270 research outputs found

    A new approach on helices in Euclidean n-space

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    In this work, we give some new characterizations for inclined curves and slant helices in n-dimensional Euclidean space E^{n}. Morever, we consider the pre-characterizations about inclined curves and slant helices and reconfigure them

    An application sample based on the stem approach with entrepreneurship: colors

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    In this research, Entrepreneurship and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) activity has been established to the gifted secondary school students and to show their applicability. Entrepreneurship and STEM will be shorthened as E-STEM. The activity of Colors was implemented at İnönü University Scientific and Technological Research Center (ISTRC) Laboratories and İnönü University Faculty of Fine Arts with gifted secondary school students. In the study, 14 gifted secondary school students were trained for a week based on the E- STEM approach. The students generated solutions to the problem statuses that were given to them using the components of science, technology, mathematics, engineering and entrepreneurship for a week. They developed products with a higher added-value by combining their imagination and creativity, and implemented studies to commercialize their products. The students designed their prototypes in three groups and then developed their designs by examining the dimensions of art and marketing. When examining the answers given by the students to open-ended questions in the activity evaluation form, it was determined that they thought that the E-STEM oriented activity developed their knowledge and skills in the areas of science, technology, mathematics, engineering, entrepreneurship and art

    İlköğretim 4. ve 5. Sınıf Öğretmenlerinin Değerlendirme Araçlarını Çoklu Kullanımı ve Yeterlik Düzeyleri

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    The purpose of this study is to determine 4 th and 5 th grade elementary level teachers’ competency levels in using traditional and alternative assessment approaches in a way to understand at which level they use these tools in the assessment process. Qualitative research methods were used through interviews carried out with twenty teachers. The teachers were chosen purposefully according to maximum sampling method. Nvivo2 qualitative data analysis program was used to analyze the data. The findings of the study revealed that the 4 th and 5 th grade teachers consider themselves competent in using traditional assessment approaches. However, they are not competent enough and they have problems in using the new assessment approaches. Besides this, it is ascertained that less than half of the teachers use these tools in the assessment process with a multiple perspective.Bu araştırmanın amacı, ilköğretim okullarında görev yapan 4. ve 5. sınıf öğretmenlerinin geleneksel ve yeni değerlendirme yaklaşımlarını kullanmaya ilişkin yeterlik düzeyleri ve öğretmenlerin çoklu olarak bu araçları değerlendirme sürecinde hangi düzeyde kullandıklarını belirlemektir. Araştırmanın alanını, Ankara İli’nde görev yapan 4. ve 5. sınıf öğretmenleri oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmış ve bu çerçevede yirmi öğretmenle görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Öğretmenler maksimum örnekleme yöntemine göre seçilmiştir. Elde edilen verilerin çözümlenmesinde NVivo2 nitel veri analizi programı kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular doğrultusunda, 4. ve 5. sınıf öğretmenlerinin geleneksel değerlendirme yaklaşımlarını kullanma konusunda kendilerini yeterli gördükleri, yeni değerlendirme yaklaşımlarını kullanma konusunda ise, yeterliliğe sahip olmadıkları ve bu konuda sıkıntı yaşadıkları ortaya çıkmış- tır. Bunun yanında, öğretmenlerin yarısından azının bu yaklaşımları çoklu olarak değerlendirme sürecinde kullandıkları tespit edilmiştir


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    Son yıllarda artan rekabetçi ortamda ve küresel ekonominin yarattıgıetkiler sonucunda, isletmeler için yasamlarını devam ettirmek ve farkyaratabilmek adına en önemli araçlardan birisi de gelecege yöneliktahminlerde bulunmak ve stratejilerini buna göre belirlemek olmustur. Bubaglamda isletmeler riskleri en aza indirgemek için, birçok uygulamaalanında yer bulan tahminleme yöntemlerinin ve istatistiksel analizlerinkullanılmasına yönelmektedirler. Lojistik Regresyon Analizi, sonuçdegiskeninin iki veya çok düzeyli kategorik degisken olması, 0 ve 1 gibikesikli degerler alması durumunda kullanılmakta ve bagımlı degisken"basarılı-basarısız", "az-orta-çok", "olumlu-olumsuz" gibi kategorikdegerlerden olustugunda lojistik regresyon yöntemi tercih edilmektedir.Son yıllarda lojistik regresyon analizi kullanım kolaylıgının yanında rahatyorumlanabilmesiyle ön plana çıkmıs ve sosyal bilimler alanında birçokuygulamada yaygın olarak kullanılmaya baslanmıstır. Lojistik RegresyonAnalizinde, bagımlı degisken üzerinde açıklayıcı degiskenlerin etkileriolasılık olarak elde edilerek, bu faktörlerin olasılık olarak belirlenmesisaglanmaktadır. Bu çalısmada, Lojistik Regresyon Analizi bir tahminyöntemi olarak incelenmis ve bu kapsamda bankaların sektör paylarınıntahminlenmesine yönelik bir model olusturularak, bankaların sektörpaylarına göre ilk on banka arasına girip girememeleri açısındanincelenmek suretiyle bir uygulama yapılmıs olup, elde edilen sonuçlaryorumlanmıstır. Sonuçlar ile gerçeklesen veriler kıyaslanarak, bunlarınbirbirlerine çok yakın oldugu ve böylece önerilen modelin etkinligi ortayakoyulmustur. In recent years, in increasingly competitive environment and asresults of global economy, one of the most important tools for enterprises has become forecasting the future and determining theirstrategies in this way in order that enterprises maintain their life andcreate a difference. In this sense, for minimizing the risks, enterprisestend towards using of forecasting methods and statistical analysis thattake part in many applications. Logistic Regression Analysis is used forthe situation that the outcome variable is binomial or multinomialcategorical variable, and take discrete values like 0 and 1 and it ispreferred when dependent variable consists of categorical values like"successful-unsuccessful", "small-medium-large", "positive-negative" etc.In Logistic Regression Analysis, the effects of explanatory variables ondependent variable are obtained as a probability in order to determinethese factors as a probability. In this study, Logistic Regression Analysisis examined as a forecasting method and within this scope an applicationis carried out for forecasting the sector portions of the banks by settingmodels and evaluated about whether the banks enter the top ten,Consequently the obtained results interpreted by comparing with actualdata and achieved that they are very close to each other, therefore thestudy proved the proposed model's effectiveness

    Notes on the host plant, habitat and distribution in Turkey of Cryptocephalus (Burlinius) pusillus Fabricius, 1777 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)

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    Abstract. Cryptocephalus (Burlinius) pusillus Fabricius, 1777 is a very poorly known species in Turkey, and up to now there is no data about the distributional pattern of this species in the country. Recently five specimens (four males, one female) of C. pusillus were collected from Ulmus glabra Huds. in the south-western parts of Turkey. Redescription of male and female is presented, and the genital structures are illustrated. Data about habitat, host plant and distribution of the species in Turkey is provided for the fist time

    Investigation of Erosion Corrosion Caused by Drinking Water in the Faucet with Computational Fluid Dynamics

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    In this study, the reason for erosion-corrosion of drinking or mains water in the faucet was investigated by computational fluid dynamics. Pipes used in homes, the service sector, and industry are responsible for transporting different types of fluids from one place to another. Considering the faucet design, the SolidWorks program was used for 3D studies. In-faucet flow analyses were performed using Ansys Fluent, a computational fluid dynamics program based on the finite volume method. In the analyses, lime particles were chosen. At the end of the analysis, the amount of erosion in the faucet was obtained


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    Abstract The aim of this study is to examine the effect of 10-week educational games applied to preschool children on anthropometric and fundamental motor skill development. The sample of the research consisted of a total of 48 children aged 5–6 who attended a private kindergarten. Anthropometric characteristics of the children and measurements related to performance tests, including height, body weight, BMI, chest circumference, waist circumference, and hip circumference, were taken. To measure performance characteristics, sit and reach, horizontal jump, vertical jump, and 10-meter sprint measurements were collected both as pre-tests before the 10-week educational games training and as post-tests after the 10-week educational games training. Data analysis was performed using the SPSS 25.0 program. Descriptive statistics, including means and standard deviations (SD), were calculated for the children's descriptive information. T-tests were applied to the anthropometric measurements before and after the 10-week educational game training. As a result, no significant difference was found between the performance test results of boys and girls. The anthropometric test results of the participants included in the study indicated a significant difference between the pre- and post-test measurements within groups and between groups. When the results of this study were compared with the results of other studies in the literature, the similarities and differences could be explained by factors such as genetics, nutrition, hormones, regional differences, training practices, muscle mass, warm-up, step frequency, physical activity level, psychological condition, differences in talent selection, accuracy of measurements (times, distances, etc.), calibration settings of the test device, temperature, elevation, environment, humidity, psychological condition, and training quality. Keywords: Motor skills1, educational play2, anthropometry3, children4

    Dikkat Eksikliği ve Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu Olan İlkokul Öğrencilerinin Bitişik Eğik Yazılarının İncelenmesi

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    Using a general survey model, this descriptive and quantitative study aims to describe the writing skills of primary school students who have been diagnosed with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder [ADHD]. The study sample consisted of 230 primary school students who had been diagnosed with ADHD; their test scores were analysed. Our study attempts to determine whether the sub-factors legibility, fluency, and passing the writing on the surface of the paper differed according to medicine consumption, grade level, and gender; we also try to identify problems in these students’ cursive handwriting. Using a rubric developed by the researchers, it was found that the scores ADHD-diagnosed students received in legibility and fluency depended on whether they had taken their medicine and on their grade level; however, there were no significant differences in passing the writing on the surface of the paper. On the basis of gender, there were significant differences in the sub-factors legibility, fluency, and passing the writing on the surface of the paper: female students scored higher. In addition to that on examining students’ note-books in terms of shaping the letters, such mistakes as failure to make the connections between letters, inadequate pencil pressure, failure to follow the lines, tendency to use manuscript handwriting and problems of fatigue were found at all grade levels.Dikkat Eksikliği ve Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu [DEHB] olan ilkokul öğrencilerinin bitişik eğik yazı yazma becerisini betimlemeyi amaçlayan bu araştırma nicel, betimsel nitelikte olup genel tarama modeli tipindedir. Bu doğrultuda; DEHB tanısı konmuş ilkokul öğrencilerinin el yazısındaki okunaklılık, akıcılık ve yazının kağıdın yüzeyine yerleştirilmesi alt boyutlarından aldıkları puanların ne düzeyde olduğu; bu puanların ilaç kullanma durumuna, sınıf düzeyine, cinsiyete göre farklılaşıp farklılaşmadığı ve öğrencilerin el yazısındaki sorunların neler olduğu tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında yer alan DEHB’li öğrencilerin yazılarını çeşitli açılardan betimlemek amacıyla araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen puanlama anahtarı kullanılmış ve öğrencilerin yazı yazarken yaptıkları hataları belirlemek için de öğrenci defterleri doküman analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Araştırmanın örneklemi, kolay ulaşılabilir örnekleme yoluyla seçilmiş 230 ilkokul öğrencisinin defter örneklerinden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmanın sonucunda DEHB tanısı konmuş ilkokul öğrencilerinin bitişik eğik yazı değerlendirme puanlama anahtarı okunaklılık ve akıcılık alt boyutlarından aldıkları puanların ilaç kullanma durumuna ve sınıf düzeyine göre farklılık gösterdiği görülürken; yazının kağıdın yüzeyine yerleştirilmesi alt boyutunda anlamlı farklılık olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Cinsiyet değişkeni açısından alt boyutlara göre farklılık değerlendirildiğinde okunaklılık, akıcılık ve yazının kağıdın yüzeyine yerleştirilmesi alt boyutlarının tümünde anlamlı farklılık olduğu ve bu farkın da kız öğrenciler lehine olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte yazım hataları açısından öğrencilerin defterleri incelendiğinde ise harf şekillerini yanlış yapma, harfler arası bağlantıları yapamama, kalem basıncının yetersiz olması, satır takibi yapamama, dik temel yazıyı kullanma eğilimi ve yorgunluk sorunları her sınıf düzeyinde görülmektedir

    Congenital Transmesenteric Hernia Without Bowel Strangulation in a Young Adult

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    Congenital internal hernia is a rare cause of bowel obstruction in adults and often presents with complications. A high index of suspicion, occasionally aided by appropriate radiological imaging, should lead to early surgical intervention and thus reduce morbidity and mortality. In this article, we describe a case of a 27-year-old man who presented with periumbilical and right lower quadrant pain. The patient who had undergone surgery for appendicitis was found to have an incidental mesenteric defect with herniating 30 cm-long small bowel segment on exploration. The mesenteric defect was repaired and the herniated bowel segment was reduced to prevent volvulus. The patient made an uneventful recovery