142 research outputs found

    Tocar el tango hoy: estilo compositivo y estilo de ejecución

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    El estilo del tango se ha desarrollado al calor de sus prácticas de ejecución. Para investigarlo se necesita incorporar al análisis de la composición escrita, el estudio de sus rasgos performativos, postulando una interdependencia entre estilo compositivo y estilo de ejecución. Así, movimiento, sonido, texto musical y práctica en contexto forman el corpus del presente trabajo.Área: Ciencias Sociales y Humana

    Euplotes pheromones

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    Species of Euplotes secrete protein signals (pheromones) in relation with their mating-type mechanisms of self-nonself recognition. Significant numbers of these pheromones have been characterized to varied extents of structural complexity in E. raikovi, E. nobilii, and E. octocarinatus. In every case, they form species-specific families of structurally homologous, cysteine-rich proteins. In E. raikovi, these proteins have been shown to share a common architecture based on a three-helix bundle, that permits them to bind to cells in competition with one another and elicit varied, context-dependent responses

    Structural characterization of En-1, a cold-adapted protein pheromone isolated from the Antarctic ciliate Euplotes nobilii.

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    The second of two diffusible cell signal proteins (pheromones) purified from a wild-type strain of the Antarctic ciliate, Euplotes nobilii, has been determined by automated Edman degradation of the whole molecule and peptides generated by its chymotryptic digestion. The proposed sequence of 52 amino acids of this new pheromone, designated En-1, is: NPEDWFTPDT10CAYGDSNTAW20TTCTTPGQTC30YTCCSSCFDV40VGEQACQMSA50QC. In common with the previously determined 60-amino-acid sequence of the other pheromone, En-2, it bears eight cysteines in conserved positions (presumably linked into four conserved intrachain disulfide bonds), and physicochemical features of potential significance for cold adaptation, such as a reduced hydrophobicity, an increased solvent accessibility, and an improved local backbone flexibility. However, En-1 diverges from En-2 for having evolved a threonine cluster in the place of a glycine cluster to apparently make more flexible a region that is likely functionally important

    Structural characterization of a protein pheromone from a cold-adapted (Antarctic) single-cell eukaryote, the ciliate Euplotes nobilii

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    Free-living species of ciliated Protozoa control their vegetative (mitotic) proliferation and mating (sexual) processes by diffusible, cell type-specific protein signals (pheromones). One of these molecules, designated En-2, was isolated from a species, Euplotes nobilii, living in the stably cold marine waters of Antarctica, and its complete amino acid sequence of 60 residues was determined by automated Edman degradation of the whole protein and peptides generated by trypsin digestion. The proposed sequence is : DIEDFYTSETCPYKNDSQLA20- WDTCSGGTGNCGTVCCGQCF40SFPVSQSCAGMADSNDCPNA60. The En-2 structure appears to be characterized by an adaptive insertion of a glycine-rich motif potentially capable to confer more flexibility to a functionally critical region of the molecule

    An embedded real-time co-processor for control applications

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    In this paper we present a high performance real-time microcontroller (uRT51) based on an 8051 core. The uRT51 is an 8-bits processor that includes a Real-Time co-processing unit. We have implemented the speed control of a DC motor to evaluate the uRT51 performance. The uRT51 shows a control performance suitable for low-cost, low-power, embedded real-time control applications in which real-time systems based on RTOS failVI Workshop de Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Despachador de tareas de tiempo real por eventos temporizados

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    El desarrollo de despachadores presenta una serie de inconvenientes a la hora de implementarlos (conmutación de tareas, manejo de pila, etc), sin embargo el cálculo del segmento de tiempo asignado a la ejecución de una tarea (ranura) es muy importante cuando se desea lograr una buena performance. En [1], [2], [6] y [8] se demostró que el rendimiento de Sistemas de Tiempo Real (STR) funcionando en un esquema de Prioridades Fijas (PF) ordenados por períodos monotónicos crecientes (PMC), es muy sensible al tiempo de duración de la ranura elegida. El presente trabajo describe un despachador PMC, cuyas ranuras, disparadas por un timer, no son fijas, sino que se adecuan a la próxima tarea a ser despachada, logrando un rendimiento óptimo. Dicho esquema básicamente reduce el “overhead” y evita todo tipo de bloqueo inherente en los sistemas de ranuras fijas, pues se comporta prácticamente como un esquema de despacho de tareas manejado por eventos.Área: Redes - Sistemas Operativos - Sistemas de Tiempo Real - Arquitectura de ProcesadoresRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Despachador de tareas de tiempo real por eventos temporizados

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    El desarrollo de despachadores presenta una serie de inconvenientes a la hora de implementarlos (conmutación de tareas, manejo de pila, etc), sin embargo el cálculo del segmento de tiempo asignado a la ejecución de una tarea (ranura) es muy importante cuando se desea lograr una buena performance. En [1], [2], [6] y [8] se demostró que el rendimiento de Sistemas de Tiempo Real (STR) funcionando en un esquema de Prioridades Fijas (PF) ordenados por períodos monotónicos crecientes (PMC), es muy sensible al tiempo de duración de la ranura elegida. El presente trabajo describe un despachador PMC, cuyas ranuras, disparadas por un timer, no son fijas, sino que se adecuan a la próxima tarea a ser despachada, logrando un rendimiento óptimo. Dicho esquema básicamente reduce el “overhead” y evita todo tipo de bloqueo inherente en los sistemas de ranuras fijas, pues se comporta prácticamente como un esquema de despacho de tareas manejado por eventos.Área: Redes - Sistemas Operativos - Sistemas de Tiempo Real - Arquitectura de ProcesadoresRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Characterization and Biological Activities of In Vitro Digested Olive Pomace Polyphenols Evaluated on Ex Vivo Human Immune Blood Cells

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    Olive pomace (OP) represents one of the main by-products of olive oil production, which still contains high quantities of health-promoting bioactive compounds. In the present study, three batches of sun-dried OP were characterized for their profile in phenolic compounds (by HPLC-DAD) and in vitro antioxidant properties (ABTS, FRAP and DPPH assays) before (methanolic extracts) and after (aqueous extracts) their simulated in vitro digestion and dialysis. Phenolic profiles, and, accordingly, the antioxidant activities, showed significant differences among the three OP batches, and most compounds showed good bioaccessibility after simulated digestion. Based on these preliminary screenings, the best OP aqueous extract (OP-W) was further characterized for its peptide composition and subdivided into seven fractions (OP-F). The most promising OP-F (characterized for its metabolome) and OP-W samples were then assessed for their potential anti-inflammatory properties in ex vivo human peripheral mononuclear cells (PBMCs) triggered or not with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The levels of 16 pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokines were measured in PBMC culture media by multiplex ELISA assay, whereas the gene expressions of interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-10 and TNF-alpha were measured by real time RT-qPCR. Interestingly, OP-W and PO-F samples had a similar effect in reducing the expressions of IL-6 and TNF-alpha, but only OP-W was able to reduce the release of these inflammatory mediators, suggesting that the anti-inflammatory activity of OP-W is different from that of OP-F

    Análisis del Protocolo MAC de 802.15.3 bajo Esquemas de Prioridades en Tiempo Real

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    La calidad de servicio (QoS) con requerimientos de tiempo real aplicado a diversas implementaciones como multimedia y manejo de sensores inteligentes, sobre redes inalámbricas (“wireless”) de área personal (WPANs-802.15.3), depende de muchos factores como el algoritmo de asignación de tiempo del canal y el tamaño de la supertrama (“superframe”) entre otros. En este trabajo se propone una metodología, basada en simulaciones, que permite estimar el tamaño de supertrama para brindar el mayor rendimiento al sistema en cada uno de los dos casos de asignación de prioridades estudiados: EDF y SRPT, sin modificar la estructura de la trama.The quality of service (QoS) with requirements of real time applied to diverse implementations like multimedia and handling of intelligent sensors, over wireless nets of personal area (WPANs- 802.15.3), depends on many factors like the channel time allocation algorithm and the size of the superframe among others. In this paper we propose a methodology, based on simulations that allow estimating the superframe size to offer the biggest performance to the system for each one of the two studied cases of assignment: EDF and SRPT, without modifying the frame structure.II Workshop de Arquitecturas, Redes y Sistemas OperativosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    An embedded real-time co-processor for control applications

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    In this paper we present a high performance real-time microcontroller (uRT51) based on an 8051 core. The uRT51 is an 8-bits processor that includes a Real-Time co-processing unit. We have implemented the speed control of a DC motor to evaluate the uRT51 performance. The uRT51 shows a control performance suitable for low-cost, low-power, embedded real-time control applications in which real-time systems based on RTOS failVI Workshop de Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI