124 research outputs found

    Outras concepções do belo:: entrevista com Katia Pozzer

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    Nesta entrevista, Katia Pozzer, professora adjunta do curso de História da Arte e do Programa de Pós-graduação em História na UFRGS, apresenta seu contato com a arte durante a infância, bem como seus interesses que convergiram de uma gênese à outra, entre a Química e a História, disciplinas que seu olhar tangencia de maneira sutil. Partindo dos trânsitos entre memória e permanência, destaca o papel social de quem pesquisa Históriacomo agente principal na preservação do futuro de nosso passado. Palavras-chave: Ensino da história; História da arte no mundo árabe; Memória e patrimônio cultural

    Improvement of CHO specific productivity using amino acid derivatives

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    Industrial fed-batch cultivation of mammalian cells is used for the production of therapeutic proteins such as monoclonal antibodies. Besides medium ensuring initial growth, feeding is necessary to improve growth, viability and antibody production. Amino acids are key elements for the cellular metabolism but also for the quality of the recombinant protein produced. Several studies have already demonstrated the link between amino acid availability and sequence variants [1-3] or specific modifications like trisulfide bonds [4]. To avoid such modifications, the chemical modification of amino acids is an interesting alternative to modulate their overall solubility [5], stability or chemical reactivity. In this study, we analyzed the beneficial effect of using amino acid derivatives in neutral pH feeds on CHO cell growth and specific productivity in small scale and bioreactor experiments. The mechanisms of extra- or intra- cellular amino acid metabolization were investigated as well as the interaction with other media or cellular components. Additionally, gene expression arrays and western blot analyses were used to decipher the mechanisms of increased productivity. Finally, LC-MS based methods were used to study the impact of the chemical modification on several IgG critical quality attributes

    Capsicum baccatum red pepper prevents cardiometabolic risk in rats fed with an ultra-processed diet

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    Metabolic syndrome is a serious health condition reaching epidemic proportions worldwide and is closely linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular problems. The lack of appropriate treatment paves the way for developing new therapeutic agents as a high priority in the current research. In this study, we evaluated the protective effects of Capsicum baccatum red pepper on metabolic syndrome scenarios induced by an ultra-processed diet in rats. After four months, the ultra-processed diet increased central obesity, triglycerides, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol plasma levels, and impaired glucose tolerance. The oral administration of C. baccatum concomitantly with the ultra-processed diet avoided the accumulation of adipose tissue in the visceral region, reduced the total cholesterol and LDL fraction, and improved glucose homeostasis, factors commonly associated with metabolic syndrome. The data presented herein reveal an important preventive action of C. baccatum in developing metabolic disorders among animals fed a hypercaloric diet, significantly reducing their cardiometabolic risk. Allied with the absence of toxic effects after chronic use, our study suggests C. baccatum red pepper as a secure and enriched source of bioactive compounds promising to protect against pathological processes associated with metabolic syndrome

    Käthe Kollwitz e a gravura moderna e revolucionária chinesa

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    Esta pesquisa busca compreender as relações entre a obra da artista alemã Käthe Kollwitz (1867–1945) e a Gravura Moderna ou Gravura Revolucionária Chinesa, nos anos da República da China (1912–1949). Käthe Kollwitz, artista gráfica e escultora, legou diversas obras marcadas por preocupações sociais, em grande parte motivadas pelos impactos do processo de industrialização e da Primeira Guerra Mundial sobre a classe trabalhadora do Império Alemão. Teve obras consideradas “provocativas” aos olhos do governo imperial e, posteriormente, durante a Alemanha Nazista, foi intimidada pela Gestapo. Apesar disso, foi uma artista que exerceu influência para além da Alemanha, reverberando em países como Brasil e também na China, com o escritor Lu Xun (1881–1936) e a fundação da Gravura Moderna ou Gravura Revolucionária Chinesa. Este movimento gráfico surgiu no final dos anos 1920, momento em que Chiang Kai-shek, do Partido Nacionalista Chinês, assume o poder e inicia um período de terror e perseguição a comunistas. Lu Xun e demais envolvidos no movimento encontraram na gravura uma alternativa de comunicação com a massa trabalhadora e analfabeta, acreditando também que a gravura era uma ferramenta potente na promoção de mudanças políticas e sociais.This research aims to comprehend relations between the work of german artist Käthe Kollwitz (1867–1945) and the Modern Woodcut Movement, in the years of China’s Republic (1912–1949). Käthe Kollwitz, graphic artist and sculptor, bequeathed many works marked by social concern, largely motivated by the impacts of industrialization process and First World War on the working class of German Empire. Her works were considered “provocatives” in the eyes of imperial government and, posteriorly, during Nazi Germany, she was intimidated by Gestapo. Despite this, she was an artist that exerted influence beyond Germany, reverberating on countries like Brazil and China too, with the writer Lu Xun (1881–1936) and the foundation of Modern Woodcut Movement. This graphic movement emerged in the end of 1920s, moment when Chiang Kai-shek, from Nationalist Party, takes power and starts a terror’s time and persecution to communists. Lu Xun and other envolved on the movement found on woodcut an alternative of communication with the workers mass and unlettered, believing that woodcut was a potent tool on the promotion of political and social changes

    Hanna Levy e a exposição-reação da Galeria Askanasy

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    Esta pesquisa investiga as relações entre a historiadora da arte Hanna Levy e a Galeria Askanasy. Hanna Levy, nascida na Alemanha e de origem judia, veio para o Brasil no final da década de 1930, onde atuou no Serviço do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (SPHAN). Também contribuiu com o catálogo da Exposição de Arte Condenada pelo III Reich da Galeria Askanasy, realizada em 1945 no Rio de Janeiro como uma reação à Exposição de Arte Degenerada que ocorreu em Munique em 1937.Palavras-chave: Hanna Levy. Galeria Askanasy. arte moderna. arte degenerada

    Impact of S-sulfocysteine on fragments and trisulfide bond linkages in monoclonal antibodies

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    The quality of recombinant proteins such as monoclonal antibodies produced using Chinese hamster ovary cell-based mammalian systems is dependent on many factors, including cell line, process and cell culture media. Due to these factors, the generated product is heterogeneous and may have chemically induced modifications or post-translational modifications that affect antibody stability, functionality and, in some cases, patient safety. This study demonstrates that S-sulfocysteine, a cysteine derivative, can increase the antibody specific productivity in different cell lines cultivated with different processes while minimizing trisulfide linkages in generated mAbs, mainly between heavy and light chain. The supplementation of a cell culture feed with S-sulfocysteine also proved to be useful to reduce the percentage of antibody fragments generated from the monoclonal antibody. Overall, this new component used in the upstream process allows a reduction of product heterogeneity