2,682 research outputs found

    Ocorrência de formas imaturas de Aedes (Stegmyia) aegypti (Diptera, Culicidae) em Bromeliaceae durante surto de dengue no litoral paranaense, Sul do Brasil

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    Ocorrência de formas imaturas de Aedes (Stegmyia) aegypti (Diptera, Culicidae) em Bromeliaceae durante surto de dengue no litoral paranaense, Sul do Brasi

    SNeL: A Structured Neuro-Symbolic Language for Entity-Based Multimodal Scene Understanding

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    In the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, multimodal and Neuro-Symbolic paradigms stand at the forefront, with a particular emphasis on the identification and interaction with entities and their relations across diverse modalities. Addressing the need for complex querying and interaction in this context, we introduce SNeL (Structured Neuro-symbolic Language), a versatile query language designed to facilitate nuanced interactions with neural networks processing multimodal data. SNeL's expressive interface enables the construction of intricate queries, supporting logical and arithmetic operators, comparators, nesting, and more. This allows users to target specific entities, specify their properties, and limit results, thereby efficiently extracting information from a scene. By aligning high-level symbolic reasoning with low-level neural processing, SNeL effectively bridges the Neuro-Symbolic divide. The language's versatility extends to a variety of data types, including images, audio, and text, making it a powerful tool for multimodal scene understanding. Our evaluations demonstrate SNeL's potential to reshape the way we interact with complex neural networks, underscoring its efficacy in driving targeted information extraction and facilitating a deeper understanding of the rich semantics encapsulated in multimodal AI models

    O gozo, a substância lacaniana e o corpo incorpóreo

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    A partir da pergunta sobre o gozo, esse artigo tenciona elaborar um percurso de estudo para compreender o referido conceito no ensino lacaniano, mais propriamente em dois momentos de sua construção, a saber: o ano letivo de 1966-1967 e o ano letivo de 1972-1973. Com essa proposta em mente, o objetivo deste trabalho é apreender o conceito de gozo em sua relação íntima com as noções de substância e de corpo incorpóreo. Além disso, percorrer brevemente uma tentativa de entendimento acerca do gozo do Outro e do gozo fálico. Ao final, pode-se afirmar que o conceito de gozo não pode ser reduzido à pulsão freudiana, possui características tais quais a ousia aristotélica, pode ser lido a partir da luta do mestre e escravo hegeliana, pode ser vinculado à ideia do gozo de Deus e sua substância se distingue das substâncias cartesianas – coisa pensante, coisa extensa e coisa divina

    Atividade antimicrobiana dos óleos essenciais de espécies do gênero Eugenia (Myrtaceae)

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Departamento de Farmácia, 2015.Embora o Brasil possua extensa fauna e flora, o conhecimento sobre o quanto essa riqueza contribui cientificamente e ainda restrito. A importância do saber acadêmico sobre a fauna e a flora brasileira se baseia na possibilidade de descoberta de biomoléculas ativas que possam contribuir contra doenças como candidíase, causadas por fungos tão comuns como do gênero Candida. Conhecidas pela medicina popular, a Eugenia uniflora L (pitanga) e a Eugenia dysenterica DC (cagaita) são plantas que possuem importância tanto medicinal quanto alimentícia, dessa forma, ambas as plantas chamam atenção para a descoberta de possíveis terapias. O presente trabalho avaliou a atividade antioxidante e antimicrobiana dos óleos essenciais de E. uniflora e E. dysenterica frente a Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis e Candida krusei. A analise por Cromatografia Gasosa acoplada ao espectrofotômetro Massa/Massa revelou compostos como germacreno, naftaleno e widdrol no óleo de E. uniflora; por outro lado o óleo de E. dysenterica apresentou compostos como benzofurano e spathulenol. A atividade antioxidante mostrou que a E. uniflora se apresenta como melhor sequestradora de radicais que a E. dysenterica, ainda que com pouca diferença. O óleo essencial de ambas as plantas não foram ativos na concentração inibitória mínima entre 125 μg/mL e 1000 μg/mL. Os resultados chamam atenção para a continuidade de pesquisas com ambas as plantas com fim a descoberta de quais compostos apresentam melhor atividade antioxidante, bem como, testes para melhor entendimento sobre a ação antimicrobiana de ambos os óleos em concentrações diferentes, para o desenvolvimento de novas terapias eficazes e seguras.Although Brazil has a large fauna and flora, the knowledge about this wealth is very restrict yet. The importance of knowledgement about natural Brazil's wealth is based on the possibility of discovering bioactive molecules that could contribute against diseases like candidiasis, caused by comum fungus as from the Candida genus. Recognized by their medicinal properties and as food source, Eugenia uniflora L and Eugenia dysenterica DC, respectively denominated as pitanga and cagaita, calls attention from research to discovery of new therapies. This research evaluated the antioxidant and antimicrobial activity from E. uniflora and E. dysenterica against strains of Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis and Candida krusei. The analysis by gas chromatography coupled to spectrophotometer Mass / Mass showed compounds as germacrene, naphthalene and widdrol from the oil of E. uniflora; on the other hand the oil from E. dysenterica revealed benzofuran and spathulenol compounds. E. uniflora shows a better antioxidant activity than E. dysenterica, even if with a little difference. The essential oil from both plants did not demonstrate activity between the minimum inhibitory concentration of 125 μg/mL and 1000 μg/mL. The results draws to continue the research with both plants to the description of which compounds has better antioxidant, as well, tests for the better understanding of the antimicrobial action of both oils at different concentrations, for the development of new safe and effective therapies

    Size-dependent optical properties of colloidal PbS quantum dots

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    We quantitatively investigate the size-dependent optical properties of colloidal PbS nanocrystals or quantum dots (Qdots) by combining-the Qdot absorbance spectra with detailed elemental analysis of the Qdot suspensions. At high energies, the molar extinction coefficient epsilon increases With the Not volume d(3) and agrees with theoretical calculations using the Maxwell-Garnett effective medium theory and bulk values for the Qdot dielectric function. This demonstrates that quantum confinement has no influence on E in this spectral range, and it provides an accurate method to calculate the Qdot concentration. Around the band gap, epsilon only increases with d(1.3), and values are comparable to the epsilon of PbSe Qdots. The data are related to the oscillator strength f(if) of the band gap transition and results agree well with theoretical tight-binding calculations, predicting a linear dependence of f(if) on d. For both PbS and PbSe Qdots, the exciton lifetime tau is calculated from f(if). We find values ranging between 1 and 3 mu s, in agreement with experimental literature data from time-resolved luminescence spectroscopy. Our results provide a thorough general framework to calculate and understand the optical properties of suspended colloidal quantum dots. Most importantly, it highlights the significance of the local field factor in these systems

    Obituário do Pesquisador José Consolim

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    Obituário do Pesquisador José Consoli

    A responsabilidade criminal nos transtornos de personalidade : uma alternativa teórica ao transtorno de personalidade antissocial

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo discorrer mediante uma visão crítica e abrangente sobre alguns dos transtornos de personalidade classificados (ou não) pelos manuais diagnósticos e a sua relação com a criminologia e a responsabilidade criminal. Neste trabalho, utilizando da pesquisa de revisão bibliográfica, será atribuida uma maior ênfase aos transtornos de personalidade antissocial e narcisista, sendo que seu referencial teórico partirá das obras de Otto F. Kernberg e Erich Fromm, o qual podemos cognominar de Teoria do Narcisismo Maligno. O referencial teórico mencionado parte de um pensamento minoritário, e apesar de não ser o entendimento adotado hodiernamente, o mesmo mostra-se bastante útil para uma compreensão mais ampla e de maior profundidade dos transtornos de personalidade que acometem uma quantidade considerável de encarcerados. Tendo em vista os diversos fatores e peculiaridades relativos ao sistema penitenciário brasileiro, esta alternativa teórica mostra-se pertinente para estudos criminológicos e de psicologia jurídica, não apenas para auxiliar na elucidação das personalidades patológicas e na construção de perfis criminais, mas também para fomentar o pensamento critico sobre novas alternativas e possibilidades ao lidar com os fenômenos do encarceramento e da pena.This paper aims to discuss through a critical and broader view on some of the personality disorders classified (or not) by diagnostic manuals and their relation with criminology and criminal responsibility. In this work, using bibliographic review research, a greater emphasis will be given to antisocial and narcissistic personality disorders, the theoretical framework adopted will be based in the majority works of Otto F. Kernberg and Erich Fromm, which we can call Malignant Narcissism Theory. This theoretical framework starts from a minority thought, and although it is not the understanding adopted today, it is significantly useful for a broader and deeper understanding of personality disorders that affect a considerable amount of incarcerated. Pondering on the various factors and peculiarities related to the brazilian prison system, this theoretical alternative is relevant for criminological and legal psychology studies, not only to help elucidate the dynamics between pathological personalities and criminal profiling, but also to foster critical thinking about new alternatives and possibilities when dealing with the phenomena of imprisonment and punishment

    Assessing the effects of temperature and salinity oscillations on a key mesopredator fish from European coastal systems

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    Abstract A population dynamics model was developed to assess the short and long-term effects of temperature and salinity variations in the common goby Pomatoschistus microps in a Portuguese estuary (Minho estuary, NW Portugal). The population was divided into juveniles, females and males, which constituted the model’s state variables. Linear regressions between the observed and the predicted density of juveniles, females and the total population were significant. Parameter’s sensitivity and uncertainty analysis were estimated. The model was able to satisfactory describe the P. microps population dynamics, and thus was used to simulate the effects of climatic changes on the fish population. Simulations indicated that the common goby population is sensitive to both temperature and salinity changes. Overall, scenarios of + 4°C increase caused significant population decreases. Similarly, increased salinities led to a population shrinkage, whereas scenarios of salinity decrease generated an opposite variation on the population. According to the IPCC predictions for climatic tendencies, the population of the common goby will tend to decrease in the near future, experiencing marked oscillations (decrease or increase) during climatic extremes, namely droughts and floods, respectively. These results may be a useful tool for future planning and management of estuarine systems given that the common goby is an important species of estuarine food webs in many temperate ecosystems. Keywords: Population modelling, Pomatoschistus microps, climate change, uncertainty, estuary, Portuga
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