17 research outputs found

    Teaching the EU common values in the context of war in Ukraine

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    This paper deals with the peculiarities of teaching the EU common values in the context of Russia’s unjustified and unprovoked war against Ukraine. The authors describe the EU common values, such as human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law, human rights in detail and present the analysis of scholars’ opinions on this issue. It is also mentioned that under the conditions of war in Ukraine all these values are being violated. As well as all the spheres of life of Ukrainian people the sphere of education suffers greatly from the Russian aggression. The authors acquaint the readers with the statistics from official sources as for the number of educational institutions which were totally or partly damaged or temporarily displaced to the territory, controlled by Ukraine. The publication highlights the necessity of promoting the EU common values among young generations and presents a training course "Strengthening the EU common values through the policy of multilingualism in the education and training of future teachers" (J. Monet module), designed by a group of teachers of Bogdan Khmelnystky Melitopol State Pedagogical University (Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine). Aims, outcomes, objectives, structure of the course are described in the publication

    Building up the European common values in professional training of future foreign language teachers

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    Ukraine is now on the threshold of entering the European Union which affects all the life spheres and education in particular. The article deals with the analysis of the European common values in terms of their introduction in the system of teacher training of Ukraine. The authors draw the attention to the issue of multilingualism which enhances learning foreign languages, helps to protect Europe’s rich linguistic diversity, and improves the competitiveness of the EU economy. As a result of the theoretical analysis authors come to the conclusion that building up the EU common values and incorporating them into the process of future foreign language teachers training is a life-long process that demands daily and persistent work as teachers should put much effort to organize the appropriate educational context and make a new generation of children raised in Ukraine not only feel European but act according to European values. The article also provides the results of the survey that on one hand show that future foreign language teachers are not aware enough of the European policy of multilingualism as well as European common values, on the other hand students realize the necessity of the integration of Ukraine into the European educational environment and importance of foreign language learning and teaching. The obtained results emphasize the necessity of the introduction of the Module on “Strengthening the EU common values through the policy of multilingualism in the education and training of future teachers” into the educational process of the university

    The concept of non-contractual obligations in inheritance law: international legal experience

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    The article is devoted to the study and analysis of such areas of civil law as non-contractual structures, within the inheritance law of individual European Union countries, the emergence, development and implementation of such structures in regulations governing the inheritance procedures of countries such as Poland, Czech Republic, Republic of Lithuania and the Republic of Latvia. The purpose of the study in the monograph is a comprehensive analysis of the nature and specifics of legal and doctrinal bases of regulation and practice of non-contractual constructions in the inheritance law of individual EU countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Lithuania, and Latvia). As a result of the study the concept of non-contractual constructions of inheritance law is formed in the work. The types of non-contractual constructions, first of all their dialectical classification, architecture and place in the system of inheritance law are singled out and analyzed. An analysis of their identification and separation in different states, depending on the legal family, traces the integrity of the fundamental structure of knowledge about the obligatory rights of the testator within the will, heirs and beneficiaries in their biocentric expression and in the context of social ties. Emphasis is placed on rethinking and solving some problems in inheritance law, from the point of view of new world realities

    Inheritance in the occupied territories and in the area of antiterrorism operation: the experience of Ukraine

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    The authors of this paper have covered the issues of the features of inheritance in the anti-terrorist operation zone and the occupied territories. The innovations that came into force in 2018 were taken into account. It is specified that the occupied territories in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions are recognized as parts of the territory of Ukraine, on which the armed formations of the Russian Federation and the occupation administration of the Russian Federation have established and exercise general control. Within the temporarily occupied territories, there is a special procedure for ensuring the rights and freedoms of the civilian population, determined by the legislation of Ukraine. Therefore, the procedure for registering inheritance is unchanged throughout Ukraine. The authors analyzed information on the procedure for obtaining inheritance under the law, by testament, and under an inheritance contract. Attention is focused on the fact that inheritance is a derivative way of the emergence of property rights, and universal legal succession – the transfer of the entire scope of rights, obligations, and items of property from the deceased to the heirs. Besides, timely and accurate fulfillment of their obligations allows formalizing the inheritance in time following the provisions of laws. Testamentary succession occurs if a deceased person drew up a testament before death, and the testament is valid. In its absence, inheritance occurs under the law. Hereditary succession takes place in the following cases: absence of the testament; invalidation of the testament; death of the heirs indicated in the testament before the opening of inheritance or their refusal to accept inheritance; the testator canceled a previously drawn up testament and did not leave a new one; the testament is judicially declared invalid; if the testament does not cover all the property belonging to the testator

    Санкции против России: эффективность и влияние на национальную безопасность России

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    The current stage of development of the entire world community, including Russia, is associated with such a thing as “sanction wars”. As an example, one can recall the introduction of US sanctions against China, Iran, Venezuela, and other countries, European sanctions, as well as various countersanctions of countries subjected to sanction pressure.As part of this paper, the sanctions imposed against Russia in connection with the Ukrainian crisis in 2014 and countersanctions imposed by Russia are considered. The purpose of this study is to identify the impact of sanctions and countersanctions on the national security of Russia. In this regard, the following tasks were set: to identify the list of sanctions of Western countries imposed against Russia and their impact on the national security of Russia, to identify the list of countersanctions of Russia against Western countries and their impact on the national security of Russia, to identify further actions of Russia to ensure the national security of Russia under the conditions of sanction pressure.The study is based on the dialectical, historical and systematic approach, analysis, synthesis and comparison, induction and deduction. The study analyzed Russian and international literature on the topic of sanctions and their impact on national security.Based on the results of the study, the directions of economic development based on the promotion of import substitution, innovation and public-private partnerships with the aim of ensuring the national security of Russia under the conditions of sanction pressure have been proposed. The findings of the study may be of interest to the academic community, studying the impact of sanctions on the national security of the country. The experience of Russia may be of interest to countries subjected to sanction pressure from the United States and its allies.La etapa actual de desarrollo de toda la comunidad mundial, incluida Rusia, está asociada con cosas como "guerras de sanciones", por ejemplo, podemos recordar la introducción de sanciones de Estados Unidos contra China, Irán, Venezuela y otros países, sanciones europeas, así como varios países. sometido a presión de sanción. Como parte de este artículo, se consideran las sanciones impuestas contra Rusia en relación con la crisis ucraniana en 2014 y las sanciones contrarias impuestas por Rusia. El propósito de este estudio es determinar el impacto de las sanciones y contra-sanciones en la seguridad nacional de Rusia. En este sentido, se establecieron las siguientes tareas: determinar la lista de sanciones de los países occidentales impuestas contra Rusia, y su impacto en la seguridad nacional de Rusia, determinar la lista de contra-sanciones de Rusia contra los países occidentales y su impacto en la seguridad nacional de Rusia, para determinar acciones adicionales de Rusia para garantizar la seguridad nacional de Rusia bajo condiciones de presión de sanción. El estudio se basa en un enfoque dialéctico, histórico y sistemático, análisis, síntesis y comparación, inducción y deducción. El estudio analizó la literatura rusa e internacional sobre el tema de las sanciones y su impacto en la seguridad nacional. Sobre la base de los resultados del estudio, se proponen las direcciones del desarrollo económico basadas en la promoción de la sustitución de importaciones, la innovación y las asociaciones público-privadas con el objetivo de garantizar la seguridad nacional de Rusia en condiciones de presión de sanción. Los hallazgos del estudio pueden ser de interés para la comunidad científica, al estudiar el impacto de las sanciones en la seguridad nacional del país, la experiencia de Rusia puede ser de interés para los países sujetos a la presión de las sanciones de los Estados Unidos y sus aliados.современный этап развития всего мирового сообщества, в том числе России, связан с таким явлением как «санкционные войны», в качестве примера можно вспомнить введение санкции США против Китая, Ирана, Венесуэлы и других стран, европейские санкции, а также различные контрсанкции стран, подвергшихся санкционному давлению.В рамках данной статьи рассмотрены санкции, введенные против России в связи с украинским кризисом в 2014 году, и контрсанкции введенные Россией. Целью данного исследования является определение влияния санкций и контрсанкций на национальную безопасность России. В этой связи были поставлены следующие задачи: определить перечень санкции западных стран, введенных против России, и их влияние на национальную безопасность России, определить перечень контрсанкций России против западных стран и их влияние на национальную безопасность России, определить дальнейшее действия России по обеспечению национальной безопасности России в условиях санкционного давления.Исследование основано на диалектическом, историческом и системном подходе, анализе, синтезе и сравнении, индукции и дедукции. В исследовании проанализирована российская и международная литература на тему санкций и их влияния на национальную безопасность.По итогам исследования предложены направления экономического развития, основанные на стимулировании импортозамещения, инноваций и государственно-частного партнерства с целью обеспечения национальной безопасности России в условиях санкционного давления. Выводы, полученные в ходе исследования, могут быть интересны научному сообществу, изучающие влияние санкций на национальную безопасность страны, опыт России может быть интересен странам, подвергшимся санкционному давлению США и их союзников

    Virtual learning anxiety: A case study of Pedagogical University (Ukraine)

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    This paper deals with the after-effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in the educational sphere. The authors aim to report the results of an observational study that was focused on the perceptions of virtual learning in students and teachers of Bogdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University during the first (March 2020) and the second (December 2020) lockdowns in Ukraine. The following objectives are set: to analyse scientific literature on virtual learning anxiety; to explore the participants‘ emotional state when studying/working online; to find out a list of digital tools, virtual platforms and messengers preferred by students and teachers; and to identify the most common challenges and benefits of virtual learning/teaching. In the study, anxiety in virtual learning is defined as a psychological state of a person caused by unawareness of modern digital technologies, lack of properly developed ICT skills, and misuse of virtual learning tools which result in distress, dissatisfaction and uncertainty. The authors come to the conclusion that technological and psychological training of both students and teachers should go in line and function as a holistic system in order to reduce virtual learning anxiety. Potential solutions to overcome the challenges and create an effective virtual learning community are given

    Проблеми спадкування в зоні АТО та на окупованих територіях

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    У зв'язку із загостреною політичною ситуацією в зоні АТО оформити спадщину на непідконтрольній Україні території не те що клопітно, а просто неможливо. Це пов'язано з тим, що всі документи, видані органами влади невизнаних республік, не мають юридичної сили ні в Україні, ні у світі. Нотаріуси, які відіграють ключову роль у процедурі оформлення спадщини, здебільшого покинули зону АТО, а ті, які продовжують провадити діяльність, не мають доступу до державних реєстрів ще з червня 2014 року. Тому, ясна річ, ситуація вимагала врегулювання, що й було зроблено.Due to the aggravated political situation in the anti-terrorist operation zone, it is not difficult, but simply impossible to register a heritage in the territory not controlled by Ukraine. This is due to the fact that all documents issued by the authorities of unrecognized republics have no legal force in Ukraine or in the world. Notaries, who play a key role in the inheritance process, have mostly left the anti-terrorist operation zone, and those who continue to operate have not had access to state registers since June 2014. Therefore, of course, the situation required a settlement, which was done.Due to the aggravated political situation in the anti-terrorist operation zone, it is not difficult, but simply impossible to register a heritage in the territory not controlled by Ukraine. This is due to the fact that all documents issued by the authorities of unrecognized republics have no legal force in Ukraine or in the world. Notaries, who play a key role in the inheritance process, have mostly left the anti-terrorist operation zone, and those who continue to operate have not had access to state registers since June 2014. Therefore, of course, the situation required a settlement, which was done

    European Inheritance Certificate

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    Today’s world, in the absence of borders, people are increasingly changing their place of residence, owning real estate, holding bank accounts and owning other property in different countries. This can not but have consequences in inheritance. This, in turn, can create some difficulties, cause disputes between the heirs and will undoubtedly affect the costs of registration of the inheritance. Another common problem is that a will made in one country may not have legal force in another country where it must be enforced. These and many other issues could not remain unresolved at the EU. A common approach to many inheritance issues has been found through the adoption of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council № 650/2012 of 4 July 2012 on jurisdiction, law enforcement, recognition and enforcement, adoption and enforcement of authentic instruments in matters of inheritance and the creation of a European Certificate of Inheritance. This provision came into force on August 17, 2015 and applies to cases of inheritance that occurred after that date. Inheritance cases are processed by one competent authority (court or other authority) in one state, and decisions taken in such cases are recognized in other EU member states without any special formalities. This should significantly improve and facilitate the inheritance procedure within the European Union, with the exception of Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom, which do not particpate in this regulation. We will consider these questions in our research

    Rene Descartes’ letter to abbot Mersenne. November, 20, 1629. Translation from English

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    This letter is of value for lingua-philosophical and linguistic researches. Rene Descartes’ remarks about the first proposal for the universal language are expounded in it. Descartes was considered as a pioneer in linguistic constructions due to these remarks. This letter contains philosopher’s conclusions about the universal language’s grammar and use, as well as project’s implementation obstacles