of work-family and family-work conflicts. However, it is important to consider the effect of these variables on working women's psychological stress and wellbeing. This study aimed to identify the antecedents of work-family conflict and family-work conflicts among married working women. Although many studies have investigated issues on work-life balance, there is no study that reports the antecedents of work- family and family-work conflicts.   Design/Methodology/Approach: The participants were 93 married female managers aged between 30 to 50 years old who lived together with their family and were directly involved in their job. The survey was conducted by administering a six-point likert scale questionnaire, ranging from 1 (strongly agree) to 6 (strongly disagree). The obtained data had passed the normality, validity, and reliability test. After that, ANOVA was applied to find out the significance difference in the two data group.   Findings: This study found different levels of work-family conflict among female managers due to number and age of children and manager level, which affect their job quality and motivation.   Research, practical & social implications: The implication of this study is the growing needs of providing a working environment for women, including job satisfaction, communication, family support, and flexible working hours.   Originality/Value: This study fills the gap of knowledge by investigating the dual roles conflict among female public bank managers in West Java Province, Indonesia

    Creativity: How to Develop an Entrepreneurial Attitude of Creativity

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    Entrepreneurs must have an independent spirit. But that is not enough, entrepreneurs must be equipped with an attitude of high creativity so that the business they build has the potential to become great. This research aims to provide information related to various ways to develop entrepreneurial creativity. This research includes library research, because the research was conducted to search, analyze, make interpretations and generalizations from the facts of the results of thoughts and ideas written by experts in entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship. This research is descriptive qualitative with a secondary data analysis approach. The results of this study explain that there are various important ways that entrepreneurs can implement in order to create an attitude of creativity, one of which is by enriching literacy. Someone who is equipped with extensive knowledge is sure to have high creativity. The results of this study are expected to be a source of reference for anyone with an interest in aspects of entrepreneurship and creativity

    Is ChatGPT Dangerous for Lecturer Profession? An In-depth Analysis

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    Saat ini teknologi berkembang pesat dan kemunculan teknologi ini tentu saja memberikan dampak besar pada berbagai bidang, termasuk di dunia pendidikan. Dosen menjadi salah satu profesi yang mungkin terdampak dengan kehadiran ChatGPT. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang bagaimana teknologi kecerdasan buatan dapat mempengaruhi pekerjaan dosen, serta bagaimana dosen dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan perkembangan teknologi yang semakin maju. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi menyimak dan mencatat informasi penting untuk melakukan analisis data melalui reduksi data, display data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil studi menyimpulkan bahwa ChatGPT dapat memberikan dampak pada profesi dosen. ChatGPT dapat membantu dosen dalam beberapa hal, seperti menghasilkan teks awal dan mempercepat proses penulisan, namun pada saat yang sama dapat pula menimbulkan beberapa tantangan dan risiko. Dosen harus mempertahankan nilai-nilai inti profesi mereka dan tetap berperan aktif dalam memerangi tindakan kecurangan akademik yang dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknologi seperti ChatGPT

    The Nature of Entrepreneur in the Perspective of Professor Musa Asy’arie’s Philoshopy of Existentialism

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    Purpose: Humans are equipped by God with reason, and with their reason humans can think. If humans think deeply to find the root of a problem, then an entrepreneur is actually philosophizing to find the root of the problem of his business with a solution that is productive and beneficial for everyone involved.   Theoretical framework: This study aims to explain a practical implementation of philosophy in relation to the foundation of thought, business choices and rationality as an entrepreneur who dares to take risks in his entrepreneurial activities in an existentialist manner.   Design/Methodology/Approach: This study uses a descriptive qualitative method through a secondary data analysis approach.   Findings: This research arrives at the conclusion that existentialist entrepreneurs see a creative and innovative work that will make them exist in society.   Research, Practical & Social implications: This is because they tend to develop their potential, expertise, and credibility to become a product or work that is beneficial to humans without expecting excessive rewards. In fact, the reward for them is the essence of a useful life.   Originality/Value: This study is expected to be a reference in the academic realm in the field of entrepreneurship formally. In addition, it is highly recommended to be applied to every individual character who will be an entrepreneur, as well as those who have started. Because, it is never too late to start something in order to get good for personal, family and among God's creations as social beings

    Analysing the Role of Religious Education in Improving the Work Ethic of MSME Owners

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    MSMEs are an important sector in a country's economy. However, MSMEs in Indonesia still experience various problems. One of the factors that can affect the quality of human resources in MSMEs is work ethic. So, the role of religious education in improving the work ethic of MSME owners needs to be studied further. This study aims to explain the role of religious education in improving the work ethic of MSME owners and provide a deeper understanding of the factors that influence work ethic in MSMEs and how religious education can help improve the work ethic. This research is qualitative in nature. Data collection techniques include listening and recording important information to conduct data analysis through data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study conclude that religious education can play an important role in improving the work ethic of MSME owners. The moral values and business ethics taught in religious education can help MSME owners to develop a good work ethic and build a sustainable successful business

    Do Information Technology and Human Resources Create Business Performance: A Review

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    Purpose: Nowadays, information technology is used massively by business organisations in order to reap maximum profits. This condition is possible if the organisation has superior human resources in the IT field. The purpose of this research is to review and convince that information technology and human resources are important factors for the success of business organisations to achieve the ideal vision and mission that has been designed before. The two factors complement each other and cannot be separated.   Theoretical framework: Information technology will have a significant impact on business development if operated properly by competent and capable humans. Information technology and the human element, among others, fall into the category of tangible and intangible resources. So, this study will also slightly correlate the RBV theory that has been slightly discussed in the previous paragraph. In addition, it complements the discussion of the study to make it more interesting and comprehensive.   Design/Methodology/Approach: The research method took place in three stages. The first step was to collect and then review available literature and research. Next, the data was examined and the findings incorporated into the study framework. Third, instrument development. This stage involves detailing all the variables and describing the measurement items that have been developed.   Findings: The results of this study have provided evidence that human proficiency in IT will bring blessings to profit-oriented organisations. Moreover, the current business environment is increasingly dynamic and disruptive.   Research, practical & social implications: This research is expected to be a useful input for business people to be more courageous in making decisions when it comes to investing in IT and human resources in order to create superior and competitive business performance.   Originality/Value: The results of this study are expected to be useful input for business people to be more courageous in making decisions when investing in IT resources and human resources in order to create superior and competitive business performance. In addition, it is also expected to be a formal discussion material in universities, especially business administration and management study programmes so that new and fresh ideas can be found that can be used as further research material so as to enrich the knowledge literature


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    The month of Ramadan is an important moment for Muslim communities in Indonesia which is characterised by fasting for a whole month. In addition to having high religious value, the month of Ramadan is also a moment to look forward to shopping and doing business for MSMEs. In Indonesia, MSMEs are one of the largest sectors and contribute significantly to the economy. However, MSMEs still experience many obstacles in marketing their products, especially during the month of Ramadan. Therefore, research is needed on effective marketing strategies for MSMEs during the month of Ramadan in Indonesia. This research is qualitative in nature. Data collection techniques include listening and recording important information to conduct data analysis through data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study concluded that in preparing an effective marketing strategy, MSMEs should consider online presence, special offers, events or competitions, improving product and service quality, collaborating with other businesses, paying attention to customer needs, and halal products. MSMEs should also monitor the performance of their marketing campaigns, consider ethics in marketing, and conduct sufficient research and analysis before designing their strategies.   &nbsp

    Analisis Faktor yang Berpengaruh pada Adopsi E-Commerce dan Dampaknya Bagi Kinerja UKM di Kabupaten Subang

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    Teknologi yang semakin berkembang dan maju di sektor bisnis telah membuat pelaku Usaha Kecil dan Mengengah melakukan inovasi pelayanan yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan teknologi e-commerce. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh faktor teknologi, organisasi, lingkungan terhadap adopsi e-commerce dan kinerja serta menganalisis pengaruh adopsi e-commerce terhadap kinerja UKM. Objek penelitian ini adalah UKM yang berada di Kabupaten Subang. Teknik probability sampling yang digunakan adalah Multistage Random Sampling untuk menentukan sampel penelitian. Sejumlah 87 UKM di Kabupaten Subang dijadikan responden. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa faktor teknologi dan organisasi berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap adopsi e-commerce dan faktor yang memiliki pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja UKM adalah teknologi dan adopsi e-commerce. Adanya layanan jasa berupa e-commerce, konsumen dapat mengakses serta melakukan pesanan dari berbagai tempat, maka segala layanan yang diinginkan oleh para konsumen dapat segera ditindaklanjuti. Dengan demikian UKM di Kabupaten Subang akan mampu memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik. Sehingga, sanggup meningkatkan penjualan dan laba, efisiensi, serta kepuasan konsumen. Penelitian ini tiba pada suatu saran bahwa UKM yang telah memanfaatkan e-commerce harus diikuti dengan pemahaman mengenai pengendalian akses dan keamanan e-commerce itu sendiri bukan hanya bisa memakainya saja. Oleh sebab itu, apabila teknologi digital yang digunakan masih baru, para pemilik UKM dengan segera harus mempersiapkan fasilitas pelatihan kepada karyawan yang ada meskipun dengan modal yang tidak sedikit. AbstractTechnology that is increasingly developing and advanced in the business sector has made business actors to innovate services related to the use of technology e-commerce. This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of technological, organizational, environmental factors on adoption e-commerce and the performance of SMEs and analyze the effect of adoption e-commerce on the performance of SMEs. The object of this research is SMEs in Subang Regency. The probability sampling technique used is Multistage Random Sampling to determine the research sample. A total of 87 SMEs in Subang Regency were used as respondents. The results of this study prove that technology and organizational factors have a significant positive effect on adoption e-commerce and factors that have a significant positive influence on SME performance are technology and adoption e-commerce. The existence of services in the form of e-commerce, consumers can access and place orders from various places, then all services desired by consumers can be immediately followed up. Thus, SMEs in Subang Regency will be able to provide the best service. Thus, it can increase sales and profits, efficiency, as well as customer satisfaction. This research arrives at a suggestion that SMEs who have used e-commerce should be followed by an understanding of access control and security of e-commerce itself, not only can use it. Therefore, if the digital technology used is still new, SME owners must immediately prepare training facilities for existing employees, even with large amounts of capital
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