476 research outputs found

    Hitherto unreported Agaricus species of Central India

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    Karwa A, Rai MK. 2010. Spesies Agaricus dari India Tengah yang belum dilaporkan sampai sekarang. Nusantara Bioscience 2: 141-145. Kawasan hutan Melghat di India Tengah disurvei untuk mengetahui keberadaan jamur yang berkhasiat obat dan kuliner selama tahun 2005-2008. Dari total 153 spesies jamur, sepuluh spesies Agaricus ditemukan di berbagai lokasi yang berbeda. Dari jumlah tersebut, tujuh spesies yaitu Agaricus bitorquis, A. subrufescens, A. augustus, A. placomyces, A. essettei, A. basioanolosus dan Agaricus sp. nov. (spesies baru) baru pertama kali dilaporkan keberadaannya di kawasan ini. Jamur komersial Agaricus bisporus tidak memiliki karakter perkembangbiakan yang baik karena secara alamiah bersifat bispora. Kerabat liar dari jamur ini dapat digunakan sebagai sumber manipulasi genetik pada strain yang ada dan juga untuk mengembangkan strain baru dengan karakter yang lebih baik. Kata kunci: Agaricus, India Tengah, komersial, dimakan, Melghat

    India's Outward Foreign Direct Investments in Steel Industry in a Chinese Comparative Perspective

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    Indian and Chinese enterprises have emerged as important outward investors in recent times with their involvement in a number of prominent Greenfield investments and acquisitions. The theory of international business posits that the ownership of some unique advantages having a revenue generating potential abroad combined with the presence of internalization and locational advantages leads to outward FDI. Conventional MNEs based in the industrialized countries have grown on the strength of ownership advantages derived from innovatory activity that is largely concentrated in these countries. It examines the case of steel industry that has become an important sector of overseas activity for Chinese and Indian companies with a string of major acquisitions of foreign MNEs for acquiring footprints and natural resources in order to identify the sources of ownership advantages and strategies of outward investments from emerging countries.FDI outflows, steel, India

    Invigorating Libraries with Application of Artificial Intelligence

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    “Survival of the Fittest” as quoted by Charles Darwin fits and suits in all walks of life. As on date, big debate is on regarding the existence and survival of libraries. Libraries need to adopt emerging tools and technologies to provide best services to the users on time with precision. Artificial intelligence has placed itself everywhere in everyday life. This paper is an attempt to expedite AI applications in libraries, not only for providing services to the existing users but also finding innovative ways to attract new users. The paper discusses AI, basic requisites, its applications in libraries, and barriers in its implementations. The paper concludes that AI is the need of today for libraries

    Invigorating Libraries with Application of Artificial Intelligence

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    “Survival of the Fittest” as quoted by Charles Darwin fits and suits in all walks of life. As on date, big debate is on regarding the existence and survival of libraries. Libraries need to adopt emerging tools and technologies to provide best services to the users on time with precision. Artificial intelligence has placed itself everywhere in everyday life. This paper is an attempt to expedite AI applications in libraries, not only for providing services to the existing users but also finding innovative ways to attract new users. The paper discusses AI, basic requisites, its applications in libraries, and barriers in its implementations. The paper concludes that AI is the need of today for libraries

    A Review: An Overview on Synthesis of Some Schiff bases and there Metal Complexes with Anti-Microbial Activity

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    Azomethine linkage of Schiff base play an important role in medical field with so many pharmacological activities such as antimicrobial, antiviral, ant tubercular and anticancer activity. The potency of these pharmaceutically useful drugs in treatment of microbial infections and other activities encouraged the development of some more potent and significant compounds and metal complexes. Schiff bases and there metal complexes are remarkably effective compounds, extensive biochemical and medicinal studies have confirmed that these molecules are effective against various strains of microorganisms. This review is summarized to know about the chemistry of different derivatives of substituted Schiff bases and there metal complexes with various metals along with their anti-microbial activities. Key words: Substituted Schiff bases, Metal complexes, Anti-microbial activities

    Adoption of Integrated Pest Management Practices in Paddy and Cotton: A Case Study in Haryana and Punjab

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    The study has examined the adoption of IPM practices on cotton in Punjab and on paddy in Haryana and has assessed the impact of key socio-economic and institutional factors on IPM adoption. The Poisson count regression models have been used to analyze technology adoption. The awareness generation about technology through formal crop-specific IPM training provided by the farmers’ field schools has been found extremely effective in wider adoption of IPM in the study areas. Hence, investment in IPM education through these programmes will have long-term beneficial impact. Regarding effectiveness of extension services, the study has not shown (frequency of meeting extension personnel) any statistically significant impact on IPM adoption rates. Mixed evidence has been observed about the relationship between farm-size and adoption of IPM practices. In the case of paddy, a negative relationship has been observed, while the cotton has shown a positive relationship. The study has concluded that a higher gross value of crops does not appear to have a positive impact on IPM technology adoption in cotton.Crop Production/Industries,

    Ethnobotanical Observations of Euphorbiaceae Species from Vidarbha region, Maharashtra, India

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    An attempt has been made to explore traditional medicinal knowledge of plant materials belonging to various genera of the Euphorbiaceae, readily available in Vidharbha region of Maharasthtra state. Ethnobotanical information were gathered through several visits, group discussions and cross checked with local medicine men. The study identified 7 species to cure skin diseases (such as itches, scabies); 5 species for antiseptic (including antibacterial); 4 species for diarrhoea; 3 species for dysentery, urinary infections, snake-bite and inflammations; 2 species for bone fracture/ dislocation, hair related problems, warts, fish poisons, night blindness, wounds/cuts/ burns, rheumatism, diabetes, jaundice, vomiting and insecticide; 1 species as laxative , viral fever and arthritis. The results are encouraging but thorough scientific scrutiny is absolutely necessary before being put into practice

    Analysis of Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques for Intrusion Detection on Network

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    Intrusion detection is an action towards security of a network when a system or network is being used inappropriately or without authorization. The use of Soft Computing Approaches in intrusion detection is an Appealing co ncept for two reasons: firstly, the Soft Computing Approaches achieve tractability, robustness, low solution cost, and better report with reality. Secondly, current techniques used in network security from intrusion are not able to cope with the dynamic and increasingly complex nature of network and their security. It is hoped that Soft Computing inspired approaches in this area will be able to meet this challenge. Here we analyze the approaches including the examination of efforts in hybrid system of SC su ch as neuro - fuzzy, fuzzy - genetic, neuro - genetic, and neuro - fuzzy - genetic used the development of the systems and outcome their implementation. It provides an introduction and review of the key developments within this field, in addition to making suggestio ns for future research

    The Study of Vander Waals (vdW) Coefficients for Chalcogenide Semiconductor Compound (ChSCs)

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    The vdW equation is an equation of state that can be derived from a special form of the potential between a pair of molecules (hard-sphere repulsion and r-6 vdW attraction). The vdW force (or vdW interaction), named after Dutch Scientist Johannes Diderik van der Waals, is the attractive or repulsive force between the molecules (or between parts of the same molecule) other than those due to the covalent bonds or the electrostatic interaction of ions with one another or with neutral molecules. The investigation of physical properties of the crystals depends on the motion of the constituent atoms (or ions) and requires the knowledge of actual form of the phonon frequency spectrum, which can be achieved from the theoretical models of lattice dynamics. The efforts have been made to develop a series of lattice dynamical models, which have progressed rapidly through the simple phenomenological to the sophisticated microscopic approaches. The energy is written as a function of a single lattice constant and the structure has been determined by minimizing the energy with respect to this parameter. These are the total electron density which is the sum of the two separate densities and the non Coloumbic part of the interaction potential may be evaluated by an electron gas treatment. It has been found that the vdW interactions are quite important in the calculation of cohesive energies of different crystal structures [10]. The prediction of relative stability and phase transition depends appreciably on the accuracy of determining the vdW coefficients (ckk? and dkk? ). In this study evaluation of The Study of Vander Waals (vdW) coefficients for Chalcogenide Semiconductor compound (ChSCs) is been made and result is recorded which can be used as reference for many future studies. In the present study of mixed Chalcogenide semiconductor Compounds (ChSCs). We have used the Hafemeister and Flygare (HF) type potential which allows us to extend the overlap repulsion up to second neighbour ions. In the present study the values of and c//A- obtained from SKV approach have been used for the evaluation of vdW energies
