449 research outputs found

    An innovative biotrickling filter for H2S removal from biogas

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    [Abstract] A novel biotrickling filter system was developed to remove H2S from biogas. The aim was to remove 2000 ppmv of H2S to less than 3 ppmv in order to use biogas in combination with fuel cells, as vehicle fuel or inject it in the natural gas grid. It was found that for H2S inlet concentrations up to 1000 ppmv the H2S outlet concentration was 99%. The maximum practical elimination capacity was 32.5 g-H2S. m-3 filter. h-1. For 2000 ppmv H2S inlet concentrations the outlet concentrations were up to 75 ppmv and the elimination capacity was 55 g-H2S. m-3 filter. h-1. The H2S removal efficiency never dropped below 93.5% in all the concentration range tested

    Ética e información responsable del corresponsal de guerra

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    El presente artículo pretende analizar el estado actual en el que se encuentran los periodistas destinados a cubrir la información en zona de conflicto: 1) El perfil profesional de una especialización que vive sometida a la inseguridad y falta de protección. 2) El estado de permanente sospecha en el que trabajan muchos profesionales por parte de regímenes y gobiernos que obstaculizan la información. 3) La situación de precariedad laboral de una buena parte de los profesionales desplazados a lugares de riesgo. 4) La sumisión ideológica, política y empresarial que tienen que asumir los profesionales en este tipo de especialización periodística.This article analyzes the current state in which the journalists are to cover the information in conflict zones: 1) The professional profile of a major that lives under the uncertainty and lack of protection. 2) The state of permanent suspicion that many professionals work by regimes and governments that hinder the information. 3) The situation of job insecurity for a large proportion of displaced professionals to more risk. 4) The submission ideological, political and business professionals have to take this type of journalistic expertise

    Sindicatos activos en relación con los prejubilados

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    Irlanda na revista Nós. Apuntamentos para un estudo das relacións culturais (II)

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    The cultural journal Nós, during its publication years, regularly featured pieces about Ireland and its culture. The two main contributors to the topic were Otero Pedrayo and Vicente Risco and their interest arose, together with an effort to consolidate a identificatory discourse based on the Celtic strain, from the internal debates within the pre-war nationalist movement as well as the utilization by the two Ourensians of the Irish example as a strategic model for the Galicianism of the twenties. The vision of Ireland reflected in Nós had initially a political slant, but the interests of editors and readership alongside the surrounding political atmosphere led to an evolution towards more literary and historic aspects. Precisely the same interests, shared by Otero and Risco (to reassert their strategic nationalist proposal and consolidate their own position), guided the adaptation of the Irish reality of the twenties to the ‘fitting’ version that reached Nós readers.La revista Nós acogió regularmente contenidos relacionados con Irlanda y con su cultura. Dos fueron principalmente los autores que firmaron estos trabajos, Otero Pedrayo y V. Risco, y su atención sobre este país obedece, además de la consolidación de un discurso identitario ligado al celtismo, tanto a debates internos dentro del nacionalismo de preguerra como a la promoción, por parte de los ourensanos, del ejemplo irlandés como modelo estratégico para el galleguismo durante los años 20. La visión de Irlanda en Nós empieza siendo de carácter político, pero por los intereses de los propios redactores, de la revista y de la situación política y cultural del momento, va evolucionando hacia aspectos más literarios e históricos. Son precisamente esos intereses de Otero y Risco (refrendar su propuesta estratégica dentro del nacionalismo, consolidar su posición) los que hacen “adaptar” la realidad irlandesa a unha visión “adecuada” para el público de Nós.A revista Nós acolleu regularmente contidos relacionados con Irlanda e coa súa cultura. Foron sobre todo dous os autores que asinaron os traballos, Otero Pedrayo e V. Risco, e a súa atención sobre este país obedece, ademais de consolidar un discurso identitario ligado ao celtismo, tanto a debates internos dentro do nacionalismo de preguerra como á promoción por parte dos ourensáns do exemplo irlandés como modelo estratéxico para o galeguismo durante os anos 20. A visión de Irlanda en Nós comeza sendo de carácter político, mais polos intereses dos propios redactores, da revista e da situación política e cultural do momento vai evoluíndo cara a aspectos máis literarios e históricos. Son precisamente eses intereses de Otero e Risco (refrendaren a súa proposta estratéxica dentro do nacionalismo, consolidaren a súa posición) os que fan “adaptar” a realidade irlandesa dos anos 20 a unha visión “acaída” para o público de Nós

    Blending the fantastic and the realistic: an approach to Toni Morrison’s Beloved

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    Traballo Fin de Grao en Lingua e Literatura Inglesas. Curso 2015-2016After exploring the complex blending of supernatural and realistic narratives in Toni Morrison’s Beloved it could be argued that the conflict of Beloved’s identity is ultimately an irresolvable one and that her nature cannot be reduced to a single explanation. Even though readers —unable to reconcile the fact that the novel brings together two opposing worlds in the character of Beloved— have often interpreted Beloved unilaterally as a mere ghost story, Morrison’s work actually allows various different readings for the title character. Despite the fact that the most widespread view of Beloved is that of the miraculously reincarnated daughter of Sethe, the novel offers textual evidence that suggests otherwise. Elizabeth B. House (1998) rightly points out the possible identity of Beloved as an escaped sex slave, but fails to reconcile it with the first option given. As has been argued, the novel offers enough evidence to support two main alternatives in the interpretation of Beloved, which therefore coexist simultaneously and, I would add, are mutually dependant thus complementing each other. As a consequence, and more significantly, by presenting a series of scenes that can be read either in a realistic or in a supernatural manner —or even both at the same time—, Beloved denies the possibility of privileging one interpretation over the other. Thus, and as has been argued through this work, a fully comprehensive reading of the book may incorporate at least these two basic readings of the novel if the textual evidence which the novel provides is taken into consideratio

    Beyond Gender: Sex, Class, and Ethnicity in Kate Chopin’s Short Stories

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    [Abstract] The object of study of this dissertation are three short stories by one of the most representative writers of nineteenth-century American literature, Kate Chopin. The author is specially appreciated by feminist literary critics for her exploration of the female identity in her novel The Awakening (1899). This project aims to demonstrate that gender must be studied alongside other analytic categories such as sex, class, and ethnicity through an analysis of the selected stories: “At the ‘Cadian Ball” (1894), “The Storm” (1969), and “Désirée’s Baby” (1893). In my studies, I also discuss the stories’ form and content—characters, settings, descriptions, etc.—from an intersectional feminism perspective. This project required the close reading of my object of study and the consultation of specialized dictionaries—such as The Dictionary of Feminist Theory and Fifty Key Concepts in Gender Studies—and academic works about intersectionality—e.g., Kimberlé Crenshaw’s “Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color”. I also read several publications about Chopin’s literary production, as the works of Holtman, Jeffers, and Toth, the latter being recommended by Kate Chopin International Society. Some of the key concepts addressed in the below pages belong to the fields of feminism and critical theory like gender, class, ethnicity, and intersectionality. The latter term is particularly relevant because it offers the possibility to remove the local color label from Chopin’s works (Holtman). Therefore, analyzing the stories from an intersectional feminism approach allows the reader to understand the way society pressures individuals to stay within determined identity categories, and so interferes with class mobility and social change. My dissertation is divided in two parts. In the first part, I explain the theoretical framework of this project. 1.1 consists of an explanation of the concepts of gender, sex, class, race, and ethnicity; it includes a summary of their academic history, as well as brief accounts of some terminological debates around them. 1.2 reviews the concept of intersectionality and its application to feminist theory. The second part of this project applies the reviewed theoretical concepts to the analysis of “At the ‘Cadian Ball”, “The Storm”, and “Désirée’s Baby”. Each story takes one subsection of this part. The B.A. thesis ends with a conclusion, which gathers some of its key ideas in order to ratify the initial hypothesis: expanding upon previous feminist work, to challenge the traditional classification of Chopin’s short fiction as local color writing through an intersectional feminism perspective. It must be noted that, although the stories are not revolutionary in terms of defying social norms, they do question the analytical categories of gender, class, and ethnicity, as well as explore their boundaries.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FIL). Inglés: estudios lingüísticos y literarios. Curso 2021/202

    Catro escollas para escribir Pelegrinaxes I

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    [Resumo] Nos anos 20 do século pasado, autores galeguistas participaron en dúas empresas semellantes: peregrinar a pé para, posteriormente, referilo por escrito. Tras unha primeira experiencia asinada por X. Pardo, en Pelerinaxes I semellan relevantes catro escollas por parte de Otero Pedrayo. Primeiro, o itinerario trazado marca distancias cos hábitos do turismo burgués máis frecuentes naquela altura. Ademais, a elección dun lugar relixioso como meta permitía subliñar a importancia do catolicismo dentro do discurso galeguista e fronte ao españolismo militante da hierarquía eclesiástica. En terceiro lugar, o formato da peregrinaxe a Teixido, un libro de viaxes fronte á crónica xornalística, implicaba un menor número de lectores e unha maior relevancia para o texto. Así, o libro como relato acadaba maior perdurabilidade para presentar unhas crenzas e un mundo rural que, a modo de esencia, probaban que a nación galega existía

    Study of antioxidant capacity in elicitated pepper cells with an extract of leaves of Moringa oleifera

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    [Resumen]: Moringa oleifera Lam es un árbol apreciado por su elevado valor en la alimentación, la medicina o el tratamiento de aguas, entre otros. Además posee múltiples características metabólicas, entre las cuales destaca su elevada cantidad de metabolitos secundarios, implicados en mecanismos de defensa o adaptación al ambiente. Forman parte de estos metabolitos secundarios los compuestos fenólicos caracterizados por su alto poder antioxidante. Debido a estas características, se elicitaron las suspensiones celulares de Capsicum annuum L var. annuum con hojas de extracto de Moringa a 24 y 96 horas, con el objetivo de ver la respuesta a nivel celular. Los resultados obtenidos señalan un aumento en la concentración de fenoles y de la actividad antioxidante a las 24 horas de la elicitación.[Resumo]: Moringa oleifera Lam é una árbore apreciada polo seu elevado valor na alimentación, na medicina, no tratamento de augas, entre outros. Ademais, posúe múltiples características metabólicas, entre as cales destaca a súa elevada cantidade de metabolitos secundarios, implicados en mecanismos de defensa ou adaptación ao ambiente. Forman parte destes metabolitos secundarios os compostos fenólicos caracterizado polo seu alto poder antioxidante. Debido a estas características, levouse a cabo a elicitación de suspensión celulares de Capsicum annuum L var. annuum con follas de extracto de Moringa de a 24 e 96 horas co obxectivo de ver a resposta a nivel celular. Os resultados obtidos sinalan un aumento na concentración de fenoles e da actividade antioxidante ás 24 horas da elicitación.[Abstract]: Moringa oleifera Lam is a highly regarded tree for its high value in nutrition, medicine an water treatment among others. It also has multiples metabolic features, among which stands out its high quantity of secondary metabolites, involved in defense mechanisms or adaptation to the environment. Phenolic compounds which are considered by their high-antioxidant power, take part in these secondary metabolites. Owing to these features, cell suspensions of Capsicum annuum L. var annuum were elicited with Moringa extract leaves for a period above 24 and 96 hours with the aim to watch the effects on the cellular response. According to the results obtained, there is an increasing in concentration of phenols and also an antioxidant activity after 24 hours of the elicitation.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Bioloxía. Curso 2017/201