929 research outputs found

    Deficient intakes of energy and macronutrients in Pakistani female students assessed by composite samples method

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    The main purpose of the study was to compare the energy and macronutrients intakes by composite sample method. Duplicate food samples for seven days i.e., breakfast, lunch and dinner and whatever else ate during the week were analyzed for macronutrients consumption. Twenty female students were registered from the female hostel of the NWFP, Agricultural University Peshawar Pakistan. Age, weight, height and skin folds of the students were recorded on the day of the registration. From the anthropometry Basal Metabolic Index (BMI) was determined. The composite food samples were analyzed for protein, carbohydrates and fats. The energy values were determined by multiplying the daily eaten protein, carbohydrates and fats with 4, 4 and 9, respectively. The mean values of energy and macronutrients intakes were compared with the norms as appropriate. The energy and protein intakes were lower by -29.34% and protein intake was higher by 42.65% compared with American Dietetic Association (ADA). Similarly, compared to the WHO/FAO values the energy was lower -30.57 and protein was higher by 43.29, respectively. The energy contribution was higher from protein by 151% and lower from carbohydrates and fats by -28.35 and 23.43%, respectively. This study suggests that students are having deficient or imbalance energy intakes from macronutrients and are at the risk of malnutrition

    A Histopathological Study of the Therapeutic Role of Kisspeptin-10 Against Cadmium Chloride Toxicity in Rats

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    Kisspeptin is originally a metastasis suppressor. Currently, post preliminary discovery, the crucial physiology of kisspeptin appeared among several biological function in the living body such as supporting the reproductive system, regulation the metabolism, improvement the cardiac muscle action and smooth muscle of blood vessels. Moreover, Kisspeptin play an important role as a neurotransmitter through the Kisspeptin receptor. This study is designed to examine the anti-toxic role of Kisspeptin in some vital organs including the liver, spleen, and kidney. Kisspeptin is demonstrated as a detoxification agent via the elimination of toxicity of cadmium chloride to some organs of living rats such as the liver, spleen, and kidney. Direct negative effects of Kisspeptin on these organs have only been recognized. This study attempts to explain this role during the examination of histopathological changes in the case of cadmium chloride toxicity and the effect of Kisspeptin in reducing or elevating the toxicity after its administration in both 20 and 40 nanomolar / animal doses. Arguments and recent boundaries in the field, as well as areas of coming research related to kisspeptin’s varied function array, should underline

    Effects of continuous light exposure on testicular structure and function of the African giant rat (Cricetomys gambianus)

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    The aim of this investigation was to study the effects of continuous lighting exposure on the testes of the African giant rats (AGR). Samples of testes from twelve (12) healthy AGR were investigated under two groups. The rats were divided into two groups of 6 rats each as follows: Group I - Control rats (12 h light/12 h darkness); Group II - Rats exposed to continuous light (24 h). The indices of the testes were length, width, and weight of the organ, estimation of serum levels of testosterone, luteinizing hormones, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) by radioimmunoassay (RIA) technique and histological studies of the testes. The mean body weight of the rats exposed to continuous light was 1.086 ± 0.034 kg which was reduced by 3.9 % from the control (1.131 ± 0.02 kg). The mean weight of the testes in rats, exposed to continuous light was 4.549 ± 0.30 g, which was significantly reduced by 17.8 %, when compared to the control (5.534 ± 0.16 g). The mean length and width of testes of rats exposed to continuous lighting was 0.294 ± 0.71 cm and 0.143 ± 0.48 cm, respectively. The mean serum level of testosterone in control rats was 1.225 ± 0.08 miu/ml and that in rats exposed to lighting, 0.275 ± 0.10 miu/ml. This result showed that the serum level of testosterone in male rats exposed to continuous lighting was reduced by 77.6 % from 1.225 ± 0.08 miu/ml in the control rats to 0.275 ± 0.10 miu/ml. Histological observations showed that the testes of rats exposed to light displayed elongated to round seminiferous tubules each with wide lumen lined by low germinal epithelium, and had wide interstitial spaces. Disruption of spermatogenesis and vacuolization of epithelial cells were evident. This study has shown that exposure of AGR for four (4) weeks of continuous lighting will result in disruption of spermatogenesis and decreased testosterone serum level.Keywords: Light; Testes; African giant ra

    Biology of the penaeid shrimp populations exploited by Estuarine Set Bagnet

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    Results of analysis of part of the data collected during October, 1989 to December, 1990 are given on the biology and catch assessment studies on the Estuarine Set Bagnet (ESBN) from six sampling stations covering the entire coast line of Bangladesh. Length frequency analysis of seven most commonly occurring penaeid shrimp species have been done with complete ELEFAN software package. The result of exploitation patterns indicate that all penaeids except P. stylifera are being over exploited on their way back to the Sea from the nursery ground. This appeared to be the instances of serious growth over fishing. These species are exploited at a size much lower than the length at first maturity, which strongly suggests a complete withdrawal of the bagnet fishery from the coast of Bangladesh

    Quality of raw milk available at different markets of Mymensingh region of Bangladesh

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    The experiment was performed to evaluate the quality of raw milk available at different markets of Mymensingh region of Bangladesh. For this purpose the raw milk samples were collected from different markets of Mymensingh (T1), Jamalpur (T2), Netrokona (T3) and Serpur (T4) districts and immediately transferred to the Dairy Technology and Microbiology Laboratory, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh for analysis. Parameters studied to monitor the quality of milk samples were physical (colour, flavour, taste, texture and specific gravity), chemical (acidity, fat, ash, protein, lactose, TS and SNF) and microbiological (total viable count and coliform count). Organoleptic test revealed that the raw milk samples of Mymensingh (T1) district were yellowish white 66.66%, Whitish 33.33%; Jamalpur (T2) were yellowish white 66.66%, light yellowish white 33.33%; Netrokona (T3) were yellowish white 100% and Serpur (T4) were yellowish white 33.33%, light yellowish white 33.33% and Whitish 33.33%. Samples of T₁, T2 and T3 had normal flavor (pleasant aromatic flavour) but only T4 had 33.33% abnormal flavour. All the raw milk samples were slightly sweet in taste. Milk samples collected from Netrokona (T3) showed normal texture (free flowing liquid) but Mymensingh (T₁), Jamalpur (T₂) and Serpur (T4) had free flowing liquid 66.66% and thin texture 33.33%.The specific gravity of all raw milk samples were more or less same (1.026±0.00). There were significant (P< 0.01) differences in chemical parameters (fat and protein) between the raw milk samples.Highest fat (34.30 ±1.00 g/kg) was found in Mymensingh (T₁) and highest protein (31.90±0.20 g/kg) was found in Serpur (T4). The overall percentage of acidity was 0.16 ±0.01. The average total viable count (cfu/ml) and coliform count (cfu/ml) were 19.26x10³ and 559.164, respectively and it was observed that total viable count (cfu/ml) and coliform count (cfu/ml) of milk samples were high.Itis concluded thatthe raw milk quality of different markets of Mymensingh region of Bangladesh was more or less similar butdid not fulfill the legal standard of milk composition. Poor hygienic milking, improper cleaning of dairy utensils, unhygienic handling during marketing of raw milk and use of adulterated with addition of water mayresponsible for unhealthy and inferiority of the milk

    Effect of mulching and organic manure on growth and yield performance of wheat

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    An experiment was conducted at the Agronomy Field Laboratory, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh in&nbsp;Rabi&nbsp;season (dry season) of 2014 to study the effect of mulching and organic manure on growth and yield performance of wheat. Five mulching practices viz. M1=1 irrigation at 17-21 days after sowing (DAS), M2=2 irrigations at 17-21 and 55-60 DAS, M3=3 irrigations at 17-21, 55-60 and 75-80 DAS, M4=control, M5=straw mulch (6 t ha-1) and five organic manure managements viz. O1=recommended chemical fertilizer (NPKS @ 100-23-20-16 kg ha-1), O2=poultry manure @ 6 t ha-1&nbsp;(100% PM), O3=vermicompost @ 8 t ha-1&nbsp;(100% VC), O4=50% chemical fertilizer+50% VC and O5=50% chemical fertilizer+50% PM were used as experimental variables. The experiment was conducted in split-plot design with three replications. The results showed that mulching had significant influence on all attributes. The highest values of all attributes were found in straw mulch treatment. It was observed that organic manure had significant influences on all characters. The highest values of yield and yield attributes were found in O5&nbsp;(50% chemical fertilizer+50% PM) treatment. It was observed that effective tillers hill-1, grain yield and straw yield were significantly affected by combined effect of mulching and organic manure. The highest values obtained from mulching and O5&nbsp;(50% chemical fertilizer+50% PM) treatment. Therefore, it can be inferred from the results of the study that highest production could be obtained from mulching and O5&nbsp;(50% chemical fertilizer+50% PM) treatment

    Intelligence quotient and perceptual ability: an inter-relationship based on brainwave power ratio features

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    Cognitive ability refers to the characteristic approach by the brain in processing information. These can be observed through various aspects of cognition such as intelligence and perceptual ability. Studies have shown that both mental constituents originate from the same neurological substrate in the prefrontal cortex. Hence, the paper discusses the relationship between intelligence and perceptual ability using electroencephalogram (EEG) features. The study is based on resting brainwave of fifty samples and focused on the left and right prefrontal cortex. The intelligence quotient (IQ) scores obtained are then used to establish the control groups. Subsequently, the pattern of alpha and theta power ratio for each IQ level is observed and successfully correlated with perceptual ability through the Neural Efficiency Hypothesis of intelligence.Keywords: EEG; intelligence; IQ; perceptual ability; power ratio

    Biometric and morphologic studies of the female reproductive organs of the African giant rat (Cricetomys gambianus: Waterhouse)

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    Different segments of the reproductive tract of 100 adult, non-pregnant, female African giant rats (AGR) were carefully examined, weighed, and measured. The ovaries were observed to be small, pinkish, and kidney-shaped. The uterus of the AGR was found to be uterus duplex. The live weight of the AGR was 999.7 &#177; 16.86 g. The weight, length, and width of the ovary were 0.095 &#177; 0.003 g, 0.750 &#177; 0.01 cm, and 0.01&#177; 0.02 cm, respectively. The length of the oviduct, uterus, and vagina/vestibule were 4.44 &#177; 0.06 cm, 4.877 &#177; 0.11 cm, and 4.345 &#177; 0.07 cm, respectively. The weight and length of the entire tubular organs were 3.171 &#177; 0.01 g and 13.559 &#177; 0.18 cm with corresponding range values of 1.61&#8211;7.10 g and 7.80&#8211;17.40 cm, respectively. (Folia Morphol 2010; 69, 4: 213-215

    microRNA-141 as a diagnostic and prognos- tic biomarker for prostate cancer in Egyptian population: Pilot study

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    Introduction: microRNAs are a family of small non protein-coding RNAs. They are involved in posttranscriptional gene regulation of their target genes. The deregulation of microRNAs has been linked to cancer development and tumor progression. The aim of out study was to look for microRNA-141 as a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker for prostate cancer.Patients and methods: The study prospectively recruited 30 patients newly diagnosed with prostate cancer; including 13 and 17 patients without and with metastases, respectively. Another 30 patients without prostate cancer diagnosis were included as a control group. Real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis was done for relative quantification of microRNA-141.Results: The present study showed that microRNA-141 was significantly upregulated in cancerous patients compared to control group. Also it was significantly upregulated in patients with metastatic disease compared to non-metastatic patients. Moreover, it was significantly correlating with serum PSA and Gleason score.Conclusion: Serum microRNA-141 could be a promising diagnostic and prognostic biomarker for prostate cancer and a good indicative of disease aggressiveness

    Diagnostic accuracy of CRP & WCC in abdomino-pelvic diseases of non-traumatic acute abdomen by taking CT findings as gold standard

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    Acute abdomen is a common presentation to many emergency departments worldwide. It is important to differentiate self-limiting causes and serious surgical causes. Inflammatory markers such as WCC and CRP currently being used to determine the cause, assess severity and guide further investigation for acute abdomen. The aim of this study was to determine diagnostic accuracy of C - reactive protein and White Cell Count in abdomino-pelvic diseases of non-traumatic acute abdomen by taking CT scan findings as gold standard. We found that CRP levels of above 100 were highly sensitive (94%) and specific (92%) for an acute surgical abdomen. WCC was not as accurate at determining an acute surgical abdomen due to reasons such as neutropenic sepsis