65,779 research outputs found

    Global and radial variations in the efficiency of massive star formation among galaxies

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    In order to determine the regions within galaxies which give rise to the most efficient star formation and to test the hypothesis that galaxies with high infrared luminosities per unit molecular mass are efficiently producing high mass stars, researchers have undertaken an H alpha imaging survey in galaxies whose CO distributions have been measured as part of the Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory (FCRAO) Extragalactic CO Survey. From these images researchers have derived global H alpha fluxes and distributions for comparison with far infrared radiation (FIR) fluxes and CO fluxes and distributions. Here, researchers present results on the global massive star formation efficiency (SFE = L sub H sub alpha/M(H2)) as a function of morphological type and environment, and on the radial distribution of the SFE within both peculiar and isolated galaxies. On the basis of comparison of the global L sub H sub alpha/M(H2) and L sub FIR/M(H2) for 111 galaxies, researchers conclude that environment rather than morphological type has the strongest effect on the global efficiency of massive star formation. Based on their study of a small sample, they find that the largest radial gradients are observed in the interacting/peculiar galaxies, indicating that environment affects the star formation efficiency within galaxies as well

    Pion mass effects on axion emission from neutron stars through NN bremsstrahlung processes

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    The rates of axion emission by nucleon-nucleon bremsstrahlung are calculated with the inclusion of the full momentum contribution from a nuclear one pion exchange (OPE) potential. The contributions of the neutron-neutron (nn), proton-proton (pp) and neutron-proton (np) processes in both the nondegenerate and degenerate limits are explicitly given. We find that the finite momentum corrections to the emissivities are quantitatively significant for the non-degenerate regime and temperature-dependent, and should affect the existing axion mass bounds. The trend of these nuclear effects is to diminish the emissivities

    Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Anisotropy Induced by Cosmic Strings

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    We report on a current investigation of the anisotropy pattern induced by cosmic strings on the cosmic microwave background radiation (MBR). We have numerically evolved a network of cosmic strings from a redshift of Z=100Z = 100 to the present and calculated the anisotropies which they induce. Based on a limited number of realizations, we have compared the results of our simulations with the observations of the COBE-DMR experiment. We have obtained a preliminary estimate of the string mass-per-unit-length μ\mu in the cosmic string scenario.Comment: 8 pages of TeX - [Color] Postscript available by anonymous ftp at ftp://fnas08.fnal.gov:/pub/Publications/Conf-94-197-A, FERMILAB-Conf-94/197-

    Role of three-body interactions in formation of bulk viscosity in liquid argon

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    With the aim of locating the origin of discrepancy between experimental and computer simulation results on bulk viscosity of liquid argon, a molecular dynamic simulation of argon interacting via ab initio pair potential and triple-dipole three-body potential has been undertaken. Bulk viscosity, obtained using Green-Kubo formula, is different from the values obtained from modeling argon using Lennard-Jones potential, the former being closer to the experimental data. The conclusion is made that many-body inter-atomic interaction plays a significant role in formation of bulk viscosity.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Predicting image quality using a modular image difference model

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    The paper is focused on the implementation of a modular color image difference model, as described in [1], with aim to predict visual magnitudes between pairs of uncompressed images and images compressed using lossy JPEG and JPEG 2000. The work involved programming each pre-processing step, processing each image file and deriving the error map, which was further reduced to a single metric. Three contrast sensitivity function implementations were tested; a Laplacian filter was implemented for spatial localization and the contrast masked-based local contrast enhancement method, suggested by Moroney, was used for local contrast detection. The error map was derived using the CIEDE2000 color difference formula on a pixel-by-pixel basis. A final single value was obtained by calculating the median value of the error map. This metric was finally tested against relative quality differences between original and compressed images, derived from psychophysical investigations on the same dataset. The outcomes revealed a grouping of images which was attributed to correlations between the busyness of the test scenes (defined as image property indicating the presence or absence of high frequencies) and different clustered results. In conclusion, a method for accounting for the amount of detail in test is required for a more accurate prediction of image quality

    Plasmas generated by ultra-violet light rather than electron impact

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    We analyze, in both plane and cylindrical geometries, a collisionless plasma consisting of an inner region where generation occurs by UV illumination, and an un-illuminated outer region with no generation. Ions generated in the inner region flow outwards through the outer region and into a wall. We solve for this system's steady state, first in the quasi-neutral regime (where the Debye length λD{\lambda}_D vanishes and analytic solutions exist) and then in the general case, which we solve numerically. In the general case a double layer forms where the illuminated and un-illuminated regions meet, and an approximately quasi-neutral plasma connects the double layer to the wall sheath; in plane geometry the ions coast through the quasi-neutral section at slightly more than the Bohm speed csc_s. The system, although simple, therefore has two novel features: a double layer that does not require counter-streaming ions and electrons, and a quasi-neutral plasma where ions travel in straight lines with at least the Bohm speed. We close with a pr\'{e}cis of our asymptotic solutions of this system, and suggest how our theoretical conclusions might be extended and tested in the laboratory.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, accepted by Physics of Plasma

    Multidimensional image selection and classification system based on visual feature extraction and scaling

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    Sorting and searching operations used for the selection of test images strongly affect the results of image quality investigations and require a high level of versatility. This paper describes the way that inherent image properties, which are known to have a visual impact on the observer, can be used to provide support and an innovative answer to image selection and classification. The selected image properties are intended to be comprehensive and to correlate with our perception. Results from this work aim to lead to the definition of a set of universal scales of perceived image properties that are relevant to image quality assessments. The initial prototype built towards these objectives relies on global analysis of low-level image features. A multidimensional system is built, based upon the global image features of: lightness, contrast, colorfulness, color contrast, dominant hue(s) and busyness. The resulting feature metric values are compared against outcomes from relevant psychophysical investigations to evaluate the success of the employed algorithms in deriving image features that affect the perceived impression of the images
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