34 research outputs found

    Small and Medium Enterprises in Mexico and the Craft Beer Sector in Baja California: Dynamic Capabilities, Culture, and Innovation

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    This article studies how Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) operating in emerging economies implement adaptative strategies to respond to constant changes in demand and global uncertainties, such as those stemming from the current SARS-COV2 pandemic. In this study the knowledge management capabilities used by SMEs in the craft beer sector in a region of northern Mexico are the focus of analysis. The objective is to present the competitive capabilities that craft beer sector has demonstrated in Baja California region and how small companies compete with the national industrial brewery and survive. Sources are data from a sample of companies and interviews with brewery owners, with which the analysis approaches, also, the Baja California business environment. The article highlights the routes of creativity, innovation, and symbolic capital of the companies in the region, and uses ideas from dynamic capabilities and knowledge management theoretical frameworks, to understand the craft brewery milieu. The conclusions in this article include the confirmation about the usefulness of these analytical frameworks based in the capabilities approach and the territorial knowledge. Also, the description of the existence of a complex Baja Californian milieu, where a multimodal scheme of craft beer characterized by different places of distribution and types of beer container, food-districts, at Mexicali, Tijuana, and Ensenada and a second generation of entrepreneur groups leading local business, is identified

    Perdurability, families, and internationalization processes: approaches from business history in Latin America

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    The main purpose of this text is to present an special issue with a set of researches that describes the history of companies, groups, and business families managed in Latin America from diverse approaches. Additionally, this article introduces the mid-range concept “durability of entrepreneurial process” as part of an agenda to business history in Latin America encouraging complementary methodologies and the theoretical debate. Economic and business history in Latin America has become open to a vigorous debate, strengthening. the analysis of sectors, large companies, national economic groups, longeval non-family business, and family-based companies as major lines of study. As emerging sublines, business historians in Latin America have also approached the study of internationalization, the evolution of organizational structures, the performance and corporate governance of businesses, women and business, and recently family succession andbusiness families in Latin America. In a much smaller proportion emerging research sublines, with great potential, have focused on small and medium-sized family businesses, immigration and ethnic descent-business. An agenda that more firmly promotes a theoretical and methodological proposal in business history studies in Latin America is urgent. The countries in which scholarship has progressed in these lines and sublines of research for over three decades are Colombia, Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Brazil, and Uruguay. The Latin America Congress of Economic History (CLADHE in Spanish) is the primary engine of discussions between economic and business historians which have held six events from 2007 and also, we must recognize the breach that the Business History Conference opened in their 2019 and 2020 meetings to discuss business history in Latin America. This presentation highlights contributions in this special issue about Mexican business groups and families, and the empirical and theoretical most relevant elements of the articles included about Argentina, Uruguay, Colombia, the Valencian SMEs in Latin America, and the political risks to invest in the region

    Business families in Southern Patagonia: from the end of the 19th Century to the first decades of 20th century

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    The groups of settlers who arrived in Punta Arenas in Southern Patagonia in the second half of the 19th century, established the trade in hunting products, leather and exotic feathers. They organized the first companies as trading houses between individuals and friends. The capital accumulation of these immigrants promoted take-off and productive control based on external trade routes, an evidence of prior connections abroad. From 1881, the multiplication of some family companies boosted out controlling branches and suppliers of value productive chains through different association to foreign groups encouraged by the offer of land concessions. Partnership by friendship and family also added anonymous societies with a shareholder scheme including family members. The major article’s goal is to analyze first family business in this context, through a genealogy business approach. Theoretical concepts and method used here include debates of economic history and entrepreneurial history focused on family business. The core is social and commercial structures for understanding the family continuity, and also business survival in specific contexts. We elaborate three intertwined commercial and family genealogies that worked first in Punta Arenas before 1908 and later in Argentina. And, we analyze strategies by family members of second and third generations achieved for survival, and configuration of the Braun-Menéndez Behety business family. We relate some findings to the connections between Punta Arenas economy and European capitalism; interregional connections; the family as a socio-cultural dimension in entrepreneurship; management innovations in rural contexts and the pathways followed to establish the firsts mother-firms in Austral Patagonian Area

    Latin American Economic History, Business History and Economics of Enterprise: Current trends

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    Recent studies about Latin American business are worried about their position on the emerging and global economies. In this article we want to remark the important role of the universities, institutes, schools, and research centers in Latin America that make possible the research work and the publication of Bulletins, Journals and books on business history. In this way, we observe the recent activities of associations and international groups that focus in Latin American Business History in the last twenty five years. We identify the advances and goals in this arena and agreed with Carlos Davila about the thematic diversity and the need to achieve methodological rigor and theoretical propositions. For this reason, we emphasize the historical role of Latin American enterprises and the role of the family business, and their position in the global economies. This article has a double aim, on the one hand, we offer an overview and a state of the art about Latin American Business History. And, on the other hand, we emphasize, within the field of Latin American business, emergent studies that show the potential of this discipline to participate in broader debates about innovation, corporate governance and learning

    Latin American Economic History, Business History and Economics of Enterprise: Current trends

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    Recent studies about Latin American business are worried about their position on the emerging and global economies. In this article we want to remark the important role of the universities, institutes, schools, and research centers in Latin America that make possible the research work and the publication of Bulletins, Journals and books on business history. In this way, we observe the recent activities of associations and international groups that focus in Latin American Business History in the last twenty five years. We identify the advances and goals in this arena and agreed with Carlos Davila about the thematic diversity and the need to achieve methodological rigor and theoretical propositions. For this reason, we emphasize the historical role of Latin American enterprises and the role of the family business, and their position in the global economies. This article has a double aim, on the one hand, we offer an overview and a state of the art about Latin American Business History. And, on the other hand, we emphasize, within the field of Latin American business, emergent studies that show the potential of this discipline to participate in broader debates about innovation, corporate governance and learning

    La perspectiva biográfica en los recientes estudios de historia empresarial

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    Fundamentos conceptuales, analíticos y operativos para la participación social en el desarrollo urbano : propuesta de acción

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    Proyecto Terminal (Licenciatura en Sociología) - Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco, División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Departamento de Sociología, 1994. 1 archivo PDF (106 páginas)Se resalta la importancia de la participación de la ciudadanía en el desarrollo urbano y propone, asimismo, una sistematización sobre bases operativas de las formas en que las instancias jurídico administrativas deben recabar las decisiones y acciones de la ciudadanía con el propósito de lograr la transformación del territorio en función de la decisión de los sectores sociales que en el habitan. UAMADCSHD

    Biography and the Biographical as a Mechanism knowledge of Business Activity

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    En países de Latinoamérica el uso de información biográfica como parte de las aproximaciones a la actividad empresarial ha sido una constante en trabajos de historia económica y empresarial, particularmente en aquellos que se enfocan en la discusión de los actores. Sin embargo, hasta hace pocos años los estudios biográficos comenzaron a resaltan con un carácter propio y arrojando nuevas categorías de discusión. En ese sentido podemos observar aproximaciones a biografías empresariales individuales y biografías colectivas. En el caso de la prosopografía la tendencia refleja menores publicaciones, si tomamos en consideración tendencias como la Europa. Este artículo evidencia precisamente los avances notables que la perspectiva biográfica ha alcanzado en países como México y Colombia.In Latin American countries, the biographical information as part of approaches to business activity has increased remarkably in economic and business history studies, particularly those focused on entrepreneurs. However, until a few years ago biographical studies began to stand out throwing up new categories of discussion. In this sense we can observe approaches to individual and collective biographies. In the case of prosopography, the trend reflects fewer publications, if we compare to Europe. This article shows precisely the notable advances that the biographical perspective has achieved in countries like Mexico and Colombia

    Recuento histórico de la normatividad pesquera en México: un largo proceso de auge y crisis

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    La acuacultura se ha posicionado como una alternativa para cerrar la brecha entre la oferta y la demanda de productos del mar, incrementando así la seguridad alimentaria para muchos países. En México, sin embargo, su desarrollo ha sido limitado debido a la forma discontinua en que se han generado las políticas enfocadas a impulsar la actividad acuícola. Éstas, se han caracterizado por una ausencia en la institucionalización y reconocimiento de cada una de las fases de la acuacultura, así como en la aplicación de esquemas de apoyo específicos para cada una de ellas. A partir de un seguimiento histórico de la legislación y los instrumentos de la política de acuacultura y haciendo una triangulación de datos, analizamos los puntos sensibles para México. Nuestra principal conclusión es que las políticas de acuacultura requieren de esquemas integrales orientados a la creación de valor y reconocer el binomio acuacultura-biotecnología.

    Border relations and emergent institutions. Cooperation for the innovation and regional development in Tijuana-San Diego area

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    Este trabajo busca ampliar el conocimiento sobre los actores institucionales en la frontera norte de México. Partimos de que el modelo industrial basado en las maquiladoras de exportación, impulsado en México desde la década de 1960, si bien ha promovido el aumento de las relaciones fronterizas y ha permitido la configuración de un ambiente institucional regional, resulta insuficiente para fomentar el desarrollo y eliminar las desigualdades regionales. A pesar de ello, en regiones como la de Tijuana-San Diego han emergido actores institucionales cuya experiencia territorial apunta a nuevas formas de interacción transfronteriza y acuerdos de colaboración regional. Por lo tanto, es preciso indagar sobre los modelos de gestión territorial en este espacio y su potencialidad. Nuestra hipótesis es que dichas formas articulación territorial constituyen una base para incrementar la competitividad y el desarrollo regional a escala transfronteriza.The main propose in this paper is contribute to knowledge about institutions, cooperation and border relations in Mexican northern region. We supposed that industrialization model, induced since 1960s in the north border region by the maquiladoras location, has resulted insufficient to decrease industrial inequalities between Mexican and American border cities. Besides, this model has permitted the emergency of different type of local actors. Specifically in Tijuana-San Diego region we founded new institutional actors in both sides. Those actors are in constant interaction, and have different ways of collaboration (formal and informal). In this line, is pertinent analyze the industrial management territorial models and its potentialities in Tijuana-San Diego. Our hypothesis in focused to the territorial organization. It is an important indicator of knowledge and in our region it can be raise the competitiveness and improve the industrial regional development