52 research outputs found

    The Role of Criminal Investigator in Disabilities Persecution

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    The aim of this study is to know the procedures for the role of investigators in investigating criminal acts of persecution of victims of disabilities. Role of Investigators in Investigating Criminal Acts of Persecution of Victims. Factors obstructing the role of Investigators in investigating criminal acts of abuse of victims of disabilities at the Police. This study uses an approach method juridical empirical. The conclusion of this study is Procedure for investigating criminal acts of mistreatment of victims of disabilities at Tambakromo Police. The law enforcement process begins based on the report: LP/B/392020/Jateng/Res.Pt/Sek.Tbr. Making Reports, Visiting the Crime Scene, Recording witnesses, Report to the leadership, conduct an investigation. The role of investigators in investigating criminal acts of persecution of victims of disabilities at Tambakromo Police. Based on the Police Report Number: LP/B/392020/Jateng/Res.Pt/Sek.Tbr. January 13, 2020; Investigation warrant Number: SP. Sidik/01.A/I/2020/Reskrim, dated January 13, 2020; Letter of notification of commencement of investigation Number: SPDP/01/I/Res. 1.6/2020/Reskrim, 17 January 2020; then Crime Scene Arrest, Detention, Confiscation, Statement of witnesses, statement of the suspect Visum Et Repertum, Evidence. factors inhibiting the role of the investigator in investigating the criminal act of assaulting victims of disabilities at the Tambakromo Police, Whereas the report of the incident of the case with the case that is reported is a long difference so that the investigator in the process of conducting the examination of the witness is constrained in the witness summoning, because the witness cannot be present at the appointed time. Lack of human resources for investigators, lack of infrastructure in the investigation, and how to deal with it Coordinating with victims so that witnesses who are presented when summoned can be present at the office according to the time specified, Supervise and inspect every activity and administrative worksheets made by assistant investigators, Lack of budget submitted for the following year, but rarely realized


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    Sistem pengaturan sirkulasi pada sebuah peternakan hewan unggas masih belum efisien karena masih bergantung pada sistem manusia yang mana petugas akan selalu mengawasi agar sirkulasi udara tetap normal. Pada sistem sirkulasi udara otomatis ini diharapkan dapat meringankan dan memberikan kenyamanan sehingga petugas hewan ternak pun lebih ringan dalam mengontrol sirkulasi udara pada hewan ternak khususnya unggas. Tugas akhir ini merupakan sebuah salah satu contoh sistem kendali modern yang mana system ini mengatur agar udara yang ada didalam ruangan udara tetap bersih dengan suhu 28°C. Melalui sistem sirkulasi udara otomatis ini proses dikendalikan menggunakan microkontroller ATMEGA 8535 yang terhubung oleh sensor suhu LM35 udara dengan media out put kipas Fan dan LCD sebagai informasi keadaaan suhu ruangan kandang. Hasil dari tugas akhir ini yaitu mendeteksi udara yang kotor dengan tahapan pengeluaran udara yang kotor diharapkan dapat menjaga udara tetap bersih degan bantuan sensor suhu LM35 yang diletakkan pada ruangan peternak hewan ungga

    Studi Penggunaan Kapur sebagai Bahan Aditif terhadap Karakteristik Campuran Beton Aspal Lapis Aus (Ac-wc)

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    Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course (AC-WC) is the layer indirect contact with the wheels of the vehicle that makes this layer is easy damage. The use of additive in Asphalt Concrete Mixtures as AC-WC has often done to improve the durability. One of additional material that has been used is hydrate lime. The aim of this research was to know the effect of using lime as additive on AC-WC characteristics.Variations lime used in this study was 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% respectively. Characteristic of AC-WC mixture include stability, flexibility, durability, VIM, VMA, VFB and flow of the mixtures. Test characteristic of the mixtures using Marshall Method.Analysis of the relationships the characteristic of AC-WC mixtures with variations of lime using statistical methods is experiment factorial at 95% confidence level or α= 5%. The result of this study was to found that using lime as additives to effect the characteristic of AC-WC mixtures. Optimum Asphalt Content tends to increase due to increased lime content in the AC-WC. The result also found that the best lime content is 15%, Optimum asphalt content is 6.67% with an increase stability value of 9.75%, durability value of 1.39% and flexibility value of 11.61% when compared to the characteristics of AC-WC mixture without additives lime

    Pengantar Editor-in-Chief Mediapsi Volume 6 Nomor 1 Tahun 2020

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    Pengantar Editor-in-Chief Mediapsi Volume 6 Nomor 1 Tahun 202

    Pengantar editor-in-chief Mediapsi volume 7 nomor 1 tahun 2021

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    Mediapsi published 7 empirical articles for its new edition, i.e., volume 7 issue 1, 2021, which cover multifarious topics and research methods. The first article is qualitative research aimed at investigating the self-adjustment of a postgraduate who works while studying. The second article focuses on undergraduate students’ academic burnout and explained quantitatively this phenomenon based on various forms of social support. The third article is meta-analysis research to synthesize the extent to which mindfulness-based interventions are effective in increasing resilience at the workplace. The fourth article applied a qualitative method that also touches upon the topic of resilience but within a different context, that is, community resilience amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The fifth article, the same as the third article, is meta-analysis research to examine to what extent music therapy has a significant effect as an intervention in improving sleep quality. The sixth article is an experimental research that tested the effect of virtual reality on the induction of negative emotions. The seventh, last article also examined the phenomenon of social support explained its role in explaining subjective well-being among a sample of ethnic Minang adolescents.Dalam volume 7 nomor 1 tahun 2021 ini, Mediapsi mempublikasikan tujuh artikel empiris dengan topik dan metode penelitian yang bervariasi. Artikel pertama menerapkan metode kualitatif untuk meneliti adaptasi atau penyesuaian-diri mahasiswa yang kuliah sambil bekerja. Artikel kedua mengangkat tema atau topik tentang academic burnout di kalangan mahasiswa yang dijelaskan secara kuantitatif atas dasar berbagai bentuk social support. Artikel ketiga merupakan studi meta-analisis untuk menguji sejauh mana intervensi berbasis mindfulness efektif untuk meningkatkan resiliensi di tempat kerja. Artikel keempat menerapkan metode kualitatif yang juga membahas topik tentang resiliensi tetapi dalam konteks yang berbeda, yaitu resiliensi komunitas di tengah pandemi COVID-19. Artikel kelima, seperti artikel ketiga, adalah studi meta-analisis yang bertujuan untuk menyimpulkan sejauh mana musik terapi berpengaruh signifikan sebagai intervensi dalam meningkatkan kualitas tidur. Artikel keenam merupakan riset eksperimen yang menguji sejauh mana virtual reality berpengaruh dalam menginduksi emosi-emosi negatif. Artikel ketujuh sekaligus terakhir juga meneliti dukungan sosial atau social support dan menguji perannya terhadap subjective well-being di kalangan remaja etnis Minang

    Pengantar editor-in-chief Mediapsi volume 7 nomor 2 tahun 2021

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    Mediapsi volume 7, number 2, December 2021 has published seven empirical articles. Each of the articles investigated multifarious topics. The first article is experimentation, which revealed that the career decision-making course (CDMC) was effective in reducing students’ career decision making difficulties. The experiment in the second article demonstrated that self-disclosure training significantly increased the self-acceptance of adolescent students with cerebral palsy. The third article is qualitative research using a systematic review to identify and analyse various definitions and types of a case study. The fourth article examined fear of missing out (FoMO) and found that this variable, controlling for trait self-control, was suboptimal in explaining physical activity among Instagram users. The topic in the fifth article has to do with adolescents’ emotional and behavioural problems. The findings in this article showed that male and female adolescents reported the same emotional and behavioural problems. The sixth article is a quantitative correlational study, which reported that among private school teachers, the lower the tenure, the more negative the relationship between job satisfaction and intentions to leave the organization or workplace. The seventh article is a correlational quantitative study that found how political trust, political efficacy, and candidate orientation played a significant role either simultaneously or partially in explaining political participation. Tujuh artikel empiris telah dipublikasikan dalam Mediapsi edisi Desember 2021, volume 7 nomor 2. Topik yang dibahas dalam masing-masing artikel cukup bervariasi. Topik artikel pertama merupakan studi eksperimen dengan temuan bahwa career decision-making course (CDMC) efektif dalam mengurangi kesulitan siswa dalam menentukan karier mereka. Sementara itu, eksperimen dalam artikel kedua menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan pengenalan diri secara empiris berpengaruh signifikan dalam meningkatkan penerimaan diri siswa remaja dengan cerebral palsy. Artikel ketiga merupakan riset kualitatif yang menggunakan tinjauan sistematis untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis berbagai macam definisi dan tipe studi kasus, Artikel keempat meneliti fenomena fear of missing out (FoMO) dan menemukan bahwa variabel tersebut kurang berperan signifikan dibandingkan dengan trait self-control dalam menjelaskan aktivitas fisik di kalangan pengguna media sosial Instagram. Topik dalam artikel kelima berkaitan dengan masalah emosi dan perilaku remaja. Temuan dalam artikel kelima menunjukkan bahwa remaja laki-laki dan remaja perempuan memiliki permasalahan emosi dan perilaku yang relatif sama. Artikel keenam merupakan studi kuantitatif korelasional, yang melaporkan bahwa di kalangan guru sekolah swasta, semakin rendah masa kerja maka hubungan antara kepuasaan kerja dan turnover intentions atau keinginan meninggalkan organisasi atau tempat kerja semakin negatif. Artikel ketujuh sekaligus terakhir merupakan studi kuantitatif korelasional yang menemukan bahwa kepercayaan politik, efikasi politik, dan orientasi kandidat berperan signifikan baik secara simultan maupun secara parsial dalam menjelaskan partisipasi politik

    Hubungan pengetahuan Anemia dan Pola Makan Mahasiswa Ilmu Keolahragaan UNESA Angkatan 2020 Terhadap Kejadian Anemia

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    Nutritional problems that occur since adolescence will have the opportunity to cause anemia which affects cognitive development, productivity, performance, competitiveness and quality when studying and exercising. So in an effort to overcome this problem, the researches tried to find out how the conditional of anemia knowledge and the influence on the eating behaviorof the 2020 State University of Surabaya State University’s class of Sport Science Study Program Students.The methods used in this research methods and inferensial statistical data analysis. The population in this study is the 2020 class of Sport Science Students who are still studying in the Sport Science Study Program. The technique used for this study usessimple random sampling, so that the sample used is random without regard to the existing strata. From this study, there were 62,5% of respondents with knowledge of anemia in the good category, 29,2% in the fairly good category, and 83,3% of respondents have a eating behavior in the good category. Resulting in a correlation value, with an r value of 0.1434. It can be concluded that the knowledge of anemia owned by respondents is directly proportional to the eating behavior they have


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    Abstract. The present work aimed to examine the psychological mechanism by which an openness to accept ingroup actions that can threaten the existence of outgroups, which is simply referred to as acknowledgments of threatening ingroup actions, plays a role in tackling extremism and violent radicalism in the name of Islam in Indonesia. A correlational survey among a sample of 404 Muslim students from various universities in Indonesia in the present work revealed that acknowledgmenst of threatening ingroup actions contributed to the reduction of Muslims’ extremism and violent radicalism because of the role the concept had in increasing Muslims’ critical attitudes towards their group’s wrongdoings inflicted upon non-Muslims. These critical attitudes took shape via an acceptance of ingroup wrongdoings, ingroup responsibility, and feelings of anger against ingroup actions. These empirical findings imply that acknowledgments of threatening ingroup actions may facilitate Muslim reconciliatory cognitions and emotions, which in turn attenuate Muslims’ violent extremism and radicalism in their relationships with non-Muslims. The theoretical and practical implications of these empirical findings are elaborated in the discussion section, which also spotlights a number of  shortcomings in the present work. Keywords. Acknowledgements of threatening ingroup actions, ingroup responsibility, anger against ingroup actions, extremism, violent radicalism Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji mekanisme psikologis mengapa keterbukaan untuk mengakui tindakan kelompok-sendiri (ingroup) yang bisa mengancam eksistensi kelompok-lain (outgroup), yang disingkat dengan istilah acknowledgement of threatening ingroup actions, berperan dalam meredam permasalahan esktremisme (extremism) dan radikalisme kekerasan (violent radicalism) yang mengatasnamakan Islam di Indonesia. Survei korelasional yang melibatkan 404 mahasiswa Muslim dari berbagai universitas di Indonesia dalam penelitian ini menemukan bahwa acknowledgement of threatening ingroup actions berkontribusi  menangkal esktremisme dan radikalisme kekerasan karena perannya dalam meningkatkan sikap kritis terhadap kelompok-sendiri atas pelanggaran terhadap kelompok lain (ingroup wrongdoings). Sikap kritis ini mencakup penerimaan atas pelanggaran  terhadap kelompok-lain (acceptance of ingroup wrongdoings), tanggungjawab atas pelanggaran terhadap kelompok-lain (ingroup responsibility), dan amarah atas aksi pelanggaran tersebut (anger against ingroup actions). Temuan-temuan empiris ini mengimplikasikan bahwa acknowledgement of threatening ingroup actions memfasilitasi kognisi dan emosi rekonsiliatif Muslim, yang selanjutnya berperan dalam meredam ekstremisme dan radikalisme kekerasan dalam hubungan mereka dengan non-Muslim. Implikasi teoretis dan praktis dari temuan-temuan empiris ini dielaborasi dalam bagian diskusi, yang juga menyoroti sejumlah kelemahan atau kekurangan dalam penelitian ini. Kata kunci. Acknowledgements of threatening ingroup actions, ingroup responsibility, anger against ingroup actions, ekstremisme, radikalisme kekerasa

    Pengantar Editor-in-Chief Mediapsi Volume 6 Nomor 2 Tahun 2020

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    In this introduction, the editor-in-chief briefly described the topic of seven empirical articles that have been published in Mediapsi volume 6 number 2, 2020. Broadly speaking, the topics of the articles in this edition varied, from those of clinical psychology to educational psychology, and social psychology. The first article examined the role body dissatisfaction had in explaining subjective well-being, especially among women in emerging adulthood. The topic of the second article pertained to various aspects of the classroom atmosphere and their impacts on elementary school students’ subjective well-being. Shifting the topic from elementary school students to high school students, the third article was a correlational study examining how much peer conformity and emotional intelligence predicted career adaptability. The fourth article was an experimental study, which investigated the effect of a socialisation program on the propensity of healthy behaviours among caregivers of cancer patients, followed by the fifth article zooming on in the relationship between critical thinking and religious tolerance among high school students. The sixth article was about how regional students construed the meanings of home, which was analysed qualitatively. The last, seventh article examined the levels of outgroup prejudice based on two factors, that is, intergroup contact and demographic variables (i.e., gender, age, education).Dalam pengantar ini, editor-in-chief memberikan gambaran ringkas atau kesimpulan mengenai topik tujuh artikel empiris yang telah dimuat di Mediapsi volume 6 nomor 2 tahun 2020. Secara garis besar, topik artikel dalam edisi tersebut cukup bervariasi, mulai dari psikologi klinis, psikologi pendidikan, sampai dengan psikologi sosial. Artikel pertama meneliti topik tentang peran body dissatisfaction terhadap subjective well-being, khususnya pada perempuan yang memasuki masa emerging adulthood. Topik kedua menelaah sejauh mana ragam aspek suasana kelas menjadi prediktor subjective well-being pada anak-anak sekolah dasar. Bergeser dari anak sekolah dasar ke remaja sekolah menengah atas, artikel ketiga merupakan studi korelasional untuk menguji peran konformitas dengan teman sebaya dan kecerdasan emosi dalam menjelaskan adaptabilitas karier. Artikel keempat adalah studi eksperimen, yang menginvestigasi pengaruh penyuluhan untuk meningkatkan kecenderungan perilaku sehat caregiver pasien kanker, diikuti dengan artikel kelima tentang hubungan antara berpikir kritis dan toleransi beragama di kalangan siswa sekolah menengah atas. Artikel keenam tentang  pemaknaan rumah pada mahasiswa rantau yang menganalisis topik ini secara kualitatif. Artikel ketujuh sekaligus terakhir meneliti tinggi rendahnya prasangka terhadap kelompok lain atas dasar dua faktor, yaitu kontak antarkelompok dan variabel-variabel demografis (jenis kelamin, usia, dan tigkat pendidikan).Â


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    Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course (AC-WC) is the layer indirect contact with the wheels of the vehicle that makes this layer is easy damage. The use of additive in Asphalt Concrete Mixtures as AC-WC has often done to improve the durability. One of additional material that has been used is hydrate lime. The aim of this research was to know the effect of using lime as additive on AC-WC characteristics.Variations lime used in this study was 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% respectively. Characteristic of AC-WC mixture include stability, flexibility, durability, VIM, VMA, VFB and flow of the mixtures. Test characteristic of the mixtures using Marshall Method.Analysis of the relationships the characteristic of AC-WC mixtures with variations of lime using statistical methods is experiment factorial at 95% confidence level or α= 5%. The result of this study was to found that using lime as additives to effect the characteristic of AC-WC mixtures. Optimum Asphalt Content tends to increase due to increased lime content in the AC-WC. The result also found that the best lime content is 15%, Optimum asphalt content is 6.67% with an increase stability value of 9.75%, durability value of 1.39% and flexibility value of 11.61% when compared to the characteristics of AC-WC mixture without additives lime.Keyword:  Lime, Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course (AC-WC
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