2,167 research outputs found

    Case-control study of arsenic in drinking water and lung cancer in California and Nevada.

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    Millions of people are exposed to arsenic in drinking water, which at high concentrations is known to cause lung cancer in humans. At lower concentrations, the risks are unknown. We enrolled 196 lung cancer cases and 359 controls matched on age and gender from western Nevada and Kings County, California in 2002-2005. After adjusting for age, sex, education, smoking and occupational exposures, odds ratios for arsenic concentrations ≥85 µg/L (median = 110 µg/L, mean = 173 µg/L, maximum = 1,460 µg/L) more than 40 years before enrollment were 1.39 (95% CI = 0.55-3.53) in all subjects and 1.61 (95% CI = 0.59-4.38) in smokers. Although odds ratios were greater than 1.0, these increases may have been due to chance given the small number of subjects exposed more than 40 years before enrollment. This study, designed before research in Chile suggested arsenic-related cancer latencies of 40 years or more, illustrates the enormous sample sizes needed to identify arsenic-related health effects in low-exposure countries with mobile populations like the U.S. Nonetheless, our findings suggest that concentrations near 100 µg/L are not associated with markedly high relative risks

    Frequency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in malaria patients from six African countries enrolled in two randomized anti-malarial clinical trials

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is common in populations living in malaria endemic areas. G6PD genotype and phenotype were determined for malaria patients enrolled in the chlorproguanil-dapsone-artesunate (CDA) phase III clinical trial programme.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Study participants, aged > 1 year, with microscopically confirmed uncomplicated <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>malaria, and haemoglobin ≥ 70 g/L or haematocrit ≥ 25%, were recruited into two clinical trials conducted in six African countries (Burkina Faso, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Mali). G6PD genotype of the three most common African forms, G6PD*B, G6PD*A (A376G), and G6PD*A- (G202A, A542T, G680T and T968C), were determined and used for frequency estimation. G6PD phenotype was assessed qualitatively using the NADPH fluorescence test. Exploratory analyses investigated the effect of G6PD status on baseline haemoglobin concentration, temperature, asexual parasitaemia and anti-malarial efficacy after treatment with CDA 2/2.5/4 mg/kg or chlorproguanil-dapsone 2/2.5 mg/kg (both given once daily for three days) or six-dose artemether-lumefantrine.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of 2264 malaria patients enrolled, 2045 had G6PD genotype available and comprised the primary analysis population (1018 males, 1027 females). G6PD deficiency prevalence was 9.0% (184/2045; 7.2% [N = 147] male hemizygous plus 1.8% [N = 37] female homozygous), 13.3% (273/2045) of patients were heterozygous females, 77.7% (1588/2045) were G6PD normal. All deficient G6PD*A- genotypes were A376G/G202A. G6PD phenotype was available for 64.5% (1319/2045) of patients: 10.2% (134/1319) were G6PD deficient, 9.6% (127/1319) intermediate, and 80.2% (1058/1319) normal. Phenotype test specificity in detecting hemizygous males was 70.7% (70/99) and 48.0% (12/25) for homozygous females. Logistic regression found no significant effect of G6PD genotype on adjusted mean baseline haemoglobin (p = 0.154), adjusted mean baseline temperature (p = 0.9617), or adjusted log mean baseline parasitaemia (p = 0.365). There was no effect of G6PD genotype (p = 0.490) or phenotype (p = 0.391) on the rate of malaria recrudescence, or reinfection (p = 0.134 and p = 0.354, respectively).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>G6PD deficiency is common in African patients with malaria and until a reliable and simple G6PD test is available, the use of 8-aminoquinolines will remain problematic. G6PD status did not impact baseline haemoglobin, parasitaemia or temperature or the outcomes of anti-malarial therapy.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Clinicaltrials.gov: <a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00344006">NCT00344006</a> and <a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00371735">NCT00371735</a>.</p

    Provenance and paleogeography of post-Middle Ordovician, pre-Devonian sedimentary basins on the Gander composite terrane, eastern and east-central Maine: implications for Silurian tectonics in the northern Appalachians

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    Recent mapping in eastern and east-central Maine addresses long-standing regional correlation issues and permits reconstruction of post-Middle Ordovician, pre-Devonian paleogeography of sedimentary basins on the Ganderian composite terrane. Two major Late Ordovician-Silurian depocenters are recognized in eastern Maine and western New Brunswick separated by an emergent Miramichi terrane: the Fredericton trough to the southeast and a single basin comprising the Central Maine and Aroostook-Matapedia sequences to the northwest. This Central Maine/Aroostook-Matapedia (CMAM) basin received sediment from both the Miramichi highland to the east and highlands and islands to the west, including the pre-Late Ordovician Boundary Mountains, Munsungun-Pennington, and Weeksboro-Lunksoos terranes. Lithofacies in the Fredericton trough are truncated and telescoped by faulting along its flanks but suggest a similar basin that received sediment from highlands to the west (Miramichi) and east (St. Croix).Deposition ended in the Fredericton trough following burial and deformation in the Late Silurian, but continued in the CMAM basin until Early Devonian Acadian folding. A westward-migrating Acadian orogenic wedge provided a single eastern source of sediment for the composite CMAM basin after the Salinic/Early Acadian event, replacing the earlier, more local sources. The CMAM, Fredericton, and Connecticut Valley-Gaspé depocenters were active immediately following the Taconian orogeny and probably formed during extension related to post-Taconian plate adjustments. These basins thus predate Acadian foreland sedimentation.Structural analysis and seismic reflection profiles indicate a greater degree of post-depositional crustal shortening than previously interpreted. Late Acadian and post-Acadian strike-slip faulting on the Norumbega and Central Maine Boundary fault systems distorted basin geometries but did not disturb paleogeographic components drastically

    Incidence and clinical characteristics of group A rotavirus infections among children admitted to hospital in Kilifi, Kenya

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    Background Rotavirus, predominantly of group A, is a major cause of severe diarrhoea worldwide, with the greatest burden falling on young children living in less-developed countries. Vaccines directed against this virus have shown promise in recent trials, and are undergoing effectiveness evaluation in sub-Saharan Africa. In this region limited childhood data are available on the incidence and clinical characteristics of severe group A rotavirus disease. Advocacy for vaccine intervention and interpretation of effectiveness following implementation will benefit from accurate base-line estimates of the incidence and severity of rotavirus paediatric admissions in relevant populations. The study objective was to accurately define the incidence and severity of group A rotavirus disease in a resource-poor setting necessary to make informed decisions on the need for vaccine prevention. Methods and Findings Between 2002 and 2004 we conducted prospective surveillance for group A rotavirus infection at Kilifi District Hospital in coastal Kenya. Children < 13 y of age were eligible as "cases" if admitted with diarrhoea, and "controls" if admitted without diarrhoea. We calculated the incidence of hospital admission with group A rotavirus using data from a demographic surveillance study of 220,000 people in Kilifi District. Of 15,347 childhood admissions 3,296 (22%) had diarrhoea, 2,039 were tested for group A rotavirus antigen and, of these, 588 (29%) were positive. 372 (63%) rotavirus-positive cases were infants. Of 620 controls 19 (3.1%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.9–4.7) were rotavirus positive. The annual incidence (per 100,000 children) of rotavirus-positive admissions was 1,431 (95% CI 1,275–1,600) in infants and 478 (437–521) in under-5-y-olds, and highest proximal to the hospital. Compared to children with rotavirus-negative diarrhoea, rotavirus-positive cases were less likely to have coexisting illnesses and more likely to have acidosis (46% versus 17%) and severe electrolyte imbalance except hyponatraemia. In-hospital case fatality was 2% among rotavirus-positive and 9% among rotavirus-negative children. Conclusions In Kilifi > 2% of children are admitted to hospital with group A rotavirus diarrhoea in the first 5 y of life. This translates into over 28,000 vaccine-preventable hospitalisations per year across Kenya, and is likely to be a considerable underestimate. Group A rotavirus diarrhoea is associated with acute life-threatening metabolic derangement in otherwise healthy children. Although mortality is low in this clinical research setting this may not be generally true in African hospitals lacking rapid and appropriate management

    Photooxidation of 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol (MBO) as a potential source of secondary organic aerosol

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    2-Methyl-3-buten-2-ol (MBO) is an important biogenic hydrocarbon emitted in large quantities by pine forests. Atmospheric photooxidation of MBO is known to lead to oxygenated compounds, such as glycolaldehyde, which is the precursor to glyoxal. Recent studies have shown that the reactive uptake of glyoxal onto aqueous particles can lead to formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA). In this work, MBO photooxidation under high- and low-NO_x conditions was performed in dual laboratory chambers to quantify the yield of glyoxal and investigate the potential for SOA formation. The yields of glycolaldehyde and 2-hydroxy-2-methylpropanal (HMPR), fragmentation products of MBO photooxidation, were observed to be lower at lower NO_x concentrations. Overall, the glyoxal yield from MBO photooxidation was 25% under high-NO_x and 4% under low-NO_x conditions. In the presence of wet ammonium sulfate seed and under high-NO_x conditions, glyoxal uptake and SOA formation were not observed conclusively, due to relatively low (<30 ppb) glyoxal concentrations. Slight aerosol formation was observed under low-NO_x and dry conditions, with aerosol mass yields on the order of 0.1%. The small amount of SOA was not related to glyoxal uptake, but is likely a result of reactions similar to those that generate isoprene SOA under low-NO_x conditions. The difference in aerosol yields between MBO and isoprene photooxidation under low-NO_x conditions is consistent with the difference in vapor pressures between triols (from MBO) and tetrols (from isoprene). Despite its structural similarity to isoprene, photooxidation of MBO is not expected to make a significant contribution to SOA formation

    Non-chemical signatures of biological materials: Radio signals from Covid19?

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    All therapeutic methods dealing with coronavirus (past and present) are based on chemicals. We test for it (positive or negative) chemically and hope to cure it with a future vaccine (some complicated chemical preparation). If and when the virus mutates, another set of chemical protocols for its testing and a hunt for new chemicals as a vaccine shall begin again and again. But the history of modern (western) medicine tells us that our biotechnology is not so limited. Copious scientific evidence for sonic and low energy electromagnetic signals produced by all biological elements (DNA, cells, bacteria, parasites, virus) exists; in turn, the biological elements are affected by these non-chemical signals as well. A careful analysis and a catalogue of the spectrum of these non-chemical signals are proposed here as a unique biophysical signature

    Colloquium: Comparison of Astrophysical and Terrestrial Frequency Standards

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    We have re-analyzed the stability of pulse arrival times from pulsars and white dwarfs using several analysis tools for measuring the noise characteristics of sampled time and frequency data. We show that the best terrestrial artificial clocks substantially exceed the performance of astronomical sources as time-keepers in terms of accuracy (as defined by cesium primary frequency standards) and stability. This superiority in stability can be directly demonstrated over time periods up to two years, where there is high quality data for both. Beyond 2 years there is a deficiency of data for clock/clock comparisons and both terrestrial and astronomical clocks show equal performance being equally limited by the quality of the reference timescales used to make the comparisons. Nonetheless, we show that detailed accuracy evaluations of modern terrestrial clocks imply that these new clocks are likely to have a stability better than any astronomical source up to comparison times of at least hundreds of years. This article is intended to provide a correct appreciation of the relative merits of natural and artificial clocks. The use of natural clocks as tests of physics under the most extreme conditions is entirely appropriate; however, the contention that these natural clocks, particularly white dwarfs, can compete as timekeepers against devices constructed by mankind is shown to be doubtful.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures; presented at the International Frequency Control Symposium, Newport Beach, Calif., June, 2010; presented at Pulsar Conference 2010, October 12th, Sardinia; accepted 13th September 2010 for publication in Reviews of Modern Physic

    Interaction of microbiology and pathology in women undergoing investigations for infertility.

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    BACKGROUND: Cases of endometriosis with no tubal damage are associated with infertility, suggesting an immunological rather than mechanical barrier to reproduction. Laparoscopy and falloposcopy results of clinically asymptomatic women undergoing investigation of infertility were correlated with the outcomes of microbiological screening for Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Mycoplasma hominis, ureaplasma species, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Neisseria meningitidis and Chlamydia pneumoniae. METHODS: A total of 44 women presenting to a hospital IVF service for laparoscopic or laparoscopic/falloposcopic investigation of infertility provided endocervical swabs, fallopian tube washings, and peripheral whole blood for analysis. RESULTS: Of these 44 women, 15.9% (7) showed evidence of C. trachomatis infection as detected by either PCR or EIA serology. Of these 7 women, 5 (71%) had no or mild endometriosis and 2 (29%) had moderate or severe endometriosis. Of the remaining 37 women who showed no evidence of chlamydial infection, 15 (40.5%) had no or mild endometriosis. CONCLUSION: Women with infertility, but without severe endometriosis at laparoscopy, showed a trend towards tubal damage and a higher rate of previous C. trachomatis infection. Although not statistically significant, this trend would suggest that, where moderate to severe tubal damage is found to be the primary cause of infertility, C. trachomatis infection could be a likely cause for such tubal damage