2,832 research outputs found

    An empirical formulation to describe the evolution of the high burnup structure

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    In the present work the behavior of fuel pellets for LWR power reactors in the high burnup range (average burnup higher than about 45 MWd/kgU) is analyzed. For extended irradiation periods, a considerable Pu concentration is reached in the pellet periphery (rim zone), that contributes to local burnup. Gradually, a new microstructure develops in that ring, characterized by small grains and large pores as compared with those of the original material. In this region Xe is absent from the solid lattice (although it continues to be dissolved in the rest of the pellet). The porous microstructure in the pellet edge causes local changes in the mechanical and thermal properties, thus affecting the overall fuel behaviour. It is generally accepted that the evolution of porosity in the high burnup structure (HBS) is determinant of the retention capacity of the fission gases rejected from the fuel matrix. This is the reason why, during the latest years a considerable effort has been devoted to characterizing the parameters that influence porosity. Although the mechanisms governing the microstructural transformation have not been completely elucidated yet, some empirical expressions can be given, and this is the intention of the present work, for representing the main physical parameters. Starting from several works published in the open literature, some mathematical expressions were developed to describe the behaviour and progress of porosity at local burnup values ranging from 60 to 2 300 MWd/kgU. The analysis includes the interactions of different orders between pores, the growth of the pore radius by capturing vacancies, the evolution of porosity, pore number density and overpressure within the closed pores, the inventory of fission gas dissolved in the matrix and retained in the pores. The model is mathematically expressed by a system of non-linear differential equations. In the present work, results of this calculation scheme are compared with experimental data available in the open literature and with simulations performed by other authors. The results of these separate tests are quite satisfactory so, the next step will be the incorporation of this model as a new subroutine of the DIONISIO code, to expand the application range of this general fuel behaviour simulation tool.Fil: Lemes, Martín. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica; ArgentinaFil: Soba, Alejandro. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Denis, Alicia Catalina. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica; Argentin

    Rethinking Ephemeral Architecture. Advanced Geometry for Citizen-Managed Spaces

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    In recent years there have been a high amount of citizen initiatives that address the complex problems of the contemporary city. There are empty or disused spaces that have been reused for urban gardens, for social use, to encourage integration and civic activities activation, etc. Traditional architectural processes do not provide realistic solutions to these initiatives that, along with limited financial resources, have led to the emergence of architectures and self-constructed facilities, almost as an emergency mode, without necessary planning, media and constructive knowledge. The democratization of technology, thanks to laboratories of digital production, combined with knowledge of the properties of different surfaces through the CAD-CAM tools, offers new opportunities for the development of a lightweight, flexible and low impact architecture, very according to the needs of citizens' initiatives that naturally arise in our cities. The new existing scenario contemplates the figure of the architect, or engineer, not only as an agent of the market, but as a professional able to propose efficient solutions to problems from within, bringing their specific knowledge and serving as bridges between the new technological solutions and the challenges of society

    Reglamento del campanero de la catedral de Coria (1898)

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    El Reglamento por el que se ha de regir el Campanero en 1898, es un documento de gran interés, puesto que nos puede mostrar una visión de lo que era el oficio del campanero, sus obligaciones, las funciones, fiestas y actos religiosos en los que debía de tocar, la forma en cómo debían de tañer las campanas y cuales se habían de tocar según el acto que se realizase en la Catedral de Coria.The regulation that will govern the Bellringer in 1898, is a document of great interest because it can show us a vision of what was the sexton’s office, their duties, functions, festivals and religious events in which was playing, the way how the bells were to toll and what had to play according to the act to be held in the Cathedral of Coria

    Text Inspector corpus linguistics tool on trial: Checking accuracy for students' writings assessment

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    Digital tools are increasingly present in education not only to enhance teaching but also to assist educators with lesson planning and students’ assessment. This undergraduate dissertation defends the use of corpus linguistics tools by language teachers to carry out their work more efficiently. In fact, the dissertation’s main objective is to test one of these applications called Text Inspector to find out if English teachers could use it to evaluate the accuracy of students' writings. To this end, corpora compiled from undergraduate dissertation abstracts of students in Engineering, Business Administration and Early Childhood Teaching at University of Valladolid (Uva) have been introduced in the software, which automatically determines the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR) level of each group. Then, some metrics have been applied to the data to scientifically validate the reliability of the tool, finding some limitations.Las herramientas digitales se incluyen cada vez más en Educación, no sólo para mejorar la enseñanza, sino también para planificar las clases y puntuar a los alumnos. Este trabajo final de grado defiende el uso de herramientas de lingüística de corpus por parte de los profesores de idiomas para trabajar de forma más eficiente. De hecho, el objetivo principal del mismo es probar una de estas aplicaciones, llamada Text Inspector, para averiguar si los profesores de inglés podrían utilizarla para evaluar los escritos de sus alumnos. Para ello, se han introducido en el software corpus compilados a partir de abstracts de trabajos finales de grado de estudiantes de Ingeniería, Administración de Empresas y Educación Infantil de la Universidad de Valladolid (Uva), determinando automáticamente para cada grupo su nivel del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas (MCER). A continuación, se han aplicado algunas métricas a los datos para validar científicamente la fiabilidad de la herramienta, descubriendo algunas limitaciones.Departamento de Filología InglesaGrado en Estudios Inglese

    Design and development of an interface for the remote control of a DC motor

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    Remote laboratories have been gaining popularity since their first appearance two decades ago as an alternative to hands on laboratories. They present numerous advantages for universities such as lower costs and flexibility, meanwhile, maintaining the benefits of dealing with real systems that virtual laboratories do not present. In this bachelor thesis, an interface to interact in remote with a DC motor, that can be used as a laboratory session was developed. A full stack application using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Python languages was implemented. The front end of the application is a web page with real time graphs and a video feed with low latency. The back end includes a web server that attends the requests from the user, via web sockets, and performs the control loop for the motor, as well as managing the camera. The hardware of the platform was selected after a detailed research, advantages and disadvantages of potential elements alternatives will be explained. The platform also incorporates designed and printed 3D pieces. The system was successfully identified using Python and MATLABs code and its response in velocity and position is simulated with Simulink Tool.Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial y Automátic

    Vicente Blasco Ibáñez: his visit to Argentina through the El Diario Español

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    En mayo de 1909 el literato español Vicente Blasco Ibáñez se embarcó en Lisboa rumbo a Buenos Aires para dar un ciclo de conferencias histórico-políticas y culturales. Desde que se supo que viajaría a la Argentina la prensa de las dos orillas del Atlántico se ocupó tanto del viaje como de las actividades desarrolladas por el novelista en aquel país. Se generaron altos niveles de expectación siendo El Diario Español — principal periódico de la colectividad de inmigrantes españoles desde comienzos del siglo XX— el medio que más colaboró en promover esta visita. Dada su relevancia, dicha publicación de carácter étnico es objeto de estudio en este trabajo. A través de sus páginas se analizará la visita de Blasco Ibáñez a la Argentina, su impacto y los vínculos intelectuales de éste con algunos miembros destacados de la colectividad española.In May of 1909 the Spanish writer Vicente Blasco Ibáñez embarked in Lisbon on road to Buenos Aires to give a series on historical-political and cultural conferences. Since it was known that he would travel to Argentina, the press from both shores of the Atlantic followed the trip as the activities developed by the novelist in that country. High levels of expectation were generated being El Diario Español —main newspaper of the spanish immigrant community since the beginning of the 20th century´s— the media that collaborated the most on promoting this visit. Due to the importance of this ethnic publication it is studied in this article. Through its pages, it will be analyzed the visit of Vicente Blasco Ibáñez to Argentina, its impact and the intellectual relationship of it with some notable members of spanish´s community

    Why have poverty and income inequality increased so much? Argentina 1991-2002

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    This paper analyzes the sources of changes in poverty and income inequality among Argentine households during the 1991-2001 period. We assess the effect of changes in labor market participation, unemployment, education levels, and returns to human capital on income inequality and poverty by using a micro-simulation approach. This procedure allows us to evaluate the impact of each one of those changes on several measures of income inequality and poverty during the nineties. We found that unemployment accounts for a large part of the increase in income inequality and poverty that this country experienced in the last decade. In January 2002, Argentina declared the default on its external debt and devaluated the peso 40% ending the convertibility period. Since then, a growing inflation is affecting the purchasing power of Argentine households for the first time in more than ten years. Using our methodology we estimate the effect of the emerging inflation on poverty among households. Our findings indicate that inflation increases poverty significantly at least in the short run.Para cualquier uso del contenido del presente documento debe ponerse en contacto con el autor

    El patrimonio histórico cultural de las ciudades portuarias regionales. El caso argentino

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    Este proyecto se propuso investigar la influencia de los puertos en la conformación de identidades regionales, con el objeto de poner en valor el patrimonio histórico portuario de las ciudades puertos regionales. Se relevaron fuentes documentales y bibliográficas con el objeto elaborar un proyecto de preservación del patrimonio histórico cultural de los puertos argentinos con el fin de resguardar la documentación de modo electrónico, superando los riesgos de pérdida y dispersión.Se entrevistó a particulares, funcionarios, empresarios, universitarios, dirigentes sociales y económicos vinculados a la problemática portuaria, a la preservación de sus activos culturales y patrimoniales intangibles, a través de técnicas tales como cuestionarios escritos, orales o conversaciones en profundidad. Los investigadores participaron en el surgimiento de una instancia que tributó en forma directa al proyecto: el Núcleo de Historia de las Ciudades Portuarias Regionales, dentro del IDEHESI-CONICET. Entre los aportes cristalizados por este proyecto se encuentra la elaboración de una propuesta de trabajo presentada al Consejo Portuario Argentino para 2018 que se denominó “Conocernos es integrarnos”, y que consistió en una serie de actividades de formación.Los integrantes del proyecto participaron de la mesa sobre puertos en la Jornadas Interescuelas de Historia en Mar del Plata y en el II Coloquio de Preservación del Patrimonio Portuario Argentino en Rosario en 2017, y en la preparación del III Coloquio, que se realizó en 2018. Los integrantes presentaron sus publicaciones en la mesa “La identidad cultural de las ciudades portuarias”, en las IX Jornadas sobre Identidad Cultural y Política Exterior en la Historia Argentina y Americana, Buenos Aires, septiembre 2018. Todos estos aportes apuntan a fortalecer un campo de investigación en ciernes, como es el de las ciudades portuarias regionales