146 research outputs found

    A thoracic-epidural granulocytic sarcoma case that was diagnosed preceding the onset of and that recurred co-incidental to acute promyelocytic leukemia, which developed after surgical treatment.

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    Granulocytic sarcoma or chloroma is a tumor seen in myelocytic leukemia. Spinal epidural onset is rare and is generally seen before or together with the onset of myelocytic leukemia. An epidural mass located at the 2nd-5th thoracic levels in an 18-year-old male patient was pathologically diagnosed as granulocytic sarcoma. Radiotherapy was performed after surgical intervention. Ten months later, he was re-admitted with abdominal pain. At this time, an epidural mass at the 6th-9th thoracic levels was detected on magnetic resonance imaging, and acute promyelocytic leukemia was diagnosed. After systemic chemotherapy, partial remission was achieved. We aimed to present this rare case with its remarkable follow-up findings.</p

    User Archetypes for Effective Information Privacy Communication

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    In an information systems context, information privacy communication will only work if information systems meet the information needs of their users. Since the needs are neither static nor uniform, a promising approach avoiding inadequacies of ignoring differences in users’ information needs and more practical than dedicated attention to each individual user is to target information privacy communication to user archetypes. To identify such archetypes, we conduct a survey eliciting users’ information needs and apply hierarchical clustering to derive a hierarchical model of user archetypes with respect to their information privacy information needs. We identify a total of 13 archetypes on two hierarchy levels. In contrast to extant research on information privacy user archetypes focusing on information privacy attitudes, the identified information privacy user archetypes are based on information system characteristics desired by users as elicited through our survey. Thus, they yield clear input for enhancing information system design with respect to information privacy. Our research highlights differences and similarities between archetypes and enriches it with an interpretatively derived characterization of the different archetypes. The resulting archetype hierarchy serves as foundation for future research aiming to improve communication of information privacy practices

    Fotovoltaik-Termoelektrik Hibrit Güç Üretim Sistemlerinde Son Gelişmeler

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    Fotovoltaik (PV) modüllerin en küçük birimini oluşturan güneş gözeleri güneş enerjisini doğrudan elektriğe dönüştürürler. Ancak dönüştürülen elektrik enerjisi gelen enerjisinin %13 ile %20’si arasında değişmektedir. Gelen güneş enerjisinin bir kısmı geri yansımakta geri kalanı ise termal enerjiye dönüşmektedir. Bu nedenle PV modül sıcaklıkları yükselmekte ve PV modüllerin verimleri düşmektedir. Güneş enerjisinden üretilen gücü arttırmanın yollarından biri PV modül sıcaklığını termoelektrik (TE) jeneratörler yardımıyla elektrik enerjisine dönüştürmektir. Bu çalışmada PV – TE güç üretim sistemlerinde yapılan seksen farklı literatür çalışması derlenmiştir. PV-TE sistemler beş grupta sınıflandırılmıştır. Bunlar geleneksel, yoğunlaştırmalı, faz değiştiren malzeme entegreli, ekonomik değerlendirmeler ile güç düzenleme ve kaydetme birimleridir. Özetle geleneksel PV-TE sistemlerdeki sıcaklık ve güç sınırlamalarını ortadan kaldırmak için yoğunlaştırılmış sistemlere geçiş olduğu görülmekle birlikte ve yeni teknikler geliştirilmeye çalışılmaktadır. PV-TE sistemlerin performansı geleneksel PV sistemlerden iyi olsa bile TE modül maliyetinin yüksek olması ve düşük verimliliği bu sistemlerin rekabetçi olmasını kısıtlamaktadır

    The importance of destination marketing on community based tourism development

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    Gelecek nesillere yaşanılabilir bir dünya bırakılabilmesi amaçlı çevre koruma uygulamalarında görülen olumlu gelişmeler ve turizm hareketlerinin son dönemde eko turizm, kırsal turizm gibi doğaya dayalı faaliyetler üzerine odaklanması, kentleşmenin görülmediği alanlara yönelik turizm talebinde önemli artışları beraberinde getirmektedir. Genel olarak kırsal alanlarda gerçekleştirilen bu tür faaliyetlerde çevre ile birlikte o yörede yaşayan yerel halkın turizme bakış açısının dikkate alınması ve kültürel değerlerinin korunması yönündeki görüşler söz konusu alanlarda toplum temelli turizm faaliyetleri (TTT)’nin gelişimini hızlandırmıştır. Temel olarak yöreye gerçekleştirilen turlarda yerel halkın mülkiyetindeki turistik yapıların ve alanların kullanılması, yerel halkın tur yönetimi konusunda söz sahibi olması, karşılıklı öğrenme ve bütünsel kalkınmayı öngören TTT uygulamaları özellikle kırsal alanların turizme kazandırılmasında öncü unsur niteliğindedir. Diğer yandan bu tür uygulamalara yönelik talebin arttırılmasında etkin bir pazarlama sisteminin varlığı gereklidir. Nitekim TTT uygulamaları konusunda dünyada önemli destinasyonlar mevcut iken Türkiye’de TTT turizm talebinin yetersiz olduğu görülmekte ve bu süreçte pazarlama etkinliğinin sağlanamadığı düşünülmektedir. Buradan hareketle bu araştırma TTT uygulamalarının geliştirilmesi sürecinde destinasyon pazarlamasının mevcut ve potansiyel faydalarının saptanmasını amaçlamaktadır. Belirlenen amaç doğrultusunda kırsal turizm faaliyetlerine uygun olan ve TTT uygulamalarının gerçekleştirildiği/gerçekleştirilebileceği öngörülen Marmaris ilçesindeki yerel yönetimler, ilçe kırsalında yer alan işletme sahipleri, yerel halk ve Muğla İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü yetkilileri ile görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları henüz bölgede TTT ile ilgili tam bir bilinç oluşmadığını göstermektedir. Diğer yandan, yörelerin TTT yerine eko turizm, kırsal turizm gibi turizm çeşitleri kapsamında arz ediliyor olması nedeniyle yerel halkın süreç üzerindeki kontrolünün kısmen sınırlandırıldığı, bunun nedenlerinden bir tanesinin de yerel halkın bu konuda girişimlerinin özellikle bütçe kısıtları sebebi ile yetersiz olduğu saptanmıştır.Positive developments on nature protecting applications to hand down a liveable world for the next generations and concentrating of tourism on nature based activities such as ecotourism and rural tourism lead to rapid increasing in tourism demand through un-urbanized areas. Taken into consideration the perspectives of local people towards tourism and aspects about protecting cultural values at experiencing these activities also accelerated community based tourism (CBT) activities in these areas. CBT activities concerning the use of tourism establishments and areas belonged to locals, who have a say on tour management, and mutual learning and holistic development are leading factors on especially supplying rural areas to tourism. On the other side, existence of effective marketing system is required with the aim of increasing tourism demand. Even though there are many popular destinations about CBT in the world, it is assigned that CBT demand is still insufficient in Turkey and is assumed that marketing effectiveness can not be optimized in this process. At this point of view, this study aims to determine the current and potential benefits of destination marketing applications in the process of enhancing CBT activities. Marmaris district is chosen as the field of the study by assuming that it is suitable for tourism activities and hosting/be able to host CBT. By extension, interviews has made with the delegates of local governments, proprietors of tourism enterprises and the director of Muğla Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism. The results of the study show that there is not a full awareness about CBT activities. On the other hand, due to promoting the destination for other tourism activities such as ecotourism and rural tourism, control level of the locals on CBT is partially limited. Also, it is concluded that local initiatives are unsatisfactory as a result of poor budget

    Extraction socket healing in rats treated with bisphosphonate : animal model for bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis of jaws in multiple myeloma patients

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    Aim: The aim of this study is to replicate both clinical and histological presentation of bisphosphonate induced osteonecrosis of the jaws (BONJ) in an animal model of the disease state. Successful recapitulation of a BONJlike indication in an animal model will be useful for studying pathogenesis, as well as prevention and treatment strategies for BONJ. Materials and Methods: Eighty (80) rats were prospectively and randomly divided into two groups; control group(40) and study group(40). All animals in study group, injected with a dose of 1 mg/kg dexamethasone (DX) subcutaneously on day 7, 14, or 21; and 1, 2, or 3 doses of 7.5 ?g/kg zoledronic acid (ZA) subcutaneously administered to coincide with the last day of DX. Half of the animals from each group underwent extraction of the left mandibular molars and the remaining animals underwent extraction of the left maxillary molars under pentobarbital-induced general anesthesia. All animals were euthanized twenty-eight (28) days following tooth extractions. Results: The amount of new bone trabecules as significantly decreased in bisphosphonate-dexamethasone (BPDX) treated sockets. Difference between both groups was found statistically significant (p=0,0001). There's no foreign body reaction in sockets of both groups and no significance difference observed for fibrosis (p=0,306). The necrosis scores were significantly higher in BP-DX treated sockets (p=0,015). The inflamation scores were significantly higher for study group (p=0,0001). Conclusion: This study provides preliminary observations for the development of an animal model of BONJ. But we think that there is need for other studies have only BP treated group and larger study population. © Medicina Oral S. L

    Use of Cone-Beam Computerized Tomography for Evaluation of Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaws in an Experimental Rat Model

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    Background: Bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis of the jaw (BONJ) is a frequently reported complication. The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical and histopathological presentation of BONJ with the Hounsfield score and to evaluate the reliability of the score for determining necrosis in an animal model

    Adolescents with unexplained chest pain reported depression and impaired emotional and social functioning

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    AimChest pain is common in adolescence, but there are no established criteria for managing this problem, which is rarely associated with cardiac disease. This study addressed the gaps in the literature by evaluating psychosocial factors that could be associated with medically unexplained chest pain.MethodsWe consecutively selected 100 patients (68% girls) aged 13‐18 who were diagnosed with unexplained chest pain when they presented to the cardiology outpatient clinics of Tepecik Research Hospital, İzmir, Turkey, between 30 September 2015 and 30 June 2018. The controls were 76 age‐ and sex‐matched adolescents (69% girls) aged 13‐18 who were undergoing routine cardiology assessments before joining sports clubs. We assessed their health‐related quality of life and any depression and physical symptoms.ResultsRegression analysis showed some adolescents were a number of times more likely to report chest pain. These included those who reported boredom (4.1 times), felt stressed or anxious (2.2) and those who experienced sleep disturbance (2.6), co‐morbid headaches (2.0), back pain (3.1) and impaired social functioning (1.2).ConclusionThe results indicated a significant association between unexplained chest pain and physical symptoms, depression and impaired emotional and social functioning. These factors warrant further evaluation.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/156129/2/apa15144.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/156129/1/apa15144_am.pd

    Comparison of the effects of intranasal and transdermal estradiol plus dydrogestorone on lipids, lipoprotein(a) and apolipoproteins in postmenopausal women

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    Amaç: Bu araştırmanın amacı, postmenopozal kadınlarda, intranazal ve transdermal 17 östradiol ile didrogesteronun kombine kesintisiz hormon replasman tedavisinin, serumlipid, lipoprotein(a) ve apolipoprotein düzeyleri üzerindeki etkilerini karşılaştırmaktır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu prospektif araştırmaya yaşları 43-54 arasında değişen, sağlıklı 50 postmenopozal kadın dahil edildi. Olgular, 12 hafta süre ile 300 μg/g ün intranazal 17 β- östradiol (n=25) veya 50 μg/gün transdermal östradiol (n=25) almak üzere iki gruba randomize edildi. Bütün olgulara 10 mg/gün oral didrogesteron kesintisiz verildi. Araştırmanın başında ve sonunda, total kolesterol, trigliserid, HDL, LDL, VLDL, lipoprotein(a), Apo A-I ve Apo B düzeyleri, grup içi ve gruplar arasında farkın yüzdeleri karşılaştırıldı. İstatistiksel analiz içinMann-WhitneyUveWilcoxontesti kullanıldı. P<0,05anlamlı kabul edildi. Bulgular: Araştırmayı, intranazal grubunda 16, transdermal gurubunda 18 olmak üzere 34 olgu tamamladı. İntranazal östradiol grubunda, tedavi başlangıcına kıyasla, tedavi sonunda sadece apolipoprotein B düzeyinde anlamlı bir azalma izlenirken (2,0±0,4'den 0,9±0,1'ye, p=0,028), total kolesterol, trigliserid, HDL, LDL,VLDL, lipoprotein(a) ve Apo A-I düzeylerinde anlamlı değişiklik izlenmedi. Transdermal östradiol gurubunda hiçbir değişkende anlamlı değişiklik gözlenmedi. Her iki grup arasında, tüm değişkenler açısından anlamlı farklılık yoktu. Sonuç: İntranazal ve transdermal östradiolün, didrogesteron kombinasyonuyla yapılan kesintisiz hormon replasman tedavisinin, total kolesterol, trigliserid, HDL, LDL, VLDL, lipoprotein(a) ve Apo A-I düzeylerine etkileri benzerdir.Objective: To compare the effects of continuous hormon replacement therapy in the form of intranasal and transdermal 17β-estradiol combined with dydrogesterone on serum lipids, lipoprotein(a) and apolipoproteins among postmenopausal women. Materials and methods: In this prospective study, 50 healthy postmenopausal women aged 43-54 years were randomly assigned to receive either 300 μg/day intranasal 17β- estradiol (n=25) or 50 μg/day transdermal 17β- estradiol (n=25) for 12 weeks. All women also received 10 mg/day oral dydrogesterone continuously. At the end of the study, changes in serum total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL, LDL, VLDL, lipoprotein(a), Apo A-I and Apo B levels within and percent changes between the groups were compared. Mann-Whitney U and Wilcoxon tests were used as indicated. P-values below 0.05 were considered significant. Results: Thirty-four women completed this study (intranasal group, n=16; transdermal group, n=18). In intranasal estradiol group, only apolipoprotein B levels were decreased significantly after 12 weeks of treatment (2.0±0.4 to 0.9±0.1, p=0.028) whereas no changes in the levels of total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL, LDL, VLDL, lipoprotein(a) and Apo A-I were observed. Also, in transdermal estradiol group, no significant changes were seen in all variables. No significant differences with regard to variables were noted between the groups at the end of the study. Conclusions: The effects of intranasal and transdermal estradiol plus dydrogestorone asa continouos hormone replacement therapy on the serum total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL, LDL, VLDL, lipoprotein(a) and Apo A-I levels are similar in postmenopausal women