92 research outputs found

    First records of Cotylea (Polycladida, Platyhelminthes) for the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula

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    A study of polyclad fauna of the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula was carried out from 2010 to 2013. The paper reports nine new records belonging to three Cotylean families: the family Euryleptidae Lang, 1884, Pseudocerotidae Lang, 1884 and the family Prosthiostomidae Lang, 1884, and describes one new species, Euryleptodes galikias sp. n. © Carolina Noreña et al.This study was supported by I+D Project grants CGL 2010–15786/BOS and CGL2011–29916, which are financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, and by the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECI Project ref.: A/030038/10).Peer Reviewe

    Descripción de patrones únicos de coloración en vivo como herramienta para la discriminación de especies de cangrejos ermitaños en la península ibérica

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    The unique colour patterns of the hermit crab species inhabiting the Iberian Peninsula and geographically close areas are studied based on colour patterns observed in live specimens either in the field or live in the laboratory. Live colour patterns are shown to be useful for differentiating species in the Paguroidea from Iberian waters. Colour information has not been frequently documented in previous studies, mainly because of difficulties in accessing live specimens. Up to 51 species are currently recorded within the study area, 45 of which are included in the present work, focusing on the distinctive colour traits for each species that can be observed in the field. A complete key for identifying the species within the study area based on colour patterns is included. This study is the first attempt to put in place this type of tool oriented to field work. Further studies will be required to complete and update this information, especially for species which are scarce or difficult to observe alive.El estudio de los patrones de coloración en ejemplares vivos observados tanto en el campo como en laboratorio, han permitido investigar la existencia de patrones de coloración distintivos para las especies de cangrejos ermitaños que habitan en la península ibérica y zonas geográficamente cercanas. Estos patrones de coloración han demostrado ser de gran utilidad en los Paguroidea de aguas Ibéricas para la identificación de especies. La información relativa al color ha sido frecuentemente obviada en el pasado, principalmente debido a las dificultades para acceder a los ejemplares vivos. En la actualidad existen alrededor de 51 especies registradas en la zona de estudio, 45 de las cuales se incluyen en el presente trabajo, poniendo el foco en los rasgos de color distintivos de cada especie que pueden observarse en el campo. Se incluye una clave completa para la identificación de las especies dentro del área de estudio basada en los patrones de color. Este estudio es el primer intento de implementar este tipo de herramienta orientada al trabajo de campo. Serán necesarios más estudios para completar y actualizar esta información, especialmente para aquellas especies que son escasas o difíciles de observar en vivo

    First record of Caprella mutica from the Iberian Peninsula: expansion southwards in European waters

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    The caprellid amphipod, Caprella mutica, is a well-known invasive species, originating in the Sea of Japan, which has been rapidly expanding along the coasts of North America, Europe and Oceania for the last forty years. Caprella mutica is frequently associated with man-made structures, especially those dedicated to aquaculture activities, where it can reach high densities of up to 300,000 ind./m2. A well-established population of C. mutica was recently found by SCUBA-divers in Galician waters (north-west Spain) at 6 different man-made floating structures along Ría de Arousa. The record of this species in this location implies a new southernmost limit of distribution, extending the known distribution range in Atlantic European waters and confirming the continuity of the colonization southwards

    Distribution and salinity tolerance of the invasive isopod Synidotea laticauda in the Guadalquivir estuary (SW Spain): Field and laboratory observations

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    Trabajo presentado en ECSA 56 (Coastal systems in transition: From a 'natural' to an 'anthropogenically-modified' state), celebrado en Bremen del 4 al 7 de septiembre de 2016.The effects of the exotic species in native communities are unpredictable and ecological studies should be required for environmental management. In Europe, the exotic species Synidotea laticauda has been introduced in several estuaries but there was not any previous biological study about these non-native populations. The spatio-temporal field distribution of S. laticauda in the last 30 km of the Guadalquivir estuary (salinities 0 to 30) was assessed during 7 years (August 1997-June 2004) by sampling at each new moon with a mesh size net of 1 mm. Survival and osmoregulatory patterns of the species under different experimental salinity conditions were also estimated. This exotic species is a permanent resident of the estuary, with presence of juveniles and adults during most of the year, but showing maximum densities in the warmest period (summer to early autumn). Spatial patterns were closely related to the salinity gradient: the highest densities were observed between 10 and 30 of salinity, with a maximum at 20 (≈ isosmotic point). In fact, the isopod is a weak osmoregulator, which maintains the osmolality of the hemolymph partially independent of the medium osmolality (in a salinity range of 5 to 25). Moreover, survival experiments showed a high tolerance (mortality < 30%) to sudden salinity changes between 2 and 35 and virtually no mortality in salinities (15-25) close to the isosmotic point (20). Osmoregulatory and survival patterns were not dependent on sex but they seemed to be specific-dependent on salinity acclimation. Although it is a euryhaline species, its weak osmoregulatory capacity explains its salinity-dependent distribution pattern. Our results provide a framework to predict the distribution of this invasive species under sceneries of climate change and consequent freshwater scarcity.N

    Sensitive Habitats and fishing footprint off Canary Islands seamounts Amanay and El Banquete

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    The main objective of the LIFE+ INDEMARES project is to contribute to the protection and sustainable use of the biodiversity in the Spanish seas through the identification of valuable areas for the Natura 2000 Network. The Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) has been in charge of implementing scientific surveys to map sensitive habitats of seven of the ten INDEMARES areas, and to determine the fisheries footprint over these areas. Sur y Oriente de Fuerteventura y Lanzarote is one of the areas chosen to be depicted in the frame of INDEMARES project, although the study about benthic habitats and fishery footprint carried by IEO has restricted to Amanay and El Banquete Seamounts. El Banquete really is the extension of southern continental shelf while Amanay seamount is located at 25 km from Jand´ıa Lighthouse (S of Fuerteventura) and 55 km from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, at the coordinates 28º 07’ Latitude N and 14º 44’ LongitudeW, both volcanic buildings raise from more than 2,000 m up to their summits at 25-30 m deep, separated by a 1.500 m deep channel. The biological richness of Amanay and El Banquete seamounts is very influenced by the deep water up-welling phenomena, which create a high productivity, attracting a multitude of pelagic species, such as cetaceans, turtles, sharks, and tunas looking for food. There is also a high influence from Saharian up-welling. Both the seamounts tops and their vicinities are often visited by a large artisanal local fishing fleet which profits of their fishery resources; also a rich invertebrate fauna cohabits in their bottoms. In general, its main impacts are related to uncontrolled fishing pressure, and maritime navigation. The available information on the anthropogenic impact of the area was scarce, and its level of research was very poor as well, before INDEMARES project. Methodology approach complies with a multidisciplinary perspective, having described the area from geological, oceanographic, biological and fisheries points of view. Several surveys have taken place since 2009 to 2013 at Amanay and El Banquete waters. Traps, longlines, beam trawls, benthic dredges and box corers have been used to sample benthic fauna. These last two, plus EM 3002 multibeam echosounder, PS 18 parametric sub bottom profiler, EA600 monobeam sounder, Seapath 200 positioning sensor and SV Plus sound velocity calibration sensor were used to make a geophysical study which provides a range of environmental factors. CTD was used to depict physical conditions of the water column. Finally, different photogrammetric tugged sleds were used to make a great effort of visual sampling. Data from VMS (Vessel Monitoring System) were used, combined with interviews to users (fishers), landing samplings and scientific observation onboard, to describe the fishery uses in the area

    Banco de La Concepción: A new Natura 2000 Marine Site off Canary Islands

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    The main objective of the LIFE+ INDEMARES project is to contribute to the protection and sustainable use of the biodiversity in the Spanish seas through the identification of valuable areas for the Natura 2000 Network. The Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) has been in charge of implementing scientific surveys to map sensitive habitats of seven of the ten INDEMARES areas, and to determine the fisheries footprint over these areas. Banco de La Concepci´on is one of the areas chosen to be depicted in the frame of INDEMARES project. Located at 71 km to the NE of Lanzarote, at the coordinates 29º 55’ Latitude N and 12º 45’ Longitude W, Banco de la Concepci´on raises from 2,541 m up to its summit at 170 m deep. The biological richness of Banco de la Concepci´on is very influenced by the deep water up-welling phenomena, which create a high productivity, attracting a multitude of pelagic species, such as cetaceans, turtles, sharks, and tunas looking for food. In its vicinity, fishery resources such as goraz, anglerfish, and hakes, are abundant, and a rich invertebrate fauna cohabits in their bottoms. Banco de la Concepci´on is a traditional fishing area of oceanic pelagic species, and very good to catch demersal fish; it is highly visited by Galician and Portuguese drifters and long liners that fish in Mauritania, and mainly by the Andalusian longliners. In general, its main impacts are related to uncontrolled fishing pressure. The available information on the anthropogenic impact of the area was scarce, and its level of research was very poor as well, before INDEMARES project. Methodology approach complies with a multidisciplinary perspective, having described the area from geological, oceanographic, biological and fisheries points of view. Several surveys have taken place since 2009 to 2013 at Banco de La Concepci´on waters. Traps, longlines, beam trawls, benthic dredges and box corers have been used to sample benthic fauna. These last two, plus EM 3002 multibeam echosounder, PS 18 parametric sub bottom profiler, EA600 monobeam sounder, Seapath 200 positioning sensor and SV Plus sound velocity calibration sensor were used to make a geophysical study which provides a range of environmental factors. CTD was used to depict physical conditions of the water column. Finally, Remote Operated Vehicle Liropus 2000 and different photogrammetric tugged sleds were used to make a great effort of visual sampling. Data from VMS (Vessel Monitoring System) were used, combined with interviews to users (fishers), to describe the fishery uses in the area. Results from all this field work provide enough information for the administrations to establish a new Natura 2000 area, trying to reconcile protection of biodiversity and artisanal local economic activities. This establishment should take place at the end of a process of public consultation to stakeholders which is taking place in the present and which will help to shape the future Management Plan which will give details about permitted and prohibited uses

    Effects of the anthropogenics pressures (marine litter) on the coastal ecosystems of the Marine Reserve “Isla de La Graciosa e islotes del norte de Lanzarote”

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    The European Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC) considers marine litter as one of its environmental descriptors, requiring the development and standardization of criteria and methodologies for its use to test the good environmental status of marine conditions. The assessment of the impact caused by litter accumulation in the shoreline lacked specific monitoring planning and had not been systematically performed to date in Canary Islands. During the project ”Evaluation of the effect of the anthropogenic pressures (marine litter in beaches and alteration of shallow seabed by boats anchoring) on the coastal ecosystems of the “Marine Reserve of Isla de La Graciosa e islotes del norte de Lanzarote (MRLG)” developed with the financial help of the Canary Islands Government (Council of Agriculture, Ranching, Fishing and Waters), two surveys were carried out, ”LA GRACIOSA 1310” and “LA GRACIOSA 1311”, both developed at MRLG and its vicinities. The aim has been to depict MRLG shoreline and to locate marine litter accumulation points the most, contributing with some tools to assess and manage the coastal ecosystems of the marine reserve. Total shoreline sampled at both surveys together was 38326 m, 1834 m at Alegranza, 1366 m at Monta˜na Clara, 24656 m at La Graciosa Island, and the rest, 10470 m, at the Lanzarote’s shoreline portion bathed by MRLG waters. Shoreline sampling was made qualitatively sorting the sampling stations, according to litter presence and distribution, by means of a upward numerical coding related to the type of waste or garbage found. Moreover, each station was additionally depicted according to the type of substrate as well as to the prevailing type of waste, defining what we named “transects”. To validate methodology to European standards, a more exhaustive experimental sampling was made in four transects identified as high density or high concentration of marine litter, following guidelines of a method developed for OSPAR maritime area during the first half of 2000 decade (OSPAR, 2007). It involves evaluating the possibilities and needs of adjustment of this methodology to the particular conditions of our region (Gonz´alez, et al., 2013 a and b). As preliminary results, the spatial distribution of garbage coastal accumulation will be shown in a cartographic base, expressed as relative abundance by island, according to a 4 degrees scale (no litter, low, medium and high litter presence) and according to the dominant kind of garbage in each transect. An example with one of the most densely occupied with trash transects is shown to illustrate a sampling method without the requirement of trash collection. This method uses a sampling unit of 1x1 m grid, divided in 10x10 cm subgrids. This grid is set parallel to sampling direction repeatedly. Distance between grids is determined by a randomizing software. Sampling direction zigzags from sea border to beach back shore, making 45° degrees angles. Subgrids occupied by trash are counted once the grid is set. Waste is depict and identified following a guide developed for this purpose by OSPAR in 2010

    Panorámica actual de las especies no indígenas marinas en el mar Cantábrico y Atlántico adyacente (NO-N de la península Ibérica): primera aproximación a la Directiva Marco de Estrategias Marinas en la demarcación noroeste

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    Simposio Ibérico de Estudios de Biología Marina (18º. 2014. Gijón (España))La introducción de especies invasoras no indígenas es un problema cada vez más común a escala mundial, siendo considerado una de mayores amenazas para la conservación de la biodiversidad de todo el planeta. Estas invasiones biológicas causan graves problemas ecológicos y en muchos casos ocasionan también importantes pérdidas a la economía local. La gravedad y el alcance de los impactos generados por las especies invasoras es tal, que en los últimos años ha trascendido del ámbito científico al político-social, siendo considerado como uno de los descriptores de la calidad ambiental en la Directiva Marco de la Estrategia Marina (MSFD 2008/56/EC). A pesar de la envergadura y repercusión de este problema, el estudio de las especies invasoras en aguas de la península Ibérica no ha sido abordado hasta fechas muy recientes, estando en su mayoría centrado en el ámbito continental de los ecosistemas dulceacuícolas y en el ámbito marino de la cuenca mediterránea de la península. Para las costas noratlánticas españolas(las cuales constituyen la demarcación noroeste de la Directiva Marco de la Estrategia Marina) los datos existentes son bastante escasos y sobre todo dispersos, siendo también en muchos casos de afiliación taxonómica dudosa. En este trabajo se presenta la primera revisión actualizada de las especies marinas reportadas como no indígenas (exóticas, no autóctonas, alóctonas o “alien”) ocriptogénicas para el mar Cantábrico y el Atlántico adyacente (costas de Galicia) hasta la actualidad; incluyendo también nuevas adiciones procedentes de los muestreos realizadosen las costas cantábricas y atlántico-gallegas entre los años 2010 y 2014. El área de estudio fue dividida en cuatro zonas (A-D) de Oeste a Este. En esta revisión no se reconocen como alóctonosy/o criptogénicosalgunos taxones previamente reportados como tales, ya que según nuestro criterio se tratan de especies nativas y/o especies que están extendiendo sus rangos de distribución de forma natural, en muchos casos como consecuencia de los fenómenos de calentamiento global. Se listan un total de 287 taxones considerados como no indígenas y/o criptogénicos para el área de estudio, constituyendo estos últimos aproximadamente un tercio del total (92 taxones). Para las taxones alóctonos(195), se ha seguido la clasificación de Zenetoset al. basada en el grado de invasión de las mismas. Las especies consideradas como “casuales” representaron aproximadamente una quinta parte del total (17%), mientras que las especies “establecidas” constituyeron algo menos de la mitad (41%). Finalmente, alrededor de un 6% de los taxones recogidos (17) se categorizaron como “invasores” para las aguas objeto de estudio. En función de las zonas geográficas en las que fue dividida el área de estudio, la gran mayoría de las especies (78%) fueron detectadas para una sola zona; un 21% lo fueron para al menos dos zonas; un 11% para tres y sólo un 6% de las especies fueron detectadas en las cuatro zonas (formando parte de éstas, 10 de las especies consideradas “invasoras”). Taxonómicamente, los filos con un mayor número de especies introducidas son los moluscos y los anélidos, agrupando, cada uno de ellos, un 21% del total de especies; seguidos del grupo de las algas rojas (16%) y de los artrópodos (14%). Otros filos que representan porcentajes mucho menores son los cnidarios (7%), los briozoos (5%), las algas pardas (4%), las ascidias (4%), los poríferos (3%), las algasverdes (2%), los gusanos nemertinos (<1%) y los equinodermos (<1%). El filo con mayor número de especies consideradas como “invasoras” es el grupo las algas rojas con 7 especies