4,156 research outputs found

    DNA and pacific commensal models : applications, construction, limitations, and future prospects

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    Components of the Pacific transported landscape have been used as proxies to trace the prehistoric movement of humans across the Pacific for almost two decades. Analyses of archaeological remains and DNA sequences of plants, animals, and microorganisms moved by or with humans have contributed to understanding prehistoric migration, trade, exchange, and sometimes revealed the geographic origins of particular plants and animals. This paper presents the basic elements of a DNA-based commensal model and discusses the phylogenetic and population genetic approaches these models employ. A clear delineation of the underlying assumptions of these models and the background information required to construct them have yet to appear in the literature. This not only provides a framework with which to construct a commensal model but also highlights gaps in current knowledge. The ways in which commensal models have enriched archaeological reconstructions will be highlighted, as will their current limitations. With these limitations in mind, options will be outlined for augmenting commensal models through the application of established techniques and new technologies in order to provide the best tools for reconstructing ancient human mobility and behavior in the Pacific and beyond

    Optimization of a Fast-Pick Area in a Cosmetics Distribution Center

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    Fast-pick areas are commonly used in order picking warehouses to improve labor efficiency by concentrating picking activities within a compact area, thus minimizing the distance traveled by the pickers. One problem that must be solved when a fast-pick area is to be implemented is the so-called assignment-allocation problem. This deals with deciding which products should be assigned to the fast-pick area, and how much space should be allocated to these products. This research was motivated by the picking operation of a cosmetics distribution center where several fast-pick areas are in place. A mixed integer linear programming formulation is proposed for solving the variant of the assignment-allocation problem found in this company. Our computational experiments show that the proposed model is efficient for solving small yet realistic instances of the problem

    An Extended Double Row Layout Problem

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    The double row layout problem (DRLP) seeks to determine optimal machine locations on either side of an aisle, where the objective has been defined as the minimization of material ow cost among ma- chines while meeting machine clearance constraints. In this paper, we extend existing DRLP formulations in two respects. First, we consider the minimization of layout area besides the usual material ow cost objective. Second, we present a mixed integer linear programming formulation that permits non-zero aisle widths. This new formulation also includes new constraints that eliminate layout \mirroring, thus reducing the solution space significantly and thus solution times. Although small-scale problems may be solved optimally by commercial integer programming solvers, solution times are highly sensitive to the number of machines in a layout. A tabu search heuristic is shown to work well for moderately-sized problems. Numerical examples demonstrating the impact of both ow and area objectives, as well as aisle widths, are included

    Effects of exercise and sport in solid organ transplant recipients: a review

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    Solid organ transplantation is the gold-standard treatment for many with end-organ failure and can offer a new independence from the burden of disease. However solid organ transplant recipients (SOTRs) remain at high risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), poor quality of life and physical functioning. Increasing physical activity and exercise can improve the health of the general population, however the effects on those with a transplant remain unclear. Intensive exercise and sporting activity has the potential to be beneficial, although there remain concerns particularly around the effects on immune function and the CV system. This review summarises what is known about the effects of exercise on determinants of health in SOTR and then collates the available literature investigating the consequences of intensive exercise and sport on the health of SOTR. There is a paucity of high-quality research, with most evidence being case-studies or anecdotal; this is understandable given the relatively few numbers of SOTR who are performing sport and exercise at a high level. However if suitable evidence-based guidelines are to be formed and SOTR are to be given reassurances that their activity levels are not detrimental to their transplanted organ and overall health, then more high-quality studies are required

    The Impact of Exercising During Haemodialysis on Blood Pressure, Markers of Cardiac Injury and Systemic Inflammation - Preliminary Results of a Pilot Study

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    This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND) (http://www.karger.com/Services/OpenAccessLicense). Usage and distribution for commercial purposes as well as any distribution of modified material requires written permission.Background/Aims: Patients requiring haemodialysis have cardiovascular and immune dysfunction. Little is known about the acute effects of exercise during haemodialysis. Exercise has numerous health benefits but in other populations has a profound impact upon blood pressure, inflammation and immune function; therefore having the potential to exacerbate cardiovascular and immune dysfunction in this vulnerable population. Methods: Fifteen patients took part in a randomised-crossover study investigating the effect of a 30-min bout of exercise during haemodialysis compared to resting haemodialysis. We assessed blood pressure, plasma markers of cardiac injury and systemic inflammation and neutrophil degranulation. Results: Exercise increased blood pressure immediately post-exercise; however, 1 hour after exercise blood pressure was lower than resting levels (106±22 vs. 117±25 mm Hg). No differences in h-FABP, cTnI, myoglobin or CKMB were observed between trial arms. Exercise did not alter circulating concentrations of IL-6, TNF-α or IL-1ra nor clearly suppress neutrophil function. Conclusions: This study demonstrates fluctuations in blood pressure during haemodialysis in response to exercise. However, since the fall in blood pressure occurred without evidence of cardiac injury, we regard it as a normal response to exercise superimposed onto the haemodynamic response to haemodialysis. Importantly, exercise did not exacerbate systemic inflammation or immune dysfunction; intradialytic exercise was well tolerated

    Discovery of a 500 pc shell in the nucleus of Centaurus A

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    Spitzer Space Telescope mid-infrared images of the radio galaxy Centaurus A reveal a shell-like, bipolar, structure 500 pc to the north and south of the nucleus. This shell is seen in 5.8, 8.0 and 24 micron broad-band images. Such a remarkable shell has not been previously detected in a radio galaxy and is the first extragalactic nuclear shell detected at mid-infrared wavelengths. We estimate that the shell is a few million years old and has a mass of order million solar masses. A conservative estimate for the mechanical energy in the wind driven bubble is 10^53 erg. The shell could have created by a small few thousand solar mass nuclear burst of star formation. Alternatively, the bolometric luminosity of the active nucleus is sufficiently large that it could power the shell. Constraints on the shell's velocity are lacking. However, if the shell is moving at 1000 km/s then the required mechanical energy would be 100 times larger.Comment: submitted to ApJ Letter
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