128 research outputs found

    Using Perlite Based Sodium Silicate for Obliteration Feculent Water by Leachate Percolation

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    This paper presents the study of synthetic perlite sodium silicate to reduce suspended solid and remove turbidity of mud water. Laboratory procedure were designed to quantify the suspended solids removal efficiency and variation in height of modified Secchi disk. 4 samples have been exposed to experiments containing sand, perlite sieved by mesh no. 8, SC (sodium silicate) perlite and micronized perlite. The tests manifest the use of SC perlite can exceedingly enhance the turbidity removal efficiency from muddy water. The modified Secchi disk has been devised by author to facilitate the experiments, in addition the quality index has been created by author to equilibrate quality and price. After much struggling, SC perlite has been introduced for having optimum performance. Keywords: Sodium Silicate, Perlite, Expanded Perlite, Filtration, Secchi Dis

    The Effect of Combined Exercise with Coffee Consumption on Fasting Blood Sugar Levels and Abdominal Obesity in Overweight Middle-aged Prediabetic Men

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    Pre-diabetes is defined as an increase in blood glucose levels above normal, but not to the extent that it is considered diabetes. One way to control the progression of diabetes is to eat a healthy diet and exercise. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of combined exercise and coffee consumption on fasting blood sugar and middle-aged pre diabetic men. In this study, 44 overweight middle-aged men with (body mass index of 28.3 ± 2.8 kg / m2) were purposefully selected and randomly divided into four groups of 11: Exercise Combination, coffee consumption, combined exercise + coffee consumption and control group were divided. Pre-test and post-test groups including weight, body mass index, percentage of fasting fat and blood glucose were measured 24 hours before and after the project. The training groups then performed the training protocol for 8 weeks, three sessions per minute and 90 minutes each session. The coffee and exercise + coffee group consumed 10 grams of coffee every other day. Data were analyzed using covariance test and significance level of 0.05. The results showed a significant decrease in body mass index, fat percentage and serum concentration of fasting blood glucose in the exercise groups compared to the control group (P> 5%). This study showed that combined exercise with coffee can be effective in controlling fasting blood sugar and abdominal obesity

    The effect of a selected home-based exercise program by consuming coffee on blood lipid profile of inactive middle-aged men in COVID-19 pandemic condition

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of 8 week a selected home based exercise program by consuming coffee on blood lipid profile of inactive middle-aged men in pandemic COVID-19 condition. The present study is a semi-experimental methodology and 44 middle-aged men with fatty liver were randomly divided into four groups of 11 cases: home-based exercise, coffee, home-based exercise + coffee, control. Blood test was used to measure blood lipid profile. The combined home-based exercise intervention was performed for 8 weeks, three sessions and 60 minutes per session. Coffee intervention consumed 10 grams of coffee per every other day. The results showed that weight, body mass index, LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol and triglyceride decreased significantly after eight weeks of training in all three experimental groups and HDL cholesterol increased significantly (p < .05). It seems that performed combined home- based exercise and in combination with coffee consumption can be effective in improving the blood lipid profile of inactive middle-aged men in quarantine and paired COVID-19 conditions and prevent liver damage

    Determination of some engineering properties of parsley (Petroselinum crispum L.) seeds and modeling

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    To design the planting, separating, threshing, sizing and packing machines for agricultural products, physical and mechanical properties of the products should be known. In this work some physical properties of parsley seeds were studied. Dimensional parameters including three principle dimensions, geometric mean diameter, equivalent diameter, arithmetic mean diameter, sphericity, volume, surface area, projected area, flakiness ratio and elongation ratio were measured using image processing technique. Also length, width and thickness distributions of parsley seeds were modeled using Gamma, Generalized Extreme Value and Weibull distributions. Gravimetrical properties including mass of single seed, thousand seed mass, bulk density, true density and porosity were measured. Effect of the container volume and fall height on bulk density and porosity were studied. Frictional properties of parsley seeds (static coefficient of friction on various surfaces and repose angle of based on bypouring, Hele-Shaw, empting and filling methods) were measured. Results showed that length, width and thickness of the seeds ranged (0.660 - 0.883mm), (0.524 - 0.752mm) and (0.490 - 0.744 mm), respectively. With increasing the container volume from 150 to 550 mL, bulk density of the seeds increased; but from 550 to 750 mL, it was decreased. True density and thousand seed mass of the seeds were 884.658 kg/m3 and 1.390 g. The values of friction coefficient on plywood, rubber, iron and galvanized surfaces were 27.35ᵒ, 24.17ᵒ, 19.31ᵒ and 14.77ᵒ, respectively. The values of filling and empting repose angles were 32.64ᵒ and 40.16ᵒ

    Polyvinyl Sulfuric Acid: A Novel Solid Acid Catalyst for Preparation of Symmetrical Ethers and Theoretical Calculation

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    In this paper, polyvinyl sulfuric acid as a novel solid acid was easily prepared by simple mixing of polyvinyl alcohol with chlorosulfonic acid at room temperature. The facile procedure for conversion of benzylic alcohols to the corresponding symmetrical ethers in the presence of this solid acid under solvent free conditions was investigated. Results showed that the solid acid was an appropriate catalytic agent for this condensation reaction. It also showed its ability to produce the products in short reaction times while having high isolated yields.Also theoretical calculation by DFT method with B3LYP using 6-31G** basis sets was done. Based on the calculation, Transition state is a primary carbocation that the positive charge is dispersed by the benzene ring. The dipole moment of transition state is 0.2226D and the total energy of produced carbonation is more than symmetrical ether and alcohol, as the results the produced carbocation via SN1 is an appropriate transition state

    An Optimization Approach to Predict Crude Oil Prices

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    The impact of oil price on social, economic, political and many other aspects of human life is quite strong and evident. However, the role playing factors affecting the price are so complex that the price prediction cannot be solely attributed to the simple well known demand-supply relationship. This paper emphasizes on midterm prediction approach rather than short or long term ones, in which a model has been proposed based on a developed algorithm. Prediction of the prices in seasonal or annual basis was performed with highly satisfactory results. Gold and USDX were employed to verify the applicability of the proposed model

    Transcription of adaptive-immune genes upon challenge with infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) in DNA vaccinated rainbow trout

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    In the present study, rainbow trout weighting 3±0.3 g were vaccinated with an oral DNA vaccine encoding VP2 gene of a prevalent isolate of IPNV in Iranian trout farms encapsulated in sodium alginate microspheres and Chitosan tripolyphosphate (CS/TPP) nanoparticles. The vaccinated fish were then challenged with a virulent isolate of IPNV at 30 days post-vaccination. The transcriptional changes of adaptive- immune genes (IgM and IgT), as well as the  VP4 gene of IPNV, as an indicators of viral replication were studied 45 days post-challenge. Analysis of RT-qPCR data showed lower levels of VP4 gene expression in the oral DNA vaccinated trout after IPNV challenge compared with the control one. Moreover, the constructed DNA vaccine did not enhance the expression of IgM and IgT genes above the levels observed in the carrier control group but it showed a mimic of viral activity and contributes to maintaining them at appreciable levels in vaccinated group

    Investigation of caspase-1 activity and interleukin-1β production in murine macrophage cell lines infected with Leishmania major

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    AbstractObjectiveTo investigate the caspase-1 dependent inflammatory pathway activity and interleukin-1β (IL-1β) secretion in murine macrophage cell lines J774G8 infected with Leishmania major (L. major) using caspase-1 activity assay and ELISA.MethodsNovy-MacNeal-Nicolle biphasic medium was applied to produce promastigote form of L. major. Metacyclic promastigotes in the stationary phase were applied to infect macrophage. Caspase-1 activity and IL-1β secretion were assessed by the CPP32/caspase-1 fluorometric protease assay and ELISA IL-1β kits, respectively, with time intervals of 6, 18 and 30 h.ResultsOur study showed an increase in caspase-1 activity and IL-1β secretion in infected samples compared to non-infected macrophages. The highest increase in IL-1β production was observed after 6 h of infection.ConclusionsThese results arise that the activation of inflammasome pathway could be one of the innate immunity pathways against L. major

    Challenges in the Optimal Management of Human Resources in Hospitals: A Qualitative Study

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    Introduction: Optimal management of human resources is considered as a basic and most fundamental principle of management of the health services because manpower is the most important organizational resources. The aim of this study was to identify the challenges in the optimal management of human resources in hospitals. Method: This qualitative study was conducted in hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences and all experts who had sufficient knowledge of the human resources management programs were included. Nineteen participants were selected using non-probability purposive sampling. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the data. Results: Three major themes emerged: organizational, motivational, and knowledge-related factors. Organizational factors included lack of up-to-date job descriptions, staff recruitment through university and hospital constraints in the selection of employees, lack of the culture of team working and process attitudes, incomplete establishment of occupational health and safety, and deficiencies in the evaluation system. Motivational factors included absence of a performance-based pay system, lack of communication between evaluation and incentive systems, and lack of motivation and confidence of the staff in solving problems. Knowledge-related factors included old human resources and resistance to change, lack of knowledge, and non-learner hospital environment. Conclusion: Clear job description, implementation of dynamic organizational culture, safe environmental conditions, performance-based pay system, and directing hospitals towards becoming learning organizations play an important role in reducing the challenges of human resources management. Keywords: Challenge, Management, Human resources, Hospita