150 research outputs found

    Assessing and evaluating student contribution to electronic discussions

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    Tutors in face-to-face teaching and learning contexts, evaluate students\u27 participation in order to provide assessment that contributes towards the students\u27 final grade. Similarly, in on-line learning environments, there is a perceived need to reward the quantity and quality of student interactivity. However, the different nature of the context presents new challenges. Specifically, without the visual cues and immediate feedback, so important in face-to-face communication, the evaluation of students\u27 contributions to on-line learning activities and interaction demands new instructional and assessment skills. A unit of study at an Australian university, using computer mediated communication, was reviewed to address questions related to the appropriateness of an on-line evaluative process.<br /

    Protein domains and architectural innovation in plant-associated Proteobacteria

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    BACKGROUND: Evolution of new complex biological behaviour tends to arise by novel combinations of existing building blocks. The functional and evolutionary building blocks of the proteome are protein domains, the function of a protein being dependent on its constituent domains. We clustered completely-sequenced proteomes of prokaryotes on the basis of their protein domain content, as defined by Pfam (release 16.0). This revealed that, although there was a correlation between phylogeny and domain content, other factors also have an influence. This observation motivated an investigation of the relationship between an organism's lifestyle and the complement of domains and domain architectures found within its proteome. RESULTS: We took a census of all protein domains and domain combinations (architectures) encoded in the completely-sequenced proteobacterial genomes. Nine protein domain families were identified that are found in phylogenetically disparate plant-associated bacteria but are absent from non-plant-associated bacteria. Most of these are known to play a role in the plant-associated lifestyle, but they also included domain of unknown function DUF1427, which is found in plant symbionts and pathogens of the alpha-, beta- and gamma-Proteobacteria, but not known in any other organism. Further, several domains were identified as being restricted to phytobacteria and Eukaryotes. One example is the RolB/RolC glucosidase family, which is found only in Agrobacterium species and in plants. We identified the 0.5% of Pfam protein domain families that were most significantly over-represented in the plant-associated Proteobacteria with respect to the background frequencies in the whole set of available proteobacterial proteomes. These included guanylate cyclase, domains implicated in aromatic catabolism, cellulase and several domains of unknown function. We identified 459 unique domain architectures found in phylogenetically diverse plant pathogens and symbionts that were absent from non-pathogenic and non-symbiotic relatives. The vast majority of these were restricted to a single species or several closely related species and so their distributions could be better explained by phylogeny than by lifestyle. However, several architectures were found in two or more very distantly related phytobacteria but absent from non-plant-associated bacteria. Many of the proteins with these unique architectures are predicted to be secreted. In Pseudomonas syringae pathovar tomato, those genes encoding genes with novel domain architectures tended to have atypical GC contents and were adjacent to insertion sequence elements and phage-like sequences, suggesting acquisition by horizontal transfer. CONCLUSIONS: By identifying domains and architectures unique to plant pathogens and symbionts, we highlighted candidate proteins for involvement in plant-associated bacterial lifestyles. Given that characterisation of novel gene products in vivo and in vitro is time-consuming and expensive, this computational approach may be useful for reducing experimental search space. Furthermore we discuss the biological significance of novel proteins highlighted by this study in the context of plant-associated lifestyles

    Multi-point time-synchronized waveform recording for the analysis of wide-area harmonic propagation

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    This paper focuses on studying the phenomenon of harmonic distortion propagation through distribution networks. This phenomenon is governed by a combination of factors involving the nature of harmonic loads and their dynamic interaction, the influence of background voltage distortion, and harmonic impedance values. The objective of the proposed research includes evaluation of the network response at different nodes to harmonic current injections via utilizing a time-synchronized distributed measurement system. The study is performed in a fully controlled and flexible test network with three medium voltage/low voltage (MV/LV) distribution substations and several managed LV harmonic sources, namely PV inverter, single-phase EV charger and emulated harmonic load with reference current injections. A selection of the results is analyzed and interpretation of the observed phenomena is given with implications that synchronized harmonic measurements can be considered as potential powerful instruments for analyzing power quality disturbances

    Multi-layered simulation platform for future worlds distribution system scenarios

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    With the current Distribution System Operator (DSO) transition, DSOs are looking for novel cost-effective solutions to manage distribution networks. To avoid operational failures these solutions must be evaluated in a realistic end to end test environment prior to deployment. To meet this requirement PNDC is presently developing a platform that integrates solutions for power system analysis, market modelling, and real-time simulation. This multi-layered simulation platform will be used to investigate the impact of different DSO operational scenarios (e.g. flexibility procurement, communication interfaces, and vendor provided solutions). To develop the case study presented in this paper aspects of the Open Networks ‘Future Worlds’ were utilised. The ‘Future Worlds’ were developed by the UK Energy Networks Association and represent potential scenarios for the UK future electricity industry structure. This paper presents a case study using the PNDC platform. This case study reflects ‘Future World’ A and simulates an enforced power exchange profile at a grid supply point. In the case study a controllable demand is simulated in real-time and interfaces with power flow analysis and an optimal flexibility procurement algorithm. The case study demonstrates the capability of the multi-layered platform to manage network limitations by procuring flexibility services within a simulated distribution network

    SCARN a Novel Class of SCAR Protein That Is Required for Root-Hair Infection during Legume Nodulation

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    Rhizobial infection of legume root hairs requires a rearrangement of the actin cytoskeleton to enable the establishment of plant-made infection structures called infection threads. In the SCAR/WAVE (Suppressor of cAMP receptor defect/WASP family verpolin homologous protein) actin regulatory complex, the conserved N-terminal domains of SCAR proteins interact with other components of the SCAR/WAVE complex. The conserved C-terminal domains of SCAR proteins bind to and activate the actin-related protein 2/3 (ARP2/3) complex, which can bind to actin filaments catalyzing new actin filament formation by nucleating actin branching. We have identified, SCARN (SCAR-Nodulation),a gene required for root hair infection of Lotus japonicus by Mesorhizobium loti. Although the SCARN protein is related to Arabidopsis thaliana SCAR2 and SCAR4, it belongs to a distinct legume-sub clade. We identified other SCARN-like proteins in legumes and phylogeny analyses suggested that SCARN may have arisen from a gene duplication and acquired specialized functions in root nodule symbiosis. Mutation of SCARN reduced formation of infection-threads and their extension into the root cortex and slightly reduced root-hair length. Surprisingly two of the scarn mutants showed constitutive branching of root hairs in uninoculated plants. However we observed no effect of scarn mutations on trichome development or on the early actin cytoskeletal accumulation that is normally seen in root hair tips shortly after M. loti inoculation, distinguishing them from other symbiosis mutations affecting actin nucleation. The C-terminal domain of SCARN binds to ARPC3 and ectopic expression of the N-terminal SCAR-homology domain (but not the full length protein) inhibited nodulation. In addition, we found that SCARN expression is enhanced by M. loti in epidermal cells and that this is directly regulated by the NODULE INCEPTION (NIN) transcription factor

    Issues of the Ends of Life: The Segelberg Series

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    The Segelberg Series explores the intersection of religious faith and public policy. This book contains the lectures focused on The Ends of Life. Dalhousie University’s School of Public Administration managed the series through a lecture committee under the able leadership of the former Dean of Dalhousie’s Law School, Professor Innis Christie, QC

    Crowdsourcing genomic analyses of ash and ash dieback – power to the people

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    Ash dieback is a devastating fungal disease of ash trees that has swept across Europe and recently reached the UK. This emergent pathogen has received little study in the past and its effect threatens to overwhelm the ash population. In response to this we have produced some initial genomics datasets and taken the unusual step of releasing them to the scientific community for analysis without first performing our own. In this manner we hope to ‘crowdsource’ analyses and bring the expertise of the community to bear on this problem as quickly as possible. Our data has been released through our website at oadb.tsl.ac.uk and a public GitHub repository

    Widely conserved AHL transcription factors are essential for NCR gene expression and nodule development in Medicago

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    Symbiotic nitrogen fixation by Rhizobium bacteria in the cells of legume root nodules alleviates the need for nitrogen fertilizers. Nitrogen fixation requires the endosymbionts to differentiate into bacteroids which can be reversible or terminal. The latter is controlled by the plant, it is more beneficial and has evolved in multiple clades of the Leguminosae family. The plant effectors of terminal differentiation in inverted repeat-lacking clade legumes (IRLC) are nodule-specific cysteine-rich (NCR) peptides, which are absent in legumes such as soybean where there is no terminal differentiation of rhizobia. It was assumed that NCR s co-evolved with specific transcription factors, but our work demonstrates that expression of NCR genes does not require NCR -specific transcription factors. Introduction of the Medicago truncatula NCR169 gene under its own promoter into soybean roots resulted in its nodule-specific expression, leading to bacteroid changes associated with terminal differentiation. We identified two AT-Hook Motif Nuclear Localized (AHL) transcription factors from both M. truncatula and soybean nodules that bound to AT-rich sequences in the NCR169 promoter inducing its expression. Whereas mutation of NCR169 arrested bacteroid development at a late stage, the absence of MtAHL1 or MtAHL2 completely blocked bacteroid differentiation indicating that they also regulate other NCR genes required for the development of nitrogen-fixing nodules. Regulation of NCR s by orthologous transcription factors in non-IRLC legumes opens up the possibility of increasing the efficiency of nitrogen fixation in legumes lacking NCR s
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