454 research outputs found

    A hybrid of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease and human angiogenin: an external loop as a module controlling substrate specificity?

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    A comparison of the sequences of three homologous ribonucleases (RNase A, angiogenin and bovine seminal RNase) identifies three surface loops that are highly variable between the three proteins. Two hypotheses were contrasted: (i) that this variation might be responsible for the different catalytic activities of the three proteins; and (ii) that this variation is simply an example of surface loops undergoing rapid neutral divergence in sequence. Three hybrids of angiogenin and bovine pancreatic ribonuclease (RNase) A were prepared where regions in these loops taken from angiogenin were inserted into RNase A. Two of the three hybrids had unremarkable catalytic properties. However, the RNase A mutant containing residues 63-74 of angiogenin had greatly diminished catalytic activity against uridylyl-(3′ - 5′)-adenosine (UpA), and slightly increased catalytic activity as an inhibitor of translation in vitro. Both catalytic behaviors are characteristic of angiogenin. This is one of the first examples of an engineered external loop in a protein. Further, these results are complementary to those recently obtained from the complementary experiment, where residues 59-70 of RNase were inserted into angiogenin [Harper and Vallee (1989) Biochemistry, 28, 1875-1884]. Thus, the external loop in residues 63-74 of RNase A appears to behave, at least in part, as an interchangeable ‘module' that influences substrate specificity in an enzyme in a way that is isolated from the influences of other regions in the protei

    Photodynamic diagnosis of breast tumours after oral application of aminolevulinic acid

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    Photodynamic diagnosis is of increasing interest for diagnosis in oncology. It is based on a more intense incorporation of a fluorescent dye in tumours compared to normal tissue. As a feasibility study we investigated the effectiveness of oral application of 5-aminolevulinic acid for photodynamic diagnosis of human primary mammary tumours. The study included 16 patients with palpable breast tumours. Aminolevulinic acid was administered at a concentration of 40 mg kg−1bodyweight 150–420 min prior to tumourectomy. Intraoperatively blue light (405 nm) was applied to the operation site. Sections of the excised tumour and some lymph nodes were prepared and analysed with a fluorescent microscope. All primary mammary tumour tissues showed significantly higher fluorescence intensity than surrounding normal mammary tissue. Fluorescence of the mammary tumours could also be discriminated macroscopically and intraoperatively. Fluorescence intensity in nonmetastatic lymph node tissue was higher in 2 out of 3 patients than in primary tumour tissue. By photodynamic diagnosis using aminolevulinic acid we were able to reliably distinguish primary mammary tumours from normal mammary tissue microscopically and macroscopically in all our patients. We suggest that photodynamic diagnosis with aminolevulinic acid for breast tumours should be further investigated and developed for intraoperative use and may well be a simple tool for better intraoperative diagnosis and recognition of tumour margins. We hypothesize that lymph node metastasis of breast tumours will not be detectable by this method. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Ultrasound Biomicroscopy Comparison of Ab Interno

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    Purpose. To compare ab interno and ab externo scleral fixation of posterior chamber intraocular lenses (PCIOL) using ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM). Methods. Randomized patients underwent ab externo or ab interno scleral fixation of a PCIOL. Ultrasound biomicroscopy was performed 3 to 6 months postoperatively, to determine PCIOL centration, IOL distance to the iris at 12, 3, 6, and 9 hours, and haptics placement in relation to the ciliary sulcus. Results. Fifteen patients were enrolled in the study. The ab externo technique was used in 7 eyes (46.6%) and the ab interno in 8 eyes (53.3%). In the ab externo technique, 14 haptics were located: 4 (28.57%) in the ciliary sulcus; 2 (14.28%) anterior to the sulcus; and 8 (57.14%) posterior to the sulcus, 6 in the ciliary body and 2 posterior to the ciliary body. In the ab interno group, 4 haptics (25.0%) were in the ciliary sulcus, 2 (12.50%) anterior to the sulcus, and 10 (75.0%) posterior to the sulcus, 4 in the ciliary body and 6 posterior to the ciliary body. Conclusions. Ab externo and ab interno scleral fixation techniques presented similar results in haptic placement. Ab externo technique presented higher vertical tilt when compared to the ab interno

    Vascular dysfunction in children conceived by assisted reproductive technologies: underlying mechanisms and future implications.

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    Epidemiological studies in humans have demonstrated a relationship between pathological events during fetal development and increased cardiovascular risk later in life and have led to the so called "Fetal programming of cardiovascular disease hypothesis". The recent observation of generalised vascular dysfunction in young apparently healthy children conceived by assisted reproductive technologies (ART) provides a novel and potentially very important example of this hypothesis. This review summarises recent data in ART children demonstrating premature subclinical atherosclerosis in the systemic circulation and pulmonary vascular dysfunction predisposing to exaggerated hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension. These problems appear to be related to the ART procedure per se. Studies in ART mice demonstrating premature vascular aging and arterial hypertension further demonstrate the potential of ART to increase cardiovascular risk and have allowed to unravel epigenetic alterations of the eNOS gene as an underpinning mechanism. The roughly 25% shortening of the life span in ART mice challenged with a western style high-fat-diet demonstrates the potential importance of these alterations for the long-term outcome. Given the young age of the ART population, data on cardiovascular endpoints will not be available before 20 to 30 years from now. However, already now cohort studies of the ART population are needed to early detect cardiovascular alterations with the aim to prevent or at least optimally treat cardiovascular complications. Finally, a debate needs to be engaged on the future of ART and the consequences of its exponential growth for public health

    Novel olfactory ligands via terpene synthases

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    A synthetic biology approach to the rational design of analogues of olfactory ligands by providing unnatural substrates for the enzyme synthesising (S)-germacrene D, an olfactory ligand acting as a plant derived insect repellent, to produce novel ligands is described as a viable alternative to largely unsuccessful ligand docking studies. (S)-14,15-Dimethylgermacrene D shows an unexpected reversal in behavioural activity

    Modular chemoenzymatic synthesis of terpenes and their analogues

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    Non‐natural terpenoids offer potential as pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals. However, their chemical syntheses are often long, complex, and not easily amenable to large‐scale production. Herein, we report a modular chemoenzymatic approach to synthesize terpene analogues from diphosphorylated precursors produced in quantitative yields. Through the addition of prenyl transferases, farnesyl diphosphates, (2E,6E)‐FDP and (2Z,6Z)‐FDP, were isolated in greater than 80 % yields. The synthesis of 14,15‐dimethyl‐FDP, 12‐methyl‐FDP, 12‐hydroxy‐FDP, homo‐FDP, and 15‐methyl‐FDP was also achieved. These modified diphosphates were used with terpene synthases to produce the unnatural sesquiterpenoid semiochemicals (S)‐14,15‐dimethylgermacrene D and (S)‐12‐methylgermacrene D as well as dihydroartemisinic aldehyde. This approach is applicable to the synthesis of many non‐natural terpenoids, offering a scalable route free from repeated chain extensions and capricious chemical phosphorylation reactions

    Multiple spatially specific enhancers are required to reconstruct the pattern of Hox-2.6 gene expression

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    Murine Hox genes are organized into four clusters that share many features with the homeotic clusters of Drosophila. This evolutionary conservation and the clear relationships between the position of a gene within a cluster and its expression pattern have led to the suggestion that the structure of the cluster is essential for proper regulation. Using a Hox-2.6-lacZ reporter gene in transgenic mice we have shown that the overall expression pattern of the endogenous Hox-2.6 gene can be reconstructed when it is isolated from the complex. The transgene was expressed in the proper tissues, with the correct spatial distribution and temporal pattern. Furthermore, direct comparison by in situ hybridization revealed that the levels of transgene expression are similar to those of the endogenous gene. This has allowed us to define three elements that regulate particular aspects of the Hox-2.6 pattern, two of which act as spatially specific enhancers. One enhancer, region A, directed expression only in the neural tube, whereas the other, region C, specified the majority of the Hox-2.6 pattern. Both were also capable of imposing the correct boundaries of expression on heterologous promoters. The definition of such elements will allow the characterization of the trans-acting factors that mediate spatial regulation in the mammalian embryo