60 research outputs found

    Strategi Pengembangan Minat Wirausaha Melalui Proses Pembelajaran

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    Universitas Narotama sebagai perguruan tinggi penyelenggara pembelajaran kewirausahaan, berupa program-program unggulan yang dapat dilaksanakan untuk mendapatkan keunggulan kompetitif yang pada akhirnya dapat meningkat minat wirausaha melalui proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode analisis SWOT dan Matrik GE dimana Strategi pengembangan minat wirausaha melalui proses pembelajaran, melalui pemetaan terhadap karakteristik peserta mata kuliah kewirausahaan,silabus dan materi ajar sesuai dengan standar KKNI level 6 yang mendiskripsikan capaian pembelajaran berdasarkan profil wirausaha mahasiswa yang telah ditetapkan.Metode pembelajaran yang sesuai dan berbasis project ,metode evaluasi pembelajaran yang sesuai,profil wirausaha yang menarik, mitra usaha yang merupakan tempat inkubator usaha bagi para mahasiswa peserta kuliah kewirausahaan,suasana ruang kuliah yang menyesuaikan dengan topik pembelajaran dan dilengkapi perangkat multi media serta alat peraga, disain perkuliahan dan penugasan terstruktur, kompetennya dosen pengajar.menciptakan keuntungan yang menarik bagi mahasiswa Kata Kunci: Keunggulan Kompetitif, Strategi, Minat wirausaha, Proses pembelajaran


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    This study is to find how entrepreneur orientation to increase excellence compete to have performance and continuation marketing of commercial sector (retailer consumer goods) small industry in Surabaya with testing and obtaining empirical evidence regarding influence entrepreneur orientation to sustainability competitive advantage to have marketing performance, of commercial sector small industry in Surabaya. The population of study is all commercial sector small industry in Surabaya namely under observation of Company of Area Market Surabaya Town amounting to 19.142 merchant at BPS Surabaya data in number 2010 while at the time of this research is conducted by 2011 not yet been known correctly, hence is big of sample able to be determined to be to be based by freedom of degree sample able to be determined to be to be based by freedom of degree storey; level 95% by using maximum equal to 0,05 is minimizing 385 responder. becoming 390 commercial sector small industry responder in Surabaya . used Analyzer in this study is Path Analysis with the support of SPSS 16 program. Result Examination show entrepreneur orientation have an effect on positive and significant to sustainability competitive advantage. Entrepreneur orientation have an effect on not significant to marketing performance of commerce sector (retailer consumer goods) small industry in Surabaya. Sustainability competitive advantage have an effect significant and positive to performance marketing. Entrepreneur orientation through sustainability Competitive Advantage have an effect on significant to performance marketing of commercial sector (retailer consumer goods) small industry in Surabaya. Keywords: Entrepreneur orientation, sustainability competitive advantage, marketing performance, commercial sector small industry

    Strategi Pengembangan Minat Wirausaha Melalui Proses Pembelajaran

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    Universitas Narotama sebagai perguruan tinggi penyelenggara pembelajaran kewirausahaan, berupa program-program unggulan yang dapat dilaksanakan untuk mendapatkan keunggulan kompetitif yang pada akhirnya dapat meningkat minat wirausaha melalui proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode analisis SWOT dan Matrik GE dimana Strategi pengembangan minat wirausaha melalui proses pembelajaran, melalui pemetaan terhadap karakteristik peserta mata kuliah kewirausahaan,silabus dan materi ajar sesuai dengan standar KKNI level 6 yang mendiskripsikan capaian pembelajaran berdasarkan profil wirausaha mahasiswa yang telah ditetapkan.Metode pembelajaran yang sesuai dan berbasis project ,metode evaluasi pembelajaran yang sesuai,profil wirausaha yang menarik, mitra usaha yang merupakan tempat inkubator usaha bagi para mahasiswa peserta kuliah kewirausahaan,suasana ruang kuliah yang menyesuaikan dengan topik pembelajaran dan dilengkapi perangkat multi media serta alat peraga, disain perkuliahan dan penugasan terstruktur, kompetennya dosen pengajar.menciptakan keuntungan yang menarik bagi mahasiswa. &nbsp

    Laporan Kegiatan Penunjang

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    Laporan Pengabdian Masyarakat

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    Strategi Membangun Capaian Pembelajaran Mahasiswa Melalui Internalisasi Nilai-Nilai Perguruan Tinggi

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    In its operation,Narotama University internalizes this value to each membersin the organization, especially the studentsandinvolves them in the development of the value itself, to increase their sense of belonging to the university.Internalization of the value could be a major competitive edge in supporting students attain their maximum learning outcomes. Narotama Universitydevelop a model of value internalization for the aforementionedpupose that are : mappingstudent’s basic character and education assesment, directing them to thelearning outcomes of the study program that suit them best; provides various training and activities that will enhance student’semotional and spiritual quotient; nurturing a good student-lecturer communication in the learning process with guidance and consultation until they meet the learning outcomes; conducting an edutainment learning methods with a clear and transparant assesment system.The tracer study results confirmed a success upon the efforts. Graduates of Narotama University are highly employable, 86% of them only takes 0-3 months to get a job. A total of 62.5% of respondents have a job corresponding to their field of study

    Social, Personal, Cultural and Psychological Influence Analysis of Samsung Smartphone Purchase Decision at Samsung Experience Store WTC Surabaya

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    Quality human resources are needed in obtaining the success of the company. This study aims to determine the analysis of social, personal, cultural and psychological influences on purchasing decisions of Samsung smartphones in Surabaya. The type of research used is quantitative research with a sample of 50 people who bought at Samsung Experience Store in Surabaya who filled out questionnaires which were already recorded customers. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study show that social, personal, cultural and psychological influences simultaneously on purchasing decisions in Surabaya. As well as social, personal, cultural and psychological influences partially on the purchasing decisions of Samsung experiene store smartphones in Surabaya. The higher the social, personal, cultural and psychological well the higher the level of purchasing decisions


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    The snack products small business in Surabaya hard enough to face competition from medium and large businesses that have a strong distribution network.The build cus tomer loyalty is a key strategy.Result them to face competition SWOT analysis shows that small business food products in quadrant 4 where diversification strategy used is to continue to innovate and provide br eakthrough by performing various combinations of excellence.be found 6 variables significantly to the character of its customers. The significant 6 variables such as: Products Delicious, Easy products are known, Product Without Pres ervatives, High Demand, Separate Fan, Sales Stable Keywords:Small business,competition,cus tomer loyalty,SWOT analysis,diversification, innovate

    Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja, Motivasi Kerja dan Kedisiplinan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. Garam (Persero)

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    his research aims to examine and analyze job satisfaction, work motivation, and discipline to employee performance in PT. GARAM (Persero). Performance PT. GARAM (Persero) showed a decrease. The level of welfare provided by the company felt employees still less cause morale and work motivation of employees in the work down. Decrease in employee performance is also seen from the lack of discipline and responsibility in completing the work. This research was included in the census research. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires. Samples from this research were all organic employees of PT. GARAM (Persero) in Surabaya office. By using multiple linear regression analysis of the results obtained in the overall regression coefficient of each independent variable include job satisfaction (X1) is 0.179; work motivation (X2) is 0.173; and discipline (X3) of 0,216 it shows a positive value on the performance of employees of PT. GARAM (Persero). Based on the test results calculated F value of 18.089 with significant value (sig) of 0.000. Because of significant value (sig) <5%, it means that the job satisfaction, work motivation, and discipline together / imultaneous significant effect on employee performance. Based on the results of t-test, the t value for the variable job satisfaction was 2.360 with a significant level of 0.021 (sig <5%). This proves that there are partial significant effect of job satisfaction on employee performance at the level of 95%. Likewise with variable work motivation and discipline in which each variable has a value significantly less than the rate of 5% is 0.043 for the work motivation variable t value 2.053 and significant level of discipline for a variable that is 0.011 with t value of 2.595. This proves that there are partial significant effect between work motivation and discipline to employee performance at the level of 95%. The discipline has a higher regression coefficient is equal to 0.216 when compared with the regression coefficient of 0.179 job satisfaction and work motivation that is equal to 0.173. Based on these explanations, it can be concluded that the discipline dominant influence on the employee performance of PT. GARAM (Persero). Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Work motivation, Discipline, Employee Performance
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