209 research outputs found
Інтерактивні методи як засіб формування критичного мислення студентів на заняттях з англійської мови
(UA) У статті розглядається важливість інтерактивного навчання студентів у вивченні іноземних мов. Автор виділяє етапи заняття з використанням інтерактивних методів і наводить уміння критичного мислення, які формуються в студентів у процесі вивчення англійської мови.(EN) In the article the importance of interactive studies is examined. The author distinguishes the stages of lessons with the use of interactive methods and lists the skils of critical thinking which are being formed in the process of learning English
Сторінки трудової та громадської діяльності Олександра Гіталова в документах держархіву кіровоградської області
(uk) У статті аналізуються матеріали Держархіву Кіровоградської області за другу пол. 40-х – 80-і рр. ХХ ст., які розкривають життєвий шлях бригадира тракторної бригади колгоспу с. Комишуватого Новоукраїнського району на Кіровоградщині, двічі Героя Соціалістичної Праці Олександра Гіталова. Подано огляд особового фонду механізатора. Наведено приклади з документів виконкому облради, обласних управління сільського господарства та телерадіокомітету, Новоукраїнського райвиконкому та ін.(en) The materials of a record office of Kirovograd region for the second half of the 40 s. – 80 s. of 20th century, which expose the life of a brigadier of a tractor brigade of collective farm of Komyshuvate villarde, Novoukrainka district, Kirovograd region, twice hero of social labour of Alexander Gitalov, are analised in the article. The review of the mechanization expert’s personal fund is suggesten. The examples of the documents of executive committee, regional management of agriculture and TVradiocompany and others are given
До проблеми міжетнічних контактів сарматських племен Північного Причорномор’я перших століть нашої ери (за матеріалами ліпної кераміки)
(uk) Стаття присвячена дослідженню проблем трансформації сарматського ліпного керамічного комплексу як вияву міжетнічної взаємодії племен Північного Причорномор’я І – ІV ст. н.е.(en) The article investigates the problems of transformation of Sarmatian ceramic plastic complex as a manifestation of interethnic interaction of the tribes of Northern Prychornomorya in the I – IV centuries A.D
A generalized definition of dosimetric quantities
The current definitions of microdosimetric and dosimetric quantities use the notion of 'ionizing radiation'. However, this notion is not rigorously defined, and its definition would require the somewhat arbitrary choice of specified energy cut-off values for different types of particles. Instead of choosing fixed cut-off values one can extend the system of definitions by admitting the free selection of a category of types and energies of particles that are taken to be part of the field. In this way one extends the system of dosimetric quantities. Kerma and absorbed dose appear then as special cases of a more general dosimetric quantity, and an analogue to kerma can be obtained for charged particle fields; it is termed cema. A modification that is suitable for electron fields is termed reduced cema
Monte Carlo simulation of a mammographic test phantom
A test phantom, including a wide range of mammographic tissue equivalent materials and test details, was imaged on a digital mammographic system. In order to quantify the effect of scatter on the contrast obtained for the test details, calculations of the scatter-to-primary ratio (S/P) have been made using a Monte Carlo simulation of the digital mammographic imaging chain, grid and test phantom. The results show that the S/P values corresponding to the imaging conditions used were in the range 0.084-0.126. Calculated and measured pixel values in different regions of the image were compared as a validation of the model and showed excellent agreement. The results indicate the potential of Monte Carlo methods in the image quality-patient dose process optimisation, especially in the assessment of imaging conditions not available on standard mammographic unit
Розвиток творчої активності студентів-гітаристів через імпровізацію під час роботи над музичним твором
(uk) У статті розглядається питання розвитку творчої активності студентів-гітарістів. Надається обґрунтування того, що одним з ефективних засобів розвитку творчої активності студентів-гітарістів є високий рівень засвоєння прийомів імпровізації на заняттях з основного музичного інструменту. Наголошується, що розвиток творчого потенціалу в процесі музично-творчої діяльності студентів буде ефективним за умов здійснення педагогічного керівництва.(ru) В статье рассматривается вопрос развития творческой активности студентов-гитаристов. Предоставляется обоснование того, что одним из эффективных средств развития творческой активности студентов-гитаристов является высокий уровень усвоения приемов импровизации на занятиях основного музыкального инструмента. Отмечается, что развитие творческого потенциала в процессе музыкально-творческой деятельности студентов будет эффективным в условиях осуществления педагогического руководства.(en) This article deals with the development of the creative activity of students guitarists. The ground of being one of the most effective means of creative activity of students guitarists is a high level of mastering techniques of improvisation in the classroom with the main musical instrument. It is noted that the development of creativity in the process of musical and creative activities students will be effective on condition that educational leadership. ndependent work on a musical composition is a productive form of developing students creative musical thinking. In the work plan of the students must be enabled as works of high complexity and fragments or themes from the works that are very difficult to implement fully. The basic weight school repertoire is designed for self-study students
Мониторинг этиологической структуры возбудителей у пациентов с гнойными ранами
РАНЕВАЯ ИНФЕКЦИЯ /МИКРОБ /ЭТИОЛСТАФИЛОКОККИ /ПАТОГЕНSTAPHYLOCOCCUS /ПАТОГЕНЭНТЕРОБАКТЕРИИ /ПАТОГЕНENTEROBACTERIACEAE /ПАТОГЕНКОЛИФОРМНЫЕ БАЦИЛЛЫ /ПАТОГЕНПАРАКОЛОБАКТЕРИИ /ПАТОГЕНПСЕВДОМОНАДЫ /ПАТОГЕНГИДРОГЕНОМОНАДЫ /ПАТОГЕНХЛОРОБАКТЕРИИ /ПАТОГЕНКЛЕБСИЕЛЛЫ /ПАТОГЕНАКИНЕТОБАКТЕРИИ /ПАТОГЕНACINETOBACTER /ПАТОГЕНHERELLEA /ПАТОГЕНMIMA /ПАТОГЕНБАКТЕРИИ АНАЭРОБНЫЕ /ПАТОГЕНЦель исследования – изучить изменения в этиологической структуре возбудителей у пациентов с гнойными ранами. Материал и методы. На базе бактериологической лаборатории в 2006-2007 годах и в 2019-2020 годах обследованы бактериологическими методами 92 и 99 пациентов с гнойными ранами различных локализаций, соответственно. Пациенты проходили стационарное лечение в отделении гнойной хирургии УЗ "Витебская областная клиническая больница". Определение видовой принадлежности производилось в автоматическом режиме на биохимическом анализаторе АТВ Expression "bioMerieux" с использованием тест-систем: ID 32 STAPH – для стафилококков, ID 32 E – для энтеробактерий, ID 32 GN – для грамотрицательных палочек, rapid ID 32 A – для анаэробов и разработанных нами тест-систем "ИД-ЭНТЕР", "ИД-АНА" для энтеробактерий и анаэробных возбудителей, соответственно. Результаты. В результате проведенных исследований установлено, что на 13,96% (р<0,05) уменьшилась роль рода Staphylococcus, на 6,19% (р<0,05) Streptococcus pyogenes. На 12,25% (р<0,05) увеличилась доля Klebsiella pneumoniae, на 15,58% (р<0,05) – Acinetobacter baumannii. В микробном пейзаже начали появляться новые ассоциации: S.aureus + A.baumannii – 14,71% (р<0,05), представитель семейства Enterobacteriaceae + A.baumannii – 11,76% (р<0,05). Заключение. За 13 лет произошли существенные изменения в этиологической структуре экзогенных микроорганизмов у пациентов с гнойными ранами. На фоне снижения роли грамположительной флоры отмечается достоверное увеличение доли грамотрицательных проблемных возбудителей, таких как K.pneumoniae и A.baumannii. Полученные результаты необходимо учитывать при проведении антибиотикотерапии у пациентов с гнойными ранами.Objectives. To study changes in the etiological structure of pathogens in patients with purulent wounds. Material and methods. On the basis of the bacteriological laboratory, in 2006-2007 and in 2019-2020, 92 and 99 patients with purulent wounds of various locations, respectively, were examined by bacteriological methods. Patients underwent inpatient treatment at the department of purulent surgery at the Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital. Microflora was identified on an automated biochemical analyzer ATB Expression "bioMerieux" using test-systems: ID 32 STAPH – for staphylococci, ID 32 E – for enterobacteria, ID 32 GN – for gram-negative bacilli, rapid ID 32 A – for anaerobes and the "ID-ENTER", "ID-ANA" test-systems, developed by us for identification of enterobacteria and anaerobes, respectively. Results. As a result of the conducted investigations it has been found, that the role of the genus Staphylococcus decreased by 13.96% (p<0.05), and that of S.pyogenes decreased by 6.19% (p<0.05). The proportion of K.pneumoniae increased by 12.25% (p <0.05), and that of A.baumannii increased by 15.58% (p<0.05). New associations began to appear in the microbial landscape: S.aureus + A.baumannii – 14.71% (p<0.05), a representative of the family Enterobacteriaceae + A.baumannii – 11.76% (p<0.05). Conclusions. Over 13 years, significant changes have occurred in the etiological structure of exogenous microorganisms in patients with purulent wounds. Against the background of a decreasing role of gram-positive flora, a significant increase in the proportion of gram-negative problem pathogens, such as K.pneumoniae and A.baumannii, is observed. The obtained results must be taken into account, when providing antibiotic therapy in patients with purulent wounds
The relationship between management accounting, profitability and operations in an uncertain world : evidence from literature and practice
At the heart of many core Management Accounting (MA) practices there is a potential mismatch between the assumption of a materially predictable future operating environment, and the reality of an uncertain and unpredictable world. Practices such as budgets, product costing, investment appraisal and financial projections, aimed at facilitating the achievement of profitability goals, are based on the assumption that the future is sufficiently stable and predictable to benefit from analytical calculation. However, we live in a world where the future can be uncertain, unstable and unpredictable. Does this mean that when operating conditions become unstable, unpredictable and uncertain many MA practices lose their core modus operandi? This thesis addresses this issue through an interwoven mix of a longitudinal case study and literature reviews spread over three projects. The case study was longitudinal and based on in depth participant observation. The firm involved was a £38m UK logistics company. The study benefited from totally unrestricted access to all strategic, financial and operational activities and data, because of the author’s senior role in the firm. The literature review was conducted using a targeted systematic review (Tranfield and Denyer, 2003) supported by additional narrative reviews. This synoptic paper provides a reflective synthesis of the findings and the contribution of the three projects which together constitute the research. Four core interlinked findings emerged from the study, based on the assumption that the achievement of profitability goals is the primary goal of the organisation. First, building on the proposals of (Otley, 1999) a framework showing the relationship between MA, profitability, operations and uncertainty is proposed. It demonstrates how MA financialises operations by creating a parallel financial space to the operational space; how profitability outcomes result from the financial consequences of operational actions; how the role of MA is to inform and control operational actions in a manner that achieves profitability goals; and how uncertainty has a critical impact on MA functionality. Second, the differing dimensions and implications of uncertainty are distinguished. The principal distinction is between external and internal uncertainty. External uncertainties arise from unanticipated changes from customers, suppliers and the market and thus affect the predictability of the future on which plans and targets are based. The data gathered during the course of this research suggests that external uncertainty tends to be typified by pockets of instability oscillating with periods of relative stability. Internal uncertainties occur in relation to management effectiveness, reporting validity and choice of appropriate accounting perspective (five are identified - Product, Customer, Throughout, Process, Financial Accounting). The external uncertainties magnify the impact of the internal uncertainties by potentially changing and thus de-stabilising the requirements of management, the validity of reporting and the appropriateness of the accounting perspective used. Third, Management Accounting Systems (MAS) respond to external uncertainties, and the aspirations of external financial stakeholders for increased profitability, by operating in two differing modes – the first is fixed/control (Fixed), the second is inform/flex (Flex). Fixed is the default mode and assumes conditions of relative certainty; the role is to control the achievement of agreed plans and targets. Flex is intermittently initiated when, signalled by feedback, the impact of external uncertainties or profit pressures trigger the need to change original plans and targets. Calculative analysis informs revised operational plans aimed at maintaining the achievement of profitability goals; targets are flexed to reflect the changes. The intent is to develop a revised position of relative stability in which the achievement of profitability plans and targets can be controlled via reverting back to Fixed. The process is therefore continual, but appears to be typified by an uneven series of oscillations between the two modes. Four, the Financial Accounting (FA) profitability measure, with the goal derived from external financial stakeholders, provides partial responses to the three internal uncertainties by introducing for each an element of certainty. For management effectiveness uncertainty, the profitability goal provides a relatively certain external referent which can be cascaded down the organisational structure, and against which performance can be evaluated. For reporting validity uncertainty, FA standards provide an authoritatively accepted definition of profitability, so that reported profitability is treated as if it were ‘true and fair’. For multiple accounting perspectives uncertainty, four perspectives (Product, Customer, Throughout, Process) make up a range of MA tools for developing actions to achieve target profitability levels, and the fifth (FA) provides the definition of profitability; all five are complementary and compatible as their differing aggregations are composed of the same underlying financial transactions. These responses, however, are only partial as the aspirations of external financial stakeholders are in themselves substantially self referential and liable to change, and the underlying uncertainty of FA reporting validity still exists, even if treated as if it does not. The study contributes to the further development of MA theory. It extends the Otley (1999) framework towards linking operations and profitability through parallel operational and financial spaces, and incorporating the central role of uncertainty. It adds to the debate in MA research on uncertainty by providing a classification of its dimensions, and its impact on triggering a requirement for differing MA modes. It highlights the central role of profitability in providing a stable certainty of purpose as a counterbalance to inherent internal and external uncertainties. It provides a clear identification of the differences and complementarities between MA and FA, FA defining the quantum of profitability achieved, MA facilitating the achievement of profitability goal. Finally the study inputs to a wide range of issues addressed by MA research which at their heart reflect the impact of uncertainty (Budgeting, Accounting Representation, Costing Perspectives). The study contributes to practice by proposing a set of ten tenets designed to provide guidelines for MAS development, implementation and evaluation. These are drawn from a cross sectional deconstruction of the four findings, viewed as a whole, aimed at identifying the specific factors that have direct implications for practice. The intent is that these tenets provide a bridge between theory and practice, based on the premise that, since MA theory was drawn from practice, the test of MA theory development is its applicability and relevance to practice.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo
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