627 research outputs found

    Poverty Dynamics In Indonesia: Panel Data Evidence

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    Despite its importance (for example in order to distinguish the nature of chronic and transient poverty), good studies on poverty dynamics in Indonesia is quite rare. One important constraint is the need of panel or longitudinal data where observations of the living conditions of the same individuals or households are made at several points in time. In developing countries, the existence of this type survey, of course, is not a norm. In Indonesia, longitudinal household survey was not present until in 1993, Rand cooperation and Demographic Institute of University of Indonesia, conducted Indonesian Family Survey (IFLS), in which around 7,600 household in 13 province in Indonesia were survey and re-surveyed in 1997. This two set of data (to our knowledge) resulted in the first dataset that was specifically designed to be a panel/longitudinal data. In this paper, we would utilize this rich set of data, to study poverty dynamics in Indonesia, by dividing poverty into transient and chronic poverty. We would investigate socioeconomic characteristics of those households that belongs to transiently-poor and chronically-poor group to see any distinctive characteristics between the two. In addition to that, we would investigate whether regional factors i.e. urban-rural location, and geographical difference (such as across province or localities) would also reveal distinctive patterns. Keywords: poverty dynamics, panel data, chronic poverty, transient povertypoverty dynamics, panel data, chronic poverty, transient poverty

    Assessing Indonesia's sustainable development: long-run trend, impact of the crisis, and adjustment during the recovery period.

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    We adopt the definition of sustainability as ā€œnon-declining welfare per capitaā€, and measure genuine savings and change in wealth per capita as indicator of weak sustainability. The results suggests that the overall trend in sustainability as measured by changes in wealth per capita had shown that the Indonesian economy during the last twenty years had not been on a sustainable path. Despite this, sustainability had been on an improving long-run trend due to the restructuring of the economy away from oil and gas sector, towards more reliant on secondary and tertiary economic activities. However, the need for more appropriate approach in managing mineral, forest resources depletion, as well as environmental degradation caused by industrial sectorā€™s pollution is called for as they had rapidly becoming a growing problem. Measures of sustainability during the economic crisis and its adjustment period clearly show that the crisis had adversely affected the positive trend in sustainability through a combination of reduction in savings rate and increases in natural resources depletion. This has rephrased the importance of economic growth in the context of sustainable development, and provided empirical evidence that economic crisis had created incentives for more rapid natural resources extraction that could endanger sustainable development. Relevant policies to help address both problems are discussed.Genuine Savings; Changes in Wealth per Capita; Sustainable Development; Indonesia

    Energy Security in Indonesia

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    Pelayanan Kesehatan Perinatal di Daerah Pedesaan Ujung Berung

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    A survey on perinatal care in a rural area at Ujung Berung district, located 15ā€”20 km outside Bandung, West Java was conducted. Three villages with a population of 40,787 were selected. Health services were provided by one health post and several family planning posts. In this study 1303 pregnant women were followed throughout the 28 weeks of pregnancy until the infant is 28 days of age. Among the 1303 pregnant women 5.7% had received tetanus toxoid immunization. Perinatal mortality rate (PMR) was 43.6 per thousand and incidence of low birth weight was 14.3 percent. Only 12.8% pregnant women were using some kind of contraception before the last pregnancy. The PMR decreased in spite of the low percentage users. The main causes of death during perinatal period vece asphyxia neonatorum and infections. The incidence of tetanus neonatorum during neonatal period was 17 per thousand live births. An evaluation of health service activities showed 47.5% of these pregnant women had antenatal care. Care during delivery and early postnatal period was carried out by TBAs. No significant difference was found between the PMR of trained and untrained TBAs. Another aspect of health service activities is referral to the health centre or hospital. A total of 3.8 percent infants were referred because of neoĀ­natal problems; among these, refusal was 12.5% due to the totalistic attitude of the parents in the village. The results showed that coverage of pregnant women and their infants by safe health care services is very low. This may be due to lack of facilities and health personnel, and probably also due to the confidence of village people for traditional health care providers. Thus, education and training as well as supervision of traditional health care providers and their integration into the formal health care structure is of extreme importance

    Statistical MOSFET Parameter Extraction with Parameter Selection for Minimal Point Measurement

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    A method to statistically extract MOSFET model parameters from a minimal number of transistor I(V) characteristic curve measurements, taken during fabrication process monitoring. It includes a sensitivity analysis of the model, test/measurement point selection, and a parameter extraction experiment on the process data. The actual extraction is based on a linear error model, the sensitivity of the MOSFET model with respect to the parameters, and Newton-Raphson iterations. Simulated results showed good accuracy of parameter extraction and I(V) curve fit for parameter deviations of up 20% from nominal values, including for a process shift of 10% from nominal

    Human innate lymphoid cell trafficking and function in vivo

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    Human organs and tissues, such as the lung, are composed of various spatially distinct anatomical compartments. Each compartment represents a different tissue environment within the organ, performs specific functions and in turn promotes the development, migration, and function of specific cell types. Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are innate immune cells that perform important functions as one of the first responders in immune defense and as maintainers of tissue homeostasis. ILCs are often considered as the innate counterpart of T cells, but instead on specific antigens, ILCs heavily rely on environmental signals for their development, activation, and function. Therefore, investigating the migration and spatial distribution of human ILC subsets between compartments and how it relates to their function is important. In the past several years this has been studied in both mice and humans, but human studies have been more difficult due to experimental limitations. To overcome this limitation and fully investigate human ILC trafficking and function in vivo, we used the MISTRG humanized mouse model in combination with intravascular cell labeling to assess human ILCs in the vascular and tissue compartments. Additional methods were employed to further investigate specific questions, for example the OP9-DL1 co-culture system to assess the differentiation potential of specific ILC subsets and single-cell RNA-sequencing to investigate ILC heterogeneity between anatomical compartments. In Paper I, we identified a specific population of human CD5+ ILCs that resides in the vascular compartment of the lungs and various organs. These CD5+ ILCs are comprised of mature ILC1s and an immature population that can differentiate into mature ILCs. CD5+ ILCs may function as sentinels that patrol the blood vessels and are recruited into the tissue during inflammation. In Paper II, we investigated the relationship between human ILC localization and proliferation. We identified a specific proliferative ILC population expressing the transcription factor TCF-1 that resided predominantly in the spleen and the vasculature of nonlymphoid organs. In Paper III, we investigated the heterogeneity of human ILCs and NK cells in the vascular and tissue compartment of the lungs. We found that ILC subsets are heterogenous and distributed in both vascular and tissue compartments. In contrast, NK cell subsets were strictly divided between CD56dim subsets in the vasculature and CD56bright and transitional subsets in the tissue. Furthermore, the spatial distribution of ILCs and NK cell subsets was linked to biological functions, such as migration, tissue residency, and adaptation to the tissue microenvironment. Overall, this thesis provides new insights into human ILCs, specifically how their features and functions are regulated by their localization and the tissue microenvironment. These insights further our understanding of human ILC biology, and potentially contribute to the development of new treatments for human disease by modulating ILC migration

    Statistical MOSFET Parameter Extraction with Parameter Selection for Minimal Point Measurement

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    A method to statistically extract MOSFET model parameters from a minimal number of transistor I(V) characteristic curve measurements, taken during fabrication process monitoring. It includes a sensitivity analysis of the model, test/measurement point selection, and a parameter extraction experiment on the process data. The actual extraction is based on a linear error model, the sensitivity of the MOSFET model with respect to the parameters, and Newton-Raphson iterations. Simulated results showed good accuracy of parameter extraction and I(V) curve fit for parameter deviations of up 20% from nominal values, including for a process shift of 10% from nominal

    Widerstandtransformationen Mit Gekoppelten Zweikreisigen Schaltungen Bei Beliebiger Bandbreite

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    Di bidang frekwensi gelombang pendek, yaitu kira-kira antara 1 MHz sampai 30 MHz, penjesuaian2Ā tahanan biasanja dilakukan dengan transformator2Ā saluran atau rangkaian2Ā transformasi jang terjadi dari kapasitet2Ā dan induktivitet2Ā tanpa botjor tenaga. Beberapa percobaan untuk melakukan penjesuaian tahanan dengan tjara jang sering dipakai di bidang frekwensi suara, jaitu dengan dua kumparan jang bergandengan, memberikan hasil jang memuaskan.Publikasi ini memuat hasil2 perhitungan jang merupakan dasar teori dari pertjobaan jang di atas, dan membatasi diri pada bidang frekwensi, dimana transformator masih bersifta kwasi-stationer.Perhitungan jang banjak persamaannja dengan perhitungan di publikasi ini, telah dilakukan oleh Feldtkeller, tetapi hanja untuk bidang frekwensi relatip jang sempit (Ć¢Ė†ā€  f/fmĀ < 10%).Untuk bidang frekwensi jang lebar, Meinke mengusulkan tjara perhitungan grafis jang berdasarkan perhitungan Feldkeller. Kesalahan-kesalahan jang dibuat karena pengabaian2 , jang sebetulnja tak dapat lagi dilakukan pada bidang-frekwensi jang lebar, diperbaiki setjara bertahap.Tjara perhitungan tanpa pengabaian2 untuk lebar bidang frekwensi sembarang, haruslah memakai fungsi Tschebyscheff dalam bentuk petjahan. Berlainan dengan Cauer, fungsi petjahan Tschebyscheff jang dipergunakan dalam publikasi ini adalah dalam bentuk aslinja
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