102 research outputs found

    The Social Self: Hawthorne, Howells, William James, and Nineteenth-Century Psychology

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    American literary history of the nineteenth-century as a conflict between individualistic writers and a conformist society. In The Social Self, Joseph Alkana argues that such a dichotomy misrepresents the views of many authors. Sudden changes caused by the industrial revolution, urban development, increased immigration, and regional conflicts were threatening to fragment the community, and such writers as Nathaniel Hawthorne, William James, and William Dean Howells were deeply concerned about social cohesion. Alkana persuasively reintroduces Common Sense philosophy and Jamesian psychology as ways to understand how the nineteenth-century self/society dilemma developed. All three writers believed that introspection was the proper path to the discovery of truth. They also felt, Alkana argues, that such discoveries had to be validated by society. In these sophisticated readings of Hawthorne\u27s short stories and The Scarlet Letter, Howells\u27s utopian Altrurian romances, and James\u27s The Principles of Psychology, it becomes obvious that characters who isolate themselves from the community do so at considerable psychological risk. The Social Self links these writers\u27 interest in contemporary psychology to their concern for history and society. Alkana\u27s argument that nineteenth-century expressions of individualism were defensive responses to the fear of social chaos radically revises the traditional narrative of American literary culture. Joseph Alkana is associate professor of English at the University of Miami. Through intensely close readings of texts, Alkana traces the alternate concept of \u27the social self.\u27 In this time of militant groups resistant to conceptions of the self as interdependent from society, the issue is significant. —Choice Dense with fascinating and innovative variations on familiar themes and works. It is well worth the read. —JASAT Alkana freshly examines connections between selfhood and society as he negotiates a conceptual passageway between humanist definitions of selfhood . . . and poststructuralist claims of a \u27new liberation\u27 from the \u27tyranny of the philosophical subject. —South Atlantic Review Alkana offers a provocative, alternative reading of the individualist movement in nineteenth-century literary and intellectual circles. —Year’s Work in English Studies Alkana\u27s project does identify and explore the ongoing challenge of reconciling our critical and pedagogical methodologies and reminds us that the \u27self,\u27 in one form or another, remains central to this enterprise. —American Literaturehttps://uknowledge.uky.edu/upk_english_language_and_literature_north_america/1041/thumbnail.jp


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    Ikan Black marlin merupakan ikan pelagis yang mempunyai nilai ekonomis penting, oleh karena itu produk olahannya yaitu Black marlin loin beku merupakan salah satu komoditi perikanan yang banyak disukai oleh pasar mancanegara. Sehingga Black marlin loin beku harus memiliki mutu yang baik untuk layak dipasarkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis karakteristik mutu ikan Black marlin beku yang diproduksi di PT. Sinar Sejahtera Sentosa. Karakteristik yang diuji meliputi karakteristik fisik menggunakan uji organoleptik, kemudian karakteristik kimiawi dengan uji histamin dan karakteristik biologi dengan melakukan uji TPC (Total Plate Count) dan hasilnya kemudian dianalisis menggunakan standar SNI Marlin Loin Beku. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pengujian organoleptik pada black marlin loin beku yaitu 7, sedangkan hasil yang diperoleh dari uji histamin sebesar 1 mg/kg dan uji TPC yaitu 370 coloni/g. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ikan Black Marlin Loin beku telah memenuhi standar SNI Marlin Loin Beku, ikan tersebut mempunyai mutu yang baik sehingga aman untuk dikonsumsi dan layak untuk dipasarkan. Black marlin is a pelagic species that has high economic value, therefore the processed product frozen loin black marlin, is one of the fisheries commodities that are preferred by foreign markets. Therefore, frozen black marlin loin must have good quality to be marketable. The aim of this research was to study and analyze the quality characteristics of frozen black marlin loin at PT. Sinar Sejahtera Sentosa. Characteristics test were done by doing physical characteristics using organoleptic test, then chemical characteristics test by doing histamine test and biological characteristics test by doing TPC (Total Plate Count) test and the results were analyzed then with standard SNI Frozen Loin Marlin. The result of organoleptic test on frozen loin black marlin were 7, while the results of histamine test were 1 mg/kg and the TPC test 370 coloni/g. From these results it can be concluded that frozen loin black marlin has fulfilled SNI standards, this fish has a good quality so safe for consumption and marketable.

    Pharmacological insights into the role of P2X4 receptors in behavioural regulation: lessons from ivermectin

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=8920271&fileId=S1461145712000909Purinergic ionotropic P2X receptors are a family of cation-permeable channels that bind extracellular adenosine 5′-triphosphate. In particular, convergent lines of evidence have recently highlighted P2X4 receptors as a potentially critical target in the regulation of multiple nervous and behavioural functions, including pain, neuroendocrine regulation and hippocampal plasticity. Nevertheless, the role of the P2X4 receptor in behavioural organization remains poorly investigated. To study the effects of P2X4 activation, we tested the acute effects of its potent positive allosteric modulator ivermectin (IVM, 2.5–10 mg/kg i.p.) on a broad set of paradigms capturing complementary aspects of perceptual, emotional and cognitive regulation in mice. In a novel open field, IVM did not induce significant changes in locomotor activity, but increased the time spent in the peripheral zone. In contrast, IVM produced anxiolytic-like effects in the elevated plus maze and marble burying tasks, as well as depression-like behaviours in the tail-suspension and forced swim tests. The agent induced no significant behavioural changes in the conditioned place preference test and in the novel object recognition task. Finally, the drug induced a dose-dependent decrease in sensorimotor gating, as assessed by pre-pulse inhibition (PPI) of the acoustic startle reflex. In P2X4 knockout mice, the effects of IVM in the open field and elevated plus maze were similar to those observed in wild type mice; conversely, the drug significantly increased startle amplitude and failed to reduce PPI. Taken together, these results suggest that P2X4 receptors may play a role in the regulation of sensorimotor gatin

    Avermectins differentially affect ethanol intake and receptor function: implications for developing new therapeutics for alcohol use disorders

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    Abstract Our laboratory is investigating ivermectin (IVM) and other members of the avermectin family as new pharmacotherapeutics to prevent and/or treat alcohol use disorders (AUDs). Earlier work found that IVM significantly reduced ethanol intake in mice and that this effect likely reflects IVM's ability to modulate ligand-gated ion channels. We hypothesized that structural modifications that enhance IVM's effects on key receptors and/or increase its brain concentration should improve its anti-alcohol efficacy. We tested this hypothesis by comparing the abilities of IVM and two other avermectins, abamectin (ABM) and selamectin (SEL), to reduce ethanol intake in mice, to alter modulation of GABA A Rs and P2X 4 Rs expressed in Xenopus oocytes and to increase their ability to penetrate the brain. IVM and ABM significantly reduced ethanol intake and antagonized the inhibitory effects of ethanol on P2X 4 R function. In contrast, SEL did not affect either measure, despite achieving higher brain concentrations than IVM and ABM. All three potentiated GABA A R function. These findings suggest that chemical structure and effects on receptor function play key roles in the ability of avermectins to reduce ethanol intake and that these factors are more important than brain penetration alone. The direct relationship between the effect of these avermectins on P2X 4 R function and ethanol intake suggest that the ability to antagonize ethanol-mediated inhibition of P2X 4 R function may be a good predictor of the potential of an avermectin to reduce ethanol intake and support the use of avermectins as a platform for developing novel drugs to prevent and/or treat AUDs

    Post-training ethanol disrupts trace conditioned fear in rats: Effects of timing of ethanol, dose and trace interval duration

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    Ethanol has complex effects on memory performance, although hippocampus-dependent memory may be especially vulnerable to disruption by acute ethanol intoxication occurring during or shortly after a training episode. In the present experiments, the effects of post-training ethanol on delay and trace fear conditioning were examined in adolescent rats. In Experiment 1, 30-day-old Sprague-Dawley rats were given delay or trace conditioning trials in which a 10 s flashing light CS was paired with a 0.5 mA shock US. For trace groups, the trace interval was 10 s. On days 31-33, animals were administered ethanol once daily (0.0 or 2.5 g/kg via intragastric intubation), and on day 34 animals were tested for CS-elicited freezing. Results showed that post-training ethanol affected the expression of trace, but had no effect on delay conditioned fear. Experiment 2 revealed that this effect was dose-dependent; doses lower than 2.5 g/kg were without effect. Experiment 3 evaluated whether proximity of ethanol to the time of training or testing was critical. Results show that ethanol administration beginning 24 h after training was more detrimental to trace conditioned freezing than administration that was delayed by 48 h. Finally, in Experiment 4 animals were trained with one of three different trace intervals: 1, 3 or 10 s. Results indicate that post-training administration of 2.5 g/kg ethanol disrupted trace conditioned fear in subjects trained with a 10 s, but not with a I or 3 s, trace interval. Collectively the results suggest that ethanol administration impairs post-acquisition memory processing of hippocampus-dependent trace fear conditioning. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Experiences of graduation or termination from a girls youth community project

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    Thesis (MA (Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006.The study attempted to gain insight into the behavioural response to termination/ graduation of a group of ten female graduates from a community intervention programme. The participants, aged between eleven and fourteen years and predominantly from low socio-economic backgrounds, attended the Usiko Girls Youth Community Programme. The eighteen month programme aimed to facilitate their transition from girlhood to womanhood. To this end, the program was conceptualized as having various components including, but not limited to, Initiation, Life skills training, Cultural activities, Camps, and graduation. After the graduation ceremony, which culminated in the termination of the programme for these participants, they returned to the programme, stating different reasons for doing so. A single group, post-test design, utilizing a structured interview was employed with the main focus being the graduation and termination component, to help understand this phenomenon. Thematic analysis and descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. Results suggest that the participant’s identification with the programme made it difficult for some to terminate
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