43 research outputs found


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    RESUMOO recrutamento e seleção é o primeiro subsistema da área de recursos humanos, com a função de selecionar os candidatos que apresentam perfil adequado para atender as exigências das organizações. Para realizar esses procedimentos, os selecionadores utilizam de algumas táticas para tornar o processo mais assertivo e eficaz. Este artigo tem o objetivo de analisar os procedimentos que uma empresa de consultoria utiliza para recrutar e selecionar candidatos para os mais variados ramos de atividades. Por meio do estudo de caso realizado na Ampliar Assessoria em Desenvolvimento Humano foi possível entender como a área de gestão de pessoas trabalha ao recrutar e selecionar, bem como descrever as técnicas utilizadas para desenvolver este processo, sendo observada nos procedimentos utilizados, triagem de currículos, entrevistas, testes psicológicos, dinâmica de grupo e provas de conhecimentos quando o contratante solicita. O resultado da pesquisa abordou também, um problema que a Ampliar enfrentou em uma das etapas do processo e propõe melhorias para que se obtenha sucesso ao realizar os procedimentos e garantir a fidelidade de seus clientes.Palavras-Chave: Recrutamento; Seleção; Procedimentos; Recursos Humanos; Gestão de Pessoas.ABSTRACTRecruitment and selection is the first human resources subsystem, with the function of selecting candidates who present appropriate profile to meet the requirements of organizations. To perform these procedures, the selectors use of some tactics to make the process more assertive and effective. This article aims to analyze the procedures that a Consulting company uses to recruit and select nominees for the various branches of activities. Through the case study in Ampliar Assessoria em Desenvolvimento Humano. It was possible to understand how the area of people management works to recruited select, as well as describe the techniques used to develop this process, being observed in the procedures used, screening resumes, interviews, psychological tests, group dynamics and evidence of knowledge when the contractor requests. The result of the survey also addressed a problem that Ampliar faced in one of the stages of the process and propose improvements to obtain success when performing the procedures and ensure the fidelity of its customers.Keywords: Recruitment; Selection; Procedures; Human Resources; People management

    Facetas diretas em resina composta: Uma abordagem conservadora (revisão da literatura) / Direct composite resin veneers: A conservative approach (literature review)

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    A crescente demanda por procedimentos odontológicos estéticos tem viabilizado avanços no desenvolvimento de materiais e técnicas, que visam o restabelecimento da harmonia do sorriso, prezando por procedimentos que sejam considerados minimamente invasivos. A queixa mais comum entre os pacientes refere-se a cor, contorno e presença de diastemas. Para solucionar tais problemas, procedimentos como clareamento dental, uso de aparelhos ortodônticos, confecção de laminados cerâmicos ou facetas diretas podem ser indicados. Este trabalho consiste em uma revisão da literatura que aborda os aspectos gerais da utilização das facetas diretas em resina composta em dentes anteriores, assim como suas vantagens e desvantagens frente à outros tipos de tratamento. Quando bem executadas, essas facetas possibilitam a mimetização dentária com naturalidade, possuindo baixo custo, possibilidade de sessão única, mínimo ou nenhum desgaste dental, além de facilidade de reparos de pequenas falhas. Portanto, as facetas em resina composta são uma ótima opção de tratamento com custo mais acessível, para correções estéticas do sorriso quando realizada adequada indicação e planejamento pelo cirurgião-dentista. Sendo fundamental a colaboração do paciente em relação aos cuidados com as facetas para a longevidade do material


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    A infestação de capim-amargoso (Digitaria insularis) é responsável por grande parte dasperdas de produtividade em lavouras de soja (Glycine max). Entretanto, pouco se temestudado sobre a interferência desta espécie na produção de grãos para sementes. O objetivodeste estudo foi avaliar a interferência de capim-amargoso sobre a qualidade de sementes desoja. Um experimento foi instalado para estudar cinco densidades de capim-amargoso (0, 2,4, 6 e 8 plantas m-2) em duas cultivares (Garra IPRO® e ST797 IPRO®). Os danos na maiordensidade avaliada (8 plantas m-2) foram de perda de 16% no número de sementes normais,32% a mais de sementes mortas e 16% de perda na germinação para a cultivar ST797IPRO®. A cultivar Garra IPRO® não apresentou diferenças nestas variáveis, sugerindomelhor habilidade competitiva em relação a cultivar ST797 IPRO®. Quanto maior ainfestação de capim-amargoso na soja, maiores as chances de perda na qualidade desementes. O nível de dano às sementes pela presença de capim-amargoso depende dahabilidade competitiva de cada cultivar.Sourgrass (Digitaria insularis) infestation is one of the great responsible for soybean(Glycine max) yield losses. However, a few studies are demonstrating its interference insoybean seed production fields. The aim of this study was to evaluate the sourgrassinterference on soybean seed quality. An experiment was conducted to analyze fivesourgrass density (0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 plants m-2) in two commercial soybean cultivars (GarraIPRO® and ST797 IPRO®). The damage in the highest sourgrass density (8 plants m-2)resulted in losses of 16% in the normal seeds number, increasing in 32% of dead seeds, and16% of germination losses for ST797 IPRO®. Garra IPRO® cultivar has not showndifferences in those variables, suggesting better competitiveness than ST797 IPRO®cultivar. The higher interference of sourgrass in soybean, the higher is the probability oflosses in seed quality. The magnitude of damage to seeds depends on competitiveness ofeach variety

    The Schistosoma mansoni cyclophilin A epitope 107-121 induces a protective immune response against schistosomiasis

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    Great efforts have been made to identify promising antigens and vaccine formulations against schistosomiasis. Among the previously described Schistosoma vaccine candidates, cyclophilins comprise an interesting antigen that could be used for vaccine formulations. Cyclophilin A is the target for the cyclosporine A, a drug with schistosomicide activity, and its orthologue from Schistosoma japonicum induces a protective immune response in mice. Although Schistosoma mansoni cyclophilin A also represents a promising target for anti-schistosome vaccines, its potential to induce protection has not been evaluated. In this study, we characterized the cyclophilin A (SmCyp), initially described as Smp17.7, analyzed its allergenic potential using in vitro functional assays, and evaluated its ability to induce protection in mice when administered as an antigen using different vaccine formulations and strategies. Results indicated that SmCyp could be successfully expressed by mammalian cells and bacteria. The recombinant protein did not promote IgE-reporter system activation in vitro, demonstrating its probable safety for use in vaccine formulations. T and B-cell epitopes were predicted in the SmCyp sequence, with two of them located within the active isomerase site. The most immunogenic antigen, SmCyp (107–121), was then used for immunization protocols. Immunization with the SmCyp gene or protein failed to reduce parasite burden but induced an immune response that modulated the granuloma area. In contrast, immunization with the synthetic peptide SmCyp (107–121) significantly reduced worm burden (48–50%) in comparison to control group, but did not regulate liver pathology. Moreover, the protection observed in mice immunized with the synthetic peptide was associated with the significant production of antibodies against the SmCyp (107–121) epitope. Therefore, in this study, we identified an epitope within the SmCyp sequence that induces a protective immune response against the parasite, thus representing a promising antigen that could be used for vaccine formulation against schistosomiasis

    A list of land plants of Parque Nacional do Caparaó, Brazil, highlights the presence of sampling gaps within this protected area

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    Brazilian protected areas are essential for plant conservation in the Atlantic Forest domain, one of the 36 global biodiversity hotspots. A major challenge for improving conservation actions is to know the plant richness, protected by these areas. Online databases offer an accessible way to build plant species lists and to provide relevant information about biodiversity. A list of land plants of “Parque Nacional do Caparaó” (PNC) was previously built using online databases and published on the website "Catálogo de Plantas das Unidades de Conservação do Brasil." Here, we provide and discuss additional information about plant species richness, endemism and conservation in the PNC that could not be included in the List. We documented 1,791 species of land plants as occurring in PNC, of which 63 are cited as threatened (CR, EN or VU) by the Brazilian National Red List, seven as data deficient (DD) and five as priorities for conservation. Fifity-one species were possible new ocurrences for ES and MG states

    Ponte miocárdica: evolução clínica e terapêutica Puente miocárdico: evolución clínica y terapéutica Myocardial bridging: therapeutic and clinical development

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    FUNDAMENTO: A ponte miocárdica constitui um dos principais diagnósticos diferenciais de doença arterial coronariana. Entretanto, ainda é subdiagnosticada e tem seus mecanismos fisiopatológicos e sua terapêutica não completamente elucidados. OBJETIVO: Analisar e descrever a evolução clínica e terapêutica de pacientes com diagnóstico angiográfico de ponte miocárdica, comparando os dados com a literatura atual, a fim de elucidar o perfil clínico e o prognóstico destes pacientes. MÉTODOS: Foram revisados os resultados de cineangiocoronariografias realizadas no período de 2003 a 2007, em um laboratório de hemodinâmica, efetuando-se análise de prontuários e entrevista de um grupo de pacientes selecionados. RESULTADOS: A frequência de diagnósticos de pontes miocárdicas foi de 3,6%. A idade média dos pacientes foi de 56,8 anos (DP = 11,83; IC = 0,73). A artéria descendente anterior foi acometida isoladamente em 100% dos casos. Após a seleção, realizou-se análise e entrevista de 31 pacientes. Não houve correlação entre os sintomas e o grau de estreitamento angiográfico obtido nos pacientes estudados. O tratamento medicamentoso incluiu o uso de agentes? bloqueadores, antagonistas do canal de cálcio, antiagregantes plaquetários e/ou nitratos, tendo, como resultado, melhora clínica em 30%, ausência de alterações no quadro clínico em 60% e piora dos sintomas em 10% dos pacientes. Um paciente apresentou morte súbita, dois pacientes realizaram angioplastia com melhora clínica significativa e nenhum paciente realizou procedimento cirúrgico. CONCLUSÃO: A maioria dos pacientes com ponte miocárdica tem um bom prognóstico, mas em longo prazo não há dados suficientes, realizados em um grande grupo de pacientes sintomáticos, para conclusões definitivas.<br>FUNDAMENTO: El puente miocárdico constituye uno de los principales diagnósticos diferenciales de la enfermedad arterial coronaria. No obstante, aún está subdiagnosticado y sus mecanismos fisiopatológicos y su tratamiento no están completamente esclarecidos. OBJETIVO: Analizar y describir la evolución clínica y terapéutica de pacientes con diagnóstico angiográfico de puente miocárdico, comparando los datos con la literatura actual, a fin de clarificar el perfil clínico y el pronóstico de estos pacientes. MÉTODOS: Se revisaron los resultados de cinecoronariografias realizadas entre los años 2003 y 2007, en un laboratorio de hemodinamia, conjuntamente con el análisis de historias clínicas y la realización de entrevistas a un grupo de pacientes seleccionados. RESULTADOS: La frecuencia del diagnóstico de puente miocárdico fue del 3,6%. La edad promedio de los pacientes fue de 56,8 años (DE = 11,83; IC = 0,73). La arteria descendente anterior fue afectada aisladamente en el 100% de los casos. Tras la selección, se realizaron análisis y entrevistas a 31 pacientes. No existió correlación entre los síntomas y el grado de estrechamiento angiográfico obtenido en los pacientes estudiados. El tratamiento medicamentoso incluyó el uso de betabloqueantes, antagonistas de los canales de calcio, antiagregantes plaquetarios y/o nitratos, obteniendo, como resultado, mejoría clínica en el 30%, ausencia de alteraciones en el cuadro clínico en el 60% y empeoramiento de los síntomas en el 10% de los pacientes. Un paciente presentó muerte súbita; en dos pacientes se practicó una angioplastia con mejoría clínica significativa y ningún paciente fue sometido a un procedimiento quirúrgico. CONCLUSIÓN: La mayoría de los pacientes con puente miocárdico tiene un buen pronóstico, pero no hay datos suficientes a largo plazo, que permitan sacar conclusiones definitivas, mediante el seguimiento de un grupo numeroso de pacientes sintomáticos.<br>BACKGROUND: The myocardial bridge constitutes one of the main differential diagnoses of coronary artery disease. However, it remains an underdiagnosed condition and its physiopathological mechanisms and therapeutics are yet to be elucidated. OBJECTIVE: To analyze and describe the clinical and therapeutic evolution of patients with an angiographic diagnosis of myocardial bridge, comparing the data with that in the current literature, in order to clarify the patients' clinical profile and prognosis. METHODS: The results of coronary angiographies carried out from 2003 to 2007 in a Laboratory of Hemodynamics were reviewed; the analysis of patients' files was carried out and selected patients were interviewed. RESULTS: The frequency of myocardial bridge diagnosis was 3.6%. The mean age of patients was 56.8 years (SD = 11.83; CI = 0.73). The anterior descending artery was affected in isolation in 100% of the cases. After the selection, the analysis and interview of 31 patients were carried out. There was no correlation between symptoms and degree of angiographic narrowing observed in the studied patients. The drug treatment included the use of beta-blockers, calcium-channel antagonists, platelet antiaggregants and/or nitrates and resulted in clinical improvement in 30%, absence of alterations in the clinical picture in 60% and symptom worsening in 10% of the patients. One patient presented sudden death; two patients underwent angioplasty followed by significant clinical improvement and none of the patients underwent surgical procedures. CONCLUSION: Most of the patients with myocardial bridge have a good prognosis, but in the long term, there are not enough data, obtained from a large sample of symptomatic patients, to draw definitive conclusions

    The prevalence of schistosomiasis in school-aged children as an appropriate indicator of its prevalence in the community

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    Submitted by Sandra Infurna ([email protected]) on 2017-09-26T13:14:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 anapaula_ferreira_etal_IOC_2010.pdf: 502553 bytes, checksum: a6454cb53e107223f8d006be8b008267 (MD5)Approved for entry into archive by Sandra Infurna ([email protected]) on 2017-09-26T13:21:24Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 anapaula_ferreira_etal_IOC_2010.pdf: 502553 bytes, checksum: a6454cb53e107223f8d006be8b008267 (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-26T13:21:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 anapaula_ferreira_etal_IOC_2010.pdf: 502553 bytes, checksum: a6454cb53e107223f8d006be8b008267 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Laboratório de Ecoepidemiologia e Controle da Esquistossomose e Geohelmintoses. Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brasil.Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Laboratório de Ecoepidemiologia e Controle da Esquistossomose e Geohelmintoses. Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brasil.Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Laboratório de Ecoepidemiologia e Controle da Esquistossomose e Geohelmintoses. Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brasil.Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Laboratório de Ecoepidemiologia e Controle da Esquistossomose e Geohelmintoses. Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brasil.Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Aggeu Magalhães. Departamento de Parasitologia. Recife, PE, Brasil.Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Laboratório de Ecoepidemiologia e Controle da Esquistossomose e Geohelmintoses. Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brasil.School-aged children (6-15 years) from the endemic area of Pernambuco were evaluated both as a target group for and an indicator of schistosomiasis control in the community. Parasitological data were drawn from baseline stool surveys of whole populations that were obtained to diagnose Schistosoma mansoni infection. Nineteen representative localities were selected for assessing the prevalence of schistosomiasis among individuals in the following age groups: 0-5, 6-15, 16-25, 26-40 and 41-80 years. For each locality, the prevalence in each age group was compared to that of the overall population using contingency table analysis. To select a reference group, the operational difficulties of conducting residential surveys were considered. School-aged children may be considered to be the group of choice as the reference group for the overall population for the following reasons: (i) the prevalence of schistosomiasis in this age group had the highest correlation with the prevalence in the overall population (r = 0.967), (ii) this age group is particularly vulnerable to infection and plays an important role in parasite transmission and (iii) school-aged children are the main target of the World Health Organization in terms of helminth control. The Schistosomiasis Control Program should consider school-aged children both as a reference group for assessing the need for intervention at the community level and as a target group for integrated health care actions of the Unified Health System that are focused on high-risk groups

    The prevalence of schistosomiasis in school-aged children as an appropriate indicator of its prevalence in the community

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    School-aged children (6-15 years) from the endemic area of Pernambuco were evaluated both as a target group for and an indicator of schistosomiasis control in the community. Parasitological data were drawn from baseline stool surveys of whole populations that were obtained to diagnose Schistosoma mansoni infection. Nineteen representative localities were selected for assessing the prevalence of schistosomiasis among individuals in the following age groups: 0-5, 6-15, 16-25, 26-40 and 41-80 years. For each locality, the prevalence in each age group was compared to that of the overall population using contingency table analysis. To select a reference group, the operational difficulties of conducting residential surveys were considered. School-aged children may be considered to be the group of choice as the reference group for the overall population for the following reasons: (i) the prevalence of schistosomiasis in this age group had the highest correlation with the prevalence in the overall population (r = 0.967), (ii) this age group is particularly vulnerable to infection and plays an important role in parasite transmission and (iii) school-aged children are the main target of the World Health Organization in terms of helminth control. The Schistosomiasis Control Program should consider school-aged children both as a reference group for assessing the need for intervention at the community level and as a target group for integrated health care actions of the Unified Health System that are focused on high-risk groups