30 research outputs found

    L'émergence de la vie endettée : une analyse sur les modes de consommation et la transformation de la perception du temps des employés du secteur financier en Turquie à travers l'usage de carte de crédit

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    Instrument relativement récent, la carte de crédit a conquis en Turquie une part considérable dans l'ensemble de l'économie. Bien qu'elle semble coexister avec les anciens moyens d'échange, elle occupe en fait une place nettement privilégiée au centre des relations sociales, tout au moins dans les contextes modernes et urbains, qui désormais ne se comportent plus selon une logique d'épargne. Durant les années 1980, la Turquie a expérimenté un changement de structure générale aboutissant à l'institutionnalisation d'une rationalité économique s'érigeant sur l'immédiateté. La volatilité qui s'en dégage contribue à former un milieu social où la seule mesure de validité est le règne de l'argent, ce qui, inévitablement, accentue la fonction de consommation comme presque l'unique possibilité de s'exprimer au plan social. Consommer à l'aide de la carte de crédit signifie, dans ces conditions, l'emprunt systématique d'identités. Son rôle joint les nécessités structurales d'une culture de consommation, à travers des stratégies intégrantes. La Turquie n'echappe pas aux répercussions de l'expansion rapide de l'usage des cartes de crédit et des crédits à la consommation. La conversion intense de l'individu en consommateur dégrade systématiquement la subjectivité qui lui était immanente. Cette évaporation plus ou moins généralisée des spécificités individuelles impose à la psyché humaine un effet de concentration sur la perception du temps des consommateurs, d'où une existence dont les liens historiques sont rompus. Cette désorientation implique une impossibilité pour l'individu de s'inscrire dans le temps et notamment la disparition du futur comme projet. L'expérience sociale d'une vie constamment endettée génère l'apparition d'un présent défuturisé et d'un futur différé, qui légitiment le moment de jouissance instantanée comme seul domaine de perception. Cette recherche tend à démontrer les caractéristiques principales de cette nouvelle expérience sociale, surtout celles construites sur l'endettement dispersé, à travers l'exemple des employés du secteur financier, comme reproducteurs du système

    Le rôle des nouvelles technologies dans la construction des stratégies identitaires des jeunes des quartiers populaires d´Istanbul = O papel das novas tecnologias na construção de estratégias identitárias de jovens de jovens de bairros populares de Istambul

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    Este artigo analisa alguns aspectos da articulação de jovens em bairros populares de Istambul com o uso de novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação, como resultado de um projeto de pesquisa sobre três tipos diferentes de áreas urbanas periféricas. Nem um toque mágico, nem uma privação total baseada em classe, a experiência tecnológica de jovens possui uma dualidade fundamental, que alcança uma divisão gigantesca entre aqueles que podem acessar individualmente as novas tecnologias e aqueles que não podem. Este é, de fato, uma das principais especificidades do processo de globalização, que provoca nos indivíduos um efeito centrífugo apontando tanto para direções positivas quanto negativas. Este fenômeno foi observado no caso dos jovens que usam mais ou menos tecnologia para superar seus próprios contextos sociais limitados e em parte opressores, quando eles vão do local diretamente ao global, exclusivamente devido ao uso intenso da Internet. Desta maneira, uma nova experiência urbana está surgindo por meio de um isolamento espacial compensado tecnologicamente, através do que chamamos de conexões de saltos transversais, embora alguns outros permanecem excluídos deste processo globa

    L'émergence de la vie endettée : une analyse sur les modes de consommation et la transformation de la perception du temps des employés du secteur financier en Turquie à travers l'usage de carte de crédit

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    Instrument relativement récent, la carte de crédit a conquis en Turquie une part considérable dans l'ensemble de l'économie. Bien qu'elle semble coexister avec les anciens moyens d'échange, elle occupe en fait une place nettement privilégiée au centre des relations sociales, tout au moins dans les contextes modernes et urbains, qui désormais ne se comportent plus selon une logique d'épargne. Durant les années 1980, la Turquie a expérimenté un changement de structure générale aboutissant à l'institutionnalisation d'une rationalité économique s'érigeant sur l'immédiateté. La volatilité qui s'en dégage contribue à former un milieu social où la seule mesure de validité est le règne de l'argent, ce qui, inévitablement, accentue la fonction de consommation comme presque l'unique possibilité de s'exprimer au plan social. Consommer à l'aide de la carte de crédit signifie, dans ces conditions, l'emprunt systématique d'identités. Son rôle joint les nécessités structurales d'une culture de consommation, à travers des stratégies intégrantes. La Turquie n'echappe pas aux répercussions de l'expansion rapide de l'usage des cartes de crédit et des crédits à la consommation. La conversion intense de l'individu en consommateur dégrade systématiquement la subjectivité qui lui était immanente. Cette évaporation plus ou moins généralisée des spécificités individuelles impose à la psyché humaine un effet de concentration sur la perception du temps des consommateurs, d'où une existence dont les liens historiques sont rompus. Cette désorientation implique une impossibilité pour l'individu de s'inscrire dans le temps et notamment la disparition du futur comme projet. L'expérience sociale d'une vie constamment endettée génère l'apparition d'un présent défuturisé et d'un futur différé, qui légitiment le moment de jouissance instantanée comme seul domaine de perception. Cette recherche tend à démontrer les caractéristiques principales de cette nouvelle expérience sociale, surtout celles construites sur l'endettement dispersé, à travers l'exemple des employés du secteur financier, comme reproducteurs du système

    Sparsity, Randomness and Convexity in Applied Algebraic Geometry

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    In this dissertation we study three problems in applied algebraic geometry. The first problem is to construct an algorithmically efficient approximation to the real part of the zero set of an exponential sum. We construct such a polyhedral approximation using techniques from tropical geometry. We prove precise distance bounds between our polyhedral approximation and the real part of the zero set. Our bounds depend on the number of terms of the exponential sum and the minimal distance between the exponents. Despite the computational hardness of the membership problem for the real part of the zero set, we prove that our polyhedral approximation can be computed by linear programing on the real BSS machine. The second problem is to study the ratio of sums of squares polynomials inside the set of nonnegative polynomials. Our focus is on the effect of fixed monomial structure to the ratio of these two sets. We study this problem quantitatively by combining convex geometry and algebra. Some of our methods work for arbitrary Newton polytopes; however our main theorem is stated for multi-homogenous polynomials. Our main theorem provides quantitative versions of some known algebraic facts, and also refines earlier quantitative results. The third problem is to study the condition number of polynomial systems ‘on average’. Condition number is a vital invariant of polynomial systems which controls their computational complexity. We analyze the condition number of random polynomial systems for a broad family of distributions. Our work shows that earlier results derived for the polynomial systems with real Gaussian independent random coefficients can be extended to the broader family of sub-Gaussian random variables allowing dependencies. Our results are near optimal for overdetermined systems but there is room for improvement in the case of square systems of random polynomials. The main idea binding our three problems is to observe structure and randomness phenomenon in the space of polynomials. We used combinatorial algebraic geometry to observe the ‘structure’ and convex geometric analysis to understand the ‘randomness’. We believe results presented in this dissertation are just the first steps of the interaction between these two fields

    Between a rock and a hard place: corporate elites in the context of religion and secularism in Turkey

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    Drawing on discourse analyses of 36 in-depth interviews with elite business people from Turkey, the study identifies the networking patterns of new and established business elites in the context of economic liberalization and socioreligious transformation of the country. Through a comparative analysis of the so-called secular and religious elite networks, we demonstrate the role of institutional actors such as the government, and identity networks, based on religion and place of birth in shaping the form and content of social networks among business elites in Turkey. In order to achieve this, we operationalize Bourdieu's notion of theory of practice and Granovetter's theory of social networks, illustrating the utility of combining these approaches in explicating the form and content of social networks in their situated contexts, in which power and divergent interests are negotiated.Galatasaray University Research Fund [grant number 12.102.005]

    CSR and leadership approaches and practices: a comparative inquiry of owners and professional executives

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Wiley in European Management Review on 20/08/2018, available online: https://doi.org/10.1111/emre.12318 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.This study generates comparative insights into CSR approaches of owners and non-kin professional executives in an emerging country context, Turkey. Drawing on 61 interviews, we found that ownership status of the executive is crucial in shaping their CSR perceptions and practices. Owner-executives are empowered in pursuing CSR approaches based on their personal preferences and values; they have mostly societal aims. Professionals display tendency for company-related CSR practice; they exhibit greater knowledge of CSR, and their CSR initiatives are the results of strategic choices to enhance their power within the corporation. Our paper contributes to the debate on the drivers for CSR by accounting for both societal and individual influences on the CSR agency of these two key groups of executives. First, we develop a typology of CSR approaches of owners and professionals. Second, we provide insights from an emerging country context. Third, we present empirically grounded practice implications for CSR

    Effectiveness of sugammadex for cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury

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    AbstractCerebral ischemia may cause permanent brain damage and behavioral dysfunction. The efficacy and mechanisms of pharmacological treatments administered immediately after cerebral damage are not fully known. Sugammadex is a licensed medication. As other cyclodextrins have not passed the necessary phase tests, trade preparations are not available, whereas sugammadex is frequently used in clinical anesthetic practice. Previous studies have not clearly described the effects of the cyclodextrin family on cerebral ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) damage. The aim of this study was to determine whether sugammadex had a neuroprotective effect against transient global cerebral ischemia. Animals were assigned to control, sham-operated, S 16 and S 100 groups. Transient global cerebral ischemia was induced by 10-minute occlusion of the bilateral common carotid artery, followed by 24-hour reperfusion. At the end of the experiment, neurological behavior scoring was performed on the rats, followed by evaluation of histomorphological and biochemical measurements. Sugammadex 16 mg/kg and 100 mg/kg improved neurological outcome, which was associated with reductions in both histological and neurological scores. The hippocampus TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling) and caspase results in the S 16 and S 100 treatment groups were significantly lower than those of the I/R group. Neurological scores in the treated groups were significantly higher than those of the I/R group. The study showed that treatment with 16 mg/kg and 100 mg/kg sugammadex had a neuroprotective effect in a transient global cerebral I/R rat model. However, 100 mg/kg sugammadex was more neuroprotective in rats

    The Effects of Remote Ischemic Preconditioning and N-Acetylcysteine with Remote Ischemic Preconditioning in Rat Hepatic Ischemia Reperfusion Injury Model

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    Background. Remote ischemic preconditioning (RIP) and pharmacological preconditioning are the effective methods that can be used to prevent ischemia reperfusion (IR) injury. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of RIP and N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) with RIP in the rat hepatic IR injury model. Materials and Methods. 28 rats were divided into 4 groups. Group I (sham): only laparotomy was performed. Group II (IR): following 30 minutes of hepatic pedicle occlusion, 4 hours of reperfusion was performed. Group III (RIP + IR): following 3 cycles of RIP, hepatic IR was performed. Group IV (RIP + NAC + IR): following RIP and intraperitoneal administration of NAC (150 mg/kg), hepatic IR was performed. All the rats were sacrificed after blood samples were taken for the measurements of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels and liver was processed for conventional histopathology. Results. The hepatic histopathological injury scores of RIP + IR and RIP + NAC + IR groups were significantly lower than IR group (P = 0.006, P = 0.003, resp.). There were no significant differences in AST and ALT values between the IR, RIP + IR, and RIP + NAC + IR groups. Conclusions. In the present study, it was demonstrated histopathologically that RIP and RIP + NAC decreased hepatic IR injury significantly

    Le rôle des nouvelles technologies dans la construction des stratégies identitaires des jeunes des quartiers populaires d'Istanbul

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    This article examines some aspects of the articulation of youth in popular settlements of Istanbul to the use of new technologies of information and communication, as a result of a research project on three different types of peripheral urban areas. Neither a magic touch nor a total class-based deprivation, the technological experience of youth engenders a basic duality, which procures an abyssal split between those who can access to individualized new technologies, and those who cannot. This is, in fact, one of the principle specificities of the globalization process, which applies on its subjects a centrifugal effect procuring both in positive and negative directions. This phenomenon was observed in the case of young people who use more or less technology for by-passing their own limiting and partly oppressing social milieu, while they slip from local directly to global, due exclusively the extensive involvement to the Internet. Thus, a new urban experience is raising through a technologically compensated spatial isolation, by what we called, links of transversal jumping, though some others remain excluded from this global process