203 research outputs found

    The Effect of in Vitro Sample Preparation Methods on Bond Strength of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate to Root Dentin

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to compare the effect of sample preparation methods on push-out bond strength of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). Methods and Materials: Twenty-four extracted human mandibular premolars with single root canal were selected for this in vitro study. After instrumentation, irrigation and drying of root canals, they were randomly divided into two experimental groups (n=12). Group 1: After removing the 3 mm of root ends, 2 mm thick sections were established from the remaining roots. MTA was mixed following the manufacturers’ recommendations and root sections were filled. Group 2: The whole root canal was used for filling and packing of MTA and like group 1, after removing the 3 mm of root ends, root sections were provided. Push-out bond strength was measured and analyzed by the independent t-test. Level of statistical significance was set at 0.05. Results: The highest mean push-out bond strength was in apical section of group 2 (4.86±1.31) and the lowest value was in coronal section of group 2 (3.05±1.15). The results of the independent t-test showed a significant difference between two groups only in the apical section (P=0.02). Conclusion: Based on the results of this in vitro study, the highest mean push-out bond strength was in apical section of group 2. It seems that using the whole root canal for MTA application is better for MTA in vitro analysis of bond strength to root dentin because it is more similar to the clinical conditions.Keywords: Bond Strength; Endodontics; Mineral Trioxide Aggregate; Root Denti


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    The direct conversion of celestine (SrSO4) to strontium carbonate as well as its enrichment by hydrometallurgy were investigated. A study was also conducted to investigate whether acid concentration affected the quality of strontium sulfate in celestine concentrates. Based on the results of a laboratory assay, it was determined that 98.04% SrSO4 was leached optimally under agitation. The ground sample of celestine concentrate was then leached by agitation for three hours after the dimensional analysis had determined the appropriate grinding time. To determine the optimal approach for the agitated leaching of strontium carbonate, different approaches were tested. Various factors, including temperature, return water, solid percentage, and sodium carbonate to strontium sulfate ratio, were studied. At 90°C, celestine completely converts into strontium carbonate with a solid percentage of 20% and a sodium carbonate to strontium sulfate ratio of 4:5. As part of the investigation into the possibility of producing strontium oxide, samples of celestine concentrate and strontium carbonate produced under optimal conditions were heated at 500 and 1000°C to determine which phase would form the oxidized phase. An X-ray analysis indicates that the oxidation phase forms at a temperature of more than 750°C.U radu se istražuje izravna pretvorba celestina (SrSO4) u stroncijev karbonat i njegovo obogaćivanje hidrometalurgijskim postupcima. Također, provedeno je istraživanje o utjecaju koncentracije kiseline na kvalitetu stroncijeva sulfata u koncentratima celestina. Na temelju rezultata laboratorijskih ispitivanja utvrđeno je da se 98,04 % SrSO4 optimalno izlužuje uz miješanje. Nakon što je dimenzijskom analizom određeno odgovarajuće vrijeme mljevenja, samljeveni uzorak koncentrata celestina izlužen je protresanjem tijekom tri sata. Testirani su različiti pristupi kako bi se odredio optimalan postupak za izluživanje uz protresanje stroncijeva karbonata. Proučavani su različiti čimbenici, uključujući temperaturu, povratnu vodu, postotak čvrste tvari i omjer natrijeva karbonata i stroncijeva sulfata. Na 90 °C celestin se potpuno pretvara u stroncijev karbonat s 20 % udjela čvrste tvari i omjerom natrijeva karbonata i stroncijeva sulfata od 4 : 5. Kako bi se utvrdilo koja će faza tvoriti oksidiranu fazu u sklopu istraživanja mogućnosti proizvodnje stroncijeva oksida, uzorci koncentrata celestina i stroncijeva karbonata načinjeni su u optimalnim uvjetima zagrijavanjem na 500 i 1000 °C. Rendgenska analiza pokazuje da se oksidacijska faza formira na temperaturi višoj od 750 °C

    Petrografía y geoquímica de magmas intrusivos en Varmaqan - Sardare ghobadi en el oeste de Irán

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    The study area is a quadrilateral of 155 km2 between eastern longitude 47˚ and 40 ′ to 47˚ and 52 ′ and northern latitudes 35˚ and 00 ′ to 35˚ and 04 ′ that is located in west of Iran, north of Sonqor city and between Varmaqan and Sardare Ghobadi villages of Kermanshah province. In this range, the intrusive rocks are alkaline granite, granite, granodiorite, tonalite, quartz alkaline syenite, quartz monzonite, quartz monzodiorite, quartz diorite, alkaline syenite, monzonite, diorite, gabbro diorite, gabbro, and olivine gabbro as they were injected in the iron ores of cretaceous which has resulted in contact metamorphism and created hornfels at the site of contact. After comprehensive sampling of all required igneous rocks and according to the thesis objectives, thin sections were prepared and after petrography and some samples were selected for geochemical experiments. XRF analysis, ICP and alkaline fusion were performed on some samples. According to geochemical and petrological studies, the magmas forming these intrusive igneous rocks are from one region and because of magmatic differentiation or fractional crystallization, they from basaltic to acidic terms. Samples of this quadrilateral have a meta-alumina nature and granitoids are in the range of arc islands granites, continental arc granitoids and continental collision granitoids. The mineralogical and chemical composition of the acidic rocks in the area show that the granites in this study are type I.El área de estudio es un cuadrilátero de 155 km² entre la longitud oriental 47 ° y 40 'a 47 ° y 52' y las latitudes norte 35 ° y 00 'a 35 ° y 04' que se encuentra al oeste de Irán, al norte de la ciudad de Sonqor  y entre las aldeas Varmaqan y Sardare Ghobadi de la provincia de Kermanshah.  En este rango, las rocas intrusivas son granito alcalino, granito, granodiorita, tonalita, sienita alcalina de cuarzo, monzonita de cuarzo, monzodiorita de cuarzo, diorita de cuarzo, sienita alcalina, monzonita, diorita, diorita de gabro, gabro y gabro de olivina cuando se inyectaron.  los minerales de hierro del cretáceo que han resultado en metamorfismo de contacto y creado hornfels en el sitio de contacto.  Después del muestreo exhaustivo de todas las rocas ígneas requeridas y de acuerdo con los objetivos de la tesis, se prepararon secciones delgadas y después de la petrografía y se seleccionaron algunas muestras para experimentos geoquímicos.  Análisis de XRF, ICP y fusión alcalina se realizaron en algunas muestras.  De acuerdo con estudios geoquímicos y petrológicos, los magmas que forman estas rocas ígneas intrusivas son de región y, debido a la diferenciación magmática o cristalización fraccionada, pasan de términos basálticos a ácidos.  Las muestras de este cuadrilátero tienen una naturaleza de meta-alúmina y los granitoides están en el rango de granitos de islas de arco, granitoides de arco continental y granitoides de colisión continentales.  La composición mineralógica y química de las rocas ácidas en el área muestra que los granitos en este estudio son de tipo I


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    The study area is a quadrilateral that is in west of Iran and north of Sonqor city of Kermanshah province. This area is 155 km2 between eastern longitude 47˚ and 40 ′ to 47˚ and 52 ′ and northern latitudes 35˚ and 00 ′ to 35˚ and 04 ′. In this range, the intrusive rocks are Olivine gabbro, gabbro, gabbro diorite, diorite, monzonite, alkaline sinite, quartz diorite, quartz monzodiorite, quartz monzonite, quartz alkaline sinite, tonalite, granodiorite, granite and alkaline granite, they were injected in the iron ores of cretaceous which has resulted in contact metamorphism and created hornfels at the site of contact. After comprehensive sampling of all required igneous rocks and according to the thesis objectives, 90 thin sections were prepared and after petrography, 24 samples were selected for geochemical experiments. XRF analysis were performed on 9 samples and ICP and alkaline fusion were performed on 15 samples. According to geochemical and petrological studies, the magmas forming these intrusive igneous rocks are from one region and because of magmatic differentiation or fractional crystallization, they from basaltic to acidic terms. According to the alkaline-silica diagrams, the studied rocks are in the range of tolite, calk-alkaline, potassium-rich calk-alkaline, and shoshonitic series. Based on tectono-magmatic diagrams, samples of this quadrilateral have a meta-alumina nature and granitoids are in the range of arc islands granites, continental arc granitoids and continental collision granitoids. The mineralogical and chemical composition of the acidic rocks in the area show that the granites in this study are type I

    Petrography and Mineral Chemistry of Tourmaline in Molla Taleb Ganitoid, Northeast of Aligudarz (Lorestan Province)

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    Molla Taleb pegmatites (northeast of Aligudarz) are located in the western part of the metamorphic-igneous Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone (SSZ). Slates and schists along with siliceous veins and veinlet and black Hornfels, as well as metamorphic sandstones are among the oldest deposits of this area. The most important geological event in this area is the development and intrusion of granitoid masses into schists of the Molla Taleb area during the Middle Jurassic. The rocks of the study area are in the range of gabbro, diorite, granodiorite, and granite. Granites are in the range of type-I granites. Most specimens are calc-alkaline and mainly contain peraluminous. Microprobe electron analysis of tourmalines present in pegmatites, tourmaline- aplite-pegmatite veins, nodular tourmalines, and quartz-tourmaline veins shows that all tourmalines are in the Schorl region and the range of alkaline tourmalines. These tourmalines with FeO / FeO + MgO ratios between 0.6 and 0.8 are in the range of magmatic-hydrothermal tourmalines and more than 0.8 in the magmatic range. Therefore, the studied tourmalines are dependent on granite environments and are formed by a hydrothermal fluid of magmatic origin


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    The study area is a quadrilateral that is in west of Iran and north of Sonqor city of Kermanshah province. This area is 155 km2 between eastern longitude 47˚ and 40 ′ to 47˚ and 52 ′ and northern latitudes 35˚ and 00 ′ to 35˚ and 04 ′. In this range, the intrusive rocks are Olivine gabbro, gabbro, gabbro diorite, diorite, monzonite, alkaline sinite, quartz diorite, quartz monzodiorite, quartz monzonite, quartz alkaline sinite, tonalite, granodiorite, granite and alkaline granite, they were injected in the iron ores of cretaceous which has resulted in contact metamorphism and created hornfels at the site of contact. After comprehensive sampling of all required igneous rocks and according to the thesis objectives, 90 thin sections were prepared and after petrography, 24 samples were selected for geochemical experiments. XRF analysis were performed on 9 samples and ICP and alkaline fusion were performed on 15 samples. According to geochemical and petrological studies, the magmas forming these intrusive igneous rocks are from one region and because of magmatic differentiation or fractional crystallization, they from basaltic to acidic terms. According to the alkaline-silica diagrams, the studied rocks are in the range of tolite, calk-alkaline, potassium-rich calk-alkaline, and shoshonitic series. Based on tectono-magmatic diagrams, samples of this quadrilateral have a meta-alumina nature and granitoids are in the range of arc islands granites, continental arc granitoids and continental collision granitoids. The mineralogical and chemical composition of the acidic rocks in the area show that the granites in this study are type I

    Petrografía y geoquímica de magmas intrusivos en Varmaqan - Sardare ghobadi en el oeste de Irán

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    The study area is a quadrilateral of 155 km2 between eastern longitude 47˚ and 40 ′ to 47˚ and 52 ′ and northern latitudes 35˚ and 00 ′ to 35˚ and 04 ′ that is located in west of Iran, north of Sonqor city and between Varmaqan and Sardare Ghobadi villages of Kermanshah province. In this range, the intrusive rocks are alkaline granite, granite, granodiorite, tonalite, quartz alkaline syenite, quartz monzonite, quartz monzodiorite, quartz diorite, alkaline syenite, monzonite, diorite, gabbro diorite, gabbro, and olivine gabbro as they were injected in the iron ores of cretaceous which has resulted in contact metamorphism and created hornfels at the site of contact. After comprehensive sampling of all required igneous rocks and according to the thesis objectives, thin sections were prepared and after petrography and some samples were selected for geochemical experiments. XRF analysis, ICP and alkaline fusion were performed on some samples. According to geochemical and petrological studies, the magmas forming these intrusive igneous rocks are from one region and because of magmatic differentiation or fractional crystallization, they from basaltic to acidic terms. Samples of this quadrilateral have a meta-alumina nature and granitoids are in the range of arc islands granites, continental arc granitoids and continental collision granitoids. The mineralogical and chemical composition of the acidic rocks in the area show that the granites in this study are type I.El área de estudio es un cuadrilátero de 155 km² entre la longitud oriental 47 ° y 40 'a 47 ° y 52' y las latitudes norte 35 ° y 00 'a 35 ° y 04' que se encuentra al oeste de Irán, al norte de la ciudad de Sonqor  y entre las aldeas Varmaqan y Sardare Ghobadi de la provincia de Kermanshah.  En este rango, las rocas intrusivas son granito alcalino, granito, granodiorita, tonalita, sienita alcalina de cuarzo, monzonita de cuarzo, monzodiorita de cuarzo, diorita de cuarzo, sienita alcalina, monzonita, diorita, diorita de gabro, gabro y gabro de olivina cuando se inyectaron.  los minerales de hierro del cretáceo que han resultado en metamorfismo de contacto y creado hornfels en el sitio de contacto.  Después del muestreo exhaustivo de todas las rocas ígneas requeridas y de acuerdo con los objetivos de la tesis, se prepararon secciones delgadas y después de la petrografía y se seleccionaron algunas muestras para experimentos geoquímicos.  Análisis de XRF, ICP y fusión alcalina se realizaron en algunas muestras.  De acuerdo con estudios geoquímicos y petrológicos, los magmas que forman estas rocas ígneas intrusivas son de región y, debido a la diferenciación magmática o cristalización fraccionada, pasan de términos basálticos a ácidos.  Las muestras de este cuadrilátero tienen una naturaleza de meta-alúmina y los granitoides están en el rango de granitos de islas de arco, granitoides de arco continental y granitoides de colisión continentales.  La composición mineralógica y química de las rocas ácidas en el área muestra que los granitos en este estudio son de tipo I

    Petrography and Mineral Chemistry of Tourmaline in Molla Taleb Ganitoid, Northeast of Aligudarz (Lorestan Province)

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    Molla Taleb pegmatites (northeast of Aligudarz) are located in the western part of the metamorphic-igneous Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone (SSZ). Slates and schists along with siliceous veins and veinlet and black Hornfels, as well as metamorphic sandstones are among the oldest deposits of this area. The most important geological event in this area is the development and intrusion of granitoid masses into schists of the Molla Taleb area during the Middle Jurassic. The rocks of the study area are in the range of gabbro, diorite, granodiorite, and granite. Granites are in the range of type-I granites. Most specimens are calc-alkaline and mainly contain peraluminous. Microprobe electron analysis of tourmalines present in pegmatites, tourmaline- aplite-pegmatite veins, nodular tourmalines, and quartz-tourmaline veins shows that all tourmalines are in the Schorl region and the range of alkaline tourmalines. These tourmalines with FeO / FeO + MgO ratios between 0.6 and 0.8 are in the range of magmatic-hydrothermal tourmalines and more than 0.8 in the magmatic range. Therefore, the studied tourmalines are dependent on granite environments and are formed by a hydrothermal fluid of magmatic origin

    Biochar and Nitrogen Fertilizers Effects on Growth and Flowering of Garland Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum Coronarium L.) Plant

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    This experiment was conducted to study the effect two types of biochar and nitrogen fertilizers amendment, with different rates on morphological attributed of garland chrysanthemum plant. Two different types of biochar (BT) Eucalyptus biochar (EB), and Salix biochar (SB), four biochar rates- BR (at 0, 1, 2 and 3%), and three rates of nitrogen fertilizer- NR (0, 140 and 280 mg kg-1) with three replications on plant growth were used in this research. The (Chrysanthemum coronarium L.) was used as a test plant to study some morphological characters including: Plant Height (PH) cm, Fresh Weight Per Plant (FWP) g, Number of Leaves Per Plant (NLP), Stem Diameter (SD) cm, Flower Diameter (FD), Number of Flower Per Plant (NFP) and Number of Flower Bud Per Plant (NFBP) cm. The Double Barrel Design was used for making biochar by pyrolysis system. The experiment was conducted in the plastic house condition. The results showed that biochar applications at a rate of 3%, significantly increase PH, FWP, NLP, SD, FD, and NFBP, while NFP increased only at 2% biochar application and decrease at the 3% rate. The application of 280 mg kg-1 of nitrogen significantly increased all of the parameters. The plant grown in the soils amended with the EB were higher than grown in the soils of the SB. In addition, the best value in the study was observed were biochar combined with nitrogen fertilizers